Example #1
    def verify_sth_temporal_consistency(old_sth, new_sth):
        """Verify the temporal consistency for two STH responses.

        For two STHs, verify that the newer STH has bigger tree size.
        Does not verify STH signatures or consistency of hashes.

            old_sth: client_pb2.SthResponse proto. The STH with the older
                timestamp must be supplied first.
            new_sth: client_pb2.SthResponse proto.

            True. The return value is enforced by a decorator and need not be
                checked by the caller.

            ct.crypto.error.ConsistencyError: STHs are inconsistent
            ValueError: "Older" STH is not older.
        if old_sth.timestamp > new_sth.timestamp:
            raise ValueError("Older STH has newer timestamp (%d vs %d), did "
                             "you supply inputs in the wrong order?" %
                             (old_sth.timestamp, new_sth.timestamp))

        if (old_sth.timestamp == new_sth.timestamp and
            old_sth.tree_size != new_sth.tree_size):
            # Issuing two different STHs for the same timestamp is illegal,
            # even if they are otherwise consistent.
            raise error.ConsistencyError("Inconsistency: different tree sizes "
                                         "for the same timestamp")
        if (old_sth.timestamp < new_sth.timestamp and
            old_sth.tree_size > new_sth.tree_size):
            raise error.ConsistencyError("Inconsistency: older tree has bigger "
        return True
Example #2
    def test_update_sth_fails_for_inconsistent_sth(self):
        client = FakeLogClient(self._NEW_STH)
        # The STH is in fact OK but fake failure.
        self.verifier.verify_sth_consistency.side_effect = (

        m = self.create_monitor(client)

        def check_state(result):
            # Check that we kept the state.
            expected_state = client_pb2.MonitorState()
            audited_sths = list(self.db.scan_latest_sth_range("log_server"))
            self.assertEqual(len(audited_sths), 2)
            for audited_sth in audited_sths:

        return m._update_sth().addCallback(
    def test_update_sth_fails_for_inconsistent_sth(self):
        client = FakeLogClient(self._NEW_STH)
        # The STH is in fact OK but fake failure.
        self.verifier.verify_sth_consistency.side_effect = (

        m = self.create_monitor(client)

        # Check that we kept the state.
        expected_state = client_pb2.MonitorState()
    def test_verify_sth_consistency_invalid_proof(self):
        old_sth = LogVerifierTest.default_sth
        new_sth = client_pb2.SthResponse()
        new_sth.tree_size = old_sth.tree_size + 1
        new_sth.timestamp = old_sth.timestamp + 1
        new_sth.sha256_root_hash = "a new hash"
        proof = ["some proof the mock does not care about"]

        mock_merkle_verifier = mock.Mock()
        mock_merkle_verifier.verify_tree_consistency.side_effect = (

        verifier = verify.LogVerifier(LogVerifierTest.default_key_info,
                          old_sth, new_sth, proof)
Example #5
    def verify_tree_consistency(self, old_tree_size, new_tree_size, old_root,
                                new_root, proof):
        """Verify the consistency between two root hashes.

        old_tree_size must be <= new_tree_size.

            old_tree_size: size of the older tree.
            new_tree_size: size of the newer_tree.
            old_root: the root hash of the older tree.
            new_root: the root hash of the newer tree.
            proof: the consistency proof.

            True. The return value is enforced by a decorator and need not be
                checked by the caller.

            ConsistencyError: the proof indicates an inconsistency
                (this is usually really serious!).
            ProofError: the proof is invalid.
            ValueError: supplied tree sizes are invalid.
        old_size = long(old_tree_size)
        new_size = long(new_tree_size)

        if old_size < 0 or new_size < 0:
            raise ValueError("Negative tree size")

        if old_size > new_size:
            raise ValueError("Older tree has bigger size (%d vs %d), did "
                             "you supply inputs in the wrong order?" %
                             (old_size, new_size))

        if old_size == new_size:
            if old_root == new_root:
                if proof:
                    logging.warning("Trees are identical, ignoring proof")
                return True
                raise error.ConsistencyError("Inconsistency: different root "
                                             "hashes for the same tree size")

        if old_size == 0:
            if proof:
                # A consistency proof with an empty tree is an empty proof.
                # Anything is consistent with an empty tree, so ignore whatever
                # bogus proof was supplied. Note we do not verify here that the
                # root hash is a valid hash for an empty tree.
                logging.warning("Ignoring non-empty consistency proof for "
                                "empty tree.")
            return True

        # Now 0 < old_size < new_size
        # A consistency proof is essentially an audit proof for the node with
        # index old_size - 1 in the newer tree. The sole difference is that
        # the path is already hashed together into a single hash up until the
        # first audit node that occurs in the newer tree only.
        node = old_size - 1
        last_node = new_size - 1

        # While we are the right child, everything is in both trees, so move one
        # level up.
        while node % 2:
            node //= 2
            last_node //= 2

        p = iter(proof)
            if node:
                # Compute the two root hashes in parallel.
                new_hash = old_hash = p.next()
                # The old tree was balanced (2**k nodes), so we already have
                # the first root hash.
                new_hash = old_hash = old_root

            while node:
                if node % 2:
                    # node is a right child: left sibling exists in both trees.
                    next_node = p.next()
                    old_hash = self.hasher.hash_children(next_node, old_hash)
                    new_hash = self.hasher.hash_children(next_node, new_hash)
                elif node < last_node:
                    # node is a left child: right sibling only exists in the
                    # newer tree.
                    new_hash = self.hasher.hash_children(new_hash, p.next())
                # else node == last_node: node is a left child with no sibling
                # in either tree.
                node //= 2
                last_node //= 2

            # Now old_hash is the hash of the first subtree. If the two trees
            # have different height, continue the path until the new root.
            while last_node:
                new_hash = self.hasher.hash_children(new_hash, p.next())
                last_node //= 2

            # If the second hash does not match, the proof is invalid for the
            # given pair. If, on the other hand, the newer hash matches but the
            # older one doesn't, then the proof (together with the signatures
            # on the hashes) is proof of inconsistency.
            # Continue to find out.
            if new_hash != new_root:
                raise error.ProofError("Bad Merkle proof: second root hash "
                                       "does not match. Expected hash: %s "
                                       ", computed hash: %s" %
            elif old_hash != old_root:
                raise error.ConsistencyError(
                    "Inconsistency: first root hash "
                    "does not match. Expected hash: "
                    "%s, computed hash: %s" %

        except StopIteration:
            raise error.ProofError("Merkle proof is too short")

        # We've already verified consistency, so accept the proof even if
        # there's garbage left over (but log a warning).
        except StopIteration:
            logging.warning("Proof has extra nodes")
        return True