Example #1
    def do_help(self, argv):
        """Show commands help

            help [<COMMAND>]

            Display help message for any command, including plugins.

            - Without arguments, the whole available commands, sorted
              by category, are displayed including a summary line for
              each one.

            - For detailed help, the command should be given as

            > help
              - Display the full help, sorted by category
            > help clear
              - Display the help for the "clear" command
            > help set BACKDOOR
              - Display help about the "BACKDOOR" setting
        # If more than 1 argument, help to help !
        if len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] != "set":
            return self.interpret('help help')

        # collect the command list from current shell
        core_commands = self.get_names(self, "do_")

        def get_doc(cmd):
            """return the docstring lines list of specific command"""
            # try to get the doc from the plugin method
                doc = plugins[cmd].help
                    doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd).__doc__
                    return []
            return doc.strip().splitlines()

        def get_description(docLines):
            """return the command description (1st docstring line)"""
                return docLines[0].strip()
                return colorize("%Yellow", "No description")

        def doc_help(docLines):
            """print the formated command's docstring"""
            # reject empty docstrings (description + empty line)
            if len(docLines) < 2:
                return False
            docLines.pop(0)  # remove the description line
            while not docLines[0].strip():
                docLines.pop(0)  # remove heading empty lines

            # remove junk leading spaces (due to python indentation)
            trash = len(docLines[0]) - len(docLines[0].lstrip())
            docLines = [line[trash:].rstrip() for line in docLines]

            # hilight lines with no leading spaces (man style)
            result = str()
            for line in docLines:
                if line == line.lstrip():
                    line = colorize("%BoldWhite", line)
                elif line.startswith("    * "):
                    line = colorize("    * ", "%Yellow", line[6:])
                elif line.startswith("    > "):
                    line = colorize("    > ", "%Cyan", line[6:])
                result += line + "\n"


        # get full help on a single command
        if len(argv) == 2:
            doc = get_doc(argv[1])
            # if the given argument is not a command, return nohelp err
            if not doc:
                if argv[1] in session.Alias:
                    return self.interpret("alias %s" % argv[1])
                    print(self.nohelp % argv[1])
                    return False

            # print the heading help line, which contain description
            print("\n[*] " + argv[1] + ": " + get_description(doc) + "\n")

            # call the help_<command> method, otherwise, print it's docstring
                getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[1])()
                return True
                return doc_help(doc)
        # get help about settings (e.g.: `help set BACKDOOR`)
        elif len(argv) == 3 and argv[1] == "set":
            setting = argv[2]
                doc = getattr(session.Conf, setting).docstring
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                print("[-] %s: No such configuration setting" % setting)
            print("\n[*] Help for '%s' setting\n" % setting)

        # display the whole list of commands, with their description line

        # set maxLength to the longest command name, and at least 13
        maxLength = max(13, len(max(core_commands, key=len)))

        help = [('Core Commands', core_commands)]

        # adds plugin category if we are connected to target
        if tunnel:
            for category in plugins.categories():
                items = [p for p in plugins.values() if p.category == category]
                items = [p.name for p in items]
                # rescale maxLength in case of longer plugin names
                maxLength = max(maxLength, len(max(items, key=len)))
                help += [(category + ' Plugins', items)]

        # Settle maxLength if there are command aliases
        aliases = list(session.Alias.keys())
        if aliases:
            maxLength = max(maxLength, len(max(aliases, key=len)))
            help += [("Command Aliases", aliases)]

        # print commands help, sorted by groups
        cmdColumn = ' ' * (maxLength - 5)
        for groupName, groupCommands in help:

            # display group (category) header block
            underLine = '=' * len(groupName)
            if groupName == "Command Aliases":
                print("\n" + groupName + "\n" + underLine + "\n" +
                      '    Alias  ' + cmdColumn + 'Value      ' + "\n" +
                      '    -----  ' + cmdColumn + '-----      ' + "\n")
                print("\n" + groupName + "\n" + underLine + "\n" +
                      '    Command' + cmdColumn + 'Description' + "\n" +
                      '    -------' + cmdColumn + '-----------' + "\n")

            # display formated command/description pairs
            for cmdName in groupCommands:
                spaceFill = ' ' * (maxLength - len(cmdName) + 2)
                if groupName == "Command Aliases":
                    description = session.Alias[cmdName]
                    description = get_description(get_doc(cmdName))
                print('    ' + cmdName + spaceFill + description)
Example #2
    def do_help(self, argv):
        """Show help information.

            help <command>
            help set <variable>

            Get help for any core command or plugin.

