def test09_type(self): HEADING() print("Find key type of {0}:".format(self.mykey), keytype(self.mykey)) for name in self.key_store.names(): print(name) value = self.key_store[name] print(keytype(name), name, value) assert True
def initialize_user(self): self.set_credentials() element = { "firstname": self.profile["firstname"], "lastname": self.profile["lastname"], "uidNumber": self.profile["uid"], "phone": self.profile["phone"], "gidNumber": self.profile["gid"], "address": self.profile["address"][0], "cm_user_id": self.config.get("cloudmesh.hpc.username"), "email": self.profile["email"], "activeclouds": self.config.get("") } projects = {} active = self.config.get("") if active != ['None']: projects["active"] = active completed = self.config.get("cloudmesh.projects.completed") if completed != ['None']: projects["completed"] = completed if projects != {}: element["projects"] = projects # get keys and clean the key titles (replace '.' with '_' due # to mongo restriction) keys = self.config.get("cloudmesh.keys.keylist") for keytitle in keys.keys(): keycontent = keys[keytitle] if keytype(keycontent) == "file": keycontent = get_key_from_file(keycontent) if keycontent: keycontent = keycontent.strip() keys[keytitle] = keycontent else: print( "The specified key file does not exist and thus ingored!" ) print("You can run ssh-keygen to generate one key pair") del keys[keytitle] break if "." in keytitle: newkeytitle = keytitle.replace(".", "_") del keys[keytitle] keys[newkeytitle] = keycontent element['keys'] = keys pprint(element) # hpc username as key username = element["cm_user_id"] # populate the local userinfo into the same mongo as though it # were from LDAP. userstore = cm_userLDAP() userstore.updates(username, element) self.user_obj = cm_user() self.user_obj.init_defaults(username) # # info disabled due to NameError: global name 'info' is not # defined info(username) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # added by Mark X. on Aug.25 2014 add clouds information to # mongo when initialize user iformation in mongo self.mongo.db_clouds.remove({ 'cm_kind': 'cloud', 'cm_user_id': username }) cloudsdict = self.config.get("cloudmesh", "clouds") for key in cloudsdict: Database.import_cloud_to_mongo(cloudsdict[key], key, username) print("cloud '{0}' added.".format(key))
def initialize_user(self): self.set_credentials() element = { "firstname": self.profile["firstname"], "lastname": self.profile["lastname"], "uidNumber": self.profile["uid"], "phone": self.profile["phone"], "gidNumber": self.profile["gid"], "address": self.profile["address"][0], "cm_user_id": self.config.get("cloudmesh.hpc.username"), "email": self.profile["email"], "activeclouds": self.config.get("") } projects = {} active = self.config.get("") if active != ['None']: projects["active"] = active completed = self.config.get("cloudmesh.projects.completed") if completed != ['None']: projects["completed"] = completed if projects != {}: element["projects"] = projects # get keys and clean the key titles (replace '.' with '_' due # to mongo restriction) keys = self.config.get("cloudmesh.keys.keylist") for keytitle in keys.keys(): keycontent = keys[keytitle] if keytype(keycontent) == "file": keycontent = get_key_from_file(keycontent) if keycontent: keycontent = keycontent.strip() keys[keytitle] = keycontent else: print("The specified key file does not exist and thus ingored!") print("You can run ssh-keygen to generate one key pair") del keys[keytitle] break if "." in keytitle: newkeytitle = keytitle.replace(".", "_") del keys[keytitle] keys[newkeytitle] = keycontent element['keys'] = keys pprint(element) # hpc username as key username = element["cm_user_id"] # populate the local userinfo into the same mongo as though it # were from LDAP. userstore = cm_userLDAP() userstore.updates(username, element) self.user_obj = cm_user() self.user_obj.init_defaults(username) # # info disabled due to NameError: global name 'info' is not # defined info(username) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # added by Mark X. on Aug.25 2014 add clouds information to # mongo when initialize user iformation in mongo self.mongo.db_clouds.remove({ 'cm_kind': 'cloud', 'cm_user_id': username }) cloudsdict = self.config.get("cloudmesh", "clouds") for key in cloudsdict: Database.import_cloud_to_mongo(cloudsdict[key], key, username) print("cloud '{0}' added.".format(key))
