Example #1
def get_svm_ws(x, y, c, kernel_function):
    n = np.shape(x)[0]
    # print "x data = \n", data[:, :-1]
    k = kernel_function(x, x)
#     k = np.dot(x, x.T) # basically the "kernel matrix"
    # print "kernel = \n", k
    P = matrix(k * np.multiply.outer(y, y))
    # print "P = \n", P
    q = matrix(-1*np.ones(n))
    # print "q = \n", q
    G = matrix(np.concatenate((np.eye(n), -1*np.eye(n))))
    # print "G = \n", G
    h = matrix(np.concatenate((np.tile(c, n), np.tile(0, n))), tc='d')
    A = matrix(y, (1, n))
    b = matrix(0.0)
    solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-10
    solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-10
    solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-10
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    solution = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    alphas = np.array(solution['x'])
#     print alphas
    w = np.sum((x.T*y)*alphas.flatten(), axis=1)
    zero_thresh = 1e-6
    y = np.reshape(y, (-1, 1))
    x_support = np.where(np.abs(alphas - (c + zero_thresh)/2.0) < (c - zero_thresh)/2.0, x, 0)
    print "Number of support vectors = ", np.sum(np.abs(alphas - (c + zero_thresh)/2.0) < (c - zero_thresh)/2.0)
    k_alpha = kernel_function(x_support, x)
    w0 = np.array([(np.sum(np.where(np.abs(alphas - (c + zero_thresh)/2.0) < (c - zero_thresh)/2.0, y, 0)) - np.sum(k_alpha * y * alphas)) / np.sum(np.where(abs(alphas - (c + zero_thresh)/2.0) < (c - zero_thresh)/2.0))])
    # print "alphas = ", alphas
    # print "w0 = ", w0
    # print "w = ", w
    return [w0, alphas, x_support]
Example #2
        def mfeasible(c, lfather=None, ufather=None):

            #box containing the ball
            c.lReduced = c.xc - c.r * ones(D)
            c.uReduced = c.xc + c.r * ones(D)

            # check if the sub-ball is in the domain reduced of the father
            def checkAndUpdateBound():

                # intersection between the box of the ball and the box reduced of the father
                for i in range(0,D):

                    if c.lReduced[i]<lfather[i]:

                    if c.uReduced[i]>ufather[i]:


            # Solve QP to check feasibility
            sol = qp(matrix(2*identity(D)),matrix(-2*c.xc),matrix(vstack([-1*identity(D),identity(D),A])),matrix(hstack([-l,u,b])),matrix(E),matrix(d))

            mxopt = array(sol['x']).flatten()
            mr = sol['primal objective']
            mr = mr + dot(c.xc,c.xc)

            # Check if point lies inside domain
            if(mr <= (c.r**2)):
                mf = 1
                mf = 0
                mxopt = None

            return mf, mxopt
Example #3
def cvxopt_run(infile = 'cvxopt_params.npz', outfile = 'cvxopt.npz'):
        params = np.load(infile);
        P = matrix(params['P']);
        q = matrix(params['q']);
    except IOError:
        print 'file not found';
    except KeyError:
        print 'parameters P and q are required to solve QP';
            G = matrix(params['G']);
            h = matrix(params['h']);
        except KeyError:
            sol = solvers.qp(P, q);
                A = matrix(params['A']);
                b = matrix(params['b']);
            except KeyError:
                sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h);
                sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b);
            print sol['x'];
            print sol['primal objective'];
            x = np.array([i for i in sol['x']]);
            print x;
            np.savez(outfile, x = x);
Example #4
        def maximize(mu, sigma, q):
            n = len(last_b)

            P = matrix(2 * (sigma + ALPHA * np.eye(n)))
            q = matrix(-q * mu + 2 * ALPHA * np.matrix(last_b).T)
            G = matrix(-np.eye(n))
            h = matrix(np.zeros(n))

            if max_leverage is None or max_leverage == float('inf'):
                sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)
                if self.allow_cash:
                    G = matrix(np.r_[G, matrix(np.ones(n)).T])
                    h = matrix(np.r_[h, matrix([self.max_leverage])])
                    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, initvals=last_b)
                    A = matrix(np.ones(n)).T
                    b = matrix(np.array([max_leverage]))
                    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b, initvals=last_b)

            if sol['status'] != 'optimal':
                logging.warning("Solution not found for {}, using last weights".format(last_b.name))
                return last_b

            return np.squeeze(sol['x'])
Example #5
def portfolio(filename="portfolio.txt"):
    # Markowitz portfolio optimization
    data = np.loadtxt('portfolio.txt')[:,1:]
    n = data.shape[1]
    mu = 1.13
    # calculate covariance matrix
    Q = np.cov(data.T)
    # calculate returns
    R = data.mean(axis=0)
    P = matrix(Q)
    q = matrix(np.zeros(n))
    b = matrix(np.array([1., mu]))
    A = np.ones((2,n))
    A[1,:] = R
    A = matrix(A)
    # calculate optimal portfolio with short selling.
    sol1 = solvers.qp(P, q, A=A, b=b)
    x1 = np.array(sol1['x']).flatten()
    # calculate optimal portfolio without short selling.
    G = matrix(-np.eye(n))
    h = matrix(np.zeros(n))
    sol2 = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    x2 = np.array(sol2['x']).flatten()
    return x1, x2
def optimal_portfolio(returns):
    n = len(returns)
    returns = np.asmatrix(returns)
    N = 100
    mus = [10**(5.0 * t/N - 1.0) for t in range(N)]
    # Convert to cvxopt matrices
    S = opt.matrix(np.cov(returns))
    pbar = opt.matrix(np.mean(returns, axis=1))
    # Create constraint matrices
    G = -opt.matrix(np.eye(n))   # negative n x n identity matrix
    h = opt.matrix(0.0, (n ,1))
    A = opt.matrix(1.0, (1, n))
    b = opt.matrix(1.0)
    # Calculate efficient frontier weights using quadratic programming
    portfolios = [solvers.qp(mu*S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] 
                  for mu in mus]
    returns = [np.dot(np.transpose(pbar), x) for x in portfolios]
    returns = np.concatenate(returns).ravel()
    risks = [np.sqrt(np.dot(np.transpose(x), S*x)) for x in portfolios]
    risks = np.concatenate(risks).ravel()
    sharpes = [this_return / this_risk for this_return,this_risk in zip(returns, risks)]
    final_portfolio = portfolios[sharpes.index(max(sharpes))]
    m1 = np.polyfit(np.asarray(returns), np.asarray(risks), 2)
    x1 = np.sqrt(m1[2] / m1[0])
    wt = solvers.qp(opt.matrix(x1 * S), -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x']
    #return np.asarray(wt), returns, risks
    return final_portfolio, returns, risks
def optimal_portfolio(returns):
    n = len(returns)
    returns = np.asmatrix(returns)
    N = 100
    mus = [10**(5.0 * t/N - 1.0) for t in range(N)]
    # Convert to cvxopt matrices
    S = opt.matrix(np.cov(returns))
    pbar = opt.matrix(np.mean(returns, axis=1))
    # Create constraint matrices
    G = -opt.matrix(np.eye(n))   # negative n x n identity matrix
    h = opt.matrix(0.0, (n ,1))
    A = opt.matrix(1.0, (1, n))
    b = opt.matrix(1.0)
    # Calculate efficient frontier weights using quadratic programming
    portfolios = [solvers.qp(mu*S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] 
                  for mu in mus]
    returns = [blas.dot(pbar, x) for x in portfolios]
    risks = [np.sqrt(blas.dot(x, S*x)) for x in portfolios]
    m1 = np.polyfit(returns, risks, 2)
    x1 = np.sqrt(m1[2] / m1[0])
    wt = solvers.qp(opt.matrix(x1 * S), -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x']
    return np.asarray(wt), returns, risks
Example #8
    def solve_optimization(self, train_x, labels):
        Q = self.build_Q(train_x, labels)
        p = [-1.0] * train_x.shape[0]