            If called without arguments, a list of available commands,
            plugins, and aliases is displayed.
            Otherwise, detailed help of given command is shown.

            * NOTE: plugins are only listed after running `run`

            > help
              - List available commands, plugins, and aliases
            > help help
              - Get detailed help on `help` command
            > help exit
              - Display the help for the `exit` command
            > help set PAYLOAD
              - Display help about the "PAYLOAD" setting
        def get_doc(cmd):
            """get lines from `cmd` docstring"""
            doc = ""
            if hasattr(self, "do_" + cmd):
                doc = getattr(self, "do_" + cmd).__doc__
            elif cmd in plugins:
                doc = plugins[cmd].help
                if doc.strip():
                    doc += "\nPLUGIN LOCATION:\n    " + plugins[cmd].path
            return doc.strip().splitlines()

        def get_description(doc_lines):
            """get formatted command help description"""
            if doc_lines:
                return doc_lines[0].strip()
            return colorize("%Yellow", "No description")

        def doc_help(doc_lines):
            """print formated command's docstring"""
            # reject empty docstrings (description + empty line)
            if len(doc_lines) < 2:
                return False
            doc_lines.pop(0)  # remove the description line
            while not doc_lines[0].strip():
                doc_lines.pop(0)  # remove heading empty lines
            # remove junk leading spaces (due to python indentation)
            trash = len(doc_lines[0]) - len(doc_lines[0].lstrip())
            doc_lines = [line[trash:].rstrip() for line in doc_lines]
            # hilight lines with no leading spaces (man style)
            result = ""
            for line in doc_lines:
                if line == line.lstrip():
                    line = colorize("%BoldWhite", line)
                elif line.startswith("    * "):
                    line = colorize("    * ", "%Yellow", line[6:])
                elif line.startswith("    > "):
                    line = colorize("    > ", "%Cyan", line[6:])
                elif line.startswith("    # "):
                    line = colorize("%Dim", line)
                elif line.startswith("    -") and line[5] != " ":
                    line = colorize("%Green", line)
                result += line + "\n"
            return True

        # help set <variable>
        if len(argv) >= 3 and argv[1] == "set":
            var = argv[2].upper()
                doc = getattr(session.Conf, var).docstring
            except KeyError:
                print("[-] %s: No such variable!" \
                        % var)
                return False
            print("\n[*] Help for %s variable:\n" % var)
            return doc_help(doc.splitlines())

        # help <COMMAND>
        if len(argv) >= 2:
            doc = get_doc(argv[1])
            if doc:
                print("\n[*] %s: %s\n" % (argv[1], get_description(doc)))
                # call help_COMMAND() or fallback to COMMAND's docstring
                help_method = getattr(self, "help_" + argv[1], None)
                if callable(help_method):
                    getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[1])()
                    if not doc_help(doc):
                        return False
                if argv[1] in session.Alias:
                    print("[!] Warning: %r has been aliased."
                          % (argv[1], argv[1]))
                return True
            # fallback to alias display
            elif argv[1] in session.Alias:
                return self.interpret("alias %s" % argv[1])
            print(self.nohelp % argv[1])
            return False

        # help
        core_commands = self.get_names(self, "do_")
        full_help = [('\nCore Commands', core_commands)]
        max_len = max(13, len(max(core_commands, key=len)))
        # add plugins if connected to target
        if tunnel:
            for category in plugins.categories():
                items = [p for p in plugins.values() if p.category == category]
                items = [p.name for p in items]
                # rescale max_len in case of longer plugin names
                max_len = max(max_len, len(max(items, key=len)))
                if category == "Sql":
                    full_help += [("SQL Commands", items)]
                    full_help += [(category + " Commands", items)]
        # adapt max_len if there are command aliases
        aliases = list(session.Alias.keys())
        if aliases:
            max_len = max(max_len, len(max(aliases, key=len)))
            full_help += [("Command Aliases", aliases)]
        # print full_help, group by group
        cmd_col = ' ' * (max_len - 5)
        for grp_name, grp_cmdlist in full_help:
            if grp_name == '\nCore Commands':
                underline = '============='
                underline = '=' * len(grp_name)
            if grp_name == "Command Aliases":
                print(grp_name + "\n" + underline + "\n" + "\n"
                      "    Alias  " + cmd_col + "Value\n"
                      "    -----  " + cmd_col + "-----")
                print(grp_name + "\n" + underline + "\n" + "\n"
                      "    Command" + cmd_col + "Description\n"
                      "    -------" + cmd_col + "-----------")
            for cmd_name in grp_cmdlist:
                spacing = ' ' * (max_len - len(cmd_name) + 2)
                if grp_name == "Command Aliases":
                    description = session.Alias[cmd_name]
                    description = get_description(get_doc(cmd_name))
                print("    " + cmd_name + spacing + description)
Example #3
    def do_help(self, argv):
        """Show commands help

            help [<COMMAND>]

            Display help message for any command, including plugins.

