Example #1
def mix2d(a):
    Calculate a DST-DCT-hybrid transform
    (DST in first direction, DCT in second one),
    jury-rigged from padded rFFT
    (anti-symmetrically in first direction, symmetrically in second direction).
    # NOTE: LCODE 3D uses x as the first direction, thus the confision below.
    M, N = a.shape
    #                                  /(0  1  2  0)-2 -1 \      +---->  x
    #  / 1  2 \                       | (0  3  4  0)-4 -3  |     |      (M)
    #  | 3  4 |  mixed-symmetrically  | (0  5  6  0)-6 -5  |     |
    #  | 5  6 |       padded to       | (0  7  8  0)-8 -7  |     v
    #  \ 7  8 /                       |  0 +5 +6  0 -6 -5  |
    #                                  \ 0 +3 +4  0 -4 -3 /      y (N)
    p = cp.zeros((2 * M + 2, 2 * N - 2))  # wider than before
    p[1:M + 1, :N] = a
    p[M + 2:2 * M + 2, :N] = -cp.flipud(a)  # flip to right on drawing above
    p[1:M + 1,
      N - 1:2 * N - 2] = cp.fliplr(a)[:, :-1]  # flip down on drawing above
    p[M + 2:2 * M + 2, N - 1:2 * N - 2] = -cp.flipud(cp.fliplr(a))[:, :-1]
    # Note: the returned array is wider than the input array, it is padded
    # with zeroes (depicted above as a square region marked with round braces).
    return -cp.fft.rfft2(p)[:M +
                            2, :N].imag  # FFT, cut a corner with 0s, -imag
Example #2
def test_orientation():
    orient = regionprops(SAMPLE)[0].orientation
    # determined with MATLAB
    assert_almost_equal(orient, -1.4663278802756865)
    # test diagonal regions
    diag = cp.eye(10, dtype=int)
    orient_diag = regionprops(diag)[0].orientation
    assert_almost_equal(orient_diag, -math.pi / 4)
    orient_diag = regionprops(cp.flipud(diag))[0].orientation
    assert_almost_equal(orient_diag, math.pi / 4)
    orient_diag = regionprops(cp.fliplr(diag))[0].orientation
    assert_almost_equal(orient_diag, math.pi / 4)
    orient_diag = regionprops(cp.fliplr(cp.flipud(diag)))[0].orientation
    assert_almost_equal(orient_diag, -math.pi / 4)
Example #3
def take_filter(N, filter):
    os = 4
    d = 0.5
    Ne = os * N
    t = cp.arange(0, Ne / 2 + 1) / Ne

    if (filter == 'ramp'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(12, t)  # .*(t/(2*d)<=1)%compute the weigths
    elif (filter == 'shepp-logan'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(12, t) * cp.sinc(t / (2 * d)) * (t / d <= 2)
    elif (filter == 'cosine'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(12, t) * cp.cos(cp.pi * t /
                                              (2 * d)) * (t / d <= 1)
    elif (filter == 'cosine2'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(12, t) * (cp.cos(cp.pi * t /
                                               (2 * d)))**2 * (t / d <= 1)
    elif (filter == 'hamming'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(
            12, t) * (.54 + .46 * cp.cos(cp.pi * t / d)) * (t / d <= 1)
    elif (filter == 'hann'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(
            12, t) * (1 + np.cos(cp.pi * t / d)) / 2.0 * (t / d <= 1)
    elif (filter == 'parzen'):
        wfa = Ne * 0.5 * wint(12, t) * pow(1 - t / d, 3) * (t / d <= 1)

    wfa = wfa * (wfa >= 0)
    wfamid = cp.array([2 * wfa[0]])
    tmp = wfa
    wfa = cp.concatenate((cp.flipud(tmp[1:]), wfamid))
    wfa = cp.concatenate((wfa, tmp[1:]))
    wfa = wfa[:-1].astype('float32')
    return wfa
Example #4
def dst2d(a):
    Calculate DST-Type1-2D, jury-rigged from anti-symmetrically-padded rFFT.
    assert a.shape[0] == a.shape[1]
    N = a.shape[0]
    #                                    / 0  0  0  0  0  0 \
    #  0  0  0  0                       |  0 /1  2\ 0 -2 -1  |
    #  0 /1  2\ 0   anti-symmetrically  |  0 \3  4/ 0 -4 -3  |
    #  0 \3  4/ 0       padded to       |  0  0  0  0  0  0  |
    #  0  0  0  0                       |  0 -3 -4  0 +4 +3  |
    #                                    \ 0 -1 -2  0 +2 +1 /
    p = cp.zeros((2 * N + 2, 2 * N + 2))
    p[1:N+1, 1:N+1], p[1:N+1, N+2:] = a,             -cp.fliplr(a)
    p[N+2:,  1:N+1], p[N+2:,  N+2:] = -cp.flipud(a), +cp.fliplr(cp.flipud(a))

