Example #1
    def check_forward(self, x_data, t_data, w_data, samples_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = chainer.Variable(t_data)
        w = chainer.Variable(w_data)
        samples = chainer.Variable(samples_data)

        y = functions.black_out(x, t, w, samples, self.reduce)

        expect_y = numpy.empty((self.batch_size), dtype=numpy.float32)
        for b in range(self.batch_size):
            z = 0
            for i in range(self.n_samples):
                w = self.samples[b, i]
                z += numpy.exp(self.W[w].dot(self.x[b]))
            y0 = self.W[self.t[b]].dot(self.x[b])
            z += numpy.exp(y0)
            l = y0 - numpy.log(z)
            for i in range(self.n_samples):
                w = self.samples[b, i]
                l += numpy.log(1 - numpy.exp(self.W[w].dot(self.x[b])) / z)

            expect_y[b] = l

        if self.reduce == 'mean':
            loss = -numpy.sum(expect_y) / self.batch_size
            loss = -expect_y

        testing.assert_allclose(y.data, loss, atol=1.e-4)
Example #2
 def check_forward(self, x1_data, x2_data, y_expected):
     x1 = chainer.Variable(x1_data)
     x2 = chainer.Variable(x2_data)
     y = functions.minimum(x1, x2)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
         y_expected, y.data, **self.check_forward_options)
Example #3
 def check_rtol(self, x, y):
     x_cpu = cuda.to_cpu(x)
     y_cpu = cuda.to_cpu(y)
     max_ratio = numpy.max(numpy.abs(x_cpu - y_cpu) / y_cpu)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=0, rtol=max_ratio - 1)
     testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=0, rtol=max_ratio + 1)
Example #4
 def check_forward(self, x_data, axis=None):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.logsumexp(x, axis=axis)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
     y_expect = numpy.log(numpy.exp(self.x).sum(axis=axis))
         y_expect, y.data, **self.check_forward_option)
    def check_compare_naive(self, args, stats, y_grad):
        def compute(f):
            x, gamma, beta = [chainer.Variable(v.copy()) for v in args]
            running_mean, running_var = [v.copy() for v in stats]
            y = f(x, gamma, beta, running_mean, running_var)
            y.grad = y_grad.copy()
            return y.array, x.grad, gamma.grad, beta.grad

        def f_tested(x, gamma, beta, running_mean, running_var):
            return batch_renormalization.batch_renormalization(
                x, gamma, beta, self.rmax, self.dmax,
                eps=self.eps, running_mean=running_mean,

        def f_expected(x, gamma, beta, running_mean, running_var):
            return _naive_batch_renormalization(
                x, gamma, beta, self.rmax, self.dmax, self.eps,
                avg_std=(self.eps + running_var) ** 0.5,

        tested = compute(f_tested)
        expected = compute(f_expected)

        # test forward
            tested[0], expected[0], **self.check_forward_options)

        # test backward
        for g, g_expected in zip(tested[1:], expected[1:]):
                g, g_expected, **self.check_backward_options)
Example #6
 def check_reference(self, x):
     # A returned value and an input refers the same memory.
     # See issue #488
     def func():
         return x,
     gx, = gradient_check.numerical_grad(func, (x,), (1,))
     testing.assert_allclose(cuda.to_cpu(gx), 1)
Example #7
 def check_atol(self, x, y):
     x_cpu = cuda.to_cpu(x)
     y_cpu = cuda.to_cpu(y)
     max_abs_diff = numpy.max(numpy.abs(x_cpu - y_cpu))
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=max_abs_diff - 1, rtol=0)
     testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=max_abs_diff + 1, rtol=0)
Example #8
    def check_forward(self, h_data, xs_data, ws_data, bs_data):
        h = _wrap_variable(h_data)
        xs = _wrap_variable(xs_data)
        ws = _wrap_variable(ws_data)
        bs = _wrap_variable(bs_data)
        hy, ys = functions.n_step_gru(
            self.n_layers, self.dropout, h, ws, bs, xs)

        e_hy = self.hx.copy()
        for ind in range(self.length):
            x = self.xs[ind]
            batch = x.shape[0]
            for layer in range(self.n_layers):
                w = self.ws[layer]
                b = self.bs[layer]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer, :batch]

                # GRU
                z = sigmoid(x.dot(w[1].T) + h_prev.dot(w[4].T) + b[1] + b[4])
                r = sigmoid(x.dot(w[0].T) + h_prev.dot(w[3].T) + b[0] + b[3])
                h_bar = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[2].T) +
                                   r *
                                   ((h_prev).dot(w[5].T) + b[5]) + b[2])
                e_h = (1 - z) * h_bar + z * h_prev
                e_hy[layer, :batch] = e_h

                x = e_h

                ys[ind].data, x, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        testing.assert_allclose(hy.data, e_hy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
    def check_backward_consistency_regression(self, x_data, gy_data,
        # Regression test to two-dimensional max pooling layer.

