Example #1
def test_GreatCircle():
    GreatCircle: max_angle, pt3
    from numpy import deg2rad
    from greatcircle import GreatCircle
    from convert_coord.cart_ll import xyz2latlon

    pt1 = (deg2rad(0),deg2rad(0))
    pt2 = (deg2rad(30),deg2rad(0))

    gc = GreatCircle(pt1, pt2)
    aa_equal(gc.max_angle, np.pi/6, 15)
    aa_equal(gc.latlon3, (np.pi/2,0), 15)

    a = 1/np.sqrt(2)
    pt1 = xyz2latlon(1,0,0)
    pt2 = xyz2latlon(a,0.5,0.5)

    gc = GreatCircle(pt1, pt2)
    aa_equal(gc.max_angle, np.pi/4, 15)
    aa_equal(gc.xyz3, (0,a,a), 15)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, latlon1, latlon2):
        self.latlon1 = latlon1
        self.latlon2 = latlon2
        self.xyz1 = latlon2xyz(*latlon1)
        self.xyz2 = latlon2xyz(*latlon2)

        self.max_angle = angle(self.xyz1, self.xyz2)

        # pt3 which is perpendicular with pt1 on the great circle pt1_pt2
        self.xyz3 = self.get_xyz3()
        self.latlon3 = xyz2latlon(*self.xyz3)
Example #3
 def phi2latlon(self, phi):
     return xyz2latlon( *self.phi2xyz(phi) )
Example #4
    def phi2latlon(self, phi):
        r, pc, nv1, nv2 = self.r, self.pc, self.nv1, self.nv2

        xyz = pc + r*cos(phi)*nv1 + r*sin(phi)*nv2
        return xyz2latlon(*xyz)