def do_key(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: key -h|--help key list [--source=SOURCE] [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] key add [--keyname=KEYNAME] FILENAME key default [KEYNAME] key delete KEYNAME Manages the keys Arguments: SOURCE mongo, yaml, ssh KEYNAME The name of a key FORMAT The format of the output (table, json, yaml) FILENAME The filename with full path in which the key is located Options: --dir=DIR the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh] --format=FORMAT the format of the output [default: table] --source=SOURCE the source for the keys [default: mongo] --keyname=KEYNAME the name of the keys Description: key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not specified the default will be ~/.ssh key list --source=yaml [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] lists all keys in cloudmesh.yaml file in the specified directory. dir is by default ~/.cloudmesh key list [--format=FORMAT] list the keys in mongo key add [--keyname=keyname] FILENAME adds the key specifid by the filename to mongodb key list Prints list of keys. NAME of the key can be specified key default [NAME] Used to set a key from the key-list as the default key if NAME is given. Otherwise print the current default key key delete NAME deletes a key. In yaml mode it can delete only key that are not saved in mongo """ # print arguments def _find_keys(directory): return [ file for file in listdir(expanduser(directory)) if file.lower().endswith(".pub") ] # # DIR (OK) # directory = path_expand(arguments["--dir"]) source = arguments["--source"] if source not in ["ssh", "yaml", "mongo"]: print("ERROR: source is not defined") return # # PRINT DICT (OK) # def _print_dict(d, header=None): print_format = arguments['--format'] if print_format == "json": return json.dumps(d, indent=4) elif print_format == "yaml": return yaml.dump(d, default_flow_style=False) else: return two_column_table(keys, header) # # PRINT SYSTEM (OK) # if arguments["list"] and source == "ssh": files = _find_keys(directory) keys = {} for key in files: keys[key] = directory + "/" + key print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Location"])) return # # PRINT YAML (OK) # if arguments["list"] and source == "yaml": key_store = cm_keys_yaml() keynames = key_store.names() keys = {} for key in keynames: keys[key] = get_fingerprint(key_store[key]) print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Fingerprint"])) return # # FROM HERE ON BROKEN # if arguments["list"] and source == "mongo": username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) keynames = key_store.names() keys = {} for key in keynames: keys[key] = key_store[key] if keytype(keys[key]) == 'string': keys[key] = get_fingerprint(keys[key]) print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Fingerprint"])) return # self._load_keys_from_yaml() # self._load_mongo() # self._load_keys_mongo() if arguments["add"] and arguments["FILENAME"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) filename = arguments["FILENAME"] # print filename # file existence check moved to the util function # if file does not exist it will return None keystring = get_key_from_file(filename) if keystring: keystring = keystring.strip() keysegments = key_parse(keystring) # key valid? if key_validate("string", keystring): if arguments["--keyname"]: keyname = arguments["--keyname"] else: # get keyname from the comment field of key keyname = keysegments[2] # in case a comment field is really missing # use a timestamp for uniqueness if keyname is None: tstamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") keyname = tstamp # sanitize the key name for mongo use else: keyname = re.sub(r'@|-|\.', '_', keysegments[2]) key_store[keyname] = keystring else: print("ERROR: INVALID key. Please verify!") else: print("ERROR: INVALID filename provided!") return """ def func(): if arguments["KEY"]: key_store.__setitem__( arguments["NAME"], arguments["KEY"]) else: files = _find_keys(directory) result = menu_return_num( title="Select a public key", menu_list=files, tries=3) if result == 'q': return else: key_store.__setitem__(arguments["NAME"], "{0}/{1}".format(directory,files[result])) if arguments["NAME"] in key_store.names(): if yn_choice("key {0} exists, update?" .format(arguments["NAME"]), default='n'): print "Updating key {0} ...".format(arguments["NAME"]) func() else: return else: print "adding key {0} ...".format(arguments["NAME"]) func() """ if arguments["default"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) # print key_store.names() # no name provided, will get current default key if not arguments["KEYNAME"]: defaultkey = key_store.default() print("Current default key is: {0}".format(defaultkey)) # name provided, check if it exists in the db elif arguments["KEYNAME"] in key_store.names(): key_store.setdefault(arguments["KEYNAME"]) # Update mongo db defaults with new default key print('The default key was successfully set to: ', arguments['KEYNAME']) else: print("ERROR: Specified key is not registered.") return if arguments["delete"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) print("Attempting to delete key: {0}".format(arguments["KEYNAME"])) if self.use_yaml: print("WARNING: This will only remove the keys that" "have not been written to the databse already when " "'keys save' is" "called. If your key is already in the database, " "you should use mongo mode\n") key_store.delete(arguments["KEYNAME"]) return # deprecating... """