        if len(self.dims) != 2:

        ksize = self.ksize
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(x_data)

        # Backward computation for N-dimensional max pooling layer.
        x_nd = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        func_nd = functions.MaxPoolingND(self.ndim, ksize, stride=stride,
                                         pad=pad, use_cudnn=use_cudnn,
        y_nd = func_nd(x_nd)
        y_nd.grad = gy_data

        # Backward computation for two-dimensional max pooling layer.
        x_2d = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        func_2d = functions.MaxPooling2D(ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad,
        y_2d = func_2d(x_2d)
        y_2d.grad = gy_data

        # Test that the two result gradients are close enough.
        testing.assert_allclose(x_nd.grad, x_2d.grad)
 def check_forward(self, x_data, mask):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = self.link(x, train=True, mask=mask,
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.x_dtype)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.y_expect, y.data,
Example #11
    def check_forward(self, h_data, xs_data, ws_data, bs_data):
        h = chainer.Variable(h_data)
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in xs_data]
        ws = [[chainer.Variable(w) for w in ws]
              for ws in ws_data]
        bs = [[chainer.Variable(b) for b in bs]
              for bs in bs_data]
        hy, ys = functions.n_step_bigru(
            self.n_layers, self.dropout, h, ws, bs, xs)

        xs_next = self.xs
        e_hy = self.hx.copy()
        for layer in range(self.n_layers):
            # forward
            di = 0
            xf = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in range(self.length):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                # GRU
                z = sigmoid(x.dot(w[1].T) + h_prev.dot(w[4].T) + b[1] + b[4])
                r = sigmoid(x.dot(w[0].T) + h_prev.dot(w[3].T) + b[0] + b[3])
                h_bar = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[2].T) +
                                   r *
                                   ((h_prev).dot(w[5].T) + b[5]) + b[2])
                e_h = (1 - z) * h_bar + z * h_prev
                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h

            # backward
            di = 1
            xb = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in reversed(range(self.length)):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                # GRU
                z = sigmoid(x.dot(w[1].T) + h_prev.dot(w[4].T) + b[1] + b[4])
                r = sigmoid(x.dot(w[0].T) + h_prev.dot(w[3].T) + b[0] + b[3])
                h_bar = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[2].T) +
                                   r *
                                   ((h_prev).dot(w[5].T) + b[5]) + b[2])
                e_h = (1 - z) * h_bar + z * h_prev
                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h
            xs_next = [numpy.concatenate([hfi, hbi], axis=1) for (hfi, hbi) in
                       zip(xf, xb)]

        for k, (ysi, xsi) in enumerate(zip(ys, xs_next)):
            testing.assert_allclose(ysi.data, xsi, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        testing.assert_allclose(hy.data, e_hy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
Example #12
    def check_argmax(self, cost_data, xs_data):
        cost = chainer.Variable(cost_data)
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in xs_data]
        s, path = functions.loss.crf1d.argmax_crf1d(cost, xs)

        self.assertIsInstance(s, chainer.Variable)
        self.assertIsInstance(path, list)
        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (self.batches[0],))
        self.assertEqual(len(path), len(self.batches))
        for b, p in zip(self.batches, path):
            self.assertEqual(p.shape, (b,))

        best_paths = [numpy.empty((length,), numpy.int32)
                      for length in self.batches]
        for b, length in enumerate(self.lengths):
            best_path = None
            best_score = 0
            for ys in itertools.product(range(self.n_label), repeat=length):
                score = self._calc_score(b, ys)
                if best_path is None or best_score < score:
                    best_path = ys
                    best_score = score

            for i, p in enumerate(best_path):
                best_paths[i][b] = p

            testing.assert_allclose(s.data[b], best_score)

        for t in range(len(self.batches)):
                cuda.to_cpu(path[t]), best_paths[t])
Example #13
    def check_forward(self, x_data, t_data, w_data, sampler):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = chainer.Variable(t_data)
        w = chainer.Variable(w_data)
        y = functions.negative_sampling(
            x, t, w, sampler, self.sample_size, reduce=self.reduce)
        self.assertEqual(y.shape, self.gy.shape)

        samples = cuda.to_cpu(y.creator.samples)

        loss = numpy.empty((len(self.x),), numpy.float32)
        for i in six.moves.range(len(self.x)):
            ix = self.x[i]
            it = self.t[i]
            if it == -1:
                loss[i] = 0
                iw = self.w[samples[i]]

                f = iw.dot(ix)
                # first one is positive example
                f[0] *= -1
                loss[i] = numpy.logaddexp(f, 0).sum()

        if self.reduce == 'sum':
            loss = loss.sum()

        testing.assert_allclose(y.data, loss)
Example #14
    def check_forward(self, c_prev1_data, c_prev2_data, x1_data, x2_data):
        c_prev1 = chainer.Variable(c_prev1_data)
        c_prev2 = chainer.Variable(c_prev2_data)
        x1 = chainer.Variable(x1_data)
        x2 = chainer.Variable(x2_data)
        c, h = functions.slstm(c_prev1, c_prev2, x1, x2)
        self.assertEqual(c.data.dtype, self.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(h.data.dtype, self.dtype)

