Example #1
 def verify(self, mpk, pk, M, sig):
     a = H(1, M['t1'])
     h = H(2, M['t2'])
     b = H3(M['str'], M['t3'])
     if pair(sig, mpk['g']) == (pair(a, pk) * (pair(h, pk) ** b)):
         return True
     return False
Example #2
def transform(pk, skBlinded, S, ct):
    transformOutputList = {}

    policy_str, C, Cpr, Cn, Dn = ct
    KBlinded, LBlinded, KlBlinded = skBlinded
    transformOutputList[5] = C
    policy = createPolicy(policy_str)
    transformOutputList[0] = prune(policy, S)
    attrs = transformOutputList[0]
    coeff = getCoefficients(policy)
    transformOutputList[1] = len(attrs)
    Y = transformOutputList[1]
    transformOutputList[2] = group.init(GT)
    reservedVarName0 = transformOutputList[2]
    for y in range(0, Y):
        transformOutputList[1000+5*y] = GetString(attrs[y])
        yGetStringSuffix = transformOutputList[1000+5*y]
        transformOutputList[1001+5*y] = (pair((Cn[yGetStringSuffix] ** coeff[yGetStringSuffix]), LBlinded) * pair((KlBlinded[yGetStringSuffix] ** coeff[yGetStringSuffix]), Dn[yGetStringSuffix]))
        reservedVarName1 = transformOutputList[1001+5*y]
        transformOutputList[1002+5*y] = (reservedVarName0 * reservedVarName1)
        reservedVarName0 = transformOutputList[1002+5*y]
    transformOutputList[3] = reservedVarName0
    A = transformOutputList[3]
    transformOutputList[4] = pair(Cpr, KBlinded)
    result0 = transformOutputList[4]
    output = (transformOutputList, policy, coeff)
    return output
Example #3
def transform(pk, skBlinded, S, ct):
    transformOutputListForLoop = {}
    transformOutputList = {}

    policyUSstr, Ctl, C, Cr, Cpr = ct
    DBlinded, DjBlinded, DjpBlinded = skBlinded
    transformOutputList[3] = Ctl
    policy = createPolicy(policyUSstr)
    attrs = prune(policy, S)
    coeff = getCoefficients(policy)
    Y = len(attrs)
    transformOutputList[0] = group.init(GT)
    reservedVarName0 = transformOutputList[0]
    for y in range(0, Y):
        yGetStringSuffix = GetString(attrs[y])
        FLrepVar1 = (10 + (5 * y))
        transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar1] = (pair((Cr[yGetStringSuffix] ** coeff[yGetStringSuffix]), DjBlinded[yGetStringSuffix]) * pair((DjpBlinded[yGetStringSuffix] ** -coeff[yGetStringSuffix]), Cpr[yGetStringSuffix]))
        reservedVarName1 = transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar1]
        FLrepVar2 = (11 + (5 * y))
        transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar2] = (reservedVarName0 * reservedVarName1)
        reservedVarName0 = transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar2]
    transformOutputList[1] = reservedVarName0
    A = transformOutputList[1]
    transformOutputList[2] = pair(C, DBlinded)
    result0 = transformOutputList[2]
    output = (transformOutputList)
    return output
Example #4
    def Encrypt(self, k, t_l, policy_str, GPP, PK_d):
        s = group.random()
        w = group.init(ZR, 0)
        policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        #Выбираем два случайных вектора
        sshares = util.calculateSharesList(s, policy)
        wshares = util.calculateSharesList(w, policy)
        sshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in sshares])
        wshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in wshares])
        C = k * pair(GPP['g'], GPP['g']) ** s
        C1, C2, C3, C4 = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for attr, s_share in sshares.items():
            w_share = wshares[attr]
            k_attr = util.strip_index(attr)
            r_i = group.random(ZR)

            for aa in PK_d:
                if attr in PK_d[aa]:
                    C1[attr] = (pair(GPP['g'], GPP['g']) ** s_share) * (PK_d[aa][k_attr]['e(g,g)^alpha'] ** r_i)
                    C2[attr] = (GPP['g'] ** w_share) * (PK_d[aa][k_attr]['g^betta'] ** r_i)
                    C3[attr] = GPP['g'] ** r_i
                    C4[attr] = PK_d[aa]['H'](k_attr, t_l) ** r_i

            # if attr == 'ONE' or attr == 'TWO':
            #     C1[attr] = (pair(GPP['g'], GPP['g']) ** s_share) * (PK_d['aa1'][k_attr]['e(g,g)^alpha'] ** r_i)
            #     C2[attr] = (GPP['g'] ** w_share) * (PK_d['aa1'][k_attr]['g^betta'] ** r_i)
            #     C3[attr] = GPP['g'] ** r_i
            #     C4[attr] = PK_d['aa1']['H'](k_attr, t_l) ** r_i
            # if attr == 'THREE' or attr == 'FOUR':
            #     C1[attr] = (pair(GPP['g'], GPP['g']) ** s_share) * (PK_d['aa2'][k_attr]['e(g,g)^alpha'] ** r_i)
            #     C2[attr] = (GPP['g'] ** w_share) * (PK_d['aa2'][k_attr]['g^betta'] ** r_i)
            #     C3[attr] = GPP['g'] ** r_i
            #     C4[attr] = PK_d['aa2']['H'](k_attr, t_l) ** r_i

        return {'t_l': t_l, 'C': C, 'C1': C1, 'C2': C2, 'C3': C3, 'C4': C4, 'policy': policy_str}
Example #5
def transform(sk, ct):
    transformOutputList = {}

