def train_sub(sess, x, y, bb_model, X_sub, Y_sub, nb_classes,
              nb_epochs_s, batch_size, learning_rate, data_aug, lmbda,
    This function creates the substitute by alternatively
    augmenting the training data and training the substitute.
    :param sess: TF session
    :param x: input TF placeholder
    :param y: output TF placeholder
    :param bbox_preds: output of black-box model predictions
    :param X_sub: initial substitute training data
    :param Y_sub: initial substitute training labels
    :param nb_classes: number of output classes
    :param nb_epochs_s: number of epochs to train substitute model
    :param batch_size: size of training batches
    :param learning_rate: learning rate for training
    :param data_aug: number of times substitute training data is augmented
    :param lmbda: lambda from
    :param rng: numpy.random.RandomState instance
    # Define TF model graph (for the black-box model)
    model_sub = substitute_model(img_cols=X_sub.shape[1])
    preds_sub = model_sub(x)
    print("Defined TensorFlow model graph for the substitute.")

    # Define the Jacobian symbolically using TensorFlow
    grads = jacobian_graph(preds_sub, x, nb_classes)
    # Train the substitute and augment dataset alternatively
    for rho in xrange(data_aug):
        print("Substitute training epoch #" + str(rho))
        train_params = {
            'nb_epochs': nb_epochs_s,
            'batch_size': batch_size,
            'learning_rate': learning_rate
        with TemporaryLogLevel(logging.WARNING, ""):
            model_train(sess, x, y, preds_sub, X_sub,
                        to_categorical(Y_sub, nb_classes),
                        init_all=False, args=train_params, rng=rng)

        # If we are not at last substitute training iteration, augment dataset
        if rho < data_aug - 1:
            print("Augmenting substitute training data.")
            # Perform the Jacobian augmentation
            lmbda_coef = 2 * int(int(rho / 3) != 0) - 1
            X_sub = jacobian_augmentation(sess, x, X_sub, Y_sub, grads,
                                          lmbda_coef * lmbda)
            print("Labeling substitute training data.")
            # Label the newly generated synthetic points using the black-box
            Y_sub = numpy.hstack([Y_sub, Y_sub])
            X_sub_prev = X_sub[int(len(X_sub)/2):] #on a double le dataset donc prev = ce qu'il y a de nouveau = la moitie
            eval_params = {'batch_size': batch_size}
            bbox_val = bb_model.predict(X_sub_prev)
            Y_sub[int(len(X_sub)/2):] = numpy.argmax(bbox_val, axis=1)
    return model_sub, preds_sub 
Example #2
def train_substitute(bbox_preds, x_sub, y_sub, nb_classes,
              nb_epochs_s, batch_size, lr, data_aug, lmbda,
              aug_batch_size, rng, img_rows=28, img_cols=28,
    model_sub = ModelSubstitute('model_s', nb_classes)
    preds_sub = model_sub.get_logits(x)
    loss_sub = CrossEntropy(model_sub, smoothing=0)

    print("Defined TensorFlow model graph for the substitute.")

    grads = jacobian_graph(preds_sub, x, nb_classes)

    for i in xrange(data_aug):
        print("Substitute training epoch #" + str(i))
        train_params = {
            'nb_epochs': nb_epochs_s,
            'batch_size': batch_size,
            'learning_rate': lr
        with TemporaryLogLevel(logging.WARNING, ""):
            train(sess, loss_sub, x_sub, to_categorical(y_sub, nb_classes),
                  init_all=False, args=train_params, rng=rng,

        if i < data_aug - 1:
            print("Augmenting substitute training data.")
            lmbda_coef = 2 * int(int(i / 3) != 0) - 1
            x_sub = jacobian_augmentation(sess, x, x_sub, y_sub, grads,
                                          lmbda_coef * lmbda, aug_batch_size)

            print("Labeling substitute training data.")
            y_sub = np.hstack([y_sub, y_sub])
            x_sub_prev = x_sub[int(len(x_sub) / 2):]
            eval_params = {'batch_size': batch_size}
            bbox_val = batch_eval(sess, [x], [bbox_preds], [x_sub_prev],

            y_sub[int(len(x_sub) / 2):] = np.argmax(bbox_val, axis=1)
    show_plot(x_sub, y_sub)
    return model_sub, preds_sub, x_sub, y_sub
Example #3
def train_sub(sess,
  This function creates the substitute by alternatively
  augmenting the training data and training the substitute.
  :param sess: TF session
  :param x: input TF placeholder
  :param y: output TF placeholder
  :param bbox_preds: output of black-box model predictions
  :param x_sub: initial substitute training data
  :param y_sub: initial substitute training labels
  :param nb_classes: number of output classes
  :param nb_epochs_s: number of epochs to train substitute model
  :param batch_size: size of training batches
  :param learning_rate: learning rate for training
  :param data_aug: number of times substitute training data is augmented
  :param lmbda: lambda from
  :param rng: numpy.random.RandomState instance
    # Define TF model graph (for the black-box model)
    model_sub = ModelSubstitute('model_s', nb_classes)
    preds_sub = model_sub.get_logits(x)
    loss_sub = CrossEntropy(model_sub, smoothing=0)

    print("Defined TensorFlow model graph for the substitute.")