        # Compute expected out
        a1_in = self.x1[:, [0, 4]]
        i1_in = self.x1[:, [1, 5]]
        f1_in = self.x1[:, [2, 6]]
        o1_in = self.x1[:, [3, 7]]
        a2_in = self.x2[:, [0, 4]]
        i2_in = self.x2[:, [1, 5]]
        f2_in = self.x2[:, [2, 6]]
        o2_in = self.x2[:, [3, 7]]

        c_expect = _sigmoid(i1_in) * numpy.tanh(a1_in) + \
            _sigmoid(i2_in) * numpy.tanh(a2_in) + \
            _sigmoid(f1_in) * self.c_prev1 + \
            _sigmoid(f2_in) * self.c_prev2
        h_expect = _sigmoid(o1_in + o2_in) * numpy.tanh(c_expect)

            c_expect, c.data, **self.check_forward_options)
            h_expect, h.data, **self.check_forward_options)
Example #15
    def check_forward(self, x_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.unpooling_2d(x, self.ksize, outsize=self.outsize,
        self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
        y_data = cuda.to_cpu(y.data)

        self.assertEqual(self.gy.shape, y_data.shape)
        for i in six.moves.range(self.N):
            for c in six.moves.range(self.n_channels):
                outsize = self.outsize or self.expected_outsize
                assert y_data.shape[2:] == outsize
                if outsize == (5, 2):
                    expect = numpy.zeros(outsize, dtype=self.dtype)
                    expect[:2, :] = self.x[i, c, 0, 0]
                    expect[2:4, :] = self.x[i, c, 1, 0]
                elif outsize == (4, 2):
                    expect = numpy.array([
                        [self.x[i, c, 0, 0], self.x[i, c, 0, 0]],
                        [self.x[i, c, 0, 0], self.x[i, c, 0, 0]],
                        [self.x[i, c, 1, 0], self.x[i, c, 1, 0]],
                        [self.x[i, c, 1, 0], self.x[i, c, 1, 0]],
                elif outsize == (3, 1):
                    expect = numpy.array([
                        [self.x[i, c, 0, 0]],
                        [self.x[i, c, 0, 0]],
                        [self.x[i, c, 1, 0]],
                    raise ValueError('Unsupported outsize: {}'.format(outsize))
                testing.assert_allclose(expect, y_data[i, c])
Example #16
 def check_forward(self, x_data, use_cudnn='always'):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', use_cudnn):
         y = functions.tanh(x)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
     y_expect = functions.tanh(chainer.Variable(self.x))
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expect.data, y.data)
Example #17
    def check_backward_consistency_regression(self, x_data, gy_data):
        # Regression test to two-dimensional unpooling layer.

        ndim = len(self.dims)
        if ndim != 2:

        ksize = self.ksize
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        xp = backend.get_array_module(x_data)

        # Backward computation for N-dimensional unpooling layer.
        x_nd = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        y_nd = functions.unpooling_nd(
            x_nd, ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad, cover_all=self.cover_all)
        y_nd.grad = gy_data

        # Backward computation for two-dimensional unpooling layer.
        x_2d = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        y_2d = functions.unpooling_2d(
            x_2d, ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad, cover_all=self.cover_all)
        y_2d.grad = gy_data

        # Test that the two result gradients are close enough.
        opt = self.check_backward_options
            x_nd.grad, x_2d.grad, atol=opt['atol'], rtol=opt['rtol'])
    def check_forward(self, x_data, t_data, use_cudnn=True):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = chainer.Variable(t_data)
        loss = functions.softmax_cross_entropy(
            x, t, use_cudnn=use_cudnn, normalize=self.normalize,
        self.assertEqual(loss.data.shape, ())
        self.assertEqual(loss.data.dtype, self.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(hasattr(loss.creator, 'y'), self.cache_score)
        loss_value = float(cuda.to_cpu(loss.data))

