Example #1
def pool_release_handle(arr, handle: int, last_in_use_handle_ptr: int):
    last_in_use_handle = deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr)
    item = arr.at(handle)
    if not (item.in_use_in_pool):
            "pool_release_handle - tried to release an inactive item. Item must be active to be released."
    item.in_use_in_pool = False
    # if the handle released is the last in use handle, then find the new last in use
    # handle. If you do a batch release, make sure the indices are in ascending order so that
    # only the last delete triggers this scan, i.e indices [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if 5 is the last
    # in use handle it only triggers this branch on the last index in the list.
    # unit_handles in map for enemies follows this pattern.
    if handle == last_in_use_handle:
        set(deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr), pool_get_last_in_use_handle(arr))
Example #2
    def get_bgm_audio(self, bgm_audio_name: BGMAudioName) -> BGMAudio:
        for audio in self.bgm_audio:
            if audio.audio_name == bgm_audio_name:
                return deref(audio)

        return self.bgm_audio[0]
Example #3
def pool_get_handle(arr, last_in_use_handle_ptr: int,
                    debug_pool_name_char_ptr) -> int:
    last_in_use_handle = deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr)
    for i, item in enumerate(arr):
        if not (item.in_use_in_pool):
            item.in_use_in_pool = True
            # update last_in_use_handle_ptr if the handle returned
            # is greater than the last_in_use_handle_ptr value
            if i > last_in_use_handle:
                set(deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr), i)
            return i
    capacity = array_capacity(arr)
    print("pool_get_handle - all elements are in use.")
    print("pool name:", debug_pool_name_char_ptr, "\npool size: ", arr.size,
          "\npool capacity:", capacity)
Example #4
    def get_se_audio(self, se_audio_name: SEAudioName) -> SEAudio:
        for audio in self.se_audio:
            if audio.audio_name == se_audio_name:
                return deref(audio)

        return self.se_audio[0]
Example #5
    def get_image(self, image_name: ImageName) -> Image:
        for image in self.images:
            if image.image_name == image_name:
                return deref(image)

        return self.images[0]
Example #6
def push(arr, value_ptr):
    capacity = array_capacity(arr)
    if arr.size > capacity - 1:
        print("push - array size is > than capacity - 1.", "size:", arr.size,
              "capacity:", capacity)
    arr[arr.size] = deref(value_ptr)
    arr.size += 1
Example #7
def text_set(self, game: Game, text_str, dst: SDL_Point,
             font_style: FontStyle, _text_alignment: TextAlignment,
             _text_word_wrap: TextWordWrap, _width: int, font_size: int,
             color: SDL_Color, outline: int, outline_color: SDL_Color,
             use_drop_shadow: bool):
    self.render_dst.dst = create_rect(dst.x, dst.y, 0, 0)
    self.render_dst.scaled_dst = self.render_dst.dst
    self.font_style = font_style
    self.text_alignment = _text_alignment
    self.text_word_wrap = _text_word_wrap
    self.width = _width
    self.font_size = font_size * game.engine.scale
    self.color = deref(color)
    self.outline = outline
    self.outline_color = deref(outline_color)
    self.use_drop_shadow = use_drop_shadow
    self.font = engine_get_font(game.engine, self.font_style, self.font_size, self.color,
                                self.outline, self.outline_color, self.use_drop_shadow)
    self.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = False
Example #8
def text_set_without_str(self, game: Game, dst: SDL_Point,
                         font_style: FontStyle, _text_alignment: TextAlignment,
                         _text_word_wrap: TextWordWrap, _width: int, font_size: int,
                         color: SDL_Color, outline: int, outline_color: SDL_Color,
                         use_drop_shadow: bool):
    # if the str was set before calling this function (such as in the case of damage text in world)
    self.render_dst.dst = create_rect(dst.x, dst.y, 0, 0)
    self.render_dst.scaled_dst = self.render_dst.dst
    self.font_style = font_style
    self.text_alignment = _text_alignment
    self.text_word_wrap = _text_word_wrap
    self.width = _width
    self.font_size = font_size * game.engine.scale
    self.color = deref(color)
    self.outline = outline
    self.outline_color = deref(outline_color)
    self.use_drop_shadow = use_drop_shadow
    self.font = engine_get_font(game.engine, self.font_style, self.font_size, self.color,
                                self.outline, self.outline_color, self.use_drop_shadow)
    self.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = False
Example #9
    def set(self, game: Game, warp_point_name: WarpPointName,
            tile_point: SDL_Point, warp_to_tile_point: SDL_Point,
            warp_to_map_handle: int):
        self.warp_point_name = warp_point_name
        self.tile_point = deref(tile_point)
        self.tile_point_move_grid.x = self.tile_point.x * game.move_grid_ratio
        self.tile_point_move_grid.y = self.tile_point.y * game.move_grid_ratio
        self.warp_to_tile_point = deref(warp_to_tile_point)
        self.warp_to_tile_point_move_grid.x = self.warp_to_tile_point.x
        self.warp_to_tile_point_move_grid.y = self.warp_to_tile_point.y
        self.warp_to_tile_point_move_grid.x *= game.move_grid_ratio
        self.warp_to_tile_point_move_grid.y *= game.move_grid_ratio
        self.warp_to_map_handle = warp_to_map_handle
        world_point = tile_point_to_world_point(self.tile_point_move_grid,
        self.sprite.render_dst.dst.x = world_point.x
        self.sprite.render_dst.dst.y = world_point.y