    # Define the Jacobian symbolically using TensorFlow
    grads = jacobian_graph(preds_sub, x, nb_classes)

    # Train the substitute and augment dataset alternatively
    for rho in xrange(data_aug):
        print("Substitute training epoch #" + str(rho))
        train_params = {
            'nb_epochs': nb_epochs_s,
            'batch_size': batch_size,
            'learning_rate': learning_rate
        with TemporaryLogLevel(logging.WARNING, ""):
                  to_categorical(y_sub, nb_classes),

        # If we are not at last substitute training iteration, augment dataset
        if rho < data_aug - 1:
            print("Augmenting substitute training data.")
            # Perform the Jacobian augmentation
            lmbda_coef = 2 * int(int(rho / 3) != 0) - 1
            x_sub = jacobian_augmentation(sess, x, x_sub, y_sub, grads,
                                          lmbda_coef * lmbda, aug_batch_size)

            print("Labeling substitute training data.")
            # Label the newly generated synthetic points using the black-box
            y_sub = np.hstack([y_sub, y_sub])
            x_sub_prev = x_sub[int(len(x_sub) / 2):]
            eval_params = {'batch_size': batch_size}
            bbox_val = batch_eval(sess, [x], [bbox_preds], [x_sub_prev],
            # Note here that we take the argmax because the adversary
            # only has access to the label (not the probabilities) output
            # by the black-box model
            y_sub[int(len(x_sub) / 2):] = np.argmax(bbox_val, axis=1)

    return model_sub, preds_sub
Example #4
def train_sub(sess, x, y, bbox_preds, X_sub, Y_sub, nb_classes=10,
              nb_epochs_s=250, batch_size=128, learning_rate=0.001, data_aug=6, lmbda=0.1,
    This function creates the substitute by alternatively
    augmenting the training data and training the substitute.
    :param sess: TF session
    :param x: input TF placeholder
    :param y: output TF placeholder
    :param bbox_preds: output of black-box model predictions
    :param X_sub: initial substitute training data
    :param Y_sub: initial substitute training labels
    :param nb_classes: number of output classes
    :param nb_epochs_s: number of epochs to train substitute model
    :param batch_size: size of training batches
    :param learning_rate: learning rate for training
    :param data_aug: number of times substitute training data is augmented
    :param lmbda: lambda from
    :param rng: numpy.random.RandomState instance
    # Define TF model graph (for the black-box model)
    model_wrapper = cifar10vgg(empty_model=True)
    model_sub = model_wrapper.model
    preds_sub = model_sub(x)
    print("Defined TensorFlow model graph for the substitute.")

    # Define the Jacobian symbolically using TensorFlow
    grads = jacobian_graph(preds_sub, x, nb_classes)

    # Train the substitute and augment dataset alternatively
    for rho in range(data_aug):
        print("Substitute training epoch #" + str(rho))
        train_params = {
            'nb_epochs': nb_epochs_s,
            'batch_size': batch_size,
            'learning_rate': learning_rate
        with TemporaryLogLevel(tf.logging.WARNING, ""):
            model_train(sess, x, y, preds_sub, X_sub, Y_sub,
                        init_all=False, args=train_params)

        # If we are not at last substitute training iteration, augment dataset
        if rho < data_aug - 1:
            print("Augmenting substitute training data.")
            # Perform the Jacobian augmentation
            lmbda_coef = 2 * int(int(rho / 3) != 0) - 1
            X_sub = jacobian_augmentation(sess, x, X_sub, Y_sub, grads,
                                          lmbda_coef * lmbda)

            print("Labeling substitute training data.")
            # Label the newly generated synthetic points using the black-box
            Y_sub = np.hstack([Y_sub, Y_sub])
            X_sub_prev = X_sub[int(len(X_sub)/2):]
            eval_params = {'batch_size': batch_size}
            bbox_val = batch_eval(sess, [x], [bbox_preds], [X_sub_prev], args=eval_params)[0]
            # Note here that we take the argmax because the adversary
            # only has access to the label (not the probabilities) output
            # by the black-box model
            Y_sub[int(len(X_sub)/2):] = np.argmax(bbox_val, axis=1)

    return model_sub, preds_sub