        # Compute expected value
        loss_expect = 0.0
        count = 0
        x = numpy.rollaxis(self.x, 1, self.x.ndim).reshape(
            (self.t.size, self.x.shape[1]))
        t = self.t.ravel()
        for xi, ti in six.moves.zip(x, t):
            if ti == -1:
            log_z = numpy.ufunc.reduce(numpy.logaddexp, xi)
            loss_expect -= (xi - log_z)[ti]
            count += 1

        if self.normalize:
            if count == 0:
                loss_expect = 0.0
                loss_expect /= count
            loss_expect /= len(t_data)

            loss_expect, loss_value, **self.check_forward_options)
Example #19
    def check_forward(self, x_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.flatten(x)

        self.assertEqual(y.shape, self.g_shape)
        self.assertEqual(y.dtype, self.dtype)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.x.flatten(), y.data)
Example #20
    def check_forward(self, x_data, t_data):
        x_val = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t_val = chainer.Variable(t_data)
        loss = functions.hinge(x_val, t_val, self.norm, self.reduce)
        if self.reduce == 'mean':
            self.assertEqual(loss.data.shape, ())
            self.assertEqual(loss.data.shape, self.x.shape)
        self.assertEqual(loss.data.dtype, numpy.float32)
        loss_value = cuda.to_cpu(loss.data)

        # Compute expected value
        for i in six.moves.range(self.x.shape[0]):
            self.x[i, self.t[i]] *= -1
        for i in six.moves.range(self.x.shape[0]):
            for j in six.moves.range(self.x.shape[1]):
                self.x[i, j] = max(0, 1.0 + self.x[i, j])
        if self.norm == 'L1':
            loss_expect = self.x
        elif self.norm == 'L2':
            loss_expect = self.x ** 2
        if self.reduce == 'mean':
            loss_expect = numpy.sum(loss_expect) / self.x.shape[0]

        testing.assert_allclose(loss_expect, loss_value)
Example #21
    def check_col2im(self, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy, dx, gpu):
        col_h = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.h, kh, sy, ph, d=dy)
        col_w = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.w, kw, sx, pw, d=dx)
        shape = (2, 3, kh, kw, col_h, col_w)
        col = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape).astype(self.dtype)

        if gpu:
            col2im = conv.col2im_gpu
            col_data = cuda.to_gpu(col)
            col2im = conv.col2im_cpu
            col_data = col

        img = col2im(col_data, sy, sx, ph, pw, self.h, self.w, dy=dy, dx=dx)
        img = cuda.to_cpu(img)
        self.assertEqual(img.shape, (2, 3, self.h, self.w))
        for y in moves.range(self.h):
            for x in moves.range(self.w):
                v = numpy.zeros((2, 3), self.dtype)
                for ky in moves.range(kh):
                    for kx in moves.range(kw):
                        oy = (y + ph - ky * dy) // sy
                        ox = (x + pw - kx * dx) // sx
                        if ((y + ph - ky * dy) % sy == 0 and
                            (x + pw - kx * dx) % sx == 0 and
                                0 <= oy < col_h and 0 <= ox < col_w):
                            v += col[:, :, ky, kx, oy, ox]
                testing.assert_allclose(img[:, :, y, x], v)
    def check_backward_consistency_regression(self, x_data, gy_data,
        # Regression test to two-dimensional average pooling layer.

        if len(self.dims) != 2:

        ksize = self.ksize
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(x_data)

        # Backward computation for N-dimensional average pooling layer.
        x_nd = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', use_cudnn):
            func_nd = functions.AveragePoolingND(self.ndim, ksize,
                                                 stride=stride, pad=pad)
        y_nd = func_nd.apply((x_nd,))[0]
        y_nd.grad = gy_data

        # Backward computation for two-dimensional average pooling layer.
        x_2d = chainer.Variable(xp.array(x_data))
        with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', use_cudnn):
            func_2d = functions.AveragePooling2D(ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad,
        y_2d = func_2d.apply((x_2d,))[0]
        y_2d.grad = gy_data

        # Test that the two result gradients are close enough.
        testing.assert_allclose(x_nd.grad, x_2d.grad)
Example #23
 def check_forward(self, op, op_xp, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = op(x)
     self.assertEqual(x.data.dtype, y.data.dtype)
     v = op_xp(x_data)
         v, y.data, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-7)
    def check_forward(self, x_data, use_cudnn='always'):
        dims = self.dims
        ksize = self.ksize
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', use_cudnn):
            y = functions.average_pooling_nd(
                x, ksize, stride, pad, self.pad_value)
        self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
        y_data = cuda.to_cpu(y.data)

        def denom(idx):
            if self.pad_value is None:
                s = 1
                for slic in idx:
                    s *= slic.stop - slic.start
                return s
                return functools.reduce(operator.mul, ksize)