    policy_str, C0, C1, C2, C3 = ct
    gid, userS, K = sk
    transformOutputList[0] = createPolicy(policy_str)
    policy = transformOutputList[0]
    transformOutputList[1] = prune(policy, userS)
    attrs = transformOutputList[1]
    transformOutputList[2] = getCoefficients(policy)
    coeff = transformOutputList[2]
    transformOutputList[3] = group.hash(gid, G1)
    h_gid = transformOutputList[3]
    transformOutputList[4] = len(attrs)
    Y = transformOutputList[4]
    for y in range(0, Y):
        transformOutputList[1000+11*y] = GetString(attrs[y])
        k = transformOutputList[1000+11*y]
        transformOutputList[1001+11*y] = pair(h_gid, C3[k])
        result0 = transformOutputList[1001+11*y]
        transformOutputList[1002+11*y] = (result0 ** coeff[k])
        result1 = transformOutputList[1002+11*y]
        transformOutputList[1003+11*y] = (C1[k] ** coeff[k])
        result2 = transformOutputList[1003+11*y]
        transformOutputList[1004+11*y] = (result1 * result2)
        numerator = transformOutputList[1004+11*y]
        transformOutputList[1005+11*y] = pair(K[k], C2[k])
        denominator0 = transformOutputList[1005+11*y]
    output = transformOutputList
    return output
    def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct):
        policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
        pruned = util.prune(policy, sk['attributes'])
        if pruned == False:
            return False
        coeffs = util.getCoefficients(policy)
        numerator = pair(ct['C0'], sk['K'])

        # create list for attributes in order...
        k_x, w_i = {}, {}
        for i in pruned:
            print('for pruned',i,':')
            j = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
            k = i.getAttribute()
            k_x[ j ] = sk['K_x'][k]
            w_i[ j ] = coeffs[j]
            #print('Attribute %s: coeff=%s, k_x=%s' % (j, w_i[j], k_x[j]))

        C, D = ct['C'], ct['D']
        denominator = 1
        for i in pruned:
            j = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
            denominator *= ( pair(C[j] ** w_i[j], sk['L']) * pair(k_x[j] ** w_i[j], D[j]) )
        return ct['C_tilde'] / (numerator / denominator)
Example #7
def sign(gpk, A_ind, x_ind, M):
    r = {}

    g1, g2, h, u, v, w = gpk
    alpha = group.random(ZR)
    beta = group.random(ZR)
    T1 = (u ** alpha)
    T2 = (v ** beta)
    T3 = (A_ind * (h ** (alpha + beta)))
    gamma1 = (x_ind * alpha)
    gamma2 = (x_ind * beta)
    r[0] = group.random(ZR)
    r[1] = group.random(ZR)
    r[2] = group.random(ZR)
    r[3] = group.random(ZR)
    r[4] = group.random(ZR)
    r[5] = group.random(ZR)
    R1 = (u ** r[0])
    R2 = (v ** r[1])
    R3 = ((pair(T3, g2) ** r[2]) * ((pair(h, w) ** (-r[0] - r[1])) * (pair(h, g2) ** (-r[3] - r[4]))))
    R4 = ((T1 ** r[2]) * (u ** -r[3]))
    R5 = ((T2 ** r[2]) * (v ** -r[4]))
    c = group.hash((M, T1, T2, T3, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5), ZR)
    salpha = (r[0] + (c * alpha))
    sbeta = (r[1] + (c * beta))
    sx = (r[2] + (c * x_ind))
    sgamma1 = (r[3] + (c * gamma1))
    sgamma2 = (r[4] + (c * gamma2))
    sig = [T1, T2, T3, c, salpha, sbeta, sx, sgamma1, sgamma2, R3]
    output = sig
    return output
    def pre_dec(self, pk, ik, ct):
        w = pk['w']
        u = pk['u']
        S = ik['S'] #['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO']
        K0 = ik['K0']
        K1 = ik['K1']
        Kj2 = ik['Ki2']
        Kj3 = ik['Ki3']
        C0 = ct['C0']
        Ci1 = ct['C_j_1']
        Ci2 = ct['C_j_2']
        Ci3 = ct['C_j_3']
        Ci4 = ct['C_j_4']
        Ci5 = ct['C_j_5']
        policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) #[((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))
        pruned = util.prune(policy, S) #[ONE, TWO]
        wi = util.getCoefficients(policy) #{u'TWO': <pairing.Element>, u'FOUR': <pairing.Element>, u'THREE': <pairing.Element>, u'ONE': <pairing.Element>}

        eC0K0 = pair(C0,K0)
        ECi4wi = 0
        for each in pruned:
            j = each.getAttributeAndIndex()
            i = each.getAttribute()
            ECi4wi += Ci4[i] * wi[i]
        ewECi4wiK1 = pair(w ** ECi4wi,K1)
        PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi = 1
        for each in pruned:
            j = each.getAttributeAndIndex()
            i = each.getAttribute()
            eCi1K1 = pair(Ci1[i],K1)
            eCi2uCi5Kj2 = pair(Ci2[i] * (u ** -Ci5[i]), Kj2[j])
            eCi3Kj3 = pair(Ci3[i],Kj3[j])
            PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi *= (eCi1K1 * eCi2uCi5Kj2 * eCi3Kj3) ** wi[i]

        return eC0K0/(ewECi4wiK1 * PIeCi1K1eCi2uCi5Kj2eCi3Kj3wi)
Example #9
    def testPairing(self):    
        trials = 10
        trials2 = trials * 3 
        group = PairingGroup("SS512")
        g = group.random(G1)
        h = group.random(G1)
        i = group.random(G2)

        group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Exp", "Pair"])
        for a in range(trials):
            j = g * h 
            k = i ** group.random(ZR)
            t = (j ** group.random(ZR)) / h 
            n = pair(h, i)
        msmtDict = group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()

        group.StartBenchmark(["CpuTime", "Mul", "Pair"])
        for a in range(trials2):
            j = g * h 
            k = i ** group.random(ZR)
            n = pair(h, i)
        msmtDict = group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        del group
Example #10
def transform(skBlinded, userS, ct):
    transformOutputListForLoop = {}
    transformOutputList = {}

