Example #1
def getAvailHostAssets(session_id, site_id=-1):
    """Returns a list of assets that could be used for a new host

    Returns a list of assets that are assigned to a site and could be used
    for a new host. If the site_id is -1 then a list of assets in stock that
    could be used for a new host are returned.
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    if site_id==-1:
        # Return generic list of available host assets at site 'stock'
        sql = "SELECT s.asset_id, s.description FROM site_host_assets_avail " \
                "s, asset a WHERE a.asset_id=s.asset_id AND s.site_id IN " \
                "(SELECT site_id FROM asset_stock_location) " \
                "AND s.asset_id NOT IN (SELECT asset_id FROM host WHERE " \
                "asset_id IS NOT NULL) AND a.asset_type_id IN " \
                "(SELECT asset_type_id FROM asset_type_map WHERE " \
        p = ()
        # Verify site_id is OK
        validateSiteId(session_id, site_id)
        # Return list of host assets assigned to site but not yet to a host
        sql = "SELECT asset_id, description FROM site_host_assets_avail " \
                "WHERE site_id=%s"
        p = (site_id)
    res = session.query(sql, p)
    return res
Example #2
def validateHost(session_id, details, required=False):
    """Validates the details are valid.
    This routine does not check for the existance of required data, it 
    only verifies that the fields in the supplied dictionary are valid.
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    if "host_name" in details.keys():
        if len(details["host_name"])<=0:
            raise ccs_host_error("Hostname must be greater than 0 " \
                    "characters long!")
        if len(details["host_name"]) > 64:
            raise ccs_host_error("Hostname must be less than 64 " \
                    "characters long!")
        if details["host_name"].find(" ") != -1:
            raise ccs_host_error("Hostname must not contain spaces")
    elif required:
        raise ccs_host_error("Hostname is a required field")
    if "distribution_id" in details.keys():
        validateDistributionId(session_id, details["distribution_id"])
    elif required:
        raise ccs_host_error("Distribution is a required field")
    if "kernel_id" in details.keys():
        validateKernelId(session_id, details["kernel_id"])
    elif required:
        raise ccs_host_error("Kernel is a required field")
    if "host_active" in details.keys():
        if details["host_active"] != "t" and details["host_active"] != "f":
            raise ccs_host_error("Invalid host status value. Must be 't' " \
                    "or 'f'")
    elif required:
        raise ccs_host_error("Host status is a required field")
    if "is_gateway" in details.keys():
        if details["is_gateway"] != "t" and details["is_gateway"] != "f":
            raise ccs_host_error("Invalid is gateway value. Must be 't' " \
                    "or 'f'")
    elif required:
        raise ccs_host_error("Gateway is a required field")
    # XXX: Check ip_address field
    # Site
    if "site_id" in details.keys() and int(details["site_id"])!=-1:
        validateSiteId(session_id, details["site_id"])
    # Asset
    if "asset_id" in details.keys() and int(details["asset_id"])!=-1:
        asset = ccs_asset(session_id, details["asset_id"])

        # Check asset is of the correct type
        if not asset.supportsFunction("host"):
            raise ccs_host_error("Specified asset is not of the " \
                    "appropriate type to use as a host!")
        # Check asset isn't assigned elsewhere
        if "site_id" in details.keys():
            site_id = details["site_id"]
            site_id = -1
        if not asset.availableForHost(site_id):
            raise ccs_host_error("Specified asset already in use or " \
                    "not available!")