Example #1
def lens_weight_nofz2(z_l1, z_l2, nofz_s, cosmo):
    It calculates the mean lensing kernel given nofz of lens and source bin. 
    nofz_s = nofz_s / np.sum(nofz_s)

    z_subbins = np.linspace(0, 1.8, 200)
    nofz_l = np.ones(200) * 1.0
    mask = (z_subbins <= z_l1) | (z_subbins > z_l2)
    nofz_l[mask] = 0
    nofz_l = nofz_l / np.sum(nofz_l)
    dz_cd = cd.comoving_distance(
        z_subbins[1:], **cosmo) - cd.comoving_distance(z_subbins[:-1], **cosmo)

    w = 0
    for i in range(200 - 1):

        # try other way around
        mask = (z_subbins > z_subbins[i])
        if len(z_subbins[mask]) > 1:
            w += np.sum(
                w_kernel2(z_subbins[i], z_subbins[mask], cosmo) *
                nofz_s[mask] * dz_cd[mask[1:]]) * cd.comoving_distance(
                    z_subbins[i], **
                    cosmo) * nofz_l[i] / (1.0 / (1 + z_subbins[i])) * dz_cd[i]
    return w
Example #2
def find_dist_correlation_lines(meanZ,l1,l2):

	verbose = False
	### Cosmology
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':omegaM0__, 'omega_lambda_0':omegaLambda0__, 'omega_k_0':0., 'h':h__}

	lObs = (2.*meanZ+2.)/(1./l1+1./l2)
	z1 = lObs/l1-1.
	z2 = lObs/l2-1.

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  z1 = ', z1
	if (verbose): print '  z2 = ', z2

	d1 = cosmology.comoving_distance(z1, **cosmo)*h__
	d2 = cosmology.comoving_distance(z2, **cosmo)*h__

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  d1 = ',d1 
	if (verbose): print '  d2 = ',d2 

	return d1-d2
Example #3
def w_kernel(z_l, z_s, cosmo):
    [script from Arnau]
    It defines the lensing kernel for a given comoving distance of 
    lens and source. 
    a = 1.0 / (1 + z_l)
    cd_l = cd.comoving_distance(z_l, **cosmo)
    cd_s = cd.comoving_distance(z_s, **cosmo)
    return ((cd_l * (cd_s - cd_l) / cd_s)) / a
Example #4
def find_range_QSO_redshift():

	verbose = False
	### range of the correlation
	maxX__ = 200.

	### Cosmology
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':omegaM0__, 'omega_lambda_0':omegaLambda0__, 'omega_k_0':0., 'h':h__}

	### Distance max of correlation
	dist_max = maxX__*numpy.sqrt(2.)/h__
	if (verbose): print '  dist_max = ', dist_max

	z_pixel_min = (lambdaObsMin__/lambdaRFLine__)-1.
	z_pixel_max = (lambdaObsMax__/lambdaRFLine__)-1.

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_min = ', z_pixel_min
	if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_max = ', z_pixel_max

	d_pixel_min = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_min, **cosmo)
	d_pixel_max = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_max, **cosmo)

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_min = ', d_pixel_min
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_max = ', d_pixel_max

	d_QSO_min = d_pixel_min-dist_max
	d_QSO_max = d_pixel_max+dist_max

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  d_QSO_min = ', d_QSO_min
	if (verbose): print '  d_QSO_max = ', d_QSO_max

	distfunc, redfunc = cosmology.quick_distance_function(cosmology.comoving_distance, zmax=20.0, zmin=0.0, zstep=0.001, return_inverse=True, **cosmo)
	d1 = distfunc(z_pixel_min)
	d2 = distfunc(z_pixel_max)
	if (verbose): print '\n',d1, d2

	z_QSO_min = redfunc(d_QSO_min)
	z_QSO_max = redfunc(d_QSO_max)

