def test_AdvectivePropagation(self):

        ConstMagVec = crpropa.Vector3d(0.)
        BField = crpropa.UniformMagneticField(ConstMagVec)

        ConstAdvVec = crpropa.Vector3d(0., 1e6, 0.)
        AdvField = crpropa.UniformAdvectionField(ConstAdvVec)

        precision = 1e-4
        minStep = 1*pc
        maxStep = 10*kpc
        epsilon = 0.

        Dif = crpropa.DiffusionSDE(BField, AdvField, precision, minStep, maxStep, epsilon)
        c = crpropa.Candidate()

        # check for position
        pos = c.current.getPosition()
        self.assertEqual(pos.x, 0.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pos.y, minStep/c_light*1e6)
        self.assertEqual(pos.z, 0.)

        # Step size is increased to maxStep
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getNextStep()/minStep, 5.) #AlmostEqual due to rounding error
    def test_NeutralPropagation(self):
        c = crpropa.Candidate()

        # check for position
        pos = c.current.getPosition()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pos.x/pc, 1.) #AlmostEqual due to rounding error
        self.assertEqual(pos.y, 0.)
        self.assertEqual(pos.z, 0.)

        # Step size is increased to maxStep
        self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getNextStep()/self.maxStep, 1.) #AlmostEqual due to rounding error
def initial_directions(M, source_l, source_b, weights, d, NN, energies=None):
    lons0 = []
    lats0 = []

    for isource in range(len(source_l)):
        l = source_l[isource] * np.pi / 180.0 - (2.0 * np.pi)
        b = Lat2CoLat(source_b[isource] * np.pi / 180.0)
        #M.addParticles(Id, E, l, b, E0**-1)
        print(isource, weights[isource], l, b)
        meanDir = crpropa.Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)
        meanDir.setRThetaPhi(-1, b, l)
        kappa = 50.0

        ncrs = int((weights[isource] / total) * NN)
        #if ncrs>0: ncrs = 500
        #Emin = 10.0
        energies = powerlaw.Power_Law(xmin=10.0, xmax=100.0,

        #print (energies)
        for i in xrange(ncrs):
            particleId = crpropa.nucleusId(1, 1)
            energy = (energies[i]) * crpropa.EeV

            energy = 10.0 * crpropa.EeV
            galCenter = crpropa.Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)

            theta_k = 0.8 * (100.0 * crpropa.EeV / energy) * np.sqrt(
                d[isource] / 10.0)
            kappa = (81.0 / theta_k)**2
            #print (kappa)

            momentumVector = crpropa.Random.instance().randFisherVector(
                meanDir, kappa)
            M.addParticle(particleId, energy, momentumVector)


    lons0 = np.array(lons0) - np.pi
    lats0 = -CoLat2Lat(np.array(lats0))

    return (lons0, lats0)
    def test_DiffusionEnergy100PeV(self):
        x, y, z = [], [], []
        E = 10 * PeV
        D = self.Dif.getScale()*6.1e24*(E/(4*GeV))**self.Dif.getAlpha()
        L_max = 50 * kpc
        std_exp = np.sqrt(2*D*L_max/c_light)
        mean_exp = 0.
        N = 10**4

        maxTra = crpropa.MaximumTrajectoryLength(L_max)

        for i in range(N):
            c = crpropa.Candidate()
            while c.getTrajectoryLength() < L_max:
        A2 = Anderson(z)['testStatistic']
        self.assertLess(A2, 2.274, msg=self.msg1)
        meanX, meanY, meanZ = np.mean(x), np.mean(y), np.mean(z)
        stdZ = np.std(z)

        # no diffusion in perpendicular direction
        self.assertAlmostEqual(meanX, 0.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(meanY, 0.)

        # diffusion in parallel direction
        # compare the mean and std of the z-positions with expected values
        # z_mean = 0. (no advection)
        # z_ std = (2*D_parallel*t)^0.5
        # Take 4 sigma errors due to limited number of candidates into account
        stdOfMeans = std_exp/np.sqrt(N)
        stdOfStds = std_exp/np.sqrt(N)/np.sqrt(2.)
        self.assertLess(abs((meanZ-mean_exp)/4./stdOfMeans), 1., msg=self.msg1)
        self.assertLess(abs((stdZ-std_exp)/4./stdOfStds), 1., msg=self.msg1)
# You could also phrase: vertical incident angles are more frequent due to the
# larger visible size of the area of the surface element than flat angles.

