Example #1
def node_post():
    if "name" not in request.form:
        return json_error(404, "Missing node name")

    if "ip" not in request.form and "url" not in request.form:
        return json_error(404, "Missing IP address or direct URL")

    if Node.query.filter_by(name=request.form["name"]).first():
        return json_error(409, "There is already a node with this name")

    url = node_url(ip=request.form.get("ip"), url=request.form.get("url"))
    node = Node(name=request.form["name"], url=url,
                mode=request.form.get("mode", "normal"))

        machines = list_machines(url)
    except Exception as e:
        return json_error(404, "Error connecting to Cuckoo node: %s", e)

    for machine in machines:
        m = Machine(name=machine["name"], platform=machine["platform"],

    return jsonify(success=True, machines=machines)
Example #2
def node_refresh(name):
    node = Node.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
    if not node:
        return json_error(404, "No such node")

        machines = list_machines(node.url)
    except Exception as e:
        return json_error(404, "Error connecting to Cuckoo node: %s", e)

    machines_existing = {}
    for machine in node.machines:
        machine_values = machine.name, machine.platform
        machines_existing[machine_values] = machine

    # Add new machines.
    for machine in machines:
        machine_values = machine["name"], machine["platform"]
        if machine_values in machines_existing:
            # Update the associated tags for this machine.
            machines_existing[machine_values].tags = machine["tags"]
            del machines_existing[machine_values]

        m = Machine(name=machine["name"], platform=machine["platform"],

    # Unlink older machines.
    for machine in machines_existing.values():

    return jsonify(success=True, machines=machines)
def test_cuckoo_api():
    """Test Distributed Cuckoo's interaction with the Cuckoo API."""
    with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=True) as rsps:
        get(rsps, "/machines/list", json={"machines": "foo"})
        assert api.list_machines("http://localhost") == "foo"

        get(rsps, ":80/cuckoo/status", json={"a": "b"})
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost:80") == {"a": "b"}

        get(rsps, ":8080/cuckoo/status", body="TIMEOUT", status=500)
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost:8080") is None

        get(rsps, "/cuckoo/status", body=requests.ConnectionError("foo"))
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost") is None

        filepath = tempfile.mktemp()
        open(filepath, "wb").write("hello")

        d = {
            "filename": "bar.exe",
            "path": filepath,
            "package": None,
            "timeout": None,
            "priority": None,
            "options": None,
            "machine": None,
            "platform": None,
            "tags": None,
            "custom": None,
            "owner": None,
            "memory": None,
            "clock": None,
            "enforce_timeout": None,

        post(rsps, ":80/tasks/create/file", json={"task_id": 12345})
        assert api.submit_task("http://localhost:80", d) == 12345

        assert api.submit_task("http://localhost:8080", d) is None

        get(rsps, "/tasks/list/100", json={"tasks": ["foo"]})
        assert api.fetch_tasks("http://localhost", "finished", 100) == ["foo"]

        get(rsps, "/tasks/report/1/json", body="A" * 1024 * 1024 * 8)
        dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        r = api.store_report("http://localhost", 1, "json", dirpath)
        assert r == (1, "json")
        buf = open(os.path.join(dirpath, "report.json"), "rb").read()
        assert buf == "A" * 1024 * 1024 * 8

        get(rsps, "/tasks/delete/42")
        assert api.delete_task("http://localhost", 42)

        get(rsps, "/pcap/get/123", body="A" * 1024)
        filepath = tempfile.mktemp()
        assert api.fetch_pcap("http://localhost", 123, filepath) is None
        assert open(filepath, "rb").read() == "A" * 1024
Example #4
def test_cuckoo_api():
    """Test Distributed Cuckoo's interaction with the Cuckoo API."""
    with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=True) as rsps:
        get(rsps, "/machines/list", json={"machines": "foo"})
        assert api.list_machines("http://localhost") == "foo"

        get(rsps, "/cuckoo/status", json={"a": "b"})
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost") == {"a": "b"}

        get(rsps, "/cuckoo/status", body="TIMEOUT", status=500)
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost") is None

        get(rsps, "/cuckoo/status", body=requests.ConnectionError("foo"))
        assert api.node_status("http://localhost") is None

        filepath = tempfile.mktemp()
        open(filepath, "wb").write("hello")

        d = {
            "filename": "bar.exe",
            "path": filepath,
            "package": None,
            "timeout": None,
            "priority": None,
            "options": None,
            "machine": None,
            "platform": None,
            "tags": None,
            "custom": None,
            "owner": None,
            "memory": None,
            "clock": None,
            "enforce_timeout": None,

        post(rsps, "/tasks/create/file", json={"task_id": 12345})
        assert api.submit_task("http://localhost", d) == 12345

        post(rsps, "/tasks/create/file", body=requests.ConnectionError("a"))
        assert api.submit_task("http://localhost", d) is None

        get(rsps, "/tasks/list/100", json={"tasks": ["foo"]})
        assert api.fetch_tasks("http://localhost", "finished", 100) == ["foo"]

        get(rsps, "/tasks/report/1/json", body="A"*1024*1024*8)
        dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        r = api.store_report("http://localhost", 1, "json", dirpath)
        assert r == (1, "json")
        buf = open(os.path.join(dirpath, "report.json"), "rb").read()
        assert buf == "A"*1024*1024*8

        get(rsps, "/tasks/delete/42")
        assert api.delete_task("http://localhost", 42)

        get(rsps, "/pcap/get/123", body="A"*1024)
        filepath = tempfile.mktemp()
        assert api.fetch_pcap("http://localhost", 123, filepath) is None
        assert open(filepath, "rb").read() == "A"*1024