        if warp_point_name == WarpPointName.Standard:
            src = create_rect(0, 20, 40, 40)
            self.sprite.shared_srcs = game.sprite_db.find(
                game, ImageName.Tiles, src)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            self.sprite.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = True
        elif warp_point_name == WarpPointName.Town:
            src = create_rect(20, 0, 20, 20)
            self.sprite.shared_srcs = game.sprite_db.find(
                game, ImageName.Tiles, src)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            self.sprite.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = True
        elif warp_point_name == WarpPointName.Forest:
            src = create_rect(40, 0, 20, 20)
            self.sprite.shared_srcs = game.sprite_db.find(
                game, ImageName.Tiles, src)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            self.sprite.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = True
Example #10
    def get_random_unoccupied_move_grid_tile_point(self, game: Game, tile_point_hit_box: SDL_Rect) -> SDL_Point:
        iters = 0
        max_iters = 500
        hit_box_cpy = deref(tile_point_hit_box)
        p = create_point(hit_box_cpy.x, hit_box_cpy.y)
        while iters < max_iters:
            iters += 1
            p.x = game.engine.get_rand_int(0, self.move_grid_rows - 1)
            p.y = game.engine.get_rand_int(0, self.move_grid_cols - 1)
            hit_box_cpy.x = p.x
            hit_box_cpy.y = p.y
            if not(self.unit_occupies_tile_point_move_grid(game, hit_box_cpy, -1)):
                # print("Point found")
                return p

        print("Could not find random unoccupied point.")
        return create_point(0, 0)
Example #11
    def set_path(self, game: Game, map: Map, acting_unit: Unit, p1: SDL_Point, p2: SDL_Point, check_unit_collissions: bool):
        # inc call number, doens't matter if it overflows just needs to be unique for each call
        self.call_number += 1
        # if the call number if 0 it means it overflowed, clear the tables so that previous
        # call numbers won't be treated as valid. Imagine call number 5 is set in a cell from the
        # previous 0 - MAX_SIZE iteration, if the current call number is 5 it will treat it as valid,
        # even though it is from the previous 0 - MAX_SIZE iteration
        if self.call_number == 0:
            memset(addr(self.g_arr), 0, 1)
            memset(addr(self.came_from), 0, 1)
            # reset size as it was just zero'd out
            self.g_arr.size = array_capacity(self.g_arr)
            self.came_from.size = array_capacity(self.came_from)
            # finally inc call number to 1 so that 0 call number values from memset are not
            # treated as valid from this call number (that would mean every cell was valid)
            self.call_number = 1
        # clear previous path data
        # make copies of p1 and p2 because there was a weird mutation bug
        start = deref(p1)
        target = deref(p2)
        # closest point to target - is only valid if find_closest_target param is true
        self.closest_point_to_target = start
        self.closest_dist_to_target = manhattan_distance(start, target)
        tile_point_hit_box_cpy = acting_unit.tile_point_hit_box

        if not(map.in_bounds_move_grid(target)):
            print("PathFinder.set path - target_point is not in bounds.")
        if points_are_equal(start, target):
            print("Pathfinder.set_path - start and target points are equal.")

