Example #1
def test_load_xyz_scenarios(xyz_path):
    path = os.path.join(xyz_path, '1_opt.xyz')
    m = Molecule(path, 'xyz')
    # 1 : xyz exist and optimizer is none
    assert m.to_xyz()
    # 2 xyz doesn't exist and pybel exist and optimizer is none
    m._xyz = None
    assert m.xyz.geometry.shape == (28, 3)
    # 3 xyz doesn't exist and pybel exist and optimizer is UFF
    m._xyz = None
    m.to_xyz(optimizer='UFF', maxIters=10210)
    assert m.xyz.geometry.shape == (28, 3)
Example #2
def mols():
    # Oxygen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen
    num = np.array([8, 1, 1])
    num = num.reshape((3, 1))
    sym = np.array(['O', 'H', 'H'])
    sym = sym.reshape((3, 1))
    c = np.array([[1.464, 0.707, 1.056], [0.878, 1.218, 0.498], [2.319, 1.126, 0.952]])
    xyz = XYZ(c,num,sym)
    m = Molecule('O', 'smiles')
    # forcefully overwrite xyz
    m._xyz = xyz
    return m