# In[2]:

get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# source setup
source = crpropa.Source()
# inward=True for inwards directed emission and False for outwards directed emission
center, radius, inward = crpropa.Vector3d(
    0, 0, 0) * crpropa.kpc, 20 * crpropa.kpc, True
source.add(crpropa.SourceLambertDistributionOnSphere(center, radius, inward))
source.add(crpropa.SourceParticleType(-crpropa.nucleusId(1, 1)))
source.add(crpropa.SourceEnergy(100 * crpropa.EeV)), n)

print("Number of hits: %i" % len(output))
lons = []
for c in output:
    v = c.current.getDirection()

plt.hist(np.array(lons), bins=30, color='k', histtype='step')
plt.xlabel('lon', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('counts', fontsize=20)
plt.savefig('lon_distribution_lamberts.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Example #6
crdata = np.genfromtxt("crpropa_output.txt")
id = crdata[:, 0]
E = crdata[:, 3] * crpropa.EeV
E0 = crdata[:, 4] * crpropa.EeV
px = crdata[:, 11]
py = crdata[:, 12]
pz = crdata[:, 13]
galactic_longitude = np.arctan2(-1. * py, -1. * px)
galactic_latitude = np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(-pz / (px * px + py * py + pz * pz))

M.addParticles(id, E, galactic_longitude, galactic_latitude, E0**-1)

# Alternatively, data can be added manually.
# This provides freedom to adapt to customized weights used in the simulation
for i in xrange(1000):
    particleId = crpropa.nucleusId(1, 1)
    energy = 10 * crpropa.EeV
    galCenter = crpropa.Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)
    momentumVector = crpropa.Random.instance().randFisherVector(galCenter, 200)
    M.addParticle(particleId, energy, momentumVector)

# ## Plot Maps
# The probability maps for the individual particles can be accessed directly and plotted with healpy.

# In[2]:

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')

import healpy
Example #7
import sys
import healpy as hp

a1, b1 = (12.6 - 18.25) / 2.75, (19.5 - 18.25) / 2.75
a2, b2 = (0. - 0.2) / 0.12, (1 - 0.2) / 0.12
a3, b3 = (0 - 10.97) / 3.80, (25. - 10.97) / 3.8
a4, b4 = (0 - 2.84) / 1.3, (8 - 2.84) / 1.3

E = float(sys.argv[1])
lon = float(sys.argv[2])
lat = float(sys.argv[3])
s1 = int(sys.argv[4])
s2 = int(sys.argv[5])
s3 = int(sys.argv[6])

pid = -crp.nucleusId(1, 1)
sun = crp.Vector3d(-8.5, 0, 0) * crp.kpc

E = E * crp.EeV
nhat = hp.dir2vec(lon, lat, lonlat=True)
direc = crp.Vector3d()
direc.setXYZ(nhat[0], nhat[1], nhat[2])

ps = crp.ParticleState(pid, E, sun, direc)
cr = crp.Candidate(ps)
sim = crp.ModuleList()
Example #8
Id = [int(x) for x in crdata[:,0]]
E = crdata[:,3] * crpropa.EeV
E0 = crdata[:,4] * crpropa.EeV
px = crdata[:,11]
py = crdata[:,12]
pz = crdata[:,13]
galactic_longitude = np.arctan2(-1. * py, -1. *px)
galactic_latitude = np.pi / 2 - np.arccos( -pz / (px*px + py*py+ pz*pz) )

M.addParticles(Id, E, galactic_longitude, galactic_latitude, E0**-1)

# Alternatively, data can be added manually. 
# This provides freedom to adapt to customized weights used in the simulation
for i in xrange(1000):
    particleId = crpropa.nucleusId(1,1)
    energy = 10 * crpropa.EeV
    galCenter = crpropa.Vector3d(-1,0,0)
    momentumVector = crpropa.Random.instance().randFisherVector(galCenter, 200)
    M.addParticle(particleId, energy, momentumVector)   

# ## Plot Maps
# The probability maps for the individual particles can be accessed directly and plotted with healpy. 

# In[3]:

get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
Example #9
# crpropa backtracking
# set up GMF
B = crp.JF12Field()