    policy_str, C0, C1, C2, C3 = ct
    gidBlinded, KBlinded = skBlinded
    transformOutputList[1] = C0
    policy = createPolicy(policy_str)
    attrs = prune(policy, userS)
    coeff = getCoefficients(policy)
    transformOutputList[0] = group.hash(gidBlinded, G1)
    h_gid = transformOutputList[0]
    Y = len(attrs)
    for y in range(0, Y):
        kDecrypt = GetString(attrs[y])
        FLrepVar1 = (10 + (8 * y))
        transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar1] = pair(h_gid, C3[kDecrypt])
        result0 = transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar1]
        FLrepVar2 = (11 + (8 * y))
        transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar2] = ((result0 ** coeff[kDecrypt]) * (C1[kDecrypt] ** coeff[kDecrypt]))
        numerator = transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar2]
        FLrepVar3 = (12 + (8 * y))
        transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar3] = pair((KBlinded[kDecrypt] ** coeff[kDecrypt]), C2[kDecrypt])
        denominator = transformOutputListForLoop[FLrepVar3]
    output = (transformOutputList, attrs, Y, transformOutputListForLoop)
    return output
Example #11
	def decrypt_range(self, K_s, S, start, end, ct, param):

		aggregate2 = group.init(G1, 1)
		aggregate1 = group.init(G1, 1)
		result = []

		for j in S:
			aggregate2 *= param[self.n+1-j]
			if j!=start: aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-j+start]
			#else: hole = self.n+1-j+start
		result.append(ct[0][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[0][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[0][1]) )

		count = end-start-1

		sorted_sublist = self.extract_consecutive_sublists(S)

		for i in xrange(count):
			for k in sorted_sublist:
				#if ((start+i+1) != j): aggregate1 *= self.param[self.n+1-j+start+i+1]
				#else: hole = self.n+1-j+start+i+1
				if ((start+i+1) != k[0]): aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-k[0]+start+i+1]
				#aggregate1 /= self.param[self.n+1-S[0]+start+i]
				aggregate1 /= param[self.n+1-k[1]+start+i]
			result.append(ct[i+1][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[i+1][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[i+1][1]) )
		return result
Example #12
	def decrypt_general(self, K_s, S, Q, ct, param):

		aggregate2 = group.init(G1, 1)
		aggregate1 = group.init(G1, 1)
		result = []
		S = sorted(S)
		Q = sorted(Q)
		# print S
		sorted_sublist = self.extract_consecutive_sublists(S)
		improvement = 0

		for j in S:
			aggregate2 *= param[self.n+1-j]
			if j!=Q[0]: aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-j+Q[0]]
			#else: hole = self.n+1-j+start
		result.append(ct[0][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[0][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[0][1]) )

		for i in xrange(1, len(Q)):
			d = Q[i] - Q[i-1]
			improvement = len(S) - (2 * len(sorted_sublist) * d)
			if (improvement>0):
				print "improve", improvement
				# print "optimized ver"
				for l in xrange(d):
					for k in sorted_sublist:
						if ((Q[i-1]+l+1) != k[0]): aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-k[0]+Q[i-1]+l+1]
						aggregate1 /= param[self.n+1-k[1]+Q[i-1]+l]
				aggregate1 = group.init(G1, 1)
				for j in S:
					if j!=Q[i]:
						aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-j+Q[i]]
			result.append(ct[i][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[i][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[i][1]) ) 
		return result
Example #13
	def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct):
		# caculate run time
		begin = T.time()

		policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
		pruned = util.prune(policy, sk['attributes'])
		if pruned == False:
			return False
		coeffs = util.getCoefficients(policy)
		numerator = pair(ct['C_0'], sk['K_0'])
		# create list for attributes in order...
		k_x, w_i = {}, {}
		for i in pruned:
			j = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
			k = i.getAttribute()
			k_x[ j ] = sk['K_x'][k]
			w_i[ j ] = coeffs[j]
			#print('Attribute %s: coeff=%s, k_x=%s' % (j, w_i[j], k_x[j]))
		C_t = ct['C_t']
		denominator = 1
		for i in pruned:
			j = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
			denominator *= ( pair(C_t[j]['i_1'] ** w_i[j], sk['K_1']) * pair(C_t[j]['i_2'] ** w_i[j], k_x[j]['i_2']) * pair(C_t[j]['i_3'] ** w_i[j], k_x[j]['i_3']))   
		end = T.time()
		print('%.3f\t' % (end - begin), end="")
		return ct['C'] / (numerator / denominator)
Example #14
    def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct):
        Mprime = ct['C0']/(pair(ct['C11'],sk['sk_id1'])*pair(ct['C12'],sk['sk_id2'])*