        if self.with_slack:
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0] + [self.C] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.concatenate((np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1,
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1

        optimized = qp(matrix(Q), matrix(p), matrix(G), matrix(h))
        if optimized['status'] == 'optimal':
            alphas = list(optimized['x'])

            self.support_vector = [(alpha, train_x[i,:],labels[i])
                                   for i,alpha in enumerate(alphas)
                                   if alpha>self.epsilon]
            return True
            print "No valid separating hyperplane found"
            print "Find a best hyperplane for the mixture data..."
            h = [0.0] * train_x.shape[0] + [self.C] * train_x.shape[0]
            G = np.concatenate((np.identity(train_x.shape[0]) * -1,
            optimized = qp(matrix(Q), matrix(p), matrix(G), matrix(h))
            alphas = list(optimized['x'])

            self.support_vector = [(alpha, train_x[i,:],labels[i])
                                   for i,alpha in enumerate(alphas)
                                   if alpha>self.epsilon]
            return False
Example #9
        def maximize(mu, sigma, q):
            n = len(last_b)

            P = matrix(2 * sigma)
            qq = matrix(np.zeros(n))
            G = matrix(np.r_[-np.eye(n), -mu])
            h = matrix(np.r_[np.zeros(n), -q])

                if max_leverage is None or max_leverage == float('inf'):
                    sol = solvers.qp(P, qq, G, h)
                    if self.allow_cash:
                        G = matrix(np.r_[G, matrix(np.ones(n)).T])
                        h = matrix(np.r_[h, matrix([self.max_leverage])])
                        sol = solvers.qp(P, qq, G, h, initvals=last_b)
                        A = matrix(np.ones(n)).T
                        b = matrix(np.array([max_leverage]))
                        sol = solvers.qp(P, qq, G, h, A, b, initvals=last_b)

                if sol['status'] == 'unknown':
                    raise ValueError()

            except ValueError:
                # no feasible solution - maximize return instead
                P = P * 0
                qq = matrix(-mu.T)
                G = matrix(np.r_[-np.eye(n), matrix(np.ones(n)).T])
                h = matrix(np.r_[np.zeros(n), self.max_leverage])

                sol = solvers.qp(P, qq, G, h)

            return np.squeeze(sol['x'])
def optim_CHT_decen(pb, step, e, user, ratio=0.,  k_max=1000):
    Returns power distribution u_sol, the lagrangian multiplier, the number of Uzawa iterations and
     the value of the cost function in the static distributed optimization with a user cheating with his comfort factor.

    keyword arguments:
    pb -- dictionary of the problem (nbr of users, time step, max resources, max admissible power, thermal resistance,
     Thermal capacity, vector of the init temperature, value of the exterior temperature, reference temperature,
      comfort factor, size of the prediction horizon)
    step -- step of the Lagrangian in the Uzawa method
    e -- value of the maxim gap tolerable
    user -- number of the user cheating
    ratio -- ratio of the comfort factor in comparison to the one of the other users (default 0.0)
    k_max -- max number of iteration in the Uzawa method (default 1000)

    Rth = pb['Rth']
    Text = pb['Text']
    T_id = pb['T_id']
    Umax = pb['Umax']
    u_m = pb['u_m']
    alpha = pb['alpha']

    u_id = (T_id - Text) / Rth

    L = 0
    m = len(Rth)
    u_sol = np.zeros(m)

    for k in range(k_max):
        assert L >= 0, "u_id can be reached for all users"
        for j in range(m):

            Pj = matrix(2 * alpha[j] * Rth[j] ** 2, tc='d')
            qj = matrix(1 - 2 * alpha[j] * Rth[j]**2 * u_id[j] + L, tc='d')
            Gj = matrix([-1, 1], tc='d')
            hj = matrix([0, u_m[j]], tc='d')

            solj = solvers.qp(Pj, qj, Gj, hj)
            u_sol[j] = solj['x'][0]

        Pj = matrix(2 * alpha[user] * Rth[user] ** 2, tc='d')
        qj = matrix(1 - 2 * alpha[user] * Rth[user] ** 2 * u_id[user] + (1-ratio)*L, tc='d')
        Gj = matrix([-1, 1], tc='d')
        hj = matrix([0, u_m[user]], tc='d')

        solj = solvers.qp(Pj, qj, Gj, hj)
        u_sol[user] = solj['x'][0]

        L = L + step * (u_sol.sum() - Umax)

        if u_sol.sum() - Umax < e:
    return u_sol, L, k, 'tba'
Example #11
    def _local_opt(self, initial_data, sens_matrix):
        """Soves the quadratic problem for maximization of the log likelihood

           initial_data(list): The initial data corresonding to simulations
               from sims
           sens_matrix(np.array): The sensitivity matrix about the model

                The step direction for greates improvement in log lieklyhood
        constrain = self.get_option('constrain')
        debug = self.get_option('debug')