        iters = 0
        reconstruct_path_iters = 0
        # max iters for now is the path capacity, though iters can be greater than
        # the number of tiles in the map if it gets stuck and needs go around obstacles.
        # a good starting point though, change later if people struggle to find paths.
        max_iters = array_capacity(self.path)
        # not sure if this is true but keeping it for now
        if max_iters > array_capacity(self.path):
            print("PathFinder.set_path max_iters must be <= path capacity")
        neighbors = Array[SDL_Point](4)
        # set size directly because it will be manipulated with random access below
        neighbors.size = 4
        path_node = PathNode()
        path_node.p = start
        path_node.g = 0
        # self.g_arr.push(path_node)
        insert_point(self.g_arr, path_node.p, path_node,
                     map.rows, self.call_number)
        pq_node = PQNode()
        pq_node.p = start
        pq_node.f = manhattan_distance(start, target)
        came_from = CameFrom()

        # don't exit if iters fails, it just means a path couldn't be found.
        # it is not likely an error condition (althought it could be)
        while iters < max_iters and self.pq_arr.size > 0:
            iters += 1

            # pop last idx from pq_arr. It is sorted so it is the
            # node with the min f value.
            pq_last_idx = self.pq_arr.size - 1
            current = self.pq_arr[pq_last_idx]
            self.pq_arr.size -= 1

            if points_are_equal(current.p, target):
                # print("Found target in", iters, "iters")
                while arr_contains_key(self.came_from, current.p, map.rows, self.call_number):
                    reconstruct_path_iters += 1
                    if reconstruct_path_iters > max_iters:
                            "PathFinder.set_path - reconstruct_path iters > max_iters.")
                    came_from_handle = get_1d_from_2d_idx(current.p, map.rows)
                    came_from_ptr = self.came_from.at(came_from_handle)
                    current.p = came_from_ptr.to_point
                    if not(points_are_equal(current.p, start)):

                # reverse the array as it is currently backwards

            n0 = neighbors.at(0)
            n1 = neighbors.at(1)
            n2 = neighbors.at(2)
            n3 = neighbors.at(3)
            n0.x = current.p.x + 1
            n0.y = current.p.y
            n1.x = current.p.x - 1
            n1.y = current.p.y
            n2.x = current.p.x
            n2.y = current.p.y + 1
            n3.x = current.p.x
            n3.y = current.p.y - 1

            for n in neighbors:
                if not(map.in_bounds_move_grid(n)):
                tile_point_hit_box_cpy.x = n.x
                tile_point_hit_box_cpy.y = n.y
                if check_unit_collissions and map.unit_occupies_tile_point_move_grid(game, tile_point_hit_box_cpy, acting_unit.handle):
                g_handle = get_1d_from_2d_idx(current.p, map.rows)
                g_node = self.g_arr.at(g_handle)
                new_g_cost = g_node.g + 1
                neighbor_g_contains_handle = arr_contains_key(
                    self.g_arr, n, map.rows, self.call_number)
                neighbor_g_handle = get_1d_from_2d_idx(n, map.rows)
                neighbor_g = -1
                if neighbor_g_contains_handle:
                    neighbor_g_node = self.g_arr.at(neighbor_g_handle)
                    neighbor_g = neighbor_g_node.g
                if not(neighbor_g_contains_handle) or new_g_cost < neighbor_g:
                    f = manhattan_distance(n, target)

                    # update or push g_arr for the neighbor
                    path_node.g = new_g_cost
                    path_node.p = deref(n)
                    insert_point(self.g_arr, path_node.p,
                                 path_node, map.rows, self.call_number)

                    # push pq node and sort the pq
                    pq_node.f = f
                    pq_node.p = deref(n)

                    # update or push a new came from to came from arr
                    came_from.from_point = deref(n)
                    came_from.to_point = current.p
                    insert_point(self.came_from, n, came_from,
                                 map.rows, self.call_number)