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  z_QSO_min = ', z_QSO_min
	if (verbose): print '  z_QSO_max = ', z_QSO_max
	return z_QSO_min,z_QSO_max
Example #5
def kappag_map_bin(N2d, mask, fraction, z_l1, z_l2, z_s, cosmo, smooth_kernal,
    Calculate kappa_g map for a lens redshift bin from z_l1 to z_l2 
    and a source redshift of z_s.

    c_light = 3.0e5
    if smooth_kernal == 'box':
        kernel = Box2DKernel(smooth_scale)
    if smooth_kernal == 'tophat':
        kernel = Tophat2DKernel(smooth_scale / 2)

    # make 2D galaxy over-density maps ########
    if fraction == None:
        fraction = mask.copy()

    N2d = N2d * mask

    area_fraction = np.sum(fraction[mask == 1]) / len(fraction[mask == 1])

    dN2d = N2d * 0.0
    ave = np.mean(N2d[mask == 1]) / area_fraction
    dN2d[mask == 1] = (N2d[mask == 1] -
                       (ave * fraction[mask == 1])) / (ave *
                                                       fraction[mask == 1])
    # print(ave)

    # make 2D kappa_g maps ########

    zl1_cd = cd.comoving_distance(z_l1, **cosmo)  # Mpc
    zl2_cd = cd.comoving_distance(z_l2, **cosmo)  # Mpc
    zs_cd = cd.comoving_distance(z_s, **cosmo)  # Mpc
    delta_cd = zl2_cd - zl1_cd
    const = ((100. * cosmo['h'])**2 *
             cosmo['omega_M_0']) * (3 / 2.) * (1 / c_light**2)

    integ = lens_weight(np.array([z_l1, z_l2]), z_s, cosmo)[0]

    temp_dN = dN2d * 1.0
    temp_dN[mask == 0] = 'nan'
    kg = const * delta_cd * integ * convolution.convolve_fft(
    kg[mask == 0] = 0
    return kg
Example #6
    def efficiency(self, z, dNdz):
        """Given dN/dz, it calculate both normalize and unnormalized 
           lensing efficiency function. The inputs are the z array at which
           dN/dz is estimated. See notebook
        self.a = 1 / (1+ z)
        self.zarr = z.copy()
        self.dz = self.zarr[1] - self.zarr[0]

        c_light = 3e5 #km/s   
        constant = ((100. * self.cosmo['h'])**2 * self.cosmo['omega_M_0']) * \
                   (3/2.) * (1/c_light**2) 
        chi = cd.comoving_distance(self.zarr, **self.cosmo)
        chi_pz = []
        for chi_l in chi:
            con = (chi > chi_l)
            f1 = (chi[con] - chi_l) * dNdz[con] 
            f1 = (f1[1:] + f1[:-1]) / 2.
            dDs = (chi[con][1:] + chi[con][:-1]) / 2.
            chi_pz.append(np.sum(f1 * dDs))
        chi_pz = np.array(chi_pz)

        self.e = chi * chi_pz / self.a

        self.de = (self.e[1:] + self.e[:-1]) / 2.
        self.int_e = np.sum(self.de * self.dz)

        self.norm_e = self.e / self.int_e
Example #7
 def redshift_grid(self):
     d = self.distance_from_observer()
     zgrid = np.arange(0,2,1e-3)
     dgrid = distance.comoving_distance(zgrid, **cosmo)
     from scipy import interpolate
     f = interpolate.interp1d(dgrid, zgrid)
     return f(d)
Example #8
    def comoving_d(self):
        self.cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 
                      'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':0.72}
        comoving_edges = cd.comoving_distance(self.zedges, **self.cosmo) #Mpc
        #comoving_edges /= (1. + self.zedges)
        self.d_c = cd.comoving_distance(self.zavg, **self.cosmo) #Mpc

        #There is some subtilities in this case. When using MICE, the answer
        #makes sense when commenting the following line. When using BCC
        #it requires the following line
        #self.d_c /= (1. + self.zavg)