        self.assertEqual(self.gy.shape, y_data.shape)
        patches = pooling_nd_helper.pooling_patches(
            dims, ksize, stride, pad, False)
        for k in six.moves.range(2):
            for c in six.moves.range(3):
                x = self.x[k, c]
                expect = numpy.array(
                    [x[idx].sum() / denom(idx) for idx in patches])
                expect = expect.reshape(y_data.shape[2:])
                    expect, y_data[k, c], **self.check_forward_options)
Example #25
    def check_forward(self, x_data, t_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = chainer.Variable(t_data)

        self.link.sample_data = self.link.sampler.sample((self.batch_size, self.n_samples))
        y = self.link(x, t)

        expect_y = numpy.empty((self.batch_size), dtype=numpy.float32)
        samples = cuda.to_cpu(self.link.sample_data)
        for b in range(self.batch_size):
            z = 0
            for i in range(self.n_samples):
                w = samples[b, i]
                z += numpy.exp(self.w[w].dot(self.x[b]))
            y0 = self.w[self.t[b]].dot(self.x[b])
            z += numpy.exp(y0)
            l = y0 - numpy.log(z)
            for i in range(self.n_samples):
                w = samples[b, i]
                l += numpy.log(1 - numpy.exp(self.w[w].dot(self.x[b])) / z)

            expect_y[b] = l

        loss = -numpy.sum(expect_y) / self.batch_size
        testing.assert_allclose(y.data, loss, atol=1.0e-4)
Example #26
    def check_forward(
            self, h_data, xs_data, ws_data, bs_data):
        h = _wrap_variable(h_data)
        xs = _wrap_variable(xs_data)
        ws = _wrap_variable(ws_data)
        bs = _wrap_variable(bs_data)
        hy, ys = functions.n_step_rnn(
            self.n_layers, self.dropout, h, ws, bs, xs,

        e_hy = self.hx.copy()
        for ind in range(self.length):
            x = self.xs[ind]
            batch = x.shape[0]
            for layer in range(self.n_layers):
                w = self.ws[layer]
                b = self.bs[layer]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer, :batch]
                if self.activation == 'tanh':
                    e_h = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                     h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])
                elif self.activation == 'relu':
                    e_h = _relu(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])

                e_hy[layer, :batch] = e_h

                x = e_h

                ys[ind].data, x, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        testing.assert_allclose(hy.data, e_hy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
Example #27
    def check_forward(self, x_data, xp):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = F.sign(x)
        v = xp.sign(x_data)

        assert x.data.dtype == y.data.dtype
        testing.assert_allclose(v, y.data, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-7)
Example #28
    def check_forward(self, x_data, axis, weights):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        if self.use_weights:
            w = chainer.Variable(weights)
            w_data = self.w
            w = None
            w_data = None
        y = functions.average(x, axis=axis, weights=w, keepdims=self.keepdims)
        self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
        y_expect = numpy.average(
            self.x, axis=axis, weights=w_data)
        if self.keepdims:
            # numpy.average does not support keepdims
            if axis is None:
                axis = list(six.moves.range(x_data.ndim))
            elif isinstance(axis, int):
                axis = axis,
            shape = list(x_data.shape)
            for i in six.moves.range(len(shape)):
                if i in axis or i - len(shape) in axis:
                    shape[i] = 1
            y_expect = y_expect.reshape(shape)

        if self.dtype == numpy.float16:
            options = {'atol': 1e-3, 'rtol': 1e-3}
            options = {}

        self.assertEqual(y_expect.shape, y.shape)
        testing.assert_allclose(y_expect, y.data, **options)
Example #29
    def check_im2col(self, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy, dx, gpu):
        if gpu:
            im2col = conv.im2col_gpu
            img = cuda.to_gpu(self.img)
            im2col = conv.im2col_cpu
            img = self.img

        col = im2col(img, kh, kw, sy, sx, ph, pw, dy=dy, dx=dx)
        col_h = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.h, kh, sy, ph, d=dy)
        col_w = conv.get_conv_outsize(self.w, kw, sx, pw, d=dx)
        self.assertEqual(col.shape, (2, 3, kh, kw, col_h, col_w))

        col = cuda.to_cpu(col)

        for y in moves.range(col_h):
            for x in moves.range(col_w):
                for ky in moves.range(kh):
                    for kx in moves.range(kw):
                        oy = y * sy - ph + ky * dy
                        ox = x * sx - pw + kx * dx
                        if 0 <= oy < self.h and 0 <= ox < self.w:
                                col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                self.img[:, :, oy, ox])
                                col[:, :, ky, kx, y, x],
                                numpy.zeros((2, 3), self.dtype))
Example #30
    def check_forward(
            self, h_data, xs_data, ws_data, bs_data):
        h = _wrap_variable(h_data)
        xs = _wrap_variable(xs_data)
        ws = _wrap_variable(ws_data)
        bs = _wrap_variable(bs_data)
        hy, ys = functions.n_step_birnn(
            self.n_layers, self.dropout, h, ws, bs, xs,

        xs_next = self.xs
        e_hy = self.hx.copy()
        for layer in range(self.n_layers):
            # forward
            di = 0
            xf = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in range(self.length):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                if self.activation == 'tanh':
                    e_h = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                     h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])
                elif self.activation == 'relu':
                    e_h = _relu(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])