def do_key(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: key -h|--help key list [--source=SOURCE] [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] key add [--keyname=KEYNAME] FILENAME key default [KEYNAME] key delete KEYNAME Manages the keys Arguments: SOURCE mongo, yaml, ssh KEYNAME The name of a key FORMAT The format of the output (table, json, yaml) FILENAME The filename with full path in which the key is located Options: --dir=DIR the directory with keys [default: ~/.ssh] --format=FORMAT the format of the output [default: table] --source=SOURCE the source for the keys [default: mongo] --keyname=KEYNAME the name of the keys Description: key list --source=ssh [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] lists all keys in the directory. If the directory is not specified the defualt will be ~/.ssh key list --source=yaml [--dir=DIR] [--format=FORMAT] lists all keys in cloudmesh.yaml file in the specified directory. dir is by default ~/.cloudmesh key list [--format=FORMAT] list the keys in mongo key add [--keyname=keyname] FILENAME adds the key specifid by the filename to mongodb key list Prints list of keys. NAME of the key can be specified key default [NAME] Used to set a key from the key-list as the default key if NAME is given. Otherwise print the current default key key delete NAME deletes a key. In yaml mode it can delete only key that are not saved in mongo """ # print arguments def _find_keys(directory): return [file for file in listdir(expanduser(directory)) if file.lower().endswith(".pub")] # # DIR (OK) # directory = path_expand(arguments["--dir"]) source = arguments["--source"] if source not in ["ssh", "yaml", "mongo"]: print("ERROR: source is not defined") return # # PRINT DICT (OK) # def _print_dict(d, header=None): print_format = arguments['--format'] if print_format == "json": return json.dumps(d, indent=4) elif print_format == "yaml": return yaml.dump(d, default_flow_style=False) else: return two_column_table(keys, header) # # PRINT SYSTEM (OK) # if arguments["list"] and source == "ssh": files = _find_keys(directory) keys = {} for key in files: keys[key] = directory + "/" + key print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Location"])) return # # PRINT YAML (OK) # if arguments["list"] and source == "yaml": key_store = cm_keys_yaml() keynames = key_store.names() keys = {} for key in keynames: keys[key] = get_fingerprint(key_store[key]) print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Fingerprint"])) return # # FROM HERE ON BROKEN # if arguments["list"] and source == "mongo": username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) keynames = key_store.names() keys = {} for key in keynames: keys[key] = key_store[key] if keytype(keys[key]) == 'string': keys[key] = get_fingerprint(keys[key]) print(_print_dict(keys, header=["Key", "Fingerprint"])) return # self._load_keys_from_yaml() # self._load_mongo() # self._load_keys_mongo() if arguments["add"] and arguments["FILENAME"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) filename = arguments["FILENAME"] # print filename # file existence check moved to the util function # if file does not exist it will return None keystring = get_key_from_file(filename) if keystring: keystring = keystring.strip() keysegments = key_parse(keystring) # key valid? if key_validate("string", keystring): if arguments["--keyname"]: keyname = arguments["--keyname"] else: # get keyname from the comment field of key keyname = keysegments[2] # in case a comment field is really missing # use a timestamp for uniqueness if keyname is None: tstamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") keyname = tstamp # sanitize the key name for mongo use else: keyname = re.sub(r'@|-|\.', '_', keysegments[2]) key_store[keyname] = keystring else: print("ERROR: INVALID key. Please verify!") else: print("ERROR: INVALID filename provided!") return """ def func(): if arguments["KEY"]: key_store.__setitem__( arguments["NAME"], arguments["KEY"]) else: files = _find_keys(directory) result = menu_return_num( title="Select a public key", menu_list=files, tries=3) if result == 'q': return else: key_store.__setitem__(arguments["NAME"], "{0}/{1}".format(directory,files[result])) if arguments["NAME"] in key_store.names(): if yn_choice("key {0} exists, update?" .format(arguments["NAME"]), default='n'): print "Updating key {0} ...".format(arguments["NAME"]) func() else: return else: print "adding key {0} ...".format(arguments["NAME"]) func() """ if arguments["default"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) # print key_store.names() # no name provided, will get current default key if not arguments["KEYNAME"]: defaultkey = key_store.default() print("Current default key is: {0}".format(defaultkey)) # name provided, check if it exists in the db elif arguments["KEYNAME"] in key_store.names(): key_store.setdefault(arguments["KEYNAME"]) # Update mongo db defaults with new default key print('The default key was successfully set to: ', arguments['KEYNAME']) else: print("ERROR: Specified key is not registered.") return if arguments["delete"]: username = cm_config().username() key_store = cm_keys_mongo(username) print("Attempting to delete key: {0}".format(arguments["KEYNAME"])) if self.use_yaml: print("WARNING: This will only remove the keys that" "have not been written to the databse already when " "'keys save' is" "called. If your key is already in the database, " "you should use mongo mode\n") key_store.delete(arguments["KEYNAME"]) return # deprecating... """