def output_metrics(alarm_id, expected_state, metrics):
    print('Generating metrics, waiting for state change to %s' %
    hostnames = ['AA', 'BB', 'CC']
    for x in range(0, 90):
        for metric in metrics:
            metric_name = metric[0]
            dimensions = metric[1]
            args = ['metric-create', '--dimensions']
            hostname = hostnames[x % len(hostnames)]
            args.append(dimensions + ',' + 'hostname=' + hostname)
            cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(args, useJson=False)

        state = cli_wrapper.get_alarm_state(alarm_id)
        if state == expected_state:

    if state != expected_state:
        print('Did not change to state %s instead was %s in %d seconds' %
              (expected_state, state, x), file=sys.stderr)
        return False

    print('Changed to state %s in %d seconds' % (state, x))
    return True
Example #2
def check_alarm_history(alarm_id, states):
    transitions = len(states) - 1
    print('Checking Alarm History')
    # May take some time for Alarm history to flow all the way through
    for _ in range(0, 10):
        result_json = cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(['alarm-history', alarm_id])
        if len(result_json) >= transitions:

    result = True
    if transitions != len(result_json):
        print('Wrong number of history entries, expected %d but was %d' %
              (transitions, len(result_json)), file=sys.stderr)
        return False
    # Alarm history is reverse sorted by date
    index = transitions - 1
    for i in range(0, transitions):
        old_state = states[i]
        new_state = states[i+1]
        alarm_json = result_json[index]
        if not check_expected(old_state, alarm_json['old_state'], 'old_state',
            result = False
        if not check_expected(new_state, alarm_json['new_state'], 'new_state',
            result = False
        if not check_expected(alarm_id, alarm_json['alarm_id'], 'alarm_id',
            result = False
        index = index - 1

    if result:
        print('Alarm History is OK')
    return result
def check_alarm_history(alarm_id, states):
    transitions = len(states) - 1
    print('Checking Alarm History')
    # May take some time for Alarm history to flow all the way through
    for _ in range(0, 20):
        result_json = cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(['alarm-history', alarm_id])
        if len(result_json) >= transitions:

    result = True
    if transitions != len(result_json):
        print('Wrong number of history entries, expected %d but was %d' %
              (transitions, len(result_json)),
        return False
    # Alarm history is sorted by date
    index = 0
    for i in range(0, transitions):
        old_state = states[i]
        new_state = states[i + 1]
        alarm_json = result_json[index]
        if not check_expected(old_state, alarm_json['old_state'], 'old_state',
            result = False
        if not check_expected(new_state, alarm_json['new_state'], 'new_state',
            result = False
        if not check_expected(alarm_id, alarm_json['alarm_id'], 'alarm_id', i):
            result = False
        index = index + 1

    if result:
        print('Alarm History is OK')
    return result
Example #4
def get_metrics(name, dimensions, since):
    dimensions_arg = ''
    for key, value in dimensions.iteritems():
        if dimensions_arg != '':
            dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + ','
        dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + key + '=' + value
    return cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(['measurement-list', '--dimensions',
                                    dimensions_arg, name, since])
Example #5
def get_metrics(name, dimensions, since):
    dimensions_arg = ''
    for key, value in dimensions.iteritems():
        if dimensions_arg != '':
            dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + ','
        dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + key + '=' + value
    return cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(
        ['measurement-list', '--dimensions', dimensions_arg, name, since])
Example #6
def get_metrics(name, dimensions):
    print('Getting metrics for %s ' % (name + str(dimensions)))
    dimensions_arg = ''
    for key, value in dimensions.iteritems():
        if dimensions_arg != '':
            dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + ','
        dimensions_arg = dimensions_arg + key + '=' + value
    return cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(['measurement-list', '--dimensions',
                                    dimensions_arg, name, '00'])
def main():

    alarm_name = 'alarm_crud'
    metric_name = 'alarm_crud'
    base_dimension = 'service=alarm_test'
    expression = 'max(%s{%s}) > 0' % (metric_name, base_dimension)
    description = alarm_name + ' Description'

    # Add Alarm
    alarm_id = cli_wrapper.create_alarm(alarm_name, expression,
    print('Created Alarm with id %s' % alarm_id)

    # Ensure it is created in the right state
    initial_state = 'UNDETERMINED'
    if not utils.check_alarm_state(alarm_id, initial_state):
        return 1

    states = []

    # List Alarms, make sure new one shows up
    alarm_json = cli_wrapper.find_alarm_by_name(alarm_name)
    if alarm_json is None:
        print('Did not find alarm named %s using alarm-list' %
              alarm_name, file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    if alarm_id != alarm_json['id']:
        print('Alarm %s has wrong id, expected %s but was %s' %
              (alarm_name, alarm_id, alarm_json['id']), file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    # Output metrics that will cause it to go ALARM
    # Wait for it to change to ALARM
    if not output_metrics(alarm_id, 'ALARM', [[metric_name, base_dimension]]):
        return 1


    # Modify Alarm by adding new expression that will cause it to go OK
    print('Modify Alarm expression so it will go to OK')
    new_metric_name = 'other_metric'
    new_dimension = 'dim=42'
    new_expression = '%s and max(%s{%s}) > 100' % (expression,

    alarm_json = cli_wrapper.patch_alarm(alarm_id, '--expression',
    if alarm_json['expression'] != new_expression:
        print('Did not change expression to %s instead was %s' %
              (new_expression, alarm_json['expression']), file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    # Output metrics that will cause it to go OK
    # Wait for it to change to OK

    if not output_metrics(alarm_id, 'OK', [[metric_name, base_dimension],
                                           [new_metric_name, new_dimension]]):
        return 1


    # Modify Alarm by deleting expression that will cause Alarm to go ALARM
    print('Delete Alarm sub expression so it will go to ALARM')
    cli_wrapper.patch_alarm(alarm_id, '--expression', expression)

    # Output metrics that will cause it to go ALARM
    # Wait for it to change to ALARM
    print('Output extra dimensions to make sure match occurs')
    extra_dimension = base_dimension + ',Extra=More'
    if not output_metrics(alarm_id, 'ALARM',
                          [[metric_name, extra_dimension]]):
        return 1


    # Modify Alarm by setting alarm state to OK
    print('Set Alarm to OK, wait for transition back to ALARM')

    cli_wrapper.change_alarm_state(alarm_id, 'OK')

    # Output metrics that will cause it to go back to ALARM
    # Wait for it to change to ALARM
    if not output_metrics(alarm_id, 'ALARM',
                          [[metric_name, base_dimension],
                           [new_metric_name, new_dimension]]):
        return 1


    # Query History
    # Delete ALARM
    print('Delete alarm')
    cli_wrapper.run_mon_cli(['alarm-delete', alarm_id], useJson=False)

    # Ensure it can't be queried
    if cli_wrapper.find_alarm_by_name(alarm_name) is not None:
        print('Still found alarm %s after it was deleted' % alarm_name,
        return 1

    # Query History, ensure they still show up
    if not utils.check_alarm_history(alarm_id, states):
        return 1

    # Success
    return 0