        #self.d_s = comoving_edges[-1] #source distance
        self.d_s = cd.comoving_distance(self.zs, **self.cosmo) #source distance
        #self.d_s /= (1. + self.zs)
        self.delta_d = comoving_edges[1:] - comoving_edges[:-1]
        self.a = 1 / (1 + self.zavg)
Example #9
def interp_comoving_distance(z, deltaz=1e-3):
    # It should be fine to do linear interpolation between points 
    # separated by deltaz=1e-3.  The comoving distance function will be 
    # very linear across that deltaz.  I checked and yes, agrees with 
    # truth to ~1e-4 Mpc.
    zgrid = np.arange(np.min(z)-deltaz, np.max(z)+deltaz, deltaz)
    dgrid = distance.comoving_distance(zgrid, **cosmo)
    from scipy import interpolate
    f = interpolate.interp1d(zgrid, dgrid)
    return f(z)
Example #10
def plot_yy_theta(color):
    z = 0.1
    cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, \
             'h' : 0.72, 'omega_k_0':0.0}
    DA = cd.comoving_distance(z, **cosmo) / (1 + z) #Mpc
    ang_dis = (np.pi/180/3600.) * DA  #Mpc/arcsec
    ang_dis *= 60. #Mpc/arcmin
    f = np.genfromtxt('/home/vinu/Lensing/DES/SZ/test_yy_theta.txt')
    pl.plot(f[:,0]/ang_dis, f[:,1], lw=2, ls='-',
Example #11
    def efficiency_single(self, zs):
        self.zs = zs
        self.zarr = np.linspace(0, self.zs+.0, 100)
        self.a = 1 / (1+ self.zarr)
        self.dz = self.zarr[1] - self.zarr[0]

        c_light = 3e5 #km/s   
        constant = ((100. * self.cosmo['h'])**2 * self.cosmo['omega_M_0']) * \
                   (3/2.) * (1/c_light**2) 
        chi = cd.comoving_distance(self.zarr, **self.cosmo)
        chi_s = cd.comoving_distance(self.zs, **self.cosmo)
        self.e = chi * (chi_s - chi) / (chi_s * self.a)

        self.de = (self.e[1:] + self.e[:-1]) / 2.
        self.int_e = np.sum(self.de * self.dz)

        self.norm_e = self.e / self.int_e
Example #12
def plot_battaglia(color, scale):
    z = 0.1
    cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, \
             'h' : 0.72, 'omega_k_0':0.0}
    DA = cd.comoving_distance(z, **cosmo) / (1 + z) #Mpc
    ang_dis = (np.pi/180/3600.) * DA  #Mpc/arcsec
    ang_dis *= 60. #Mpc/arcmin

    f = np.genfromtxt(\
    pl.plot(f[:,0]/ang_dis, f[:,3]/scale, lw=2, ls='-', 
            label='Battaglia z=0.1 logM=14',c=color)
Example #13
def find_dist_pixels():

	verbose = True
	### Cosmology
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':omegaM0__, 'omega_lambda_0':omegaLambda0__, 'omega_k_0':0., 'h':h__}

	z_pixel_min = (lambdaObsMin__/lambdaRFLine__)-1.
	z_pixel_max = (lambdaObsMax__/lambdaRFLine__)-1.

	#if (verbose): print
	#if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_min = ', z_pixel_min
	#if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_max = ', z_pixel_max

	d_pixel_min = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_min, **cosmo)*h__
	d_pixel_max = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_max, **cosmo)*h__

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_min = ', d_pixel_min
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_max = ', d_pixel_max

	return d_pixel_min, d_pixel_max
def plot_DM():
    """The dimensionless proper motion distance DM/DH. 