                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h

            # backward
            di = 1
            xb = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in reversed(range(self.length)):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                if self.activation == 'tanh':
                    e_h = numpy.tanh(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                     h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])
                elif self.activation == 'relu':
                    e_h = _relu(x.dot(w[0].T) +
                                h_prev.dot(w[1].T) + b[0] + b[1])

                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h
            xs_next = [numpy.concatenate([hfi, hbi], axis=1) for (hfi, hbi) in
                       zip(xf, xb)]

        for k, (ysi, xsi) in enumerate(zip(ys, xs_next)):
            testing.assert_allclose(ysi.data, xsi, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        testing.assert_allclose(hy.data, e_hy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
 def test_max_pooling_3d(self):
     (x, ksize) = self._get_data(3)
         functions.max_pooling_nd(x, ksize).data,
         functions.max_pooling_3d(x, ksize).data)
Example #32
 def test_initialize_cpu(self):
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_gamma, self.link.gamma.data)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_beta, self.link.beta.data)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_avg_mean, self.link.avg_mean)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_avg_var, self.link.avg_var)
Example #33
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     with chainer.using_config('train', not self.test):
         y = self.link(x)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.y_expected, y.data)
Example #34
    def check_forward(self, c_data, h_data, x_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)

        h1 = self.link(x)
        c1_expect, h1_expect = _peephole(self.link, c_data, h_data, x_data)
        testing.assert_allclose(h1.data, h1_expect)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.c.data, c1_expect)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data, h1_expect)

        h2 = self.link(x)
        c2_expect, h2_expect = _peephole(self.link, c1_expect, h1_expect,
        testing.assert_allclose(h2.data, h2_expect)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.c.data, c2_expect)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data, h2_expect)
Example #35
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     y = functions.squeeze(x_data, axis=self.axis)
     expected = numpy.squeeze(self.x, axis=self.axis)
     testing.assert_allclose(y.data, expected, **self.check_forward_options)
Example #36
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     x = variable.Variable(x_data)
     y = func(x)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, x_data.dtype)
     y_expected = func_expected(cuda.to_cpu(x_data), dtype=x_data.dtype)
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expected, y.data, **self.forward_options)
 def test_initialize_cpu(self):
     self.link(numpy.zeros(self.shape, dtype='f'))
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_gamma, self.link.gamma.data)
     testing.assert_allclose(self.initial_beta, self.link.beta.data)
Example #38
 def check_identical(self, x):
     testing.assert_allclose(x, x, atol=0, rtol=0)
Example #39
 def test_conv3d(self):
     (x, W, b) = self._get_data(3)
         F.convolution_nd(x, W, b).data,
         F.convolution_3d(x, W, b).data)
 def test_initialize_gpu(self):
     self.link(cuda.cupy.zeros(self.shape, dtype='f'))
     testing.assert_allclose(numpy.ones(self.size), self.link.gamma.data)
         numpy.zeros(self.size), self.link.beta.data)
Example #41
 def check_forward(self, x_data, axis=None):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.logsumexp(x, axis=axis)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, self.dtype)
     y_expect = numpy.log(numpy.exp(self.x).sum(axis=axis))
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expect, y.data, **self.check_forward_option)
 def check_forward(self, op, op_xp, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = op(x)
     self.assertEqual(x.data.dtype, y.data.dtype)
     testing.assert_allclose(op_xp(x_data), y.data, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-7)
Example #43
 def check_forward(self, op, op_np, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = op(x)
     testing.assert_allclose(op_np(self.x), y.data, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-7)
Example #44
 def test_average_pooling_1d(self):
     (x, ksize) = self._get_data(1)
         functions.average_pooling_nd(x, ksize).array,
         functions.average_pooling_1d(x, ksize).array)
Example #45
 def test_col2im_consistency(self):
     col = conv.im2col_cpu(self.x, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1)
     h, w = self.x.shape[2:]
     im_cpu = conv.col2im_cpu(col, 2, 2, 1, 1, h, w)
     im_gpu = conv.col2im_gpu(cuda.to_gpu(col), 2, 2, 1, 1, h, w)
     testing.assert_allclose(im_cpu, im_gpu.get())
Example #46
    def _run_trainer(self, extension, expect, optimizer=None):
        if optimizer is None:
            optimizer = self.optimizer
        actual = []
        for _ in expect:
            if self.trigger(self.trainer):