        return Mprime
Example #15
 def encrypt(self, pk, gp, M, policy_str):
     #M is a group element
     #pk is a dictionary with all the attributes of all authorities put together.
     #This is legal because no attribute can be shared by more than one authority
     #{i: {'e(gg)^alpha_i: , 'g^y_i'}
     s = group.random()
     w = group.init(ZR, 0)
     egg_s = pair(gp['g'],gp['g']) ** s
     C0 = M * egg_s
     C1, C2, C3 = {}, {}, {}
     #Parse the policy string into a tree
     policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str)
     sshares = util.calculateSharesList(s, policy) #Shares of the secret 
     wshares = util.calculateSharesList(w, policy) #Shares of 0
     wshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in wshares])
     sshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in sshares])
     for attr, s_share in sshares.items():
         k_attr = util.strip_index(attr)
         w_share = wshares[attr]
         r_x = group.random()
         C1[attr] = (pair(gp['g'],gp['g']) ** s_share) * (pk[k_attr]['e(gg)^alpha_i'] ** r_x)
         C2[attr] = gp['g'] ** r_x
         C3[attr] = (pk[k_attr]['g^y_i'] ** r_x) * (gp['g'] ** w_share)
     return { 'C0':C0, 'C1':C1, 'C2':C2, 'C3':C3, 'policy':policy_str }
Example #16
 def verify(self, mpk, pk, M, sig):
     if debug: print("verify...")
     (S1, S2) = sig['S1'], sig['S2']
     a = H2(M, S1)
     if pair(S2, mpk['g2']) == (pair(pk, mpk['P']) ** a) * S1: 
         return True
     return False
Example #17
def dividenconquer(delta, startSigNum, endSigNum, incorrectIndices, dotBCache, dotACache, sumECache, dotDCache, A, IDlist, Mlist, S1list, S2list, S3list, g2, u1b, u2b, ub):
    dotBLoopVal = 1
    dotALoopVal = 1
    sumELoopVal = 0
    dotDLoopVal = 1
    for z in range(startSigNum, endSigNum):
        dotBLoopVal = (dotBLoopVal * dotBCache[z])
        dotALoopVal = (dotALoopVal * dotACache[z])
        sumELoopVal = (sumELoopVal + sumECache[z])
        dotDLoopVal = (dotDLoopVal * dotDCache[z])
    dotFLoopVal = 1
    for y in range(0, l):
        dotCLoopVal = 1
        for z in range(startSigNum, endSigNum):
            k = stringToInt(group, IDlist[z], l, zz)
            m = stringToInt(group, Mlist[z], l, zz)
            dotCLoopVal = (dotCLoopVal * ((S2list[z] ** (delta[z] * k[y])) * (S3list[z] ** (delta[z] * m[y]))))
        dotFLoopVal = (dotFLoopVal * pair(dotCLoopVal, ub[y]))
    if ( ( ((pair(dotALoopVal, g2) * ((pair(dotBLoopVal, u1b) * dotFLoopVal) * pair(dotDLoopVal, u2b)))) == ((A ** sumELoopVal)) ) ):
        midwayFloat = ((endSigNum - startSigNum) / 2)
        midway = int(midwayFloat)
    if ( ( (midway) == (0) ) ):
        output = None
        midSigNum = (startSigNum + midway)
        dividenconquer(delta, startSigNum, midSigNum, incorrectIndices, dotBCache, dotACache, sumECache, dotDCache, A, IDlist, Mlist, S1list, S2list, S3list, g2, u1b, u2b, ub)
        dividenconquer(delta, midSigNum, endSigNum, incorrectIndices, dotBCache, dotACache, sumECache, dotDCache, A, IDlist, Mlist, S1list, S2list, S3list, g2, u1b, u2b, ub)
    output = None
Example #18
    def verify(self, pk, msg, sig):
        c3 = pk["uPrime"]
        for i in range(pk["n"]):
            c3 *= pk["U"][i] ** msg[i]

        num = pair(pk["g"], sig["d1"])
        dem = pair(sig["d2"], c3)
        return pk["egg"] == num / dem
Example #19
def verify(P, g2, pk, M, S1, S2):
    a = group.hash((M, S1), ZR)
    if ( ( (pair(S2, g2)) == (((pair(pk, P) ** a) * S1)) ) ):
        output = True
        output = False
        return output
    return output
Example #20
 def verify(self, pk, sig, m):
     M = group.hash(m)
     if pk['PP2'] == (pair(pk['gd11']*(pk['gd21']**M), sig['s1']) *
                      pair(pk['gd12']*(pk['gd22']**M), sig['s2']) *
                      pair(pk['gd13']*(pk['gd23']**M), sig['s3']) *
                      pair(pk['gd14']*(pk['gd24']**M), sig['s4']) ):
         return True
     return False
Example #21
def verify(X, Y, g, M, a, b, c):
    m = group.hash(M, ZR)
    if ( ( (( (pair(Y, a)) == (pair(g, b)) )) and (( ((pair(X, a) * (pair(X, b) ** m))) == (pair(g, c)) )) ) ):
        output = True
        output = False
        return output
    return output
 def verify(self, pk, msg, sig):
     c3 = pk['uPrime']
     for i in range(pk['n']):
         c3 *= pk['U'][i] ** msg[i]
     num = pair(sig['d1'], pk['g'])
     dem = pair(sig['d2'], c3)
     return pk['egg'] == num / dem
Example #23
def transform(sk, ct):
    transformOutputList = {}

    id, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4 = sk
    c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, cpr = ct
    transformOutputList[0] = (pair(c0, d0) * (pair(c1, d1) * (pair(c2, d2) * (pair(c3, d3) * pair(c4, d4)))))
    result = transformOutputList[0]
    output = transformOutputList
    return output
Example #24
def verify(U, V, D, g2, w2, z2, h2, m, sig1, sig2, r, i):
    M = group.hash(m, ZR)
    n = ceillog(2, i)
    if ( ( (pair(sig1, g2)) == (((U ** M) * ((V ** r) * (D * pair(sig2, ((w2 ** n) * ((z2 ** i) * h2))))))) ) ):
        output = True
        output = False
        return output
    return output
Example #25
	def decrypt_range(self, K_s, S, start, end, ct, param):

		aggregate2 = group.init(G1, 1)
		aggregate1 = group.init(G1, 1)
		result = []

		amount =1
		gen_timing = 0.0
		print "start"
		print start
		print "end"
		print end

		for j in S:
			aggregate2 *= param[self.n+1-j]
			if j!=start: aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-j+start]
			#else: hole = self.n+1-j+start

		result.append(ct[0][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[0][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[0][1]) )


		count = end-start-1

		sorted_sublist = self.extract_consecutive_sublists(S)
		for i in xrange(count):

			for k in sorted_sublist:
				#if ((start+i+1) != j): aggregate1 *= self.param[self.n+1-j+start+i+1]
				#else: hole = self.n+1-j+start+i+1
				if ((start+i+1) != k[0]): aggregate1 *= param[self.n+1-k[0]+start+i+1]
				#aggregate1 /= self.param[self.n+1-S[0]+start+i]
				aggregate1 /= param[self.n+1-k[1]+start+i]
			starttime = time.clock()
			result.append(ct[i+1][2] * pair(K_s * aggregate1, ct[i+1][0]) / pair(aggregate2, ct[i+1][1]) )
			endtime = time.clock()

		print "amount"
		print amount
		print "pairing time for one ciphertext"
		print gen_timing

