def createsavefile(): saves = os.listdir('saves') if '.DS_Store' in saves: saves.remove('.DS_Store') title = text(text='Create Save File',size=72,color=[200,0,0]) prompt = text(text='Please type your name',color=[200,0,0]) ok = Button(text(text='OK',color=[200,0,0],size=64),[1120,800],True) cancel = Button(text(text='Cancel',color=[200,0,0],size=64),[160,800],True) name = '' while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() raise SystemExit if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if not event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: try: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT: name+=chr(event.key).upper() else: name+=chr(event.key) except: pass else: name = name[:len(name)-1] if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ok.hover(): if len(saves)<4: if not name+'.txt' in saves: if not name == '': fl = open('saves/'+name+'.txt','w+') fl.write(codes.encrypt('level=1\nmana=100\nhealth=100\nscore=0')) fl.close() savefileselect() else: msg("Name taken. Please choose a different name.") else: msg("Maximum number of save files is 4") if cancel.hover(): savefileselect() fill([0,0,128]) blitcenter(title,[640,160]) blitcenter(prompt,[640,320]) blitcenter(text(text=name+'_',color=[0,200,0]),[640,480]) ok.render() cancel.render() flip()
def main(): fl = open('saves/'+selectedgamefile) music.stop() music.load('sounds/bg.ogg') music.set_volume(0.05) lines = loadsavefile(fl) fl.close() levelnum = lines[0] mana = lines[1] health = lines[2] score = lines[3] cam = [0,0] pos = [640,480] direction = 'left' monster = load('images/monster.png') plants = [] monsters = [] potions = [] for i in range(0,50): plants.append([random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000)]) for i in range(0,levelnum*10): monsters.append(Creature('monster',monster,[random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000)],'left')) for i in range(0,10): potions.append([random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000),random.choice(['mana','health'])]) tile = load('images/grass.jpg') player = load('images/wizard.png') plant = load('images/plant.png') manabottle = load('images/mana.png') healthbottle = load('images/health.png') redcrystal = load('images/crystalred.png') greencrystal = load('images/crystalgreen.png') bluecrystal = load('images/crystalblue.png') portal1 = load('images/portal1.png') portal2 = load('images/portal2.png') fireball = load('images/fireball.png') red = [random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000)] green = [random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000)] blue = [random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000)] fireballs = [] activated = False pygame.key.set_repeat(1,1) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: fl = open('saves/'+selectedgamefile,'w+') fl.write(codes.encrypt('level='+str(levelnum)+'\nmana='+str(mana)+'\nhealth='+str(int(health))+'\nscore='+str(score))) fl.close() pygame.quit() raise SystemExit if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: direction = 'left' if pos[0]-16 >= 0: pos[0] -= 16 elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: direction = 'right' if pos[0]+16 <= 6000: pos[0] += 16 elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: if pos[1]-16 >= 0: pos[1] -= 16 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if pos[1]+16 <= 3000: pos[1] += 16 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mpos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for m in monsters: if distance(m.pos[0],m.pos[1],pos[0],pos[1])<=128: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if <= 0: m.alive = False if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: if mana-10 >= 0: fireballs.append([pos[0],pos[1],mpos[0]+cam[0],mpos[1]+cam[1]]) mana-=10 for x in range(0,11): for y in range(0,11): blit(tile,[x*600-cam[0],y*300-cam[1]]) if activated: blit(portal2,[3000-cam[0],1500-cam[1]]) else: blit(portal1,[3000-cam[0],1500-cam[1]]) try: blit(redcrystal,[red[0]-cam[0],red[1]-cam[1]]) except: pass try: blit(greencrystal,[green[0]-cam[0],green[1]-cam[1]]) except: pass try: blit(bluecrystal,[blue[0]-cam[0],blue[1]-cam[1]]) except: pass for p in potions: if p[2] == 'mana': blit(manabottle,[p[0]-cam[0],p[1]-cam[1]]) else: blit(healthbottle,[p[0]-cam[0],p[1]-cam[1]]) if distance(p[0],p[1],pos[0],pos[1]) <= 128: if p[2] == 'health': health+=10 if health > 100: health = 100 else: mana+=10 if mana > 100: mana = 100 potions.remove(p) for p in plants: blit(plant,[p[0]-cam[0],p[1]-cam[1]]) for m in monsters: if not m.alive: m.render(cam) continue if m.pos[0]<pos[0]: m.direction = 'right' else: m.direction = 'left' if distance(m.pos[0],m.pos[1],pos[0],pos[1]) <= 512 or m.angry: m.angry = True theta = getangle(m.pos[0],m.pos[1],pos[0],pos[1]) if distance(m.pos[0],m.pos[1],pos[0],pos[1]) >= 16: if m.pos[0] < pos[0]: m.pos = [math.cos(math.radians(theta))*18+m.pos[0],math.sin(math.radians(theta))*18+m.pos[1]] else: m.pos = [-math.cos(math.radians(theta))*18+m.pos[0],math.sin(math.radians(theta))*18+m.pos[1]] else: health-=0.8 if health <= 0: msg("You Died!") levelnum-=2 if levelnum < 1: levelnum = 1 health = 100 mana = 100 fl = open('saves/'+selectedgamefile,'w+') fl.write(codes.encrypt('level='+str(levelnum)+'\nmana='+str(mana)+'\nhealth='+str(int(health))+'\nscore='+str(score))) fl.close() main() m.render(cam) if direction == 'right': blitcenter(pygame.transform.flip(player,True,False),[pos[0]-cam[0],pos[1]-cam[1]]) else: blitcenter(player,[pos[0]-cam[0],pos[1]-cam[1]]) if pos[0]-cam[0] >= 1120 and cam[0] < 4720: cam[0] += 16 if pos[1]-cam[1] >= 800 and cam[1] < 2040: cam[1] += 16 if pos[0]-cam[0] <= 160 and cam[0] > 0: cam[0] -= 16 if pos[1]-cam[1] <= 160 and cam[1] > 0: cam[1] -= 16 for f in fireballs: blitcenter(fireball,[int(f[0])-cam[0],int(f[1])-cam[1]]) theta = getangle(f[0],f[1],f[2],f[3]) if f[0] < f[2]: f[0] = math.cos(math.radians(theta))*20+f[0] f[1] = math.sin(math.radians(theta))*20+f[1] else: f[0] = -math.cos(math.radians(theta))*20+f[0] f[1] = math.sin(math.radians(theta))*20+f[1] for m in monsters: if distance(f[0],f[1],m.pos[0],m.pos[1]) <= 128 and m.alive: -= 50 if <= 0: m.alive = False score += 1 fireballs.remove(f) x = abs(f[0]-f[2]) y = abs(f[1]-f[3]) if f[0] < f[2]: f[2]+=x if f[1] < f[3]: f[3]+=y if f[0] > f[2]: f[2]-=x if f[1] > f[3]: f[3]-=y if f[0] < 0 or f[0] > 6000: fireballs.remove(f) if f[1] < 0 or f[1] > 3000: fireballs.remove(f) pygame.draw.rect(screen,[0,0,0],[64,64,256,32]) pygame.draw.rect(screen,[255,0,0],[64,64,int(health/100.0*256),32]) pygame.draw.rect(screen,[0,0,0],[512,64,256,32]) pygame.draw.rect(screen,[0,0,255],[512,64,int(mana/100.0*256),32]) blit(text(text='Score: '+str(score)),[960,64]) blit(text(text='Level '+str(levelnum),size=72),[960,800]) flip() if random.randint(0,50) == 1: potions.append([random.randint(0,6000),random.randint(0,3000),random.choice(['mana','health'])]) if not red == True: if distance(pos[0],pos[1],red[0],red[1]) <= 128: red = True if not green == True: if distance(pos[0],pos[1],green[0],green[1]) <= 128: green = True if not blue == True: if distance(pos[0],pos[1],blue[0],blue[1]) <= 128: blue = True if red == True and green == True and blue == True: activated = True if distance(pos[0],pos[1],3000,1500) <= 256 and activated: levelnum+=1 msg('Level Complete') fl = open('saves/'+selectedgamefile,'w+') fl.write(codes.encrypt('level='+str(levelnum)+'\nmana='+str(mana)+'\nhealth='+str(int(health))+'\nscore='+str(score))) fl.close() main()