        testing.assert_allclose(actual[0], expect[0])
        testing.assert_allclose(actual[1], expect[1])
        testing.assert_allclose(actual[2], expect[2])
        testing.assert_allclose(actual[3], expect[3])
        testing.assert_allclose(actual[4], expect[4])
        testing.assert_allclose(actual[5], expect[5])
Example #47
    def check_forward(self, x1_data, x2_data, x3_data):
        xp = self.link.xp
        x1 = chainer.Variable(x1_data) if self.input_variable else x1_data
        h1 = self.link(x1)
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(x1_data):
            c0 = chainer.Variable(xp.zeros((len(self.x1), self.out_size),
            c1_expect, h1_expect = functions.lstm(c0, self.link.upward(x1))
        testing.assert_allclose(h1.data, h1_expect.data)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data, h1_expect.data)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.c.data, c1_expect.data)

        batch = len(x2_data)
        x2 = chainer.Variable(x2_data) if self.input_variable else x2_data
        h1_in, h1_rest = functions.split_axis(
            self.link.h.data, [batch], axis=0)
        y2 = self.link(x2)
        with cuda.get_device_from_array(x1):
            c2_expect, y2_expect = \
                               self.link.upward(x2) + self.link.lateral(h1_in))
        testing.assert_allclose(y2.data, y2_expect.data)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data[:batch], y2_expect.data)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data[batch:], h1_rest.data)

        x3 = chainer.Variable(x3_data) if self.input_variable else x3_data
        h2_rest = self.link.h
        y3 = self.link(x3)
        c3_expect, y3_expect = \
            functions.lstm(c2_expect, self.link.upward(x3))
        testing.assert_allclose(y3.data, y3_expect.data)
        testing.assert_allclose(self.link.h.data, h2_rest.data)
Example #48
 def check_forward(self, op, x1_data, x2_data):
     x1 = chainer.Variable(x1_data)
     x2 = chainer.Variable(x2_data)
     y = op(x1, x2)
     testing.assert_allclose(op(self.x1, self.x2), y.data)
Example #49
    def check_forward(self, h_data, c_data, xs_data, ws_data, bs_data,
        h = chainer.Variable(h_data, volatile=volatile)
        c = chainer.Variable(c_data, volatile=volatile)
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x, volatile=volatile) for x in xs_data]
        ws = [[chainer.Variable(w, volatile=volatile) for w in ws]
              for ws in ws_data]
        bs = [[chainer.Variable(b, volatile=volatile) for b in bs]
              for bs in bs_data]
        hy, cy, ys = functions.n_step_bilstm(self.n_layers,

        xs_next = self.xs
        e_hy = self.hx.copy()
        e_cy = self.cx.copy()
        for layer in range(self.n_layers):
            # forward
            di = 0
            xf = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in range(self.length):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                c_prev = e_cy[layer_idx, :batch]
                i = sigmoid(x.dot(w[0].T) + h_prev.dot(w[4].T) + b[0] + b[4])
                f = sigmoid(x.dot(w[1].T) + h_prev.dot(w[5].T) + b[1] + b[5])
                c_bar = numpy.tanh(
                    x.dot(w[2].T) + h_prev.dot(w[6].T) + b[2] + b[6])
                o = sigmoid(x.dot(w[3].T) + h_prev.dot(w[7].T) + b[3] + b[7])
                e_c = (f * c_prev + i * c_bar)
                e_h = o * numpy.tanh(e_c)
                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h
                e_cy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_c


            # backward
            di = 1
            xb = []
            layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
            w = self.ws[layer_idx]
            b = self.bs[layer_idx]
            for ind in reversed(range(self.length)):
                x = xs_next[ind]
                batch = x.shape[0]
                h_prev = e_hy[layer_idx, :batch]
                c_prev = e_cy[layer_idx, :batch]
                i = sigmoid(x.dot(w[0].T) + h_prev.dot(w[4].T) + b[0] + b[4])
                f = sigmoid(x.dot(w[1].T) + h_prev.dot(w[5].T) + b[1] + b[5])
                c_bar = numpy.tanh(
                    x.dot(w[2].T) + h_prev.dot(w[6].T) + b[2] + b[6])
                o = sigmoid(x.dot(w[3].T) + h_prev.dot(w[7].T) + b[3] + b[7])
                e_c = (f * c_prev + i * c_bar)
                e_h = o * numpy.tanh(e_c)
                e_hy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_h
                e_cy[layer_idx, :batch] = e_c