    # Set up an array of redshift values.
    dz = 0.01
    z = numpy.arange(0., 10. + 1.1 * dz, dz)

    # Set up a cosmology dictionary, with an array of matter density values.
    cosmo = {}
    dom = 0.01
    om = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.linspace(0.1, 1.0, (1.-0.1)/dom)).transpose()
    dzt = 0.01
    zt = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.linspace(0.1, 1.0, (1.-0.1)/dzt)).transpose()
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = om
    cosmo['transition_redshift'] = zt
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1/2 * cosmo['omega_M_0'] * (1 + cosmo['transition_redshift'])**3
    cosmo['h'] = 0.701
    cosmo['omega_k_0'] = 1 - cosmo['omega_M_0'] - 1/2 * cosmo['omega_M_0'] * ( cosmo['transition_redshift'] + 1 )**3

    # Calculate the hubble distance.
    dhc = cd.comoving_distance(z,z0=0, **cosmo)
    # Calculate the comoving distance.
    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z, **cosmo)

    # Make plots

    print om.ravel()
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    om, zt = meshgrid(om.ravel(),zt.ravel())
    hub = cd.comoving_distance(1,z0=0,**cosmo)
    surf = ax.plot_surface(om,zt,hub,rstride=1,cstride=1,cmap=cm.jet,linewidth=0,antialiased=False)
#    ax.set_zlim()
Example #15
def deltaLYA(line):

	verbose = False

	### Cosmology
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':omegaM0__, 'omega_lambda_0':omegaLambda0__, 'omega_k_0':0., 'h':h__}

	z_pixel_1 = (4000./1215.67)-1.
	z_pixel_2 = (4000./line)-1.

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_1 = ', z_pixel_1
	if (verbose): print '  z_pixel_2 = ', z_pixel_2

	d_pixel_1 = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_1, **cosmo)*h__
	d_pixel_2 = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_pixel_2, **cosmo)*h__

	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_1 = ', d_pixel_1
	if (verbose): print '  d_pixel_2 = ', d_pixel_2
	if (verbose): print
	if (verbose): print d_pixel_1-d_pixel_2

	return d_pixel_1-d_pixel_2
Example #16
def distance(var):
    return cd.comoving_distance(var, **cosmo)
Example #17
distance = []
RA_AGN = []
DEC_AGN = []
name = []
flux = []
j = 0
for i in range(len(VCV)):
    if VCV.values[i][2] > 0 and VCV.values[i][2] < .03:
        RA, DEC = np.rad2deg(
        RA2 = float("{0:.2f}".format(float(RA)))
        DEC2 = float("{0:.2f}".format(float(DEC)))
        D = cd.comoving_distance(VCV.values[i][2], **cosmo)
        D2 = float("{0:.2f}".format(float(D)))
        j += 1
sorted_index, sorted_d = zip(
    *sorted([(i, e) for i, e in enumerate(distance)], key=lambda x: x[1]))
RA_AGN_sorted = [RA_AGN[i] for i in sorted_index]
DEC_AGN_sorted = [DEC_AGN[i] for i in sorted_index]
distance_sorted = [distance[i] for i in sorted_index]
name_sorted = [name[i] for i in sorted_index]

print "Total number of objects=", len(VCV)
print "Total number of objects with measured redshift < 0.03=", j
#array definitions
xs = np.zeros(11)
fgrow = np.zeros(11)
l = np.arange(0, 1001)
constantfactor = np.zeros(11)
result = np.arange(0, 1001)

#reading the data file
kn, dkn = np.loadtxt("../Data_files/CAMB_linear.txt", unpack=True)

for redshift in range(1, 11):
    constantfactor[redshift] = (9 / 4) * np.power(H0 / c, 4) * np.power(
        omegam0, 2) * (fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=False) *
                       (1 + redshift))**2
    xs[redshift] = cd.comoving_distance(redshift,
                                        **cosmo)  # upper limit of integration

    for i in range(10, 1000):
        result[i] = integration(i, redshift)
             constantfactor[redshift] * result[10:1000],
             label='z = {}'.format(redshift))

plt.suptitle("Angular Power Spectrum")
Example #19
# 'n' -> Linear
# 'o' -> Non-Linear

