Example #1
def test_send_user_info_to_mailchimp_user_updated(mocker, mailchimp_handlers):
    Assert that `send_user_info_to_mailchimp` called with appropriate params and celery task for sync is called
    specific number of times and is not called for User update.
    mock_task = mocker.patch.object(mailchimp_handlers,
    user = UserFactory()
    user.username = '******'

    assert mock_task.delay.call_count == 2
Example #2
 def test_successful_handle(self):
     Tests a UserTour is created when a new User is created.
     Then ensures a new UserTour is not created when the user is updated.
     assert UserTour.objects.count() == 0
     user = UserFactory()
     tour = UserTour.objects.get(user=user)
     assert tour.course_home_tour_status == UserTour.CourseHomeChoices.NEW_USER_TOUR
     assert tour.show_courseware_tour is True
     user.username = '******'
     assert UserTour.objects.count() == 1
Example #3
    def test_retired_username(self):
        Ensure that a retired username cannot be registered again.
        user = UserFactory()
        orig_username = user.username

        # Fake retirement of the username.
        user.username = get_retired_username_by_username(orig_username)

        # Attempt to create another account with the same username that's been retired.
        self.url_params['username'] = orig_username
        response = self.client.post(self.url, self.url_params)
        self._validate_exiting_username_response(orig_username, response, self.INVALID_ERR_MSG[0], self.INVALID_ERR_MSG[1])  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long