Example #1
def j2xConvert(jsonFilePath: str):
    with open(jsonFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        jsonObj = json.load(f)
        if isinstance(jsonObj, str):
            jsonObj = json.loads(jsonObj)

    tmpPath = jsonFilePath.replace('.json', '.xml')
    aimPath = tmpPath
    folder = os.path.abspath(jsonFilePath)

    filename = jsonObj['imagePath']
    path = tmpPath

    width = jsonObj['imageWidth']
    height = jsonObj['imageHeight']

    objs = []

    shapes = jsonObj['shapes']
    # print(type(shapes))
    for shape in shapes:
        label = shape['label']
        points = shape['points']
        # print(type(points))
        tmp = np.array(points)

        # print(tmp)
        obj = dict()
        obj['name'] = label
        obj['difficult'] = 0
        bndbox = dict()
        bndbox['xmin'] = np.min(tmp[:, 0]) if np.min(
            tmp[:, 0]
        ) > 0 else 1  # https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet  the bounding box cannot be 0
        bndbox['xmax'] = np.max(tmp[:, 0])
        bndbox['ymin'] = np.min(tmp[:, 1]) if np.min(tmp[:, 1]) > 0 else 1
        bndbox['ymax'] = np.max(tmp[:, 1])

        obj['bndbox'] = bndbox

        if bndbox['ymax'] - bndbox['ymin'] < 10 or bndbox['xmax'] - bndbox[
                'xmin'] < 10:

    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, aimPath, folder, filename, path, width, height,
    # print(objs)
    logger.info('Done! See {}'.format(tmpPath))
Example #2
def getMultiObjs_voc(oriImgPath, labelPath, savePath):
    # pass
    labelImg = io.imread(labelPath)
    # print(labelImg.shape)
    (_, fileName) = os.path.split(labelPath)
    # print(fileName)
    # fileName = labelPath.split(os.sep)[-1]
    imgShape = labelImg.shape
    imgHeight = imgShape[0]
    imgWidth = imgShape[1]
    imgPath = oriImgPath
    logger.warning("auto detecting class numbers")
    if len(imgShape) == 3:
        labelImg = labelImg[:, :, 0]
    labelImg[labelImg > 0] = 255

    _, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(

    statsShape = stats.shape
    objs = []
    for i in range(1, statsShape[0]):
        st = stats[i, :]

        width = st[2]
        height = st[3]

        xmin = st[0]
        ymin = st[1]

        xmax = xmin + width
        ymax = ymin + height

        ob = {}
        ob['name'] = 'class{}'.format(i)
        ob['difficult'] = 0
        # ob['name'] = 'weld'

        bndbox = {}

        bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
        bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
        bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
        bndbox['ymax'] = ymax

        ob['bndbox'] = bndbox
    saveXmlPath = savePath + os.sep + fileName[:-4] + '.xml'
    img2xml_multiobj(saveXmlPath, saveXmlPath, "TEST", fileName, imgPath,
                     imgWidth, imgHeight, objs)
Example #3
def writeXml(imgname, objlist, savepath, folder, oriImgPath=''):
    # imgname = lines[start].split('/')[-1]
    xmlname = imgname.replace('.jpg', '.xml').replace('\n', '')
    tmpPath = savepath + xmlname
    path = imgname
    if oriImgPath == '':
        # logger.warning('Origin image needed!')
        width = 0
        height = 0
        oriImg = io.imread(oriImgPath + os.sep + imgname)
        width = oriImg.shape[1]
        height = oriImg.shape[0]
        del oriImg
    objs = []
    # objlist = lines[start + 2:end]
    for ob in objlist:
        # print(ob)
        if len(ob) > 20:
            tmp = ob.split(' ')
            xmin = tmp[0]
            ymin = tmp[1]
            w = tmp[2]
            h = tmp[3]
            xmax = int(xmin) + int(w)
            ymax = int(ymin) + int(h)