            - Without arguments, the whole available commands, sorted
              by category, are displayed including a summary line for
              each one.

            - For detailed help, the command should be given as

            NOTE: A plugin command may also be called with "--help"
            as argument, resulting to the same as "help <plugin>".

            > help
              - Display the full help, sorted by category
            > help clear
              - Display the help for the "clear" command
            > help set BACKDOOR
              - Display help about the "BACKDOOR" setting
        # If more than 1 argument, help to help !
        if len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] != "set":
            return self.interpret('help help')

        # collect the command list from current shell
        core_commands = self.get_names(self, "do_")

        def get_doc(cmd):
            """return the docstring lines list of specific command"""
            # try to get the doc from the plugin method
                doc = plugins[cmd].help
                    doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd).__doc__
                    return []
            return doc.strip().splitlines()

        def get_description(docLines):
            """return the command description (1st docstring line)"""
                return docLines[0].strip()
                return colorize("%Yellow", "No description")

        def doc_help(docLines):
            """print the formated command's docstring"""
            # reject empty docstrings (description + empty line)
            if len(docLines) < 2:
                return None
            docLines.pop(0)  # remove the description line
            while not docLines[0].strip():
                docLines.pop(0)  # remove heading empty lines

            # remove junk leading spaces (due to python indentation)
            trash = len(docLines[0]) - len(docLines[0].lstrip())
            docLines = [line[trash:].rstrip() for line in docLines]

            # hilight lines with no leading spaces (man style)
            result = str()
            for line in docLines:
                if line == line.lstrip():
                    line = colorize("%BoldWhite", line)
                result += line + "\n"


        # get full help on a single command
        if len(argv) == 2:
            doc = get_doc(argv[1])
            # if the given argument is not a command, return nohelp err
            if not doc:
                return print(self.nohelp % argv[1])

            # print the heading help line, which contain description
            print("\n[*] " + argv[1] + ": " + get_description(doc) + "\n")

            # call the help_<command> method, otherwise, print it's docstring
                getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[1])()
        # get help about settings (e.g.: `help set BACKDOOR`)
        elif len(argv) == 3 and argv[1] == "set":
            setting = argv[2]
                doc = getattr(session.Conf, setting).docstring
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                print("[-] %s: No such configuration setting" % setting)
            print("\n[*] Help for '%s' setting\n" % setting)

        # display the whole list of commands, with their description line

        # set maxLength to the longest command name, and at least 13
        maxLength = max(13, len(max(core_commands, key=len)))

        help = [('Core Commands', core_commands)]

        # adds plugin category if we are connected to target
        if tunnel:
            for category in plugins.categories():
                items = [p for p in plugins.values() if p.category == category]
                items = [p.name for p in items]
                # rescale maxLength in case of longer plugin names
                maxLength = max(maxLength, len(max(items, key=len)))
                help += [(category + ' Plugins', items)]

        # Settle maxLength if there are command aliases
        aliases = list(session.Alias.keys())
        if aliases:
            maxLength = max(maxLength, len(max(aliases, key=len)))
            help += [("Command Aliases", aliases)]

        # print commands help, sorted by groups
        cmdColumn = ' ' * (maxLength - 5)
        for groupName, groupCommands in help:

            # display group (category) header block
            underLine = '=' * len(groupName)
            if groupName == "Command Aliases":
                print("\n" + groupName + "\n" + underLine + "\n" +
                      '    Alias  ' + cmdColumn + 'Value      ' + "\n" +
                      '    -----  ' + cmdColumn + '-----      ' + "\n")
                print("\n" + groupName + "\n" + underLine + "\n" +
                      '    Command' + cmdColumn + 'Description' + "\n" +
                      '    -------' + cmdColumn + '-----------' + "\n")

            # display formated command/description pairs
            for cmdName in groupCommands:
                spaceFill = ' ' * (maxLength - len(cmdName) + 2)
                if groupName == "Command Aliases":
                    description = session.Alias[cmdName]
                    description = get_description(get_doc(cmdName))
                print('    ' + cmdName + spaceFill + description)
Example #4
    def do_help(self, argv):
        """Show commands help

            help <COMMAND>
            help set <SETTING>

            Get help for any core command or plugin.

            If called without arguments, a list of available commands,
            plugins, and aliases is displayed.
            Otherwise, detailed help of given command is shown.