    # after padding: rFFT-2D, cut out the top-left segment, take -real part
    return -cp.fft.rfft2(p)[1:N+1, 1:N+1].real
Example #5
def dct2d(a):
    Calculate DCT-Type1-2D, jury-rigged from symmetrically-padded rFFT.
    assert a.shape[0] == a.shape[1]
    N = a.shape[0]
    #                                    //1  2  3  4\ 3  2 \
    # /1  2  3  4\                      | |5  6  7  8| 7  6  |
    # |5  6  7  8|     symmetrically    | |9  A  B  C| B  A  |
    # |9  A  B  C|      padded to       | \D  E  F  G/ F  E  |
    # \D  E  F  G/                      |  9  A  B  C  B  A  |
    #                                    \ 5  6  7  8  7  6 /
    p = cp.zeros((2 * N - 2, 2 * N - 2))
    p[:N, :N] = a
    p[N:, :N] = cp.flipud(a)[1:-1, :]  # flip to right on drawing above
    p[:N, N:] = cp.fliplr(a)[:, 1:-1]  # flip down on drawing above
    p[N:, N:] = cp.flipud(cp.fliplr(a))[1:-1, 1:-1]  # bottom-right corner
    # after padding: rFFT-2D, cut out the top-left segment, take -real part
    return -cp.fft.rfft2(p)[:N, :N].real
Example #6
def convolve2dcp(image, kernel):
    # This function which takes an image and a kernel
    # and returns the convolution of them
    # Args:
    #   image: a numpy array of size [image_height, image_width].
    #   kernel: a numpy array of size [kernel_height, kernel_width].
    # Returns:
    #   a numpy array of size [image_height, image_width] (convolution output).

    kernel = cp.flipud(cp.fliplr(kernel))  # Flip the kernel
    output = cp.zeros_like(image)  # convolution output
    # Add zero padding to the input image
    image_padded = cp.zeros((image.shape[0] + 2, image.shape[1] + 2))
    image_padded[1:-1, 1:-1] = image
    for x in range(image.shape[1]):  # Loop over every pixel of the image
        for y in range(image.shape[0]):
            # element-wise multiplication of the kernel and the image
            output[y, x] = (kernel * image_padded[y:y + 3, x:x + 3]).sum()
    return output
Example #7
    while True:
        #         Waiting for data from master process
        chunk_shape = comm.recv(source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=SETUP_TAG)
        if chunk_shape == -1:
            amps = comm.recv(source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=AMPS_TAG)
            chunk = comm.recv(source=MASTER_PROCESS,
            tag = status.Get_tag()
            cusig = cupy.asarray(chunk, dtype=cupy.float32)
            cusig = cusig - cupy.mean(cusig)
            cusig = cusignal.sosfilt(sos, cusig)
            cusig = cupy.flipud(cusig)
            cusig = cusignal.sosfilt(sos, cusig)
            cusig = cupy.flipud(cusig)
            proc_channel_scales = cupy.asarray(chunk[:, -1],
                                               dtype=cupy.float32)[:, None]
            #             cusig=cusig*proc_channel_scales
            result_array = cupy.asnumpy(
                cusig[:, -(chunk.shape[1] - sample_chunk_size):])
            comm.send(result_array, dest=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=RESULT_TAG)

if iproc == MASTER_PROCESS:
    if ram_copy:
        del in_ramfile, out_ramfile
Example #8
def convolve_gpu_chunked(x,
    """Chunked GPU FFT-based convolution for large arrays.

    This memory-controlled version splits the signal into chunks of n samples.
    Each chunk is tapered in and out, the overlap is designed to get clear of the taper
    splicing of overlaping chunks is done in a cosine way.