            occlusion = int(tmp[-2])
            blur = int(tmp[4])

            if blur > 0:
                name = 'blur'
            elif occlusion > 0:
                name = 'occlusion'
                name = 'face'

            obj = dict()
            obj['name'] = name
            obj['diffcult'] = 0
            bndbox = dict()
            bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
            bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
            bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
            bndbox['ymax'] = ymax
            obj['bndbox'] = bndbox
    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, imgname, path, width, height,
Example #4
def getMultiObjs_voc_withYaml(oriImgPath, labelPath, yamlPath=''):
    if os.path.exists(yamlPath):
        f = open(yamlPath, encoding='utf-8')
        y = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        label_masks = y['label_names']
        raise FileNotFoundError('yaml file not found!')
    # print(label_masks)
    savePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(oriImgPath)) + os.sep + 'xml'

    if not os.path.exists(savePath):

    fileName = oriImgPath.split(os.sep)[-1]
    saveXmlPath = savePath + os.sep + fileName[:-4] + '.xml'

    labelImg = io.imread(labelPath) if isinstance(labelPath,
                                                  str) else labelPath
    fileName = oriImgPath.split(os.sep)[-1]
    imgShape = labelImg.shape
    imgHeight = imgShape[0]
    imgWidth = imgShape[1]
    imgPath = oriImgPath
    objs = []
    for k, v in label_masks.items():
        # print(k)
        # print(v)
        ma = copy.deepcopy(labelImg)
        ma[ma != int(v)] = 0

        if np.sum(ma) > 0:
            # print(v)
            ma1 = copy.deepcopy(labelImg)

            ma1[ma1 != int(v)] = 0
            ma1[ma1 != 0] = 255

            _, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(ma1)

            del ma1

            statsShape = stats.shape

            for i in range(1, statsShape[0]):
                st = stats[i, :]
                width = st[2]
                height = st[3]
                xmin = st[0]
                ymin = st[1]

                # print('area = {}'.format(st[4]))
                # print('width = {},height = {}'.format(width,height))

                xmax = xmin + width
                ymax = ymin + height

                ob = {}
                ob['name'] = k
                ob['difficult'] = 0

                bndbox = {}

                bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
                bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
                bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
                bndbox['ymax'] = ymax

                ob['bndbox'] = bndbox
                if width > 10 and height > 10 and st[4] >= 0.75 * (width *
                    # print(ob)

        del ma

        # print(objs)
    # print("............................")

    img2xml_multiobj(saveXmlPath, saveXmlPath, "TEST", fileName, imgPath,
                     imgWidth, imgHeight, objs)
Example #5
def mosiacScript_no_reshape(imgs: list, xmls: list, savePath: str, flag=False):
    heightFactor = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)
    widthFactor = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)

    img1, img2, img3, img4 = imgs[0], imgs[1], imgs[2], imgs[3]

    if not type(imgs) is list or not type(xmls) is list:
        logger.error('Input must be list!')

    imgname = getName(xmls)
    # imgname = 'test1123'
    folder = savePath
    mosiacImg, res, _, _ = mosiac_img_no_reshape(imgs, heightFactor,
    front = res[0]
    # print(front)
    # print(heightFactor_,widthFactor_)
    heightFactor = min(heightFactor, 1 - heightFactor)
    widthFactor = min(widthFactor, 1 - widthFactor)
    # print(heightFactor, widthFactor)

    tree1 = ET.parse(xmls[0])
    tree2 = resizeScript(img2,
                         heightFactor=img1.shape[0] / img2.shape[0],
                         widthFactor=img1.shape[1] / img2.shape[1],

    tree3 = resizeScript(img3,
                         heightFactor=img1.shape[0] / img3.shape[0],
                         widthFactor=img1.shape[1] / img3.shape[1],

    tree4 = resizeScript(img4,
                         heightFactor=img1.shape[0] / img4.shape[0],
                         widthFactor=img1.shape[1] / img4.shape[1],