#array definitions
xs = np.zeros(11)

l = np.arange(0, 1001)
resultn = np.arange(0, 1001)
resulto = np.arange(0, 1001)

#reading the data file
kn, dkn = np.loadtxt("../Data_files/CAMB_linear.txt", unpack=True)
ko, dko = np.loadtxt("../Data_files/CAMB_non_linear.txt", unpack=True)

for i in range(10, 1000):
    xs[zcounter] = cd.comoving_distance(zcounter,
                                        **cosmo)  # upper limit of integration
    resultn[i] = integrate.quad(
        lambda x: np.power((xs[zcounter] - x) / xs[zcounter], 2) * np.interp(
            l[i] / x, kn, dkn), 0, xs[zcounter])[0]
    resulto[i] = integrate.quad(
        lambda x: np.power((xs[zcounter] - x) / xs[zcounter], 2) * np.interp(
            l[i] / x, ko, dko), 0, xs[zcounter])[0]

plt.plot(l[10:1000], constantfactor * resultn[10:1000], label="Linear")
plt.plot(l[10:1000], constantfactor * resulto[10:1000], label="Non-Linear")
plt.suptitle("Angular Power Spectrum; z = {}".format(zcounter))

plt.suptitle("Gaussian + Poisson noise")
plt.xlim(l_plot_low_limit, l_plot_upp_limit)

for eta in eta_array:
    previous_l_max = 0
    l_max_counter = 0
    eta_D2_L = eta_D2_L_initial / 10**eta
    chi_s[redshift] = cd.comoving_distance(redshift, **cosmo)
    for current_l_max in l_max_array:

        for L in tqdm(
                range(int(previous_l_max * 2**0.5),
                      int(current_l_max * 2**0.5))):
            angpowspec_without_j[L] = constantfactor(
                redshift) * angpowspec_integration_without_j(L, redshift)

        for j in range(j_low_limit, j_upp_limit):
            print('-------------j = {}----------------'.format(j))
            fileout = open(
                .format(j, current_l_max, eta), "w")