		# print "result"
		# print len(result)

		return result
Example #26
def verify(g1, g2, h, u, v, w, M, T1, T2, T3, c, salpha, sbeta, sx, sgamma1, sgamma2, R3):
    if ( ( (precheck(g1, g2, h, u, v, w, M, T1, T2, T3, c, salpha, sbeta, sx, sgamma1, sgamma2, R3)) == (False) ) ):
        output = False
        return output
    if ( ( (((pair(T3, g2) ** sx) * ((pair(h, w) ** (-salpha - sbeta)) * ((pair(h, g2) ** (-sgamma1 - sgamma2)) * ((pair(T3, w) ** c) * (pair(g1, g2) ** -c)))))) == (R3) ) ):
        output = True
        output = False
        return output
    return output
Example #27
def transform(skBlinded, ct):
    transformOutputList = {}

    idBlinded, d0Blinded, d1Blinded, d2Blinded, d3Blinded, d4Blinded, d5Blinded = skBlinded
    c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, cpr = ct
    transformOutputList[1] = cpr
    transformOutputList[0] = ((((pair(c0, d0Blinded) * pair(c1, d1Blinded)) * pair(c2, d2Blinded)) * pair(c3, d3Blinded)) * pair(c4, d4Blinded))
    result = transformOutputList[0]
    output = transformOutputList
    return output
Example #28
 def gen_common(self):
     x, v = self.group.random(ZR, 2)
     g = self.group.random(G1)
     index = self.group.init(ZR, 1) # testing message 0 at index 1
     V = (g ** ~(x+index)) ** v
     y = g ** x
     print("check: lhs = e(V,y) =>", pair(V,y))
     print("check: rhs = e(V,g)^-o * e(g,g)^v =>", (pair(V,g) ** -index) * (pair(g,g) ** v))
     Protocol.store(self, ('g', g), ('V', V), ('v',v), ('y',y), ('sigma', index) )
     return None
Example #29
 def verify(self, pk, x, st):
     n, y, pi, pi_0 = pk['n'], st['y'], st['pi'], st['pi0']
     # check first index 
     check1 = pair(pi[0], pk['g2'])
     if x[0] == 0 and check1 == pair(pk['g1'], pk['U_t']):
         if debug: print("Verify: check 0 successful!\t\tcase:", x[0])
     elif x[0] == 1 and check1 == pair(pk['U1'][0], pk['U_t']):
         if debug: print("Verify: check 0 successful!\t\tcase:", x[0])            
         if debug: print("Verify: check 0 FAILURE!\t\t failed case:", x[0])            
         return False
     for i in range(1, len(x)):
         check2 = pair(pi[i], pk['g2'])
         if x[i] == 0 and check2 == pair(pi[i-1], pk['g2']):
             if debug: print("Verify: check", i ,"successful!\t\tcase:", x[i])
         elif x[i] == 1 and check2 == pair(pi[i-1], pk['U2'][i]):
             if debug: print("Verify: check", i ,"successful!\t\tcase:", x[i])
             if debug: print("Verify: check", i ,"FAILURE!\t\tcase:", x[i])
             return False
     if pair(pi_0, pk['g2']) == pair(pi[n-1], pk['U2'][0]) and pair(pi_0, pk['h']) == y:
         if debug: print("Verify: all and final check successful!!!")
         return True
         return False
Example #30
 def decrypt(self, pk, sID, ct):
     num = pair(sID['d2'], ct['c3'])
     dem = pair(ct['c2'], sID['d1'])
     if debug:
         print("arg1    =>", sID['d2'].type)
         print("arg2    =>", ct['c3'].type)
         print("Num:    =>", num)
         print("Dem:    =>", dem)
     return ct['c1'] *  num / dem
Example #31
 def verify_share(self, sig, i, h):
     assert 0 <= i < self.l
     B = self.VKs[i]
     assert pair(sig, g2) == pair(h, B)
     return True
Example #32
 def verify_signature(self, sig, h):
     assert pair(sig, g2) == pair(h, self.VK)
     return True
Example #33
 def keydec(self, pk, dID, CT):
     A, B, C = CT['A'], CT['B'], CT['C']
     v_s = pair(((B**dID['r']) * C), dID['K'])
     return sha1(v_s)
    def abenc_generatetoken(self, GPP, CT, UASK, user_keys):
        Partial decryption of the ciphertext

        :param GPP: Global Public Parameters
        :param CT: Ciphertext elements
        :param UASK: Secret Keys for user gotten from Attribute Authorities
        :param user_keys: User global keys
        :return: Partially decrypted ciphertext

        # list to hold corresponding attributes possessed by the user
        user_attributes = []

        for authority in UASK.keys():

        # access ciphertext policy
        encryption_policy = self.util.createPolicy(CT['policy'])

        # generate list of minimum policy elements needed for encryption
        # returns False if user fails policy assessment
        minimal_policy_list = self.util.prune(encryption_policy,

        # print(minimal_policy_list)

        # this is an error handling implementation that should be fixed later
        if not minimal_policy_list:
            return False

