Example #1
def test7_MNproportion():
  ############################## Test executions #############################
  ################################### Set 1 ##################################

  for proportion in xrange(ND):
    op1Time = []
    op1Drivers = []
    op1Heuristic = []

    for iteration in xrange(ITERATIONS):
      s = State(nPassengers=proportion, nMaxDrivers=ND-proportion, initialDistribution="allOneFirst")
      c = Carmageddon(s, "km", "1") 
      to = datetime.now()
      finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
      tf = datetime.now()    
      op1Time.append(tf - to)
    op1AvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Time)/len(op1Time)
    op1AvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Drivers)/len(op1Drivers)
    op1AvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Heuristic)/len(op1Heuristic)

   # print "\t\t Average_results_of_npassengers= ",proportion
    print "\t Average_time: \t\t ", op1AvrTime
Example #2
def test4_TemporalEvolution(operatorSet="1", initDistrib="allOneFirst"):
  print "Starting test at: ", datetime.now()
  N = NP
  incn = NP
  results = []
  for i in range(5):
    M = N/2
    nP = M
    nD = N-M
    s = State(nPassengers=nP, nMaxDrivers=nD, initialDistribution=initDistrib)
    c = Carmageddon(s, "km", operatorSet)
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
    tf = datetime.now()
    results.append((N, M, (tf - to), c.printableHeuristic(finalState), finalState.getNumDrivers()))
    N += incn
    print "Iteration ", i, " takes ", results[-1][2], " with N ", N, " M ", M, " optimizit to " , results[-1][3], " and ", results[-1][3], " drivers"

  print "Test finishes at ", datetime.now()
  for i in results:
    print "With N = %d M = %d it takes %s seconds resulting in %d heuristic value and %d drivers" % i
  return results
Example #3
def test3_SimulatedAnnealingParams():

#  lK =  [1,5,25,125]
#  ll = [0.1,0.01,0.001,0.0001]
#  for kParameter in lK:
#    for lParameter in ll:
#      print "Other params"
#      lcost = []
#      for i in xrange(ITERATIONS):  
#        s = State(nPassengers=20, nMaxDrivers=20, initialDistribution="allOneFirst")
#        c = Carmageddon(s, "km_an", "1")
#        finalState = c.run('simulatedAnnealing',kParameter,lParameter,2000)
#        lcost.append(c.printableHeuristic(finalState))
#      print "Average solution cost for params k = "+str(kParameter)+", lambda = "+str(lParameter)+" :"
#      print "\t",reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lcost)/len(lcost)
#      print ""

  lIt = [2000]
  kParameter = 5
  lParameter = 0.01
  for nIter in lIt:
    lcost2 = []
    ltime = []
    for it in xrange(ITERATIONS):
      t = datetime.now()
      s = State(nPassengers=20, nMaxDrivers=20, initialDistribution="allOneFirst")
      c = Carmageddon(s, "km_an", "1")
      finalState = c.run('simulatedAnnealing',kParameter,lParameter,nIter)
      ltime.append(datetime.now() -t)

    print "Average solution cost for params k = "+str(kParameter)+", lambda = "+str(lParameter)+"with "+str(nIter)+" iterationr :"