        # Get constraints
        g_mat, h_vec = self._get_constraints()

        p_mat, q_vec = self._get_model_pq()

        tmp = self._get_sim_pq(initial_data, sens_matrix)

        p_mat += tmp[0]
        q_vec += tmp[1]

        p_mat *= 0.5

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['debug'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = 100  # 100 default
        solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-6   # 1e-6 default
        solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-7   # 1e-7 default
        solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-7  # 1e-7 default

            if constrain:
                sol = solvers.qp(matrix(p_mat), matrix(q_vec),
                                 matrix(g_mat), matrix(h_vec))
                sol = solvers.qp(matrix(p_mat), matrix(q_vec))
        except ValueError as inst:
            print("G " + str(g_mat.shape))
            print("P " + str(p_mat.shape))
            print("h " + str(h_vec.shape))
            print("q " + str(q_vec.shape))
        if sol['status'] != 'optimal':
            for key, value in sol.items():
                print(key, value)
            raise RuntimeError('{} The optimization algorithm could not locate'
                               'an optimal point'.format(self.get_inform(1)))
        return sol
def optimal_portfolio(returns):

    n = len(returns)
    returns = numpy.asmatrix(returns)
    N = 100
    mus = [10**(5.0 * t/N - 1.0) for t in range(N)]
    # Convert to cvxopt matrices
    S = matrix(numpy.cov(returns))
    print S # extra print stmts
    print "I am opt related"
    #######FIXME ABOVE #########################

    pbar = matrix(numpy.mean(returns, axis=1))
    # Create constraint matrices
    G = matrix(m)

    # G = -matrix(numpy.eye(n))   # negative n x n identity matrix
    # h = matrix(0.0, (n ,1))
    A = matrix(1.0, (1, n))
    b = matrix(1.0)
    # Calculate efficient frontier weights using quadratic programming
    portfolios = [solvers.qp(mu*S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] 
                  for mu in mus]
    returns = [blas.dot(pbar, x) for x in portfolios]
    risks = [numpy.sqrt(blas.dot(x, S*x)) for x in portfolios]
    m1 = numpy.polyfit(returns, risks, 2)
    x1 = numpy.sqrt(m1[2] / m1[0])
    wt = solvers.qp(matrix(x1 * S), -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x']

    weights = matrix(wt)
    printing.options['dformat'] = '%.1f' #rounding up weights to 1 decimal

    # return numpy.asarray(wt)
    return weights  #changed in matrix
    """result looks like the follwg- 
Example #13
 def fit(self, X, y):
     assert X.shape[0] == y.shape[0]
     N, d = X.shape
     P = np.zeros((N, N))
     for i in xrange(N):
         for j in xrange(N):
             P[i, j] = y[i] * y[j] * self.kernel(X[i], X[j])
     q = -np.ones((N,))
     G = -np.eye(N)
     h = np.zeros((N,))
     A = np.array([y])
     b = np.array([0.0])
     self.sol = solvers.qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G),
                           matrix(h), matrix(A, tc='d'), matrix(b))
     self.alpha = np.array(self.sol['x'])
     w = np.zeros((d,))
     sv_i = None
     for i in xrange(len(self.alpha)):
         a = self.alpha[i]
         if a > 10e-5:
             sv_i = i
             w += a * y[i] * X[i]
     self.b = y[sv_i]
     for i in xrange(len(self.alpha)):
         a = self.alpha[i]
         if a > 10e-5:
             self.b -= self.alpha[i] * y[i] * self.kernel(X[i], X[sv_i])
     # self.w = np.r_[self.b, w]
     self.X = X
     self.y = y
Example #14
    def solve(self, verbose=False):
        # Optimize
        old_settings = _apply_options({"show_progress": verbose})

        for i in count(-9):
                results = qp(self.P, self.q, self.G, self.h, self.A, self.b, initvals=self.last_results)
            except ValueError as e:
                # Sometimes the hessian isn't full rank,
                # due to numerical error
                if self.fix_pd:
                    eps = 10.0 ** i
                    print "Rank error while solving, adjusting to fix..."
                    print "Using epsilon = %.1e" % eps
                    raise e


        # Store results
        self.last_results = results

        # Check return status
        status = results["status"]
        if not status == "optimal":
            print >> stderr, ("Warning: termination of qp with status: %s" % status)

        # Convert back to NumPy matrix
        # and return solution
        xstar = results["x"]
        obj = Objective((0.5 * xstar.T * self.P * xstar)[0], (self.q.T * xstar)[0])
        return matrix(xstar), obj
Example #15
	def fit_l1reg(self):
		from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
		n_params = self.tree_graph.shape[1]
		HI_sc = self.genetic_params if self.map_to_tree else len(self.relevant_muts)
		n_sera = len(self.sera)
		n_v = len(self.HI_strains)

		# set up the quadratic matrix containing the deviation term (linear xterm below)
		# and the l2-regulatization of the avidities and potencies
		P1 = np.zeros((n_params+HI_sc,n_params+HI_sc))
		P1[:n_params, :n_params] = self.TgT
		for ii in xrange(HI_sc, HI_sc+n_sera):
		for ii in xrange(HI_sc+n_sera, n_params):
		P = matrix(P1)

		# set up cost for auxillary parameter and the linear cross-term
		q1 = np.zeros(n_params+HI_sc)
		q1[:n_params] = -np.dot( self.HI_dist, self.tree_graph)
		q1[n_params:] = self.lam_HI
		q = matrix(q1)

		# set up linear constraint matrix to regularize the HI parametesr
		h = matrix(np.zeros(2*HI_sc)) 	# Gw <=h
		G1 = np.zeros((2*HI_sc,n_params+HI_sc))
		G1[:HI_sc, :HI_sc] = -np.eye(HI_sc)
		G1[:HI_sc:, n_params:] = -np.eye(HI_sc)
		G1[HI_sc:, :HI_sc] = np.eye(HI_sc)
		G1[HI_sc:, n_params:] = -np.eye(HI_sc)
		G = matrix(G1)
		W = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)
		self.params = np.array([x for x in W['x']])[:n_params]
		print "rms deviation prior to relax=",np.sqrt(self.fit_func())
		return self.params
Example #16
def kmm(Xtrain, Xtest, sigma):
    n_tr = len(Xtrain)
    n_te = len(Xtest)

    # calculate Kernel
    print('Computing kernel for training data ...')
    K_ns = sk.rbf_kernel(Xtrain, Xtrain, sigma)
    # make it symmetric
    K = 0.9 * (K_ns + K_ns.transpose())