    param: pad None, 'zeros', 'constant', 'flip'

    x = cp.asarray(x)
    b = cp.asarray(b)
    assert b.ndim == 1
    n = x.shape[0]
    assert overlap >= 2 * ntap
    # create variables, the gain is to control the splicing
    y = cp.zeros_like(x)
    gain = cp.zeros(n)
    # compute tapers/constants outside of the loop
    taper_in = (-cp.cos(cp.linspace(0, 1, ntap) * cp.pi) / 2 + 0.5)[:,
    taper_out = cp.flipud(taper_in)
    assert b.shape[0] < nwin < n
    # this is the convolution wavelet that we shift to be 0 lag
    bp = cp.pad(b, (0, nwin - b.shape[0]), mode='constant')
    bp = cp.roll(bp, -b.size // 2 + 1)
    bp = cp.fft.rfft(bp, n=nwin)[:, cp.newaxis]
    # this is used to splice windows together: cosine taper. The reversed taper is complementary
    scale = cp.minimum(
        cp.maximum(0, cp.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, overlap - 2 * ntap)), 1)
    splice = (-cp.cos(scale * cp.pi) / 2 + 0.5)[:, cp.newaxis]
    # loop over the signal by chunks and apply convolution in frequency domain
    first = 0
    while True:
        first = min(n - nwin, first)
        last = min(first + nwin, n)
        # the convolution
        x_ = cp.copy(x[first:last, :])
        x_[:ntap] *= taper_in
        x_[-ntap:] *= taper_out
        x_ = cp.fft.irfft(cp.fft.rfft(x_, axis=0, n=nwin) * bp, axis=0, n=nwin)
        # this is to check the gain of summing the windows
        tt = cp.ones(nwin)
        tt[:ntap] *= taper_in[:, 0]
        tt[-ntap:] *= taper_out[:, 0]
        # the full overlap is outside of the tapers: we apply a cosine splicing to this part only
        if first > 0:
            full_overlap_first = first + ntap
            full_overlap_last = first + overlap - ntap
            gain[full_overlap_first:full_overlap_last] *= (1. - splice[:, 0])
            gain[full_overlap_first:full_overlap_last] += tt[ntap:overlap -
                                                             ntap] * splice[:,
            gain[full_overlap_last:last] = tt[overlap - ntap:]
            y[full_overlap_first:full_overlap_last] *= (1. - splice)
            y[full_overlap_first:full_overlap_last] += x_[ntap:overlap -
                                                          ntap] * splice
            y[full_overlap_last:last] = x_[overlap - ntap:]
            y[first:last, :] = x_
            gain[first:last] = tt
        if last == n:
        first += nwin - overlap
    return y
Example #9
def correct(img, shift=True):
    """Correct the orientation of the obtained image."""
    if shift:
        return cp.fliplr(cp.flipud(cp.fft.fftshift(img)))
        return cp.fliplr(cp.flipud(img))
row = cp_density_stack.shape[1]
col = cp_density_stack.shape[2]
print("sta_dens = " + str(sta_dens))
print("row = " + str(row))
print("col = " + str(col))

average_dens = cp.average(cp_density_stack, axis=(1, 2))

temp_dens = cp.zeros(cp_density_stack.shape)
if (temp_dens_flag == 1):
    temp_dens_2D = Image.open(temp_dens_name)
    temp_dens_2D = cp.asarray(temp_dens_2D, dtype="float32")
    temp_dens_2D = cp.flipud(temp_dens_2D)
    temp_dens_2D_ave = cp.average(temp_dens_2D)
    temp_dens_2D[:, :] = temp_dens_2D[:, :] - temp_dens_2D_ave
    temp_dens[:, :, :] = temp_dens_2D[:, :]
    temp_dens[:, :, :] = cp_density_stack[0, :, :]


average_dens_expa = cp.zeros(cp_density_stack.shape)
for i in range(sta_dens):
    average_dens_expa[i, :, :] = average_dens[i]

average_temp_dens_expa = cp.zeros(cp_density_stack.shape)
average_temp_dens_expa[:, :, :] = average_dens[0]

			R_dens_sort = cp.asnumpy(R_dens_sort)#cupy配列 ⇒ numpy配列に変換
			with mrcfile.new(header + '_final_rdens_sort.mrc', overwrite=True) as mrc:

			cp_sup_sort = cp.asnumpy(cp_sup_sort)#cupy配列 ⇒ numpy配列に変換
			with mrcfile.new(header + '_final_sup_sort.mrc', overwrite=True) as mrc:

			R_dens_min_NOR = cp.asnumpy(R_dens_min_NOR)#cupy配列 ⇒ numpy配列に変換
			foname=header + "_final_rdens_min_NOR.tif"
			tifffile.imsave(foname ,R_dens_min_NOR.real)
			foname=header + "_final_adens_min_NOR.tif"
			tifffile.imsave(foname ,np.absolute(R_dens_min_NOR))

			cp_sup_min_NOR = cp.asnumpy(cp_sup_min_NOR)#cupy配列 ⇒ numpy配列に変換
			foname=header + "_final_sup_min_NOR.tif"
			tifffile.imsave(foname ,cp_sup_min_NOR)


		cp_sup = cp.asnumpy(cp_sup)