            for L in tqdm(
def distance(redshift):
    return cd.comoving_distance(redshift, **cosmo)
Example #22
File: PyGS.py Project: JakeHeb/PyGS
 def __init__(self,filename,radians=True, cosmology = fidcosmo):
     Imports the survey and creates a project directory
     Instantiating the class requires a filename or directory in which is kept (solely) the survey information.
     This step is designed to be as seamless as possible, though survey information is kept in a variety of formats.
     To this end, note the following:
     The default expected input is one ascii file with columns designated (in order) as:
     [redshift, RA, DEC, magnitude, comoving_distance, luminosity]
      NOTE: only these quantities are used in any calculations in the class as yet, and therefore no other columns
            will be read. In future versions this may change.
     If a folder is specified, a list of variables and the corresponding files must be submitted.
     If a single file is specified in a different order than that given, the order must be specified.
     If the survey information is in a completely different format, then the best thing to to do is reformat it 
     yourself and try again. And email me the problem and I'll try to update the class to deal with it.
     Once the information is read in, a project directory is automatically created. This serves to speed up future
     calculations and simplify the layout of results from your survey. The project folder is by default named
     <survey_filename>_Project/ and included is a hidden file ".PyLSSproject" which serves to tell this class that
     the folder is in fact formatted in the default way. Within this folder the directory structure looks like:
     Each data file has a default header which lets the class know how the calculation was performed and some
     other information which is useful for archiving purposes. This serves to let the class know whether or not
     to perform a calculation again, or merely read in an existing calculation.
     A note on cosmologies: changing the fiducial cosmology will potentially change a good many of the calculations
     for a given survey (especially those relying on distances). This is reflected in the "Sub_Sample" directory
     level. That is, two identical subsamples of the main survey will be called different subsamples if their
     cosmology is specified differently.
     self.is_project_file = False
     self.is_sample_file = False
     if "_PyLSSProject_" in os.listdir(os.path.split(filename)[0]):
         self.is_project_file = True
     if "_PyLSSSample_" in os.listdir(os.path.split(filename)[0]):
         self.is_sample_file = True
     self.cosmology = cosmology
     if not self.is_project_file and not self.is_sample_file:
         self.initial_file_import(filename, radians)
     elif self.is_project_file: 
         self.project_dir = os.path.split(filename)[0]
         c_dist = cd.comoving_distance(self.survey_data["redshift"],**self.cosmology)
         if 'mag' in self.survey_data.dtype.names:
             lum = self.LuminosityFromAppMag(c_dist)
             self.survey_data = nlrf.append_fields(self.survey_data, names=("c_dist","lum"), data=(c_dist,lum), 
             self.survey_data.dtype.names = ("redshift",'ra','dec','mag','c_dist','lum')
             self.survey_data = nlrf.append_fields(self.survey_data, names="c_dist", data=c_dist, 
             self.survey_data.dtype.names = ("redshift",'ra','dec','mag','c_dist')
         self.project_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(filename)[0])[0]
         self.sample_dir = os.path.split(filename)[0]
         self.sample_name = os.path.split(filename)[1]
     # Define some overall parameters of the sample.
     self.N = self.survey_data['redshift'].shape[0]
     self.survey_name = os.path.split(self.project_dir)[1]
     # Make a Plots Directory
     self.plots_dir = self.sample_dir+'/SurveyPlots'    
     except OSError, e:
         if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
Example #23
def _correlation_in_s(quantity='c_dist', end_s=0.02, nr=15, n_randoms=1, n_cores=1):
    The convenience (callable) function to perform a correlation function estimation in redshift/c_dist space
    Note: At this time it will perform the correlation either in redshift or in comoving distance, 
    but the final result will always be displayed in comoving distance. As many randoms as wanted can be 
    used. There are NO error estimates as yet. Also, the 'angular selection function' used is merely the
    exact angles of the original particles. The algorithm can be sped up by using sorted redshift - will 
    do this soon.
    quantity  ['c_dist']    - Should be 'c_dist' or 'redshift'. Specifies how to bin the data.
    end_s     [0.02]        - The largest separation to calculate. Default 0.02 for z, 120 for s.
    nr        [15]          - The number of bins to use.
    n_randoms [1]           - The number of random catalogues to use.
    s_bins                  - an array of length nr with bin centres
    Corr                    - an array of length nr with correlation values.
    #Do some default cleaning
    if quantity != 'c_dist' and quantity != 'redshift':
        quantity = 'c_dist'

    if quantity == 'c_dist' and end_s == 0.02:
        end_s = 120

    #Convert to cartesian
    real_pos = np.array(self.sph2car(self.survey_data[quantity], self.survey_data['ra'], self.survey_data['dec']))
    print "shape of real_pos, ", real_pos.shape

    #Calculate data-data pairs
    DD = self.correlation_function_dd_wrapper(real_pos, end_s, nr)

    RR = np.zeros((n_randoms, nr))
    DR = RR
    for i in range(n_randoms):
        print "Processing random number ", i
        #Make some randoms
        #Use the simple selection function production for now
        #Except I'll need an angle production as well. For now, use same angles as original.
        rand_r = self.create_radial_selection()
        random_pos = np.array(self.sph2car(rand_r, self.survey_data['ra'], self.survey_data['dec']))

        #For all randoms, calculate DR and RR pairs
        RR[i, :] = self.correlation_function_dd_wrapper(random_pos, end_s, nr)
        DR[i, :] = self.correlation_function_dr_wrapper(pos1=real_pos, pos2=random_pos, end_s=end_s, nr=nr)

    #Take the means along the n_randoms axis
    RR = np.mean(RR, axis=0)
    DR = np.mean(DR, axis=0)