        # get attribute coefficients to be able to access their share of the secret
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(encryption_policy)
        # initialize the dividend value for the token generation computation
        dividend = 1

        for authority in UASK.keys():
            dividend *= (
                pair(CT['C_prime'], UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid']) *
                ~pair(CT['C_prime_prime'], UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid_prime']))

        # attribute authority index?
        n_a = 1

        # initialize divisor value for token generation computation
        divisor = 1

        # create dict to hold attributes for the authorities and their corresponding secret keys
        attribute_keys = {}

        # create dict to hold attributes contained in the pruned list and their corresponding secret keys
        pruned_attribute_keys = {}

        # populate attribute with with corresponding key value pairs
        for authority in UASK.keys():

        # populate pruned attribute with corresponding key value pairs
        # from attribute list
        for attribute in minimal_policy_list:
            pruned_attribute_keys[str(attribute)] = attribute_keys[str(

        # compute divisor
        for authority in UASK.keys():

            temp_divisor = 1

            for attribute in minimal_policy_list:
                x = attribute.getAttributeAndIndex()
                y = attribute.getAttribute()

                temp_divisor *= (
                    (pair(CT['C_i'][y], user_keys) *
                     pair(CT['D_i'][y], pruned_attribute_keys[y]) *
                           UASK[authority]['K_uid_aid_prime']) *
                     ~pair(GPP['g'], CT['D_i_prime'][y]))**(coefficients[x] *

            divisor *= temp_divisor

        Token = dividend / divisor

        return (Token, CT['C'])
Example #35
	def m_dec(self, sk, A, B, E):
		X = objectToBytes(self.group.hash(pair(A, B) ** (1/sk), G1), self.group)
		xor = self.bytes_xor(E, X)
		return xor #if user is legitimate, this will be equal to m
Example #36
 def rowvec_pair_mat(v, M) -> list:
     return [
         reduce(lambda a, b: a * b,
                [pair(v[i], M[i][j]) for i in range(len(v))])
         for j in range(len(M[0]))
Example #37
        k += 1
    return attributes, attributes_

def xor(a, b, grp):
    a_ = grp.serialize(a, compression=False)
    b_ = grp.serialize(b, compression=False)
    c_ = ''.join(chr(ord(a_i) ^ ord(b_i)) for a_i, b_i in zip(a_, b_))
    return grp.deserialize(c_, compression=False)

xor = lambda ss, cc: ''.join(chr(ord(s) ^ ord(c)) for s, c in zip(ss, cc))

a0 = group.random(G1)
a1 = group.random(G2)
a = pair(a0, a1)

H2 = lambda x: group.hash(str(x) + str(group.random(ZR)), ZR)

# b0 = group.random(G1)
# b1 = group.random(G2)
# b = pair(b0,b1)
b = group.random()

a_s = group.serialize(a)
b_s = group.serialize(b)

c_s = xor(H2(a_s), b_s)

group.deserialize(xor(c_s, b_s))  # ==a
Example #38
    def sign(self, title, usk, pk, GID, UID, groupID):
        t1 = time()
        m = self.group.hash(title)
        b0 = usk['b0']
        b3 = usk['b3']
        b4 = usk['b4']
        b5 = usk['b5']

        r4 = self.group.random(ZR)
        r3 = self.group.random(ZR)
        k = self.group.random(ZR)

        c0 = b0 * (b3**m) * (b4**r4) * ((pk['u0'] * (pk['u1']**GID) *
                                         (pk['u2']**UID) * (pk['u3']**m) *
        c5 = b5 * (pk['g']**r3)
        c6 = (pk['u2']**UID) * (pk['u4']**r4)
        e1 = pk['g']**k
        e2 = (pk['u0'] * (pk['u1']**GID))**k
        e3 = (pk['n']**UID) * (pair(pk['h1'], pk['g2'])**k)

        # 产生pok
        f = pk['u0'] * (pk['u1']**GID)
        gp = pair(pk['h1'], pk['g2'])

        k1 = self.group.random(ZR)
        k2 = self.group.random(ZR)
        k3 = self.group.random(ZR)

        r1 = (pk['u2']**k1) * (pk['u4']**k2)
        r2 = pk['g']**k3
        r3 = f**k3
        t4 = (pk['n']**k1) * (gp**k3)

        hashstr = str(r1) + str(r2) + str(r3) + str(t4)

        c = self.group.hash(hashstr)