    root1 = tree1.getroot()
    root2 = tree2.getroot()
    for box in root2.iter('bndbox'):
        xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text)
        ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text)
        xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text)
        ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text)
        box.find('xmin').text = str(
            int(xmin + widthFactor * mosiacImg.shape[1]))
        box.find('xmax').text = str(
            int(xmax + widthFactor * mosiacImg.shape[1]))

    root3 = tree3.getroot()
    for box in root3.iter('bndbox'):
        xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text)
        ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text)
        xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text)
        ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text)
        box.find('ymin').text = str(
            int(ymin + heightFactor * mosiacImg.shape[0]))
        box.find('ymax').text = str(
            int(ymax + heightFactor * mosiacImg.shape[0]))

    root4 = tree4.getroot()
    for box in root4.iter('bndbox'):
        xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text)
        ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text)
        xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text)
        ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text)
        box.find('xmin').text = str(
            int(xmin + widthFactor * mosiacImg.shape[1]))
        box.find('xmax').text = str(
            int(xmax + widthFactor * mosiacImg.shape[1]))
        box.find('ymin').text = str(
            int(ymin + heightFactor * mosiacImg.shape[0]))
        box.find('ymax').text = str(
            int(ymax + heightFactor * mosiacImg.shape[0]))
    boxes = []

    r1, r2, r3, r4 = getBoxes(front,

    for box in r1.iter('object'):
        # print(box)

    for box in r2.iter('object'):
        # print(box)

    for box in r3.iter('object'):
        # print(box)

    for box in r4.iter('object'):
        # print(box)
    # print(len(boxes))
    imgshape = mosiacImg.shape
    objs = []
    for o in boxes:
        obj = dict()
        name = o.find('name').text
        difficult = 0
        xmlbox = o.find('bndbox')
        b = (float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text), float(xmlbox.find('xmax').text),
             float(xmlbox.find('ymin').text), float(xmlbox.find('ymax').text))
        tmp = dict()
        tmp['xmin'] = str(int(b[0]))
        tmp['ymin'] = str(int(b[2]))
        tmp['xmax'] = str(int(b[1]))
        tmp['ymax'] = str(int(b[3]))
        # print(tmp)
        if not (int(tmp['xmin']) == 0 and int(tmp['xmax']) == 0
                and int(tmp['ymin']) == 0 and int(tmp['ymax']) == 0):
            obj['name'] = name
            obj['difficult'] = difficult
            obj['bndbox'] = tmp
        del tmp
    # print(len(objs))
    tmpPath = savePath + os.sep + imgname + '.xml'
    filepath = tmpPath.replace('.xml', '.jpg')
    filename = imgname + '.jpg'
    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, filename, filepath, imgshape[1],
                     imgshape[0], objs)

    logger.info('Saved to {}.'.format(tmpPath))

    if flag:
        skimage.io.imsave(filepath, mosiacImg)
Example #6
def mosiacScript(imgs: list, xmls: list, savePath: str, flag=False):
    heightFactor = random.uniform(0.3, 0.7)
    widthFactor = random.uniform(0.3, 0.7)

    if not type(imgs) is list or not type(xmls) is list:
        logger.error('Input must be list!')

    # imgs
    if len(imgs) == 0:
        logger.error('None image found!')

    if len(imgs) == 1:
        for _ in range(0, 3):

    if len(imgs) == 2:
        for _ in range(0, 2):

    if len(imgs) == 3:
        for _ in range(0, 1):

