def test_check_required_fields():
    # When a field is marked as required in a .thrift file, the
    # Python code generated by the Thrift compiler only seems to
    # capture this requirement in the validate() function for the
    # generated class.  While the ThriftGeneratedClass.thrift_spec
    # structure captures the names and types of the fields,
    # thrift_spec does not seem to store any flags indicating
    # whether or not a field is required.
    # Here is the validate() function for the Communication class:
    #    def validate():
    #        if is None:
    #            raise TProtocol.TProtocolException(
    #                message='Required field id is unset!')
    #        if self.uuid is None:
    #            raise TProtocol.TProtocolException(
    #                message='Required field uuid is unset!')
    #        if self.type is None:
    #            raise TProtocol.TProtocolException(
    #                message='Required field type is unset!')
    #        return
    # The validate() function raises an exception when it can't
    # find a required field.  There doesn't seem to be any way to
    # determine whether multiple required fields are missing,
    # aside from assigning a value to the required field and
    # running validate() again.

    comm = concrete.Communication()

    with LogCapture() as log_capture:
        assert not validate_thrift_deep(comm)
        ('root', 'ERROR', "Communication: Required Field 'id' is unset!")) = "ID"
    with LogCapture() as log_capture:
        assert not validate_thrift_deep(comm)
        ('root', 'ERROR', "Communication: Required Field 'uuid' is unset!"))

    comm.uuid = concrete.UUID(uuidString="TEST_UUID")
    with LogCapture() as log_capture:
        assert not validate_thrift_deep(comm)
        ('root', 'ERROR',
         StringComparison(r".*TEST_UUID.*Required Field 'type' is unset!")))

    comm.metadata = concrete.AnnotationMetadata(tool="TEST",

    comm.type = "OTHER"
    assert validate_thrift_deep(comm)
def test_entity_mention_tokenization():
    comm = read_test_comm()
    assert validate_communication(comm)
    assert validate_entity_mention_ids(comm)

    comm.entityMentionSetList[0].mentionList[0].tokens.tokenizationId = (

    with LogCapture() as log_capture:
        assert not validate_entity_mention_tokenization_ids(comm)
        ('root', 'ERROR',
         StringComparison(r'.*invalid tokenizationId.*BAD_TOKENIZATION_UUID')))
def test_entity_mention_ids():
    comm = read_test_comm()
    assert validate_communication(comm)
    assert validate_entity_mention_ids(comm)

    comm.entitySetList[0].entityList[0].mentionIdList[0] = concrete.UUID(

    with LogCapture() as log_capture:
        assert not validate_entity_mention_ids(comm)
        ('root', 'ERROR',
             r'.*invalid entityMentionId.*BAD_ENTITY_MENTION_UUID')))