            xs_next = [
                numpy.concatenate([hfi, hbi], axis=1)
                for (hfi, hbi) in zip(xf, xb)

        for k, (ysi, xsi) in enumerate(zip(ys, xs_next)):
            testing.assert_allclose(ysi.data, xsi, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)

        testing.assert_allclose(hy.data, e_hy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
        testing.assert_allclose(cy.data, e_cy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
Example #50
 def test_im2col_consistency(self):
     col_cpu = conv.im2col_cpu(self.x, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1)
     col_gpu = conv.im2col_gpu(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1)
     testing.assert_allclose(col_cpu, col_gpu.get(), atol=0, rtol=0)
    def check_forward(self, h_data, c_data, xs_data):
        if self.hidden_none:
            h = c = None
            h = chainer.Variable(h_data)
            c = chainer.Variable(c_data)
        xs = [chainer.Variable(x) for x in xs_data]
        hy, cy, ys = self.rnn(h, c, xs)

        self.assertEqual(hy.data.shape, h_data.shape)
        self.assertEqual(cy.data.shape, c_data.shape)
        self.assertEqual(len(xs), len(ys))
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
            self.assertEqual(len(x.data), len(y.data))
            self.assertEqual(y.data.shape[1], self.out_size * 2)


        for batch, seq in enumerate(self.xs):
            for layer in range(self.n_layer):
                # forward
                di = 0
                layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
                p = self.rnn[layer_idx]
                h_prev = self.h[layer_idx, batch]
                c_prev = self.c[layer_idx, batch]
                hs_f = []
                for x in seq:
                    i = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w0.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w4.data.T) +
                        p.b0.data + p.b4.data)
                    f = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w1.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w5.data.T) +
                        p.b1.data + p.b5.data)
                    c_bar = numpy.tanh(
                        x.dot(p.w2.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w6.data.T) +
                        p.b2.data + p.b6.data)
                    o = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w3.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w7.data.T) +
                        p.b3.data + p.b7.data)
                    e_c = (f * c_prev + i * c_bar)
                    e_h = o * numpy.tanh(e_c)

                    h_prev = e_h
                    c_prev = e_c

                testing.assert_allclose(hy.data[layer_idx, batch], h_prev)
                testing.assert_allclose(cy.data[layer_idx, batch], c_prev)

                # backward
                di = 1
                layer_idx = layer * 2 + di
                p = self.rnn[layer_idx]
                h_prev = self.h[layer_idx, batch]
                c_prev = self.c[layer_idx, batch]
                hs_b = []
                for x in reversed(seq):
                    i = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w0.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w4.data.T) +
                        p.b0.data + p.b4.data)
                    f = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w1.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w5.data.T) +
                        p.b1.data + p.b5.data)
                    c_bar = numpy.tanh(
                        x.dot(p.w2.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w6.data.T) +
                        p.b2.data + p.b6.data)
                    o = sigmoid(
                        x.dot(p.w3.data.T) + h_prev.dot(p.w7.data.T) +
                        p.b3.data + p.b7.data)
                    e_c = (f * c_prev + i * c_bar)
                    e_h = o * numpy.tanh(e_c)

                    h_prev = e_h
                    c_prev = e_c

                testing.assert_allclose(hy.data[layer_idx, batch], h_prev)
                testing.assert_allclose(cy.data[layer_idx, batch], c_prev)

                seq = [
                    numpy.concatenate([hfi, hbi], axis=0)
                    for (hfi, hbi) in zip(hs_f, hs_b)

            for y, ey in zip(ys[batch].data, seq):
                testing.assert_allclose(y, ey)
Example #52
 def check_set_state(self, c, h):
     self.link.set_state(c, h)
     self.assertIsInstance(self.link.c.data, self.link.xp.ndarray)
     testing.assert_allclose(c.data, self.link.c.data)
     self.assertIsInstance(self.link.h.data, self.link.xp.ndarray)
     testing.assert_allclose(h.data, self.link.h.data)
Example #53
 def test_identity_gpu(self):
     eye = cuda.to_gpu(_make_eye(self.x.shape))
     x = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x))
     y = functions.matmul(x, functions.inv(x))
     testing.assert_allclose(y.data, eye, **self.check_forward_options)
Example #54
    def check_forward(self, x_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.fliplr(x)

        testing.assert_allclose(y.data, numpy.fliplr(self.x))
Example #55
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.inv(x)
     testing.assert_allclose(_inv(self.x), y.data,
Example #56
    def check_forward(self, x_data):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.rollaxis(x, self.axis, self.start)

        expect = numpy.rollaxis(self.x, self.axis, self.start)
        testing.assert_allclose(y.data, expect)