Example #1
def main(args):
    """Main entry point of this program.

    :param args: The command-line argument list
    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='resmon.py', description='Monitor the system resource utilisation, periodically')
    top = parser
    group1 = top.add_argument_group()
    group1.add_argument('-n', metavar='name', help='Name of the resource monitoring session, artifacts will follow this'
                        ' name', type=str)
    group1.add_argument('-p', metavar='period', help='The sampling period of the monitoring process. E.g. 10s, 1m, 2h.'
                        ' Default is 1m', default='1m', type=str)
    group2 = top.add_argument_group()
    group2.add_argument('-l', help='List all the resmon databases found in the working directory and return.',
    arg = parser.parse_args(args)

    if arg.l:
        return 0

    if not arg.n:
        logger.error('No name specified')
        return errno.EINVAL

    if arg.p:
        period = parse_timespec(arg.p)
        period = 60  # Default period is 1m

    monitor = start_monitor(arg.n, period)
        while 1:  # Run until stopped
            # Wake up periodically and do something, like kicking a watchdog or something like that, not sure what yet.

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logger.info('User interrupted')
        return errno.EINTR

        logger.info('resmon terminated')

    return errno.EINVAL  # If we are here we were interrupted by something other than KeyboardInterrupt
Example #2
    def run(self):
        """The run method for this worker task.

        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        logger.info('{0} filling in {1} from {2} to {3} in steps of {4}'.format(repr(self), self.rrd_name, self.from_ts, self.to_ts, self.step))
        self.rrd_init(self.rrd_name, self.from_ts - self.step, self.step)
        counter = 0
        top = None
            # Populate the database with some 'fake' data
            for ts in range(int(self.from_ts), int(self.to_ts), int(self.step)):

                if not counter % 100:  # Update the Linux top data at every 100 points
                    top = com.mitel.pyrate.resmon_util.execute_top()
                    total = (self.to_ts - self.from_ts)/self.step
                    logger.info('{0} data generation progress = {1} of {2}, {3}%'.
                                format(repr(self), counter, total, 100.0*(float(counter) / float(total))))

                if top:  # Now update the resource utilisation stats to the RRDs
                    self.rrd_update(self.rrd_name, top, ts)
                    logger.error('{0} failed to acquire result from top, exit'.format(repr(self)))

                counter += 1

            logger.info('{0} completed'.format(repr(self)))

        except BaseException as e:
            logger.error('{0} encountered unexpected {1} at {2}'.format(repr(self), e, traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])))
Example #3
def _init_rrd(rrd_name, start, period, create_command):
    """Create a new RRD, if not already existing. If the requested RRD already exists then do nothing.

    Given a command for creating a specific type of RRD, create a new RRD if needed.

    :param rrd_name: The name of the RRD
    :type rrd_name: str
    :param start: The start of the new RRD, if needed. None means now.
    :type start: int
    :param period: The sampling period, in number of seconds
    :type period: int
    :param create_command: The command (lambda expression) for creating the new RRD
    :type create_command: lambda expression
    :return: None
    :rtype: None
    :raise IOError: If the given RRD name references an existing directory.
    :raise ValueError: If the given period is outside the permissible range.
    :raise TypeError: If the given period is invalid in some way.
    if not isinstance(period, int):
        raise TypeError('Expected integer period_sec value, given {0}'.format(period))

    if period > 60 or period <= 0:
        raise ValueError('The given period_sec parameter, {0}, is outside the range 1-60'.format(period))

    # Create a new RRD if one matching the given name does not already exist
    if os.path.exists(rrd_name):

        # Determine if the existing rrdName is the name of a file or a directory
        if not os.path.isfile(rrd_name):
            raise IOError(rrd_name + ' is not a file, probably a directory, please choose a different name')
            logger.info("RRD {0} already existed, we'll use it".format(rrd_name))


        # Create a new RRD
        create_command(rrd_name, start, period)
        logger.info('Created new RRD {0}'.format(rrd_name))
Example #4
def fill_in_the_rrds(cpu_rrd_name, mem_rrd_name, from_ts, to_ts, step):
    """Fill in the memory and CPU utilisation RRDs with some fluff.

    This fills in the resource RRDs (memory and CPU) for a specific time frame with some random Linux top data.