# set up simulation
sim = crp.ModuleList()
sim.add(crp.PropagationCK(B, 1e-3, 0.1 * crp.parsec, 100 * crp.parsec))
obs = crp.Observer()
obs.add(crp.ObserverLargeSphere(crp.Vector3d(0), gal_size * crp.kpc))

position = crp.Vector3d(-8.5, 0, 0) * crp.kpc  # start at the earth

pid = crp.nucleusId(1, 1)  # proton
pid *= -1  # antiparticle, for backtracking

if read_in_galaxy_map:
    galaxy_map = np.genfromtxt("maps/galaxy_map.txt")
    galaxy_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    for i in xrange(len(events)):
        if i % 10 == 0: print i, len(events)
        event = events[i]
        if event["is_Auger"]:
            mean_energy = event["E"] * crp.EeV
            omega = CR.omega_one_exp(event["dec"], True, ff)
            sigma = Auger_angular_sigma
            mean_energy = event["E"] * crp.EeV / E_scale
Example #10
    def test_FullTransport(self):
        x, y, z = [], [], []
        E = 10 * TeV
        D = self.DifAdv.getScale()*6.1e24*(E/(4*GeV))**self.DifAdv.getAlpha()
        L_max = 50 * kpc
        epsilon = 0.1
        advSpeed = 1e6

        std_exp_x = np.sqrt(2*epsilon*D*L_max/c_light)
        std_exp_y = np.sqrt(2*epsilon*D*L_max/c_light)
        std_exp_z = np.sqrt(2*D*L_max/c_light)
        mean_exp_x = advSpeed * L_max / c_light
        mean_exp_y = 0.
        mean_exp_z = 0.

        N = 10**4

        maxTra = crpropa.MaximumTrajectoryLength(L_max)

        ConstMagVec = crpropa.Vector3d(0*nG,0*nG,1*nG)
        BField = crpropa.UniformMagneticField(ConstMagVec)

        ConstAdvVec = crpropa.Vector3d(advSpeed, 0., 0.)
        AdvField = crpropa.UniformAdvectionField(ConstAdvVec)

        precision = 1e-4
        minStep = 1*pc
        maxStep = 10*kpc

        DifAdv = crpropa.DiffusionSDE(BField, AdvField, precision, minStep, maxStep, epsilon)

        for i in range(N):
            c = crpropa.Candidate()
            while c.getTrajectoryLength() < L_max:

        # test for normality
        A2 = Anderson(x)['testStatistic']
        self.assertLess(A2, 2.274, msg=self.msg1)
        A2 = Anderson(y)['testStatistic']
        self.assertLess(A2, 2.274, msg=self.msg1)
        A2 = Anderson(z)['testStatistic']
        self.assertLess(A2, 2.274, msg=self.msg1)

        meanX, meanY, meanZ = np.mean(x), np.mean(y), np.mean(z)
        stdX, stdY, stdZ = np.std(x), np.std(y), np.std(z)

        # diffusion in parallel direction
        # compare the mean and std of the z-positions with expected values
        # z_mean = 0. (no advection)
        # z_ std = (2*D_parallel*t)^0.5
        # Take 4 sigma errors due to limited number of candidates into account
        stdOfMeans_x = std_exp_x/np.sqrt(N)
        stdOfStds_x = std_exp_x/np.sqrt(N)/np.sqrt(2.)
        self.assertLess(abs((meanX-mean_exp_x)/4./stdOfMeans_x), 1., msg=self.msg1)
        self.assertLess(abs((stdX-std_exp_x)/4./stdOfStds_x), 1., msg=self.msg1)

        stdOfMeans_y = std_exp_y/np.sqrt(N)
        stdOfStds_y = std_exp_y/np.sqrt(N)/np.sqrt(2.)
        self.assertLess(abs((meanY-mean_exp_y)/4./stdOfMeans_y), 1., msg=self.msg1)
        self.assertLess(abs((stdY-std_exp_y)/4./stdOfStds_y), 1., msg=self.msg1)

        stdOfMeans_z = std_exp_z/np.sqrt(N)
        stdOfStds_z = std_exp_z/np.sqrt(N)/np.sqrt(2.)
        self.assertLess(abs((meanZ-mean_exp_z)/4./stdOfMeans_z), 1., msg=self.msg1)
        self.assertLess(abs((stdZ-std_exp_z)/4./stdOfStds_z), 1., msg=self.msg1)