    print "\t",reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lcost2)/len(lcost2)
    print "Average time:"
    print "\t",reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ltime)/len(ltime)
    print ""
Example #4
def test6_HCvsSA(operatorSet="1", initDistrib="allOneFirst", k=1, lam=0.001, lim=100):
  ############################## Test executions #############################
  ################################ HC - km ###############################
  i = 0
  hcKmTime = []
  hcKmDrivers = []
  hcKmDistance = []
  hcKmHeuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " HC - KM"
    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution=initDistrib)
    c = Carmageddon(s, "km", operatorSet)
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
    tf = datetime.now()    
    hcKmTime.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
    i += 1
  ################################# HC - veh ################################
  i = 0
  hcVehTime = []
  hcVehDrivers = []
  hcVehDistance = []
  hcVehHeuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " HC - VEH"
    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution=initDistrib)
    c = Carmageddon(s, "veh", operatorSet)
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
    tf = datetime.now()    
    hcVehTime.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
    i += 1
  ################################# SA - km ################################
  i = 0
  saKmTime = []
  saKmDrivers = []
  saKmDistance = []
  saKmHeuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " SA - KM"
    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution=initDistrib)
    c = Carmageddon(s, "km", operatorSet)
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("simulatedAnnealing", k, lam, lim)
    tf = datetime.now()    
    saKmTime.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
    i += 1
  ################################# SA - veh ################################
  i = 0
  saVehTime = []
  saVehDrivers = []
  saVehDistance = []
  saVehHeuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " SA - VEH"
    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution=initDistrib)
    c = Carmageddon(s, "veh", operatorSet)
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("simulatedAnnealing", k, lam, lim)
    tf = datetime.now()    
    saVehTime.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
  ## Stats
  hcKmAvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcKmTime)/len(hcKmTime)
  hcKmAvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcKmDrivers)/len(hcKmDrivers)
  hcKmAvrDistance = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcKmDistance)/len(hcKmDistance)
  hcKmAvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcKmHeuristic)/len(hcKmHeuristic)
  hcVehAvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcVehTime)/len(hcVehTime)
  hcVehAvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcVehDrivers)/len(hcVehDrivers)
  hcVehAvrDistance = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcVehDistance)/len(hcVehDistance)
  hcVehAvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hcVehHeuristic)/len(hcVehHeuristic)
  saKmAvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saKmTime)/len(saKmTime)
  saKmAvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saKmDrivers)/len(saKmDrivers)
  saKmAvrDistance = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saKmDistance)/len(saKmDistance)
  saKmAvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saKmHeuristic)/len(saKmHeuristic)
  saVehAvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saVehTime)/len(saVehTime)
  saVehAvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saVehDrivers)/len(saVehDrivers)
  saVehAvrDistance = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saVehDistance)/len(saVehDistance)
  saVehAvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, saVehHeuristic)/len(saVehHeuristic)
  print "\t\t Average results of \"HC - KM\" of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", hcKmAvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", hcKmAvrDrivers
  print "\t Average distance:\t\t ", hcKmAvrDistance
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", hcKmAvrHeuristic
  print "\t\t Average results of \"HC - VEH\" of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", hcVehAvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", hcVehAvrDrivers
  print "\t Average distance:\t\t ", hcVehAvrDistance
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", hcVehAvrHeuristic
  print "\n\n"
  print "\t\t Average results of \"SA - KM\" of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", saKmAvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", saKmAvrDrivers
  print "\t Average distance:\t\t ", saKmAvrDistance
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", saKmAvrHeuristic
  print "\t\t Average results of \"SA - VEH\" of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", saVehAvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", saVehAvrDrivers
  print "\t Average distance:\t\t ", saVehAvrDistance
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", saVehAvrHeuristic  
Example #5
def test1_Operators():
  ############################## Test executions #############################
  ################################### Set 1 ##################################
  i = 0
  op1Time = []
  op1Drivers = []
  op1Heuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " of Set 1"

    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution="allOneFirst")
    c = Carmageddon(s, "km", "1")
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
    tf = datetime.now()    
    op1Time.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
    i += 1
  ################################### Set 2 ###################################
  i = 0
  op2Time = []
  op2Drivers = []
  op2Heuristic = []
  for execution in range(ITERATIONS):
    print "Executing iteration ", i, " of Set 2"

    s = State(nPassengers=NP, nMaxDrivers=ND, initialDistribution="allOneFirst")

    c = Carmageddon(s, "km", "2")
    to = datetime.now()
    finalState = c.run("hillClimbing")
    tf = datetime.now()    
    op2Time.append(tf - to)
    # Discard outlayers
    if finalState.isGood():
    i += 1
  ## Stats
  op1AvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Time)/len(op1Time)
  op1AvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Drivers)/len(op1Drivers)
  op1AvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op1Heuristic)/len(op1Heuristic)
  op2AvrTime = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op2Time)/len(op2Time)
  op2AvrDrivers = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op2Drivers)/len(op2Drivers)
  op2AvrHeuristic = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, op2Heuristic)/len(op2Heuristic)
  print "\t\t Average results of set1 of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", op1AvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", op1AvrDrivers
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", op1AvrHeuristic
  print "\n\n"
  print "\t\t Average results of set2 of operators"
  print "\t Average time: \t\t ", op2AvrTime
  print "\t Average drivers:\t\t ", op2AvrDrivers
  print "\t Average heuristic:\t\t ", op2AvrHeuristic
  if op1AvrHeuristic == op2AvrHeuristic:
    print "Both operators has the same heurístic resuluts!!!"
  if op1AvrHeuristic < op2AvrHeuristic:
    best = "1"
    worst = "2"
    best = "2"
    worst = "1"
  print "The operator set %s is better than operator set %s" % (best, worst)
  return best
Example #6
  alg = argv[-1]
  operatorSet = argv[-2]
  optimizer = argv[-3]
  if  len(argv) == 7:
    m = int(argv[2])
    n = int(argv[1])
    numDrivers = n-m
    numPassengers = m 
    print "There are " + str(numPassengers) + " passengers and " + str(numDrivers) + " drivers." 
    s = State(nPassengers=numPassengers, nMaxDrivers=numDrivers, initialDistribution=argv[3])
    s = State(cfgfile=argv[2])
  c = Carmageddon(s, optimizer, operatorSet)
  resul = c.run(alg)
  logFileName = "carmageddon-%s.log" % str(datetime.now()).replace(' ','_')
  print resul
  print "Log file saved at carmageddon.log it can be open and parsed using the showLog.py util:\n"
  print "\t\tpython showLog.py %s\n" % logFileName