    # calculate kappa
    print('Computing kernel for kappa ...')
    kappa_r = sk.rbf_kernel(Xtrain, Xtest, sigma)
    ones = numpy.ones(shape=(n_te, 1))
    kappa = numpy.dot(kappa_r, ones)
    kappa = -(float(n_tr) / float(n_te)) * kappa

    # calculate eps
    eps = (math.sqrt(n_tr) - 1) / math.sqrt(n_tr)

    # constraints
    A0 = numpy.ones(shape=(1, n_tr))
    A1 = -numpy.ones(shape=(1, n_tr))
    A = numpy.vstack([A0, A1, -numpy.eye(n_tr), numpy.eye(n_tr)])
    b = numpy.array([[n_tr * (eps + 1), n_tr * (eps - 1)]])
    b = numpy.vstack([b.T, -numpy.zeros(shape=(n_tr, 1)), numpy.ones(shape=(n_tr, 1)) * 1000])

    print('Solving quadratic program for beta ...')
    P = matrix(K, tc='d')
    q = matrix(kappa, tc='d')
    G = matrix(A, tc='d')
    h = matrix(b, tc='d')
    beta = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)
    return [i for i in beta['x']]
Example #17
    def optimize(self, mu, syms=None):
        """Optimize porfolio allocation for given mu.


        :mu: @todo
        :syms: symbols. default: self.top()
        :returns: @todo

        if syms is None:
            syms = self.top()
        n = len(syms)
        mvals = [v for v in self.stats.ix[syms]['mean'].values]
        pbar = matrix(mvals)
        G = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        G[::n + 1] = -1.0
        h = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
        A = matrix(1.0, (1, n))
        b = matrix(1.0)
        C = matrix(self.panel.r[syms].cov().values)

        options['show_progress'] = False
        pf = qp(mu * C, -pbar, G, h, A, b)

        returns = dot(pbar, pf['x'])
        std = sqrt(dot(pf['x'], C * pf['x']))
        return (pf['x'], returns, std)
Example #18
File: pcg.py Project: zhh210/pypdas
def test_pcg():
    'Test function for projected CG.'
    n = 10
    m = 4
    H = sprandsym(n,n)
    A = sp_rand(m,n,0.9)
    x0 = matrix(1,(n,1))
    b = A*x0
    c = matrix(1.0,(n,1))

    x_pcg = pcg(H,c,A,b,x0)

    Lhs1 = sparse([H,A])
    Lhs2 = sparse([A.T,spmatrix([],[],[],(m,m))])
    Lhs = sparse([[Lhs1],[Lhs2]])
    rhs = -matrix([c,spmatrix([],[],[],(m,1))])
    rhs2 = copy(rhs)
    #print rhs[:10]

    sol = solvers.qp(H,c,A=A,b=b)
    print ' cvxopt qp|   pCG'
    print matrix([[sol['x']],[x_pcg]])
    print 'Dual variables:'
    print sol['y']
    print 'KKT equation residuals:'
    print H*sol['x'] + c + A.T*sol['y']
def runQuadOptimizer_globalMinVar(matSigma):
    vecVola  = np.sqrt(matSigma.diagonal())
    n        = vecVola.shape[0]

    # Check for postive definite covariance matrix, if not exit
    if np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(matSigma) > 0) == False:
        print "Sigma matrix not positive definite, solution may not be unique! \nProceed Checking for semi-definiteness\n"
        if np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(matSigma) >= 0) == False:
            print "Sigma matrix not positive semi-definite!"
            raise SystemExit

    # Parameterize solver, using standard notation for cvxopt
    P = matrix(matSigma,tc='d')
    q = matrix(np.zeros(shape=(n, 1)), tc='d')
    G = matrix(np.diag(np.repeat(a=-1, repeats=n)), tc='d')
    g = matrix(np.zeros(shape=(n, 1)), tc='d')
    A = matrix(np.ones(shape=(1, n)), tc='d')
    a = matrix(np.array([1]), tc='d')

    # Invoke solver
    sol = solvers.qp(A=A, b=a, G=G, h=g, P=P, q=q)

    # Solution
    xOpt = np.array(sol['x'])
    fOpt = np.array(sol['primal objective'])

    # Solution rescaled
    normalFactor = sum(xOpt)
    xOptScaled   = np.asarray(xOpt) * (1/normalFactor)

    return {'xOpt':xOpt, 'xOptScaled':xOptScaled, 'fOpt':fOpt}
def cvx_l1(H, y, p, i, lamda1,lamda2, sig2):

    h = np.hstack
    v = np.vstack
    u = cvx.base.matrix
    ydH = np.dot(y.T,H)/(2.*sig2)
    Hdy = np.dot(H.T,y)/(2.*sig2)
    HdH= np.dot(H.T,H)/sig2
    q = u(h([-ydH-Hdy+lamda1*np.ones(n)-prtrb,ydH+Hdy+lamda1*np.ones(n)+prtrb]).T)
    hor1 = h([HdH+lamda2*np.eye(n),-HdH-lamda2*np.eye(n)])
   # hor2 = h([lamda2*np.eye(n),lamda2*np.eye(n)])

    G3 = h([-np.eye(2*n)])
    G = u(v([G3]))    
    hh = u(h([np.zeros(2*n).T]))
    sol = qp(P,q, G, hh)

    doublex = np.array(sol['x'][:2*n]).T[0]
    xestimate = np.dot(u(h([np.eye(n),-np.eye(n)])),doublex)
    return xestimate.T
Example #21
 def fit(self):
     train a BDD
     # number of training samples
     n = self.n
     # the kernel matrix
     K = self.kernel
     # the covariance matrix
     C = self.cov_mat
     # the inverse of the covariance matrix
     C_inv = np.linalg.inv(C)
     # the diagonal matrix containing the sum of the rowa of the kernel matrix
     D = self.diagonal
     # parameter 0 < nu < 1, controlling the sparsity of the solution
     nu = self.nu
     # the mean vector
     m = -np.dot(D, np.ones(n))**nu
     # solve the quadratic program
     P = matrix(n*K + C_inv)
     q = matrix(-1. * (np.dot(D, np.ones(n)) + np.dot(C_inv, m)).T)
     sol = qp(P, q)
     # extract the solution
     self.alphas = sol['x']
     # BDD is trained
     self.is_trained = True
def findQPSolver(X_Train_Data_, Y_Train_Data_, C=None):

    no_of_samples = len(X_Train_Data_)
    # Gram matrix
    K = np.zeros((no_of_samples, no_of_samples))
    for i in range(no_of_samples):
        for j in range(no_of_samples):
            K[i,j] = polynomial_kernel(X_Train_Data_[i], X_Train_Data_[j])