        s1 = k1 + c * UID

        s2 = k2 + c * r4

        s3 = k3 + c * k

        signature = {
            'c0': c0,
            'c5': c5,
            'c6': c6,
            'e1': e1,
            'e2': e2,
            'e3': e3,
            'c': c,
            's1': s1,
            's2': s2,
            's3': s3
        t2 = time()
        with open("vssigntime.txt", 'a') as f:
            f.write(str(t2 - t1))
        print("gs time", t2 - t1)
        return signature
Example #39
def dividenconquer(delta, startSigNum, endSigNum, incorrectIndices, dotACache,
                   dotBCache, dotCCache, dotDCache, dotECache, dotFCache,
                   dotGCache, dotHCache, dotICache, dotJCache, dotKCache,
                   dotLCache, dotMCache, sumNCache, g1b, g1ba1, g1a1, g1ba2,
                   g1a2, tau1, tau2, tau1b, tau2b, w, u, h, g1, A):
    dotALoopVal = 1
    dotBLoopVal = 1
    dotCLoopVal = 1
    dotDLoopVal = 1
    dotELoopVal = 1
    dotFLoopVal = 1
    dotGLoopVal = 1
    dotHLoopVal = 1
    dotILoopVal = 1
    dotJLoopVal = 1
    dotKLoopVal = 1
    dotLLoopVal = 1
    dotMLoopVal = 1
    sumNLoopVal = 0
    for z in range(startSigNum, endSigNum):
        dotALoopVal = (dotALoopVal * dotACache[z])
        dotBLoopVal = (dotBLoopVal * dotBCache[z])
        dotCLoopVal = (dotCLoopVal * dotCCache[z])
        dotDLoopVal = (dotDLoopVal * dotDCache[z])
        dotELoopVal = (dotELoopVal * dotECache[z])
        dotFLoopVal = (dotFLoopVal * dotFCache[z])
        dotGLoopVal = (dotGLoopVal * dotGCache[z])
        dotHLoopVal = (dotHLoopVal * dotHCache[z])
        dotILoopVal = (dotILoopVal * dotICache[z])
        dotJLoopVal = (dotJLoopVal * dotJCache[z])
        dotKLoopVal = (dotKLoopVal * dotKCache[z])
        dotLLoopVal = (dotLLoopVal * dotLCache[z])
        dotMLoopVal = (dotMLoopVal * dotMCache[z])
        sumNLoopVal = (sumNLoopVal + sumNCache[z])
    if ((((pair(g1b, dotALoopVal) *
           (pair(g1ba1, dotBLoopVal) *
            (pair(g1a1, dotCLoopVal) *
             (pair(g1ba2, dotDLoopVal) * pair(g1a2, dotELoopVal)))))) == ((
                 pair(dotFLoopVal, tau1) * (pair(dotGLoopVal, tau2) *
                                            (pair(dotHLoopVal, tau1b) *
                                             (pair(dotILoopVal, tau2b) *
                                              (pair(dotJLoopVal, w) *
                                               (pair(dotKLoopVal, u) *
                                                (pair(dotLLoopVal, h) *
                                                 (pair(g1, dotMLoopVal) *
        midwayFloat = ((endSigNum - startSigNum) / 2)
        midway = int(midwayFloat)
    if (((midway) == (0))):
        output = None
        midSigNum = (startSigNum + midway)
        dividenconquer(delta, startSigNum, midSigNum, incorrectIndices,
                       dotACache, dotBCache, dotCCache, dotDCache, dotECache,
                       dotFCache, dotGCache, dotHCache, dotICache, dotJCache,
                       dotKCache, dotLCache, dotMCache, sumNCache, g1b, g1ba1,
                       g1a1, g1ba2, g1a2, tau1, tau2, tau1b, tau2b, w, u, h,
                       g1, A)
        dividenconquer(delta, midSigNum, endSigNum, incorrectIndices,
                       dotACache, dotBCache, dotCCache, dotDCache, dotECache,
                       dotFCache, dotGCache, dotHCache, dotICache, dotJCache,
                       dotKCache, dotLCache, dotMCache, sumNCache, g1b, g1ba1,
                       g1a1, g1ba2, g1a2, tau1, tau2, tau1b, tau2b, w, u, h,
                       g1, A)
    output = None
Example #40
    def retrap(self,ck,t):
        #print 't', t
        tt=pair(t, ck)

        #print tt
        return tt
Example #41
File: PEKS.py Project: arbuztw/PEKS
 def PEKS(self, word):
    g, h = self.pub
    r = group.random(ZR)
    t = pair(group.hash(word, G1), h * r)
    return (g * r, h2.hashToZn(t))
Example #42
 def encrypt(self, params, ID, m, skid, t):
     r = h.group.random(ZR)
     C1 = params['g'] ** r
     C2 = m * (pair(params['g_s'], group.hash(ID, G1)) ** (r * h.hashToZr(skid['skid'], t)))
     C3 = t
     return {'C1': C1, 'C2': C2, 'C3': C3}
Example #43
 def pair_vector(v, base):
     return list(map(lambda x: pair(x, base), v))
Example #44
    def verify(self, pk, msg, sig):
        c3 = pk['uPrime']
        for i in range(pk['n']):
            c3 *= pk['U'][i]**msg[i]

        return pk['egg'] == (pair(sig['d1'], pk['g']) / pair(sig['d2'], c3))
Example #45
 def decrypt1(self, params, skid, c):
     return c['C2'] / pair(skid['skid'], c['C1'])
Example #46
    def setup(self):
        Generates public key and master secret key.

        if debug:
            print('Setup algorithm:\n')

        # generate two instances of the k-linear assumption
        A = []
        B = []
        for i in range(self.assump_size):
            B.append(self.group.random(ZR))  # note that A, B are vectors here

        # pick matrices that help to randomize basis
        W = {}
        for i in range(self.uni_size):
            x = []
            for j1 in range(self.assump_size + 1):
                y = []
                for j2 in range(self.assump_size + 1):
            W[i + 1] = x

        V = []
        for j1 in range(self.assump_size + 1):
            y = []
            for j2 in range(self.assump_size + 1):

        # vector
        k = []
        for i in range(self.assump_size + 1):

        # pick a random element from the two source groups and pair them
        g = self.group.random(G1)
        h = self.group.random(G2)
        e_gh = pair(g, h)

        # now compute various parts of the public parameters

        # compute the [A]_1 term
        g_A = []
        for i in range(self.assump_size):

        # compute the [W_1^T A]_1, [W_2^T A]_1, ...  terms
        g_WA = {}
        for i in range(self.uni_size):
            x = []
            for j1 in range(self.assump_size + 1):
                y = []
                for j2 in range(self.assump_size):
                    prod = (A[j2] *
                            W[i + 1][j2][j1]) + W[i + 1][self.assump_size][j1]
            g_WA[i + 1] = x

        g_VA = []
        for j1 in range(self.assump_size + 1):
            y = []
            for j2 in range(self.assump_size):
                prod = (A[j2] * V[j2][j1]) + V[self.assump_size][j1]

        # compute the e([A]_1, [k]_2) term
        h_k = []
        for i in range(self.assump_size + 1):

        e_gh_kA = []
        for i in range(self.assump_size):
            e_gh_kA.append(e_gh**(k[i] * A[i] + k[self.assump_size]))