    # xmls
    if len(xmls) == 0:
        logger.error('None xml found!')

    if len(xmls) == 1:
        for _ in range(0, 3):

    if len(xmls) == 2:
        for _ in range(0, 2):

    if len(xmls) == 3:
        for _ in range(0, 1):

    imgname = getName(xmls)
    folder = savePath
    mHeight, mWidth = getMeanSize(imgs)
    mosiacImg = mosiac_img(imgs, heightFactor, widthFactor)
    objs = []
    imgshape = mosiacImg.shape
    for idx in range(len(xmls)):
        in_file = open(xmls[idx])
        tree = ET.parse(in_file)
        root = tree.getroot()

        for o in root.iter('object'):
            obj = dict()
            name = o.find('name').text
            difficult = 0
            xmlbox = o.find('bndbox')
            b = (float(xmlbox.find('xmin').text),
            # print('===========================')
            # print(b)
            bb = x2yVert((mWidth, mHeight), b)
            x, y, w, h = bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3]
            if idx == 0:
                bbox = y2xVert(
                    (imgshape[1] * widthFactor, imgshape[0] * heightFactor), x,
                    y, w, h)

            elif idx == 1:
                bbox = y2xVert((imgshape[1] *
                                (1 - widthFactor), imgshape[0] * heightFactor),
                               x, y, w, h)
                bbox[0] = bbox[0] + int(widthFactor * imgshape[1])
                bbox[1] = bbox[1] + int(widthFactor * imgshape[1])

            elif idx == 2:
                bbox = y2xVert((imgshape[1] * widthFactor, imgshape[0] *
                                (1 - heightFactor)), x, y, w, h)
                bbox[2] = bbox[2] + int(heightFactor * imgshape[0])
                bbox[3] = bbox[3] + int(heightFactor * imgshape[0])

                bbox = y2xVert((imgshape[1] * (1 - widthFactor), imgshape[0] *
                                (1 - heightFactor)), x, y, w, h)
                bbox[0] = bbox[0] + int(widthFactor * imgshape[1])
                bbox[2] = bbox[2] + int(heightFactor * imgshape[0])
                bbox[1] = bbox[1] + int(widthFactor * imgshape[1])
                bbox[3] = bbox[3] + int(heightFactor * imgshape[0])

            # print(x, y, w, h)
            # w = w
            # h = h
            # bbox = y2xVert((imgshape[1],imgshape[0]), x, y, w, h)

            tmp = dict()
            tmp['xmin'] = str(int(bbox[0]))
            tmp['ymin'] = str(int(bbox[2]))
            tmp['xmax'] = str(int(bbox[1]))
            tmp['ymax'] = str(int(bbox[3]))
            obj['name'] = name
            obj['difficult'] = difficult
            obj['bndbox'] = tmp
            del tmp

    tmpPath = savePath + os.sep + imgname + '.xml'
    filepath = tmpPath.replace('.xml', '.jpg')
    filename = imgname + '.jpg'
    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, filename, filepath, imgshape[1],
                     imgshape[0], objs)

    logger.info('Saved to {}.'.format(tmpPath))

    if flag:
        skimage.io.imsave(filepath, mosiacImg)
Example #7
def y2xConvert(txtPath, imgPath, labelPath):
    logger.info('only *.jpg supported right now!')
    labels = readLabels(labelPath)
    if not os.path.exists(txtPath):
        raise FileNotFoundError('file not found')
        if os.path.isfile(txtPath):
            # pass
            parent_path = os.path.dirname(txtPath)
            filename = os.path.split(imgPath)[1]
            imgname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
            logger.info('single file found')
            image = io.imread(imgPath)
            folder = os.path.dirname(imgPath)
            imgShape = image.shape
            objs = []
            with open(txtPath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                contents = f.readlines()

            if len(contents) > 0:
                for c in contents:
                    obj = dict()
                    tmp = c.split(' ')
                    clas, x, y, w, h = int(
                        tmp[0]), tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4]

                    bbox = convert(imgShape, float(x), float(y), float(w),
                    # print(bbox)
                    obj['name'] = labels[clas]
                    obj['difficult'] = 0
                    obj['bndbox'] = {
                        'xmin': bbox[0],
                        'ymin': bbox[2],
                        'xmax': bbox[1],
                        'ymax': bbox[3]