    P = matrix(np.outer(Y_Train_Data_,Y_Train_Data_) * K)
    q = matrix(np.ones(no_of_samples) * -1)
    A = matrix(Y_Train_Data_, (1,no_of_samples))
    b = matrix(0.0)

    tmp1 = np.diag(np.ones(no_of_samples) * -1)
    tmp2 = np.diag(np.ones(no_of_samples))
    G = matrix(np.vstack((tmp1, tmp2)))

    tmp1 = np.zeros(no_of_samples)
    tmp2 = np.ones(no_of_samples) * 1
    h = matrix(np.hstack((tmp1, tmp2)))

    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

    return sol['x']
Example #23
def Corpus_K_Means(TestSample,num_topic): 
    Theta = TestSample.Theta
    ThetaPredict = np.zeros(Theta.shape)
    W = TestSample.Word
    W = np.array(W,dtype='double')
    estimators = KMeans(n_clusters=num_topic,n_init=5)

    Q = 2*BetaPredict.dot(BetaPredict.transpose())
    Q = matrix(Q)
    P = W.dot(BetaPredict.transpose())
    G = -np.eye(num_topic)
    G = matrix(G)
    h = np.zeros([num_topic,1])
    h = matrix(h)
    A = np.ones([1,num_topic])
    A = matrix(A)
    b = matrix(1.0)
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    for i in range(num_topic):
        p = matrix(P[[i],:].transpose())
        sol=solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
        ThetaPredict[:,[i]] = np.array(sol['x'])
    Err = ThetaPredict - Theta

    return np.square(np.linalg.norm(Err))
Example #24
    def solve(self, A, y, x0, as_signs):

        print 'cvxopt QP: # of params=%d' % A.shape[1]
        #flip sign of columns of A that have negative usefulness, a trick
        #Patrick Gill uses to halve the # of parameters for the QP solver
        A *= as_signs
        #the sign of x0 is unflipped for the nonzero elements, flip it
        x0 *= as_signs

        p = A.shape[1]
        H = cvxopt_matrix(np.dot(A.transpose(), A))
        f = cvxopt_matrix(self.lambda_val - np.dot(A.transpose(), y))
        b = cvxopt_matrix(np.zeros(p))
        Q = cvxopt_matrix(-np.eye(p))

        stime = time.time()
        sol = cvxopt_solvers.qp(H, f, Q, b, None, None, None, x0)
        etime = time.time() - stime
        print 'QP solver took %d seconds' % int(etime)

        xnew = np.array(sol['x']).squeeze()
        #unflip elements of xnew
        xnew *= as_signs

        return xnew
Example #25
    def optimize_mvo(returns, target_return, short_sales=False):
        Solves the MVO model:
            min x'Qx
            s.t. mu'x >= target_return
                 e'x = 1
                 {x >= 0} - Short selling constraint
        means = np.mean(returns, axis=1)

        p = np.cov(returns)
        q = [0.0 for _ in range(num_stocks)]
        g = np.zeros((1, num_stocks)) + np.transpose(-1.0 * means)
        h = [-target_return]

        if not short_sales:
            g = np.concatenate((g, -np.eye(num_stocks)), axis=0)
            h = h + [0.0 for _ in range(num_stocks)]

        a = np.ones((1, num_stocks))
        b = [1.0]

        solution = solvers.qp(
            matrix(2 * p),

        return solution['x']
Example #26
def svm(pts, labels):
    Support Vector Machine using CVXOPT in Python. This example is
    mean to illustrate how SVMs work.
    n = len(pts[0])

    # x is a column vector [w b]^T

    # set up P
    P = matrix(0.0, (n+1,n+1))
    for i in range(n):
        P[i,i] = 1.0

    # q^t x
    # set up q
    q = matrix(0.0,(n+1,1))
    q[-1] = 1.0

    m = len(pts)
    # set up h
    h = matrix(-1.0,(m,1))

    # set up G
    G = matrix(0.0, (m,n+1))
    for i in range(m):
        G[i,:n] = -labels[i] * pts[i]
        G[i,n] = -labels[i]

    x = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)['x']

    return P, q, h, G, x
Example #27
    def noshort(self,t):
        for i in t:
        Q = matrix(self.cv)
        p = matrix([0.0]*len(t))
        A = matrix([1.0]*len(t),(1,len(t)))
        b = matrix(1.0)
        G = matrix(numpy.identity(len(t)))
        h = matrix([0.0]*len(t))

        sol = solvers.qp(Q,p,-G,-h,A,b)
        ret,i = 0,0
        pcts = "["
        while i < len(sol['x']):
           pcov = PairCov(t[i],t[i],PC)[1]
           rt = round(r[i],2)
           print str(round(float(sol['x'][i]),4)).rjust(5),t[i].rjust(4) + " Ret",rt, "SD",pcov,"5%,1% VaR on $100K:",round(100000*norm.ppf(0.05,rt/1200.0,pcov),2),round(norm.ppf(0.01,rt/1200.0,pcov)*100000,2)
           ret += float(r[i])/100.0*round(float(sol['x'][i]),4)
           i += 1
        pcts = pcts[:-1] + "]"

        yvec = numpy.transpose(numpy.matrix(pcts))
        sd = numpy.transpose(yvec)*self.sigma*yvec
        return ret,yvec,self.sigma,r
def optim_central(pb):
        Returns the power distribution u_sol of the central static QP.

        keyword arguments:
        pb -- dictionary of the problem (nbr of users, time step, max resources, max admissible power, thermal resistance,
         Thermal capacity, vector of the init temperature, value of the exterior temperature, reference temperature,
          comfort factor, size of the prediction horizon)
    Rth = pb['Rth']
    Text = pb['Text']
    T_id = pb['T_id']
    Umax = pb['Umax']
    u_m = pb['u_m']
    alpha = pb['alpha']

    u_id = (T_id - Text) /Rth


    # Matrix definition
    P = matrix(2 * np.diag(alpha*Rth ** 2), tc='d')
    q = matrix(1 - 2*alpha*u_id * (Rth ** 2), tc='d')
    G = matrix(np.vstack((np.ones(len(Rth)), -np.identity(len(Rth)), np.identity(len(Rth)))), tc='d')
    h = matrix(np.hstack((Umax, np.zeros(len(Rth)), u_m)), tc='d')

