Example #1
def orderscatter(outputs, T, filename = "", marker = '+'):
    if plt:
        c_index = get_cC_index(T, outputs)

        T_copy = T.copy()
        T_copy[:, 0] = outputs[:, 0]

        plt.title('Scatter between the indices of the sorted target and sorted output arrays\n' + str(filename) + "\nC index = " + str(c_index) + "\nEvents in green, Censored in red.")
        plt.xlabel('Target index')
        plt.ylabel('Network index')

        largest = 0
        for x_index in xrange(len(T)):
            index_t = 0 #index in T
            index_o = 0 #index in outputs
            color = 'g'
            if not T[x_index, 1]:
                color = 'r'
            for cmp_index in xrange(len(T)):
                if T[x_index, 0] > T[cmp_index, 0]:
                    index_t += 1
                    if index_t > largest:
                        largest = index_t
                if T_copy[x_index, 0] > T_copy[cmp_index, 0]:
                    index_o += 1
            plt.plot(index_t, index_o, color + marker)

        plt.plot(range(largest), range(largest), 'r-')
Example #2
def epoch_func(net, test_inputs, test_targets, block_size, epoch, timeslots = None, risk_groups = None, **pre_loop_kwargs):
    outputs = net.sim(test_inputs)
    sigma = calc_sigma(outputs)
    if block_size != 0 and block_size != len(test_targets):
        timeslots = generate_timeslots(test_targets)
        risk_groups = get_risk_groups(test_targets, timeslots)
    beta, beta_risk, part_func, weighted_avg = calc_beta(outputs, timeslots, risk_groups)

    error = cox_error(beta, sigma)

    c_index = get_cC_index(test_targets, outputs)
    logger.info("C index = " + str(c_index))

    glogger.debugPlot('Total error', error, style = 'b-')
    glogger.debugPlot('C index vs Epochs', c_index, style = 'b-')
    glogger.debugPlot('Sigma * Beta vs Epochs', beta * sigma, style = 'g-')
    #glogger.debugPlot('Sigma vs Epochs', sigma, style = 'b-')
    #glogger.debugPlot('Beta vs Epochs', beta, style = 'b-')
    logger.info('Beta*Sigma = ' + str(sigma * beta))
    return {'error': error}