    #Use the Landy-Szalay Estimator
    Corr = 1 + DD / RR - 2 * DR / RR

    #Calculate the centre of bins
    s_bins = np.linspace(end_s / (2 * nr), end_s * (1 - 0.5 / nr), nr)

    if quantity == 'redshift':
        s_bins = cd.comoving_distance(s_bins, **self.cosmology)

    #Plot the function
    plt.plot(s_bins, Corr)
    plt.savefig(self.__correlation_dir + '/correlation_in_' + quantity + '.eps')

    plt.plot(s_bins, s_bins ** 2 * Corr)
    plt.savefig(self._correlation_dir + '/correlation_in_' + quantity + '_by_s_squared.eps')

    return s_bins, Corr
	#print el.header
	z = el.header['ZQSO']
	el = el.data
	#if (el['flux'][ el['flux']<0.05 ].size==0): continue
	plt.errorbar( el['lambda']/(1.+z), el['flux'],marker='o') #/(1.+z)
	lambdaTST = numpy.append(el['lambda']/(1.+z), lambdaTST) #/(1.+z)
	fluxTST   = numpy.append(el['flux'], fluxTST)
	zTST = numpy.append(z,zTST)
	nbPixel = numpy.append(el['lambda'].size,nbPixel)
	print i, el['lambda'].size, z
	plt.ylim([ -0.1, 1.1])
	distPixel  = numpy.append(distPixel, [ el['lambda'][i+1]-el['lambda'][i] for i in range(0,el['lambda'].size-1) ])
	distPixel2 = numpy.append(distPixel2, [ (el['lambda'][i+1]+el['lambda'][i])*0.5 for i in range(0,el['lambda'].size-1) ])
	dist = cosmology.comoving_distance(el['lambda']/1215.67-1., **cosmo)*h__
	deltaDist = numpy.append( deltaDist, [ dist[i+1]-dist[i] for i in range(0,el['lambda'].size-1) ] )
	print el['lambda'][0],dist[0]
	for i in range(0,el['lambda'].size-1):
		print el['lambda'][i+1], dist[i+1], distPixel[i], deltaDist[i]


lambdaTST = numpy.asarray(lambdaTST)
Example #25
def distance(z):
    return cd.comoving_distance(z, **cosmo)
Example #26
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import cosmolopy
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import interpolate
from Cosmology import pyxi
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
from Cosmology import cosmology

mycosmo = cosmolopy.fidcosmo.copy()
mycosmo['baryonic_effects'] = True
mycosmo['h'] = 0.7
mycosmo['omega_M_0'] = 0.3
mycosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 0.7
mycosmo['omega_k_0'] = 0.

print(cd.comoving_distance(0.001, **mycosmo))

print(cosmology.properdistance(np.array([0.001, 0.002])) * 3e5 / 70)
Example #27
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import cosmolopy
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import interpolate
from Cosmology import pyxi
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
from Cosmology import cosmology



Example #28
import numpy
import cosmolopy.distance as cosmology
from const_delta import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cosmolopy.constants as cc
from scipy import interpolate

### Cosmology
cosmo = {'omega_M_0':omegaM0__, 'omega_lambda_0':omegaLambda0__, 'omega_k_0':0., 'h':h__}

z = numpy.arange(0.,6.,0.001)
d = cosmology.comoving_distance(z, **cosmo)*h__
convert_d_to_z = interpolate.interp1d(d,z,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)

def Get_speed(v,zTrue):
	return (1.+zTrue)*v+zTrue
def Get_speed2(v,zTrue):
	vCosmo = ((1.+zTrue)**2.-1.)/((1.+zTrue)**2.+1.)
	tmpv = (vCosmo+v)/( 1.+ vCosmo*v )
	return numpy.sqrt( (1.+tmpv)/(1.-tmpv) ) - 1.

z = 2.5
v = numpy.arange(0.,1.,0.00001)
zObs  = numpy.array( [ Get_speed(i,z) for i in v ] )