            tmpPath = parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_' + os.sep + imgname + '.xml'

            if not os.path.exists(parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_'):
                os.mkdir(parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_')

            img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, filename, imgPath,
                             imgShape[1], imgShape[0], objs)

            logger.info('Done! See {} .'.format(tmpPath))

            logger.info('Multiple files found')
            parent_path = os.path.dirname(txtPath)

            if not os.path.exists(parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_'):
                os.mkdir(parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_')

            txts = glob.glob(txtPath + os.sep + "*.txt")
            for i in tqdm(txts):
                filename = os.path.split(i)[1]
                imgname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
                i_imgPath = imgPath + os.sep + imgname + '*.jpg'

                if not os.path.exists(i_imgPath):
                    logger.error('image not found!')

                image = io.imread(i_imgPath)
                folder = imgPath
                imgShape = image.shape
                objs = []
                with open(i, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    contents = f.readlines()

                if len(contents) > 0:
                    for c in contents:
                        obj = dict()
                        tmp = c.split(' ')
                        clas, x, y, w, h = int(
                            tmp[0]), tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4]

                        bbox = convert(imgShape, float(x), float(y), float(w),
                        # print(bbox)
                        obj['name'] = labels[clas]
                        obj['difficult'] = 0
                        obj['bndbox'] = {
                            'xmin': bbox[0],
                            'ymin': bbox[2],
                            'xmax': bbox[1],
                            'ymax': bbox[3]

                tmpPath = parent_path + os.sep + '_xmls_' + os.sep + imgname + '.xml'
                img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, filename, imgPath,
                                 imgShape[1], imgShape[0], objs)

            logger.info('Done! See {} .'.format(parent_path + os.sep +
Example #8
def convertWiderface(filepath: str, savepath='', mProcess=False):
    """Annotation of widerface is like


    449 330 122 149 0 0 0 0 0 0 

    The format of txt ground truth. \n
    File name \n 
    Number of bounding box \n
    x1, y1, w, h, blur, expression, illumination, invalid, occlusion, pose

    which is not suitable for labelImg. Besides, convertion may take a really long time using single process.
    with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    ids = list(index for (index, d) in enumerate(lines)
               if d.endswith('.jpg\n'))
    # print(len(ids))
    if savepath == '':
        savepath = BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'xmls_'

    if not os.path.isdir(savepath):

    folder = 'face'
    name = 'face'

    lastImg = lines[ids[-1]]
    imgname = lastImg.split('/')[-1].replace('\n', '')
    xmlname = imgname.replace('.jpg', '.xml')
    tmpPath = savepath + xmlname
    path = imgname
    width = 0
    height = 0
    objs = []
    objlist = lines[ids[-1] + 2:]
    for ob in objlist:
        if len(ob) > 20:
            tmp = ob.split(' ')
            xmin = tmp[0]
            ymin = tmp[1]
            w = tmp[2]
            h = tmp[3]
            xmax = int(xmin) + int(w)
            ymax = int(ymin) + int(h)

            obj = dict()
            obj['name'] = name
            obj['diffcult'] = 0
            bndbox = dict()
            bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
            bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
            bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
            bndbox['ymax'] = ymax
            obj['bndbox'] = bndbox
    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, imgname, path, width, height,

    if not mProcess:
        for i in tqdm(range(len(ids) - 1)):
            start = ids[i]
            end = ids[i + 1]
            imgname = lines[start].split('/')[-1]
            xmlname = imgname.replace('.jpg', '.xml').replace('\n', '')
            tmpPath = savepath + xmlname
            path = imgname
            width = 0  # for test
            height = 0  # for test
            objs = []

            objlist = lines[start + 2:end]
            for ob in objlist:
                # print(ob)
                if len(ob) > 20:
                    tmp = ob.split(' ')
                    xmin = tmp[0]
                    ymin = tmp[1]
                    w = tmp[2]
                    h = tmp[3]
                    xmax = int(xmin) + int(w)
                    ymax = int(ymin) + int(h)