                    # possibly update closest point to target
                    dist = manhattan_distance(current.p, target)
                    if dist > 0 and dist < self.closest_dist_to_target:
                        self.closest_dist_to_target = dist
                        self.closest_point_to_target = current.p
Example #12
def insert_point(arr, point: SDL_Point, value, rows: int, call_number: Uint32):
    idx = get_1d_from_2d_idx(point, rows)
    value.contains_key = True
    # set call number to this call so that contains key will treat the cell as valid
    value.call_number = call_number
    arr[idx] = deref(value)
Example #13
def world_point_to_index_with_camera(world_point: SDL_Point, camera_point: SDL_Point, tile_size: SDL_Point):
    p = deref(world_point)
    p.x += camera_point.x
    p.y += camera_point.y
    return world_point_to_tile_point(p, tile_size)
Example #14
def pool_init(game: Game, arr, last_in_use_handle_ptr: int):
    arr.size = array_capacity(arr)
    set(deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr), -1)
    for i, item in enumerate(arr):
        item.init(game, i)
Example #15
 def audio_play_bgm(self, bgm_audio: BGMAudio):
     # just using self for now so that unused var warnings go away
     self.current_bgm_audio = deref(bgm_audio)
     Mix_PlayMusic(bgm_audio.audio, -1)
Example #16
def text_set_color(self, game: Game, color: SDL_Color):
    self.color = deref(color)
    self.font = engine_get_font(game.engine, self.font_style, self.font_size, self.color,
                                self.outline, self.outline_color, self.use_drop_shadow)
Example #17
def pool_of_text_init(game: Game, arr, last_in_use_handle_ptr: int):
    # text uses text_init because there are many texts for each string size.
    arr.size = array_capacity(arr)
    set(deref(last_in_use_handle_ptr), -1)
    for i, item in enumerate(arr):
        item.text_init(game, i)
Example #18
    def set_to(self, game: Game, building_name: BuildingName,
               move_grid_tile_point: SDL_Point):
        self.tile_point_hit_box.x = move_grid_tile_point.x
        self.tile_point_hit_box.y = move_grid_tile_point.y
        world_point = tile_point_to_world_point(move_grid_tile_point,
        self.sprite.render_dst.dst.x = world_point.x
        self.sprite.render_dst.dst.y = world_point.y
        # clear previous ability data
        # set new data
        self.building_name = building_name
        self.sprite.spawn_time = game.engine.current_time
        self.sprite.render_dst.is_camera_rendered = True
        self.is_shop = False
        self.building_type = BuildingType.NA
        self.door_tile_point = deref(move_grid_tile_point)

        if building_name == BuildingName.NA:
            print("Building.set_to - attempted to call with AbilityName.NA.")
        elif building_name == BuildingName.PlayerLeague:
            self.building_type = BuildingType.League
            self.sprite.image = game.engine.get_image(ImageName.Buildings)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            src_w = 140
            src_h = 200
            move_grid_hit_box_size_dims = get_move_grid_size_dims(
                src_w, src_h, game.move_grid_tile_size)
            self.tile_point_hit_box.w = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.x
            self.tile_point_hit_box.h = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.y
            src0 = create_rect(0, 0, src_w, src_h)
            self.door_tile_point.x = move_grid_tile_point.x + 30
            self.door_tile_point.y = move_grid_tile_point.y + 80
        elif building_name == BuildingName.Shop0:
            self.building_type = BuildingType.PotionShop
            self.is_shop = True
            self.sprite.image = game.engine.get_image(ImageName.Buildings)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            src_w = 140
            src_h = 200
            move_grid_hit_box_size_dims = get_move_grid_size_dims(
                src_w, src_h, game.move_grid_tile_size)
            self.tile_point_hit_box.w = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.x
            self.tile_point_hit_box.h = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.y
            src0 = create_rect(140, 0, src_w, src_h)
            self.door_tile_point.x = move_grid_tile_point.x + 30
            self.door_tile_point.y = move_grid_tile_point.y + 80
        elif building_name == BuildingName.RecruitmentCenter0:
            self.building_type = BuildingType.RecruitmentShop
            self.sprite.image = game.engine.get_image(ImageName.Buildings)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 100
            src_w = 140
            src_h = 200
            move_grid_hit_box_size_dims = get_move_grid_size_dims(
                src_w, src_h, game.move_grid_tile_size)
            self.tile_point_hit_box.w = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.x
            self.tile_point_hit_box.h = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.y
            src0 = create_rect(280, 0, src_w, src_h)
            self.door_tile_point.x = move_grid_tile_point.x + 30
            self.door_tile_point.y = move_grid_tile_point.y + 80
        elif building_name == BuildingName.TeleportationStone:
            self.sprite.image = game.engine.get_image(ImageName.Buildings)
            self.sprite.anim_speed = 150
            src_w = 80
            src_h = 160
            move_grid_hit_box_size_dims = get_move_grid_size_dims(
                src_w, src_h, game.move_grid_tile_size)
            self.tile_point_hit_box.w = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.x
            self.tile_point_hit_box.h = move_grid_hit_box_size_dims.y
            src = create_rect(0, 864, src_w, src_h)
            for i in range(6):
                src = create_rect(i * src_w, 864, src_w, src_h)
            building_name_as_int = cast(building_name, "int")
            print("Building.set_to. Building name not handled. BulidingName:",