        # the public key
        pk = {'g_A': g_A, 'g_WA': g_WA, 'g_VA': g_VA, 'e_gh_kA': e_gh_kA}

        # the master secret key
        msk = {'h': h, 'k': k, 'B': B, 'W': W, 'V': V}

        return pk, msk
Example #47
 def encrypt1(self, params, m, ID):
     r = h.group.random(ZR)
     C1 = params['g'] ** r
     C2 = m * pair(group.hash(ID, G1), params['g_s']) ** r
     return {'C1': C1, 'C2': C2}
Example #48
 def F(self, sk, x):
     result = dotprod(1, -1, sk['n'], lam_func, sk['u'], x)
     return pair(sk['g1']**(sk['u_t'] * sk['u'][0] * result), sk['h'])
Example #49
	def m_enc(self, g, m, pks, r, s):
		return self.bytes_xor(objectToBytes(self.group.hash(pair(g,g) ** (r*s), G1), self.group), m) # TODO find suitable hashing function mapping to M
Example #50
errors = 0
total = 0

for i in range(len(X_test)):
    biased[1:] = X_test[i]
    results = ml.evaluate(biased)

    v = models.Vector(array=X_test[i])
    before_encrypt = timeit.default_timer()
    c = scheme.encrypt(pk, v)
    after_encrypt = timeit.default_timer()
    enc_time = after_encrypt - before_encrypt
    before_eval = timeit.default_timer()
    evaluation = dk.model.evaluate(c)
    decrypted = [
        evaluation[i] * pair(c.simplifier, dk.skf[i])
        for i in range(dk.classes)
    after_eval = timeit.default_timer()
    eval_time = after_eval - before_eval
    before_dlog = timeit.default_timer()
    dec = list(map(dlog.solve, decrypted))
    after_dlog = timeit.default_timer()
    dlog_time = after_dlog - before_dlog

    if (x is not None for x in dec):
        if (dec == results.astype(int)).all():
            enc_total += enc_time
            eval_total += eval_time
            dlog_total += dlog_time
            total += 1
Example #51
    def keygen(self):
        g2 = group.random(G1)
        g1 = group.random(G2)
        alpha = group.random(ZR)

        #generate the 4*4 dual pairing vector spaces.
        d11, d12, d13, d14 = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(
            ZR), group.random(ZR)
        d21, d22, d23, d24 = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(
            ZR), group.random(ZR)
        d31, d32, d33, d34 = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(
            ZR), group.random(ZR)
        d41, d42, d43, d44 = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(
            ZR), group.random(ZR)
        D11, D12, D13, D14 = group.init(ZR), group.init(ZR), group.init(
            ZR), group.init(ZR)
        D21, D22, D23, D24 = group.init(ZR), group.init(ZR), group.init(
            ZR), group.init(ZR)
        D31, D32, D33, D34 = group.init(ZR), group.init(ZR), group.init(
            ZR), group.init(ZR)
        D41, D42, D43, D44 = group.init(ZR), group.init(ZR), group.init(
            ZR), group.init(ZR)

        one = group.random(ZR)

        [D11, D12, D13, D14] = self.GaussEleminationinGroups(
            [[d11, d12, d13, d14, one],
             [d21, d22, d23, d24, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d31, d32, d33, d34, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d41, d42, d43, d44, group.init(ZR, long(0))]])
        [D21, D22, D23, D24] = self.GaussEleminationinGroups(
            [[d11, d12, d13, d14, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d21, d22, d23, d24, one],
             [d31, d32, d33, d34, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d41, d42, d43, d44, group.init(ZR, long(0))]])
        [D31, D32, D33, D34] = self.GaussEleminationinGroups(
            [[d11, d12, d13, d14, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d21, d22, d23, d24, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d31, d32, d33, d34, one],
             [d41, d42, d43, d44, group.init(ZR, long(0))]])
        [D41, D42, D43, D44] = self.GaussEleminationinGroups(
            [[d11, d12, d13, d14, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d21, d22, d23, d24, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d31, d32, d33, d34, group.init(ZR, long(0))],
             [d41, d42, d43, d44, one]])

        #generate public parameters.
        #PP2 = (pair(g1, g2))**(alpha*one)
        PP2 = (pair(g2, g1))**(alpha * one)
        gd11 = g1**d11
        gd12 = g1**d12
        gd13 = g1**d13
        gd14 = g1**d14
        gd21 = g1**d21
        gd22 = g1**d22
        gd23 = g1**d23
        gd24 = g1**d24
        pk = {
            'PP2': PP2,
            'gd11': gd11,
            'gd12': gd12,
            'gd13': gd13,
            'gd14': gd14,
            'gd21': gd21,
            'gd22': gd22,
            'gd23': gd23,
            'gd24': gd24
        #generate private parameters

        sk = {
            'alpha': alpha,
            'g2': g2,
            'D11': D11,
            'D12': D12,
            'D13': D13,
            'D14': D14,
            'D21': D21,
            'D22': D22,
            'D23': D23,
            'D24': D24

        if (debug):
            print("Public parameters...")
            print("Secret parameters...")
        return (pk, sk)
Example #52
 def verify(self, pk, sig, message):
     M = self.dump(message)
     h = group.hash(M, G1)
     if pair(sig, pk['g']) == pair(h, pk['g^x']):
         return True  
     return False 
Example #53
 def verify(self, pk, M, sig):
     (a, b, c) = sig['a'], sig['a_y'], sig['a_xy']
     m = group.hash(M, ZR)
     if pair(pk['Y'], a) == pair(pk['g'], b) and (pair(pk['X'], a) * (pair(pk['X'], b) ** m)) == pair(pk['g'], c):
         return True
     return False
Example #54
 def decrypt(self, pk, dID, CT):
     A, B, C = CT['A'], CT['B'], CT['C']
     v_s = pair(((B**dID['r']) * C), dID['K'])
     return A / v_s