    :param cpu_rrd_name: Name of the CPU utilisation RRD
    :type cpu_rrd_name: str
    :param mem_rrd_name: Name of the memory utilisation RRD
    :type mem_rrd_name: str
    :param from_ts: The beginning of the period in which the data is being filled in
    :type from_ts: int
    :param to_ts: The end of the period in which the data is being filled in
    :type to_ts: int
    :param step: Number of seconds between samples
    :type step: int
    :return: None
    :rtype: None
    logger.info('Data generation started from {0}, to {1}, in steps of {2}'.format(from_ts, to_ts, step))

        # Use multi-threading to take advantage of multi-core architectures.
        mem_filler = RrdFiller('testmem.rrd', lambda a, b, c: rrdutil.init_mem_stats_rrd(a, b, c),
                               lambda a, b, c: rrdutil.update_mem_stats_from_top(a, b, c),
                               from_ts, to_ts, step)
        cpu_filler = RrdFiller('testcpu.rrd', lambda a, b, c: rrdutil.init_cpu_stats_rrd(a, b, c),
                               lambda a, b, c: rrdutil.update_cpu_stats_from_top(a, b, c),
                               from_ts, to_ts, step)

        mem_filler.wait_for_completion()  # Wait forever
        cpu_filler.wait_for_completion()  # Wait forever

        logger.info('Data generation completed from {0}, to {1}, in steps of {2}'.format(from_ts, to_ts, step))
Example #5
def main(args):
    """Main entry to program.

    :param args: Parsed command-line args.
    :return: Exit code.

        start_ts = (int(time.time()) / _step) * _step  # TS should be aligned with the period

        # Step 1: Start the monitoring
        if (not os.path.exists(_base_name + 'cpu.rrd')) or (not os.path.exists(_base_name + 'mem.rrd')):
            fill_in_the_rrds(_base_name + 'cpu.rrd', _base_name + 'mem.rrd', start_ts - (24 * 3600), start_ts, _step)
            fill_in_the_rrds(_base_name + 'cpu.rrd', _base_name + 'mem.rrd',
                             int(rrdutil.get_last_update(_base_name + 'cpu.rrd')) + _step, start_ts, _step)

        monitor = resmon_util.start_monitor(_base_name, _step)


            prev_ts = start_ts
            for loop in range(0, 360):  # Run for an hour (360 loops of 10 seconds).

                # Step 2: Wait for some time (10s) for the monitor to gather data
                logger.info('Waiting for data, loop #{0}'.format(loop))

                # Step 3: Observe the result
                last_cpu_data = rrdutil.fetch_last_data(monitor.get_cpu_rrd(), start_ts=prev_ts, resolution=1)
                last_mem_data = rrdutil.fetch_last_data(monitor.get_mem_rrd(), start_ts=prev_ts)

                # Print out the result
                print('\nLAST CPU data {0}, curr time = {1}'.format(last_cpu_data[0], int(time.time())))

                print('\nLAST Memory data {0}'.format(last_mem_data[0]))

                prev_ts = (int(time.time()) / _step) * _step  # TS should be aligned with the period

            avg_data = rrdutil.fetch_avg_data(monitor.get_cpu_rrd(), start_ts=start_ts, resolution=10)
            print('\nAVG CPU data {0}'.format(avg_data[0]))

            avg_data = rrdutil.fetch_avg_data(monitor.get_mem_rrd(), start_ts=start_ts, resolution=10)
            print('\nAVG Memory data {0}'.format(avg_data[0]))


            # Don't forget to stop the monitor when finish
            logger.info('Stopping {0}'.format(monitor))

            # Generate a graph
            end_graf = time.time()
            start_graf = end_graf - (2 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR)

            gen_graph('cpu.png', rrd_name=monitor.get_cpu_rrd(), title='CPU Utilisation', cf='AVERAGE',
                      start_ts=start_graf, end_ts=end_graf,
                      dataset=[('idle', '%Idle'), ('wait', '%Wait'), ('load', 'Load avg')])

            gen_graph('mem.png', rrd_name=monitor.get_mem_rrd(), title='Memory Utilisation', cf='AVERAGE',
                      start_ts=start_graf, end_ts=end_graf,
                      dataset=[('memtotal', 'Total'), ('memfree', 'Free'), ('buffers', 'Buffers'),
                               ('cached', 'Cached')])

    except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
        logger.warning('Encountered invalid monitor period {0}, at {1}'.format(e, format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logger.warning('User interruption at {0}'.format(format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])))

    except BaseException as e:
        logger.error('Encountered unexpected exception {0} at {1}'.format(repr(e), format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])))
Example #6
import os
import platform
import sys
import time
import traceback
from traceback import format_tb

import com.mitel.pyrate.resmon_util
import rrdutil
from com.mitel.pyrate import logger, resmon_util
from com.mitel.pyrate.gengraph import gen_graph
from com.mitel.pyrate.task import WorkerTask

logger.info("Testing, sys.path={0}, platform={1}/{2}".format(sys.path, platform.uname(), platform.dist()))

_step = 2
_base_name = 'test'

def fill_in_the_rrds(cpu_rrd_name, mem_rrd_name, from_ts, to_ts, step):
    """Fill in the memory and CPU utilisation RRDs with some fluff.

    This fills in the resource RRDs (memory and CPU) for a specific time frame with some random Linux top data.

    :param cpu_rrd_name: Name of the CPU utilisation RRD
    :type cpu_rrd_name: str
    :param mem_rrd_name: Name of the memory utilisation RRD
    :type mem_rrd_name: str
    :param from_ts: The beginning of the period in which the data is being filled in
    :type from_ts: int