                    obj = dict()
                    obj['name'] = name
                    obj['diffcult'] = 0
                    bndbox = dict()
                    bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
                    bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
                    bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
                    bndbox['ymax'] = ymax
                    obj['bndbox'] = bndbox
            img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, imgname, path, width,
                             height, objs)
        logger.info('Done! See {}.'.format(savepath))
        pool = Pool(__CPUS__ - 1)
        pool_list = []
        for i in tqdm(range(len(ids) - 1)):
            start = ids[i]
            end = ids[i + 1]
            imgname = lines[start].split('/')[-1]
            objlist = lines[start + 2:end]
            resultsPool = pool.apply_async(
                writeXml, (imgname, objlist, savepath, folder, name))

        for pr in tqdm(pool_list):
            re_list = pr.get()
        logger.info('Done! See {}.'.format(savepath))
def readTxt(filepath: str, savepath='', mProcess=False):
    with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    # test
    # for (index, d) in enumerate(lines):
    #     print(str(index) + d)
    ids = list(index for (index, d) in enumerate(lines)
               if d.endswith('.jpg\n'))
    # print(len(ids))
    if savepath == '':
        savepath = BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'xmls_'

    if not os.path.isdir(savepath):

    folder = 'face'
    name = 'face'

    lastImg = lines[ids[-1]]
    imgname = lastImg.split('/')[-1].replace('\n', '')
    xmlname = imgname.replace('.jpg', '.xml')
    tmpPath = savepath + xmlname
    path = imgname
    width = 0
    height = 0
    objs = []
    objlist = lines[ids[-1] + 2:]
    for ob in objlist:
        if len(ob) > 20:
            tmp = ob.split(' ')
            xmin = tmp[0]
            ymin = tmp[1]
            w = tmp[2]
            h = tmp[3]
            xmax = int(xmin) + int(w)
            ymax = int(ymin) + int(h)

            obj = dict()
            obj['name'] = name
            obj['diffcult'] = 0
            bndbox = dict()
            bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
            bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
            bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
            bndbox['ymax'] = ymax
            obj['bndbox'] = bndbox
    img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, imgname, path, width, height,

    if not mProcess:
        for i in tqdm(range(len(ids) - 1)):
            start = ids[i]
            end = ids[i + 1]
            imgname = lines[start].split('/')[-1]
            xmlname = imgname.replace('.jpg', '.xml').replace('\n', '')
            tmpPath = savepath + xmlname
            path = imgname
            width = 0  # for test
            height = 0  # for test
            objs = []

            objlist = lines[start + 2:end]
            for ob in objlist:
                # print(ob)
                if len(ob) > 20:
                    tmp = ob.split(' ')
                    xmin = tmp[0]
                    ymin = tmp[1]
                    w = tmp[2]
                    h = tmp[3]
                    xmax = int(xmin) + int(w)
                    ymax = int(ymin) + int(h)

                    obj = dict()
                    obj['name'] = name
                    obj['diffcult'] = 0
                    bndbox = dict()
                    bndbox['xmin'] = xmin
                    bndbox['ymin'] = ymin
                    bndbox['xmax'] = xmax
                    bndbox['ymax'] = ymax
                    obj['bndbox'] = bndbox
            img2xml_multiobj(tmpPath, tmpPath, folder, imgname, path, width,
                             height, objs)

        pool = Pool(__CPUS__ - 1)
        pool_list = []
        for i in tqdm(range(len(ids) - 1)):
            start = ids[i]
            end = ids[i + 1]
            imgname = lines[start].split('/')[-1]
            objlist = lines[start + 2:end]
            resultsPool = pool.apply_async(
                writeXml, (imgname, objlist, savepath, folder, name))

        for pr in tqdm(pool_list):
            re_list = pr.get()