    # Resolution
    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    # Solution
    u_sol = np.asarray(sol['x']).T[0]

    return u_sol,
Example #29
def trainConvexLossModel(feature_matrix, observation_matrix, opttype='ls', weights=None):
	N = feature_matrix.shape[0]
	p = feature_matrix.shape[1]

	if weights == None:
		weights = np.eye(N)

	sol = None
	gradient = np.zeros((N,p+1))
	loss = np.zeros((N,1))

	#solves least squares problems
	if opttype == 'ls':
		weighted_feature_matrix = np.dot(np.transpose(feature_matrix), weights)
		kernel = matrix(
		obs = matrix(
		#cvx do magic!
		sol = solvers.qp(kernel, obs)

		for i in range(0,N):
			residual = (np.dot(np.transpose(sol['x']),feature_matrix[i,:]) - observation_matrix[i])
			gradient[i,0:p] = residual*np.transpose(sol['x'])
			gradient[i,p] = residual*-1
			loss[i] = residual ** 2

	return (sol,loss,gradient)
def qp_solver(Uk,Rk,param):
    print "u and gamma length: %d, %d" %(len(Uk),len(Rk))
    U = numpy.matrix(sort_by_keys(Uk).values())
    # T = numpy.transpose(U)
    R = sort_by_keys(Rk).values()

    P = numpy.dot(2,U*U.T)
    P = P.astype(float) 
    # print "%d" % len(P)
    print sort_by_keys(Rk).keys()==sort_by_keys(Uk).keys()
    q = numpy.dot(-param,R)
    n = len(q)
    G = matrix(0.0, (n,n))
    G[::n+1] = -1.0 
    # G = matrix(numpy.identity(n))
    A = matrix(1.0,(1,n))
    h = matrix(0.0,(n,1),tc='d')
    b = matrix(1.0,tc='d')

    solver = qp(matrix(P),matrix(q),G,h,A,b)
    alpha = matrix_to_array(solver['x'])
    s = two_lists_to_dictionary(Uk.keys(),alpha)
    L = s.items()
    L.sort(lambda x, y: -1 if x[1] > y[1] else 1)
    return L
Example #31
    def fit(self, X, max_iter=-1, center=True, normalize=True):
        :param X: Data matrix is assumed to be feats x samples.
        :param max_iter: *ignored*, just for compatibility.
        :return: Alphas and threshold for dual SVDDs.
        self.X = X.copy()
        dims, self.samples = X.shape
        if self.samples < 1:
            print('Invalid training data.')
            return -1

        # number of training examples
        N = self.samples

        kernel = get_kernel(X, X, self.kernel, self.kparam)
        if center:
            kernel = center_kernel(kernel)
        if normalize:
            kernel = normalize_kernel(kernel)

        norms = np.diag(kernel).copy()

        if self.nu >= 1.0:
            print("Center-of-mass solution.")
            self.alphas = np.ones(self.samples) / float(self.samples)
            self.radius2 = 0.0
            self.svs = np.array(range(self.samples), dtype='i')
            self.pobj = 0.0  # TODO: calculate real primal objective
            self.cTc = self.alphas[self.svs].T.dot(
                kernel[self.svs, :][:, self.svs].dot(self.alphas[self.svs]))
            return self.alphas, self.radius2

        C = 1. / np.float(self.samples * self.nu)

        # generate a kernel matrix
        P = 2.0 * matrix(kernel)

        # this is the diagonal of the kernel matrix
        q = -matrix(norms)

        # sum_i alpha_i = A alpha = b = 1.0
        A = matrix(1.0, (1, N))
        b = matrix(1.0, (1, 1))

        # 0 <= alpha_i <= h = C
        G1 = spmatrix(1.0, range(N), range(N))
        G = sparse([G1, -G1])
        h1 = matrix(C, (N, 1))
        h2 = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
        h = matrix([h1, h2])

        sol = qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

        # store solution
        self.alphas = np.array(sol['x'], dtype=np.float)
        self.pobj = -sol['primal objective']

        # find support vectors
        self.svs = np.where(self.alphas > self.PRECISION)[0]
        # self.cTc = self.alphas[self.svs].T.dot(kernel[self.svs, :][:, self.svs].dot(self.alphas[self.svs]))
        self.cTc = self.alphas.T.dot(kernel.dot(self.alphas))

        # find support vectors with alpha < C for threshold calculation
        self.radius2 = 0.
        thres = self.predict(X[:, self.svs])
        self.radius2 = np.min(thres)
        return self.alphas, thres
Example #32
    def train(self, list_Ktr, labels):
            list_Ktr : list of kernels of the training examples
            labels : array of the labels of the training examples
        self.list_Ktr = list_Ktr
        for k in self.list_Ktr:
        #return self.traces
        #print self.traces

        if self.tracenorm:
            #self.list_Ktr = [k / self.traceN(k) for k in list_Ktr]
            self.list_Ktr = [
                k / self.traces[i] for i, k in enumerate(list_Ktr)
        #return self.list_Ktr[0]

        set_labels = set(labels)
        if len(set_labels) != 2:
            print 'The different labels are not 2'
            return None
        elif (-1 in set_labels and 1 in set_labels):
            self.labels = labels
            poslab = max(set_labels)
            self.labels = matrix(
                np.array([1. if i == poslab else -1. for i in labels]))

        # Sum of the kernels
        ker_matrix = matrix(self.sum_kernels(self.list_Ktr))

        YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.labels))))
        KLL = (1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY
        LID = matrix(np.diag([self.lam] * len(self.labels)))
        Q = 2 * (KLL + LID)
        p = matrix([0.0] * len(self.labels))
        G = -matrix(np.diag([1.0] * len(self.labels)))
        h = matrix([0.0] * len(self.labels), (len(self.labels), 1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab == +1 else 0 for lab in self.labels],
                    [1.0 if lab2 == -1 else 0 for lab2 in self.labels]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0], [1.0]], (2, 1))

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False  #True
        sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
        # Gamma:
        self.gamma = sol['x']
        self.g1 = [x for x in self.gamma]

        # Bias for classification:
        bias = 0.5 * self.gamma.T * ker_matrix * YY * self.gamma
        self.bias = bias

        # Weights evaluation:
        yg = mul(self.gamma.T, self.labels.T)
        self.weights = []
        for kermat in self.list_Ktr:
            b = yg * kermat * yg.T

        norm2 = sum([w for w in self.weights])
        self.weights = [w / norm2 for w in self.weights]

        if self.tracenorm:
            for idx, val in enumerate(self.traces):
                self.weights[idx] = self.weights[idx] / val

        if True:
            ker_matrix = matrix(self.sum_kernels(self.list_Ktr, self.weights))
            self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix

            YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.labels))))

            KLL = (1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY
            LID = matrix(np.diag([self.lam] * len(self.labels)))
            Q = 2 * (KLL + LID)
            p = matrix([0.0] * len(self.labels))
            G = -matrix(np.diag([1.0] * len(self.labels)))
            h = matrix([0.0] * len(self.labels), (len(self.labels), 1))
            A = matrix([[1.0 if lab == +1 else 0 for lab in self.labels],
                        [1.0 if lab2 == -1 else 0 for lab2 in self.labels]]).T
            b = matrix([[1.0], [1.0]], (2, 1))

            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False  #True
            sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
            # Gamma:
            self.gamma = sol['x']

        return self
Example #33
 def updatesingleW(i):
     # optimize alpha using qp solver from cvxopt
     FA = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.H, self.data[i, :].T)))
     al = solvers.qp(HA, FA, INQa, INQb)
     self.W[i, :] = np.array(al['x']).reshape((1, -1))
Example #34
        for i in range(len(totalH)):
        q = matrix(totalH_*n)
        P = sparse([[spdiag([1/(c_eff*c_eff)]*1440)]*n]*n)
        for v in range(n):
            for t in range(1440):
                A[v,1440*v+t] = 1/60
                #A[v+n,1440*v+t] = a_[v][t]
        G = sparse([spdiag([-1.0]*(n*1440)),spdiag([1.0]*(n*1440))])
        h = matrix([0.0]*(n*1440)+[pMax]*(n*1440))

        x = sol['x'] # without V2G

        if sol['status'] != 'optimal':

        # work out totol power demand and battery throughput
        total1 = [0.0]*1440
        through1 = 0
        for t in range(1440):
            total1[t] += totalH[t]
            for v in range(n):
                total1[t] += x[1440*v+t]/c_eff
Example #35
def OptPort(naData,
    @summary Returns the Markowitz optimum portfolio for a specific return.
    @param naData: Daily returns of the various stocks (using returnize1)
    @param fTarget: Target return, i.e. 0.04 = 4% per period
    @param lPeriod: Period to compress the returns to, e.g. 7 = weekly
    @param naLower: List of floats which corresponds to lower portfolio% for each stock
    @param naUpper: List of floats which corresponds to upper portfolio% for each stock 
    @return tuple: (weights of portfolio, min possible return, max possible return)
    ''' Attempt to import library '''
        from cvxopt import matrix
        from cvxopt.blas import dot
        from cvxopt.solvers import qp, options

    except ImportError:
        print 'Could not import CVX library'
    ''' Get number of stocks '''
    length = naData.shape[1]
    b_error = False

    naLower = deepcopy(naLower)
    naUpper = deepcopy(naUpper)
    naExpected = deepcopy(naExpected)

    # Assuming AvgReturns as the expected returns if parameter is not specified
    if (naExpected == None):
        naExpected = np.average(naData, axis=0)

    na_signs = np.sign(naExpected)
    indices, = np.where(na_signs == 0)
    na_signs[indices] = 1
    if s_type == "long":
        na_signs = np.ones(len(na_signs))
    elif s_type == "short":
        na_signs = np.ones(len(na_signs)) * (-1)

    naData = na_signs * naData
    naExpected = na_signs * naExpected

    # Covariance matrix of the Data Set
    naCov = np.cov(naData, rowvar=False)

    # If length is one, just return 100% single symbol
    if length == 1:
        return (list(na_signs), np.std(naData, axis=0)[0], False)
    if length == 0:
        return ([], [0], False)
    # If we have 0/1 "free" equity we can't optimize
    # We just use     limits since we are stuck with 0 degrees of freedom
    ''' Special case for None == fTarget, simply return average returns and cov '''
    if (fTarget is None):
        return (naExpected, np.std(naData, axis=0), b_error)

    # Upper bound of the Weights of a equity, If not specified, assumed to be 1.
    if (naUpper is None):
        naUpper = np.ones(length)

    # Lower bound of the Weights of a equity, If not specified assumed to be 0 (No shorting case)
    if (naLower is None):
        naLower = np.zeros(length)

    if sum(naLower) == 1:
        fPortDev = np.std(np.dot(naData, naLower))
        return (naLower, fPortDev, False)

    if sum(naUpper) == 1:
        fPortDev = np.std(np.dot(naData, naUpper))
        return (naUpper, fPortDev, False)

    naFree = naUpper != naLower
    if naFree.sum() <= 1:
        lnaPortfolios = naUpper.copy()

        # If there is 1 free we need to modify it to make the total
        # Add up to 1
        if naFree.sum() == 1:
            f_rest = naUpper[~naFree].sum()
            lnaPortfolios[naFree] = 1.0 - f_rest

        lnaPortfolios = na_signs * lnaPortfolios
        fPortDev = np.std(np.dot(naData, lnaPortfolios))
        return (lnaPortfolios, fPortDev, False)

    # Double the covariance of the diagonal elements for calculating risk.
    for i in range(length):
        naCov[i][i] = 2 * naCov[i][i]

    # Note, returns are modified to all be long from here on out
    (fMin, fMax) = getRetRange(False, naLower, naUpper, naExpected, "long")
    #print (fTarget, fMin, fMax)
    if fTarget < fMin or fTarget > fMax:
        print "Target not possible", fTarget, fMin, fMax
        b_error = True

    naLower = naLower * (-1)

    # Setting up the parameters for the CVXOPT Library, it takes inputs in Matrix format.
    The Risk minimization problem is a standard Quadratic Programming problem according to the Markowitz Theory.
    S = matrix(naCov)
    naLower.shape = (length, 1)
    naUpper.shape = (length, 1)
    naExpected.shape = (1, length)
    zeo = matrix(0.0, (length, 1))
    I = np.eye(length)
    minusI = -1 * I
    G = matrix(np.vstack((I, minusI)))
    h = matrix(np.vstack((naUpper, naLower)))
    ones = matrix(1.0, (1, length))
    A = matrix(np.vstack((naExpected, ones)))
    b = matrix([float(fTarget), 1.0])

    # Optional Settings for CVXOPT
    options['show_progress'] = False
    options['abstol'] = 1e-25
    options['reltol'] = 1e-24
    options['feastol'] = 1e-25

