Example #1
    def test_logging_metrics(self):
        """Verify LoggingMetrics work"""

        assert 'increment: increment_key=1 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'gauge: gauge_key=10 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'timing: timing_key=100 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'histogram: histogram_key=1000 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
Example #2
    def test_logging_metrics(self):
        """Verify LoggingMetrics work"""

        assert 'increment: increment_key=1 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'gauge: gauge_key=10 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'timing: timing_key=100 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
        assert 'histogram: histogram_key=1000 tags=[]' in self.caplog.text
Example #3
    def test_metrics(self, metricsmock):
        """Verify LoggingMetrics work"""
        with metricsmock as mm:

            assert mm.has_record('incr', stat='increment_key', value=1)
            assert mm.has_record('gauge', stat='gauge_key', value=10)
            assert mm.has_record('timing', stat='timing_key', value=100)
            assert mm.has_record('histogram', stat='histogram_key', value=1000)
    def test_metrics(self, metricsmock):
        """Verify LoggingMetrics work"""
        with metricsmock as mm:

            assert mm.has_record('incr', stat='increment_key', value=1)
            assert mm.has_record('gauge', stat='gauge_key', value=10)
            assert mm.has_record('timing', stat='timing_key', value=100)
            assert mm.has_record('histogram', stat='histogram_key', value=1000)
Example #5
 def test_configmanize_dict(self):
     d = {
         "HELLO": "howdy",
         "JELL__O": "gelatin",
         "database_hostname": 'localhost',
         "resources__postgres__database_hostname": 'more-localhost',
     r = configman_keys(d)
     self.assertTrue("HELLO" in r)
     self.assertTrue("JELL__O" in r)
     self.assertTrue("database_hostname" in r)
     self.assertTrue("resources__postgres__database_hostname" not in r)
     self.assertTrue("resources.postgres.database_hostname" in r)
Example #6
 def test_configmanize_dict(self):
     d = {
         "HELLO": "howdy",
         "JELL__O": "gelatin",
         "database_hostname": 'localhost',
         "resources__postgres__database_hostname": 'more-localhost',
     r = configman_keys(d)
     self.assertTrue("HELLO" in r)
     self.assertTrue("JELL__O" in r)
     self.assertTrue("database_hostname" in r)
     self.assertTrue("resources__postgres__database_hostname" not in r)
     self.assertTrue("resources.postgres.database_hostname" in r)
Example #7
    def test_statsd_metrics(self):
        with mock.patch('datadog.dogstatsd.statsd') as mock_statsd:
            vsl = configman_keys({
                'metricscfg.statsd_host': 'localhost',
                'metricscfg.statsd_port': '8125',

            # Verify these didn't get logged
            assert 'increment: increment_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'gauge: gauge_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'timing: timing_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'histogram: histogram_key' not in self.caplog.text

            # Verify they did get called on mock_statsd. Do this by converting the mock_calls call
            # objects to strings so they're easy to verify.
            mock_calls = [str(call) for call in mock_statsd.mock_calls]
            assert 'call.increment(\'increment_key\')' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.gauge(\'gauge_key\', value=10)' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.timing(\'timing_key\', value=100)' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.histogram(\'histogram_key\', value=1000)' in mock_calls
Example #8
    def test_statsd_metrics(self):
        with mock.patch('datadog.dogstatsd.statsd') as mock_statsd:
            vsl = configman_keys({
                'metricscfg.statsd_host': 'localhost',
                'metricscfg.statsd_port': '8125',

            # Verify these didn't get logged
            assert 'increment: increment_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'gauge: gauge_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'timing: timing_key' not in self.caplog.text
            assert 'histogram: histogram_key' not in self.caplog.text

            # Verify they did get called on mock_statsd. Do this by converting the mock_calls call
            # objects to strings so they're easy to verify.
            mock_calls = [str(call) for call in mock_statsd.mock_calls]
            assert 'call.increment(\'increment_key\')' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.gauge(\'gauge_key\', value=10)' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.timing(\'timing_key\', value=100)' in mock_calls
            assert 'call.histogram(\'histogram_key\', value=1000)' in mock_calls
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from os import environ

from configman.dotdict import configman_keys

environment = configman_keys(environ)
environment.always_ignore_mismatches = True