            * NOTE: plugins are only listed after running `exploit`

            > help
              - List available commands, plugins, and aliases
            > help help
              - Get detailed help on `help` command
            > help exit
              - Display the help for the `exit` command
            > help set BACKDOOR
              - Display help about the "BACKDOOR" setting
        def get_doc(cmd):
            """get lines from `cmd` docstring"""
            doc = ""
            if hasattr(self, "do_" + cmd):
                doc = getattr(self, "do_" + cmd).__doc__
            elif cmd in plugins:
                doc = plugins[cmd].help
                if doc.strip():
                    doc += "\nPLUGIN LOCATION:\n    " + plugins[cmd].path
            return doc.strip().splitlines()

        def get_description(doc_lines):
            """get formatted command help description"""
            if doc_lines:
                return doc_lines[0].strip()
            return colorize("%Yellow", "No description")

        def doc_help(doc_lines):
            """print formated command's docstring"""
            # reject empty docstrings (description + empty line)
            if len(doc_lines) < 2:
                return False
            doc_lines.pop(0)  # remove the description line
            while not doc_lines[0].strip():
                doc_lines.pop(0)  # remove heading empty lines
            # remove junk leading spaces (due to python indentation)
            trash = len(doc_lines[0]) - len(doc_lines[0].lstrip())
            doc_lines = [line[trash:].rstrip() for line in doc_lines]
            # hilight lines with no leading spaces (man style)
            result = ""
            for line in doc_lines:
                if line == line.lstrip():
                    line = colorize("%BoldWhite", line)
                elif line.startswith("    * "):
                    line = colorize("    * ", "%Yellow", line[6:])
                elif line.startswith("    > "):
                    line = colorize("    > ", "%Cyan", line[6:])
                elif line.startswith("    # "):
                    line = colorize("%Dim", line)
                elif line.startswith("    -") and line[5] != " ":
                    line = colorize("%Green", line)
                result += line + "\n"
            return True

        # help set <VAR>
        if len(argv) >= 3 and argv[1] == "set":
            var = argv[2].upper()
                doc = getattr(session.Conf, var).docstring
            except KeyError:
                print("[-] %s: No such setting (run `set` to list settings)" \
                        % var)
                return False
            print("\n[*] Help for '%s' setting\n" % var)
            return doc_help(doc.splitlines())

        # help <COMMAND>
        if len(argv) >= 2:
            doc = get_doc(argv[1])
            if doc:
                print("\n[*] %s: %s\n" % (argv[1], get_description(doc)))
                # call help_COMMAND() or fallback to COMMAND's docstring
                help_method = getattr(self, "help_" + argv[1], None)
                if callable(help_method):
                    getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[1])()
                    if not doc_help(doc):
                        return False
                if argv[1] in session.Alias:
                    print("[-] Warning: %r has been aliased "
                          "(run `alias %s` for + infos)"
                          % (argv[1], argv[1]))
                return True
            # fallback to alias display
            elif argv[1] in session.Alias:
                return self.interpret("alias %s" % argv[1])
            print(self.nohelp % argv[1])
            return False

        # help
        core_commands = self.get_names(self, "do_")
        full_help = [('Core Commands', core_commands)]
        max_len = max(13, len(max(core_commands, key=len)))
        # add plugins if connected to target
        if tunnel:
            for category in plugins.categories():
                items = [p for p in plugins.values() if p.category == category]
                items = [p.name for p in items]
                # rescale max_len in case of longer plugin names
                max_len = max(max_len, len(max(items, key=len)))
                full_help += [(category + " Plugins", items)]
        # adapt max_len if there are command aliases
        aliases = list(session.Alias.keys())
        if aliases:
            max_len = max(max_len, len(max(aliases, key=len)))
            full_help += [("Command Aliases", aliases)]
        # print full_help, group by group
        cmd_col = ' ' * (max_len - 5)
        for grp_name, grp_cmdlist in full_help:
            underline = '=' * len(grp_name)
            if grp_name == "Command Aliases":
                print("\n" + grp_name + "\n" + underline + "\n"
                      "    Alias  " + cmd_col + "Value\n"
                      "    -----  " + cmd_col + "-----")
                print("\n" + grp_name + "\n" + underline + "\n"
                      "    Command" + cmd_col + "Description\n"
                      "    -------" + cmd_col + "-----------")
            for cmd_name in grp_cmdlist:
                spacing = ' ' * (max_len - len(cmd_name) + 2)
                if grp_name == "Command Aliases":
                    description = session.Alias[cmd_name]
                    description = get_description(get_doc(cmd_name))
                print("    " + cmd_name + spacing + description)