Example #1
    def test_get_likelihood_with_parents(self, bivariate_mock):
        """If edge has parents, their dependences are used to retrieve univariates."""
        # Setup
        index = None
        left = 0
        right = 1
        copula_name = 'copula_name'
        copula_theta = 'copula_theta'
        instance = Edge(index, left, right, copula_name, copula_theta)
        instance.D = {0, 1, 2, 3}

        parent_1 = MagicMock(spec=Edge)
        parent_1.D = {1, 2, 3}

        parent_2 = MagicMock(spec=Edge)
        parent_2.D = {0, 2, 3}

        univariates = np.array([
            [0.25, 0.75],
            [0.50, 0.50],
            [0.75, 0.25]

        instance_mock = bivariate_mock.return_value
        instance_mock.probability_density.return_value = [0]
        instance_mock.partial_derivative.return_value = 'partial_derivative'

        expected_partial_derivative_call_args = [
                    [0.25, 0.75],
                    [0.50, 0.50],
                ]]),), {}
                    [0.50, 0.50],
                    [0.25, 0.75]
                ]]), ), {}

        # Run
        result = instance.get_likelihood(univariates)

        # Check
        value, left_given_right, right_given_left = result
        assert value == 0
        assert left_given_right == 'partial_derivative'
        assert right_given_left == 'partial_derivative'


        assert instance_mock.theta == 'copula_theta'
Example #2
    def test_valid_serialization(self):
        # Setup
        instance = Edge(0, 2, 5, 'clayton', 1.5)

        # Run
        result = Edge.from_dict(instance.to_dict())

        # Check
        assert instance.to_dict() == result.to_dict()
Example #3
    def test_get_likelihood_no_parents(self, bivariate_mock):
        """get_likelihood will use current node indices if there are no parents."""
        # Setup
        index = 0
        left = 0
        right = 1
        copula_name = 'copula_name'
        copula_theta = 'copula_theta'
        instance = Edge(index, left, right, copula_name, copula_theta)

        univariates = np.array([
            [0.25, 0.75],
            [0.50, 0.50],
            [0.75, 0.25]

        instance_mock = bivariate_mock.return_value
        instance_mock.probability_density.return_value = [0]
        instance_mock.partial_derivative.return_value = 'partial_derivative'

        expected_partial_derivative_call_args = [
                    [0.25, 0.75],
                    [0.50, 0.50],
                ]]),), {}
                    [0.50, 0.50],
                    [0.25, 0.75]
                ]]), ), {}

        # Run
        result = instance.get_likelihood(univariates)

        # Check
        value, left_given_right, right_given_left = result
        assert value == 0
        assert left_given_right == 'partial_derivative'
        assert right_given_left == 'partial_derivative'


        assert instance_mock.theta == 'copula_theta'
Example #4
    def test_from_dict(self):
        """From_dict sets the dictionary values as instance attributes."""
        # Setup
        parameters = {
            'index': 0,
            'L': 2,
            'R': 5,
            'name': 'clayton',
            'theta': 1.5,
            'D': [1, 3],
            'U': None,
            'likelihood': None,
            'neighbors': [1],
            'parents': None,
            'tau': None

        # Run
        edge = Edge.from_dict(parameters)

        # Check
        assert edge.index == 0
        assert edge.L == 2
        assert edge.R == 5
        assert edge.name == 'clayton'
        assert edge.theta == 1.5
        assert edge.D == [1, 3]
        assert not edge.U
        assert not edge.parents
        assert edge.neighbors == [1]
Example #5
    def test_identify_eds_empty_dependence(self):
        """_identify_eds_ing don't require edges to have dependence set."""
        # Setup
        first = Edge(None, 0, 1, None, None)
        second = Edge(None, 1, 2, None, None)

        # Please, note that we passed the index, copula_name and copula_theta as None
        # To show they are no going to be used in the scope of this test.

        # left, right and dependence set
        expected_result = (0, 2, {1})

        # Run
        result = Edge._identify_eds_ing(first, second)

        # Check
        assert result == expected_result
Example #6
    def test_get_conditional_uni(self, adjacent_mock):
        """get_conditional_uni return the corresponding univariate adjacent to the parents."""
        # Setup
        left = Edge(None, 1, 2, None, None)
        left.U = np.array([
            ['left_0_0', 'left_0_1'],
            ['left_1_0', 'left_1_1']

        right = Edge(None, 4, 2, None, None)
        right.U = np.array([
            ['right_0_0', 'right_0_1'],
            ['right_1_0', 'right_1_1']

        adjacent_mock.return_value = (0, 1, None)
        expected_result = (
            np.array(['left_1_0', 'left_1_1']),
            np.array(['right_1_0', 'right_1_1'])

