Example #1
def create_invoice_from_cart(cart, account, user):
    logger.debug('create_invoice_from_cart: entering: cart=%s, account=%s, user=%s', cart, account, user)
    sig = sha1(repr(datetime.now())).hexdigest()
    invoice = Invoice(id=sig, customer=account, status=Invoice.Const.NEW)
    cart_items = get_cart_items(cart)    
    items = []
    for item in cart_items:
        logger.debug('create_invoice_from_cart: adding invoice line: item=%s', item)
        invoice.add_line(item.product.name, item.product.base_price, item.quantity)

    invoice.description = " $%3.02f items - %s" % (invoice.total, ', '.join(items))        

    return invoice
Example #2
def checkout(request, success_url=''):
    Display and/or collect payment information while displaying a summary of products to be purchased.
    Checkout consists of three steps:
        1) collect credit card info (while reviewing order info)
           - on submit we do local validation. cycle until this process succeeds or user quits.
           - user can select paypal checkout from the point which initiates alternate flow (managed by the paypal plugin)
        2) display card info and order info for final review
           - on submit we 
               - create an invoice from the currnent cart
               - destroy the current cart
               - send card / order info to payment gateway for processing
           - if processing succeeds
               - find the invoice and mark it paid
           - else if it fails
               - find the invoice and mark it 'failed'. attach failure info to invoice for tracking        
        3) display invoice and success/failure message         
    If the user elects paypal checkout, there is an alternate flow.
    from models import CartItem
    account = request.user.get_profile().account
    # we're basically a wrapper around this view func... so lets configure it.
    view_func = PayPalPro(payment_template="product/checkout.html",
        # if there's no NEW invoice, create one from current cart
            invoice = account.invoice_set.get(status=Invoice.Const.NEW)
            logger.debug('checkout: [%s] found pre-existing new invoice [%s]' % (request.session.session_key, invoice.id))
        except Invoice.DoesNotExist:
            sig = sha1(repr(datetime.now())).hexdigest()
            invoice = Invoice(id=sig, customer=account, status=Invoice.Const.NEW)
            invoice.description = "Web Purchase by '%s' on '%s'" % (request.user.email, datetime.now())
            cart_items = CartItem.objects.filter(session_key__exact=request.session.session_key)
            for item in cart_items:
                invoice.add_line(item.product.name, item.product.base_price, item.quantity)
            # note - we are in transaction context.. save probably has no effect...
            logger.debug('checkout: [%s] created new invoice [%s]' % (request.session.session_key, invoice.id))
        # if this is a post, we try to process the invoice.
        if request.method == "POST" or (request.method == "GET" and 'express' in request.GET):
            # change invoice status to pending
            invoice.status = Invoice.Const.PENDING
            # configure the paypal processor with invoice info.
            view_func.item = {
                "amt":          invoice.total,
                "invnum":       invoice.id,
                "custom":       request.session.session_key,    # for debugging
                "desc":         invoice.description,
                "cancelurl":    make_site_url(reverse('select_products')),     # Express checkout cancel url
                "returnurl":    make_site_url(reverse('dealer-dashboard'))     # Express checkout return url
            request.user.message_set.create(message='Thanks for your order!')
    except Exception as ex:
        errors = "Failed to create new invoice! (%s)" % ex
    view_func.context = locals()
#    logger.debug('checkout: session #%s: payment request for invoice [%s] submitted to paypal with item=%s, context=%s' % (
#        request.session.session_key,
#        invoice,
#        view_func.item,
#        view_func.context)
#    )
    return view_func(request)