        # Run
        result = Edge.get_conditional_uni(left, right)

        # Check
        compare_nested_iterables(result, expected_result)
Example #7
    def test_from_dict(self):
        """From_dict sets the dictionary values as instance attributes."""
        # Setup
        parameters = {
            'D': [1, 3],
            'neighbors': [{
                'L': 3,
                'R': 4,
                'name': 'gumbel',
                'theta': 0.4,
                'D': [2, 5],
                'U': None,
                'likelihood': None,
                'neighbors': None,
                'parents': None,
                'tau': None

        # Run
        edge = Edge.from_dict(parameters)

        # Check
        assert edge.L == 2
        assert edge.R == 5
        assert edge.name == 'clayton'
        assert edge.theta == 1.5
        assert edge.D == [1, 3]
        assert not edge.U
        assert not edge.parents
        assert len(edge.neighbors) == 1
        assert edge.neighbors[0].L == 3
        assert edge.neighbors[0].R == 4
        assert edge.neighbors[0].name == 'gumbel'
        assert edge.neighbors[0].D == [2, 5]
        assert not edge.neighbors[0].parents
Example #8
    def test_first_tree(self):
        """ Assert the construction of first tree is correct
        The first tree should be:
        sorted_edges = Edge.sort_edge(self.tree.edges)

        assert sorted_edges[0].L == 0
        assert sorted_edges[0].R == 2
        assert sorted_edges[1].L == 1
        assert sorted_edges[1].R == 2
        assert sorted_edges[2].L == 2
        assert sorted_edges[2].R == 3
Example #9
    def test_to_dict(self):
        """To_dict returns a dictionary with the parameters to recreate an edge."""
        # Setup
        edge = Edge(2, 5, 'clayton', 1.5)
        edge.D = [1, 3]
        expected_result = {
            'L': 2,
            'R': 5,
            'name': 'clayton',
            'theta': 1.5,
            'D': [1, 3],
            'U': None,
            'likelihood': None,
            'neighbors': None,
            'parents': None,
            'tau': None

        # Run
        result = edge.to_dict()

        # Check
        assert result == expected_result
Example #10
    def test_identify_eds_not_adjacent(self):
        """_identify_eds_ing raises a ValueError if the edges are not adjacent."""
        # Setup
        first = Edge(None, 0, 1, None, None)
        second = Edge(None, 2, 3, None, None)

        # Please, note that we passed the index, copula_name and copula_theta as None
        # To show they are no going to be used in the scope of this test.

        # Run / Check
        # As they are not adjacent, we can asure calling _identify_eds_ing will raise a ValueError.
        assert not first.is_adjacent(second)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Edge._identify_eds_ing(first, second)
Example #11
    def test_identify_eds(self):
        """_identify_eds_ing returns the left, right and dependency for a new edge."""
        # Setup
        first = Edge(None, 2, 5, None, None)
        first.D = {1, 3}

        second = Edge(None, 3, 4, None, None)
        second.D = {1, 5}

        # Please, note that we passed the index, copula_name and copula_theta as None
        # To show they are no going to be used in the scope of this test.

        # left, right and dependence set
        expected_result = (2, 4, set([1, 3, 5]))

        # Run
        result = Edge._identify_eds_ing(first, second)

        # Check
        assert result == expected_result
Example #12
    def test_sort_edge(self):
        """sort_edge sorts Edge objects by left node index, and in case of match by right index."""
        # Setup
        edge_1 = Edge(None, 1, 0, None, None)
        edge_2 = Edge(None, 1, 1, None, None)
        edge_3 = Edge(None, 1, 2, None, None)
        edge_4 = Edge(None, 2, 0, None, None)
        edge_5 = Edge(None, 3, 0, None, None)

        edges = [edge_3, edge_1, edge_5, edge_4, edge_2]
        expected_result = [edge_1, edge_2, edge_3, edge_4, edge_5]

        # Run
        result = Edge.sort_edge(edges)

        # Check
        assert result == expected_result
Example #13
 def setUp(self):
     self.e1 = Edge(0, 2, 5, 'clayton', 1.5)
     self.e1.D = [1, 3]
     self.e2 = Edge(1, 3, 4, 'clayton', 1.5)
     self.e2.D = [1, 5]
Example #14
 def test_sort_edge(self):
     sorted_edges = Edge.sort_edge([self.e2, self.e1])
     assert sorted_edges[0].L == 2
Example #15
 def test_identify_eds(self):
     left, right, depend_set = Edge._identify_eds_ing(self.e1, self.e2)
     assert left == 2
     assert right == 4
     expected_result = set([1, 3, 5])
     assert depend_set == expected_result