    # Optimization Calls
    # Optimal Portfolio
        lnaPortfolios = qp(S, -zeo, G, h, A, b)['x']
        b_error = True

    if b_error == True:
        print "Optimization not Possible"
        na_port = naLower * -1
        if sum(na_port) < 1:
            if sum(naUpper) == 1:
                na_port = naUpper
                i = 0
                while (sum(na_port) < 1 and i < 25):
                    naOrder = naUpper - na_port
                    i = i + 1
                    indices = np.where(naOrder > 0)
                    na_port[indices] = na_port[indices] + (
                        1 - sum(na_port)) / len(indices[0])
                    naOrder = naUpper - na_port
                    indices = np.where(naOrder < 0)
                    na_port[indices] = naUpper[indices]

        lnaPortfolios = matrix(na_port)

    lnaPortfolios = (na_signs.reshape(-1, 1) * lnaPortfolios).reshape(-1)
    # Expected Return of the Portfolio
    # lfReturn = dot(pbar, lnaPortfolios)

    # Risk of the portfolio
    fPortDev = np.std(np.dot(naData, lnaPortfolios))
    return (lnaPortfolios, fPortDev, b_error)
Example #36
File: svr.py Project: miya10/SVM
def fit(x, y, kernel, C=1000.0):
    eps = 0.1
    # cvxoptの形式にデータを変換
    m, n = x.shape
    y = y.reshape(-1, 1)
    data_size = len(x)

    P = np.zeros((m * 2, m * 2))
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(m):
            if kernel == None:
                P[i][j] = np.inner(x[i], x[j])
                P[i][j] = eval(kernel)(x[i], x[j])
            P[m + i][m + j] = P[i][j]
            P[i + m][j] = -1.0 * P[i][j]
            P[i][m + j] = -1.0 * P[i][j]
    P = matrix(P)
    q = np.zeros(m * 2)
    for i in range(m):
        q[i] = 1.0 * y[i] + eps
        q[i + m] = -1.0 * y[i] + eps
    q = matrix(q)
    tmp1 = -1.0 * np.diag(np.ones(m * 2))
    tmp2 = np.diag(np.ones(m * 2))
    G = matrix(np.vstack((tmp1, tmp2)))
    tmp1 = np.zeros(m * 2)
    tmp2 = np.ones(m * 2) * C
    h = matrix(np.hstack((tmp1, tmp2)))
    A = matrix(np.append(np.ones(m), -1.0 * np.ones(m)), (1, m * 2))
    b = matrix(np.zeros(1))

    # solverのパラメータの調整
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-10
    solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-10
    solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-10

    # solverを実行
    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    alphas = np.array(sol['x'])
    alphas = np.where(alphas < 1e-6, 0.0, alphas)
    S = (alphas > 1e-6).flatten()
    diff = (alphas[m:] - alphas[:m]).ravel()
    support_vector = np.arange(m)[(diff > eps) | (diff < -eps)]
    w = np.zeros(x.shape[1])
    for i in range(len(x)):
        tmp_w = (alphas[m + i] - alphas[i]) * x[i]
        w += tmp_w

    b = np.zeros(len(x))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        tmp_b_sum = 0
        for j in range(len(x)):
            tmp_b = diff[j] * np.dot(x[i], x[j])
            if kernel == None:
                tmp_b = diff[j] * np.dot(x[i], x[j])
                tmp_b = diff[j] * eval(kernel)(x[i], x[j])
            tmp_b_sum += tmp_b
        if diff[i] > 0:
            b[i] = -y[i] + tmp_b_sum + eps
            b[i] = -y[i] + tmp_b_sum - eps
    b = np.average(b[support_vector])
    return alphas, w, b, diff
Example #37
def p_constrain(list_p,a0=0,v0=0,ak=0,vk=0):
    global p,M
    #define constrains: firstly equal constrains
    # p.append([list_p[0]])
    # p.append([a0])
    # p.append([v0])

    for i in range(1,k):

    # p.append([list_p[k]])
    # p.append([ak])
    # p.append([vk])
    print('p is done')
    print('-' * 60)

    for i in range(n+1):
        if i==n:
        if i==n-1:

    #middle p
    for j in range(3,k+2):
        for i in range(n + 1):
            M1[j][i+(j-2)*(n+1)] = t_to[j-2] ** i

    for i in range(n+1):
        if i==n:
        if i==n-1:

    print('M1 is done')
    print('-' * 60)

    #definew constrains:secondly unequal constrains
    while l<3*(k-1):
        for i in range(n+1):
            M2[l][j * (n + 1) + i+(n+1)] = -t_to[j+1] ** i
            if i == n:
            M2[l+1][j*(n+1)+i + 1] = (i + 1) * t_to[j+1] ** i
            M2[l+1][j*(n+1)+i + 1+(n+1)] = -(i + 1) * t_to[j+1] ** i
            if i == n - 1:
            M2[l+2][j*(n+1)+i + 2] = (i + 2) * (i + 1) * t_to[j+1] ** i
            M2[l+2][j*(n+1)+i + 2+(n+1)] = - (i + 2) * (i + 1) * t_to[j+1] ** i

    print('M2 is done')
    print('-' * 60)

    #combine M1 and M2 to M
    for i in range(4*k+2):
        for j in range((n+1)*k):
            if i<k+5:

    # for i in range(26):
    #     print(M[i])
    #     if i<11:
    #         print(M1[i])
    #     else:
    #         print(M2[i-11])
    #     print('-'*60)
    print('M is done')
    print('-' * 60)

    # figure_out()
    global Q_all
    q = np.ones([len(Q_all), 1])
    q = np.mat(q)
    # cvxopt_solve_qp(P=Q_all, q=q,A=M, b=p)
    # q=np.transpose(q)
    # Q_all=np.transpose(Q_all)
    # M=np.transpose(M)
    # p=np.transpose(p)
    q = matrix(q)
    Q_all = matrix(Q_all)
    M = matrix(M)
    p = matrix(p)
    # p=matrix([3.0,4.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0])
    # print(Q_all.shape)
    # print(M.shape)
    # print(p.shape)
    result = solvers.qp(P=Q_all, q=q, A=M, b=p)
    return result['x']
def tangency_portfolio(cov_mat, exp_rets, allow_short=False):
    Computes a tangency portfolio, i.e. a maximum Sharpe ratio portfolio.
    Note: As the Sharpe ratio is not invariant with respect
    to leverage, it is not possible to construct non-trivial
    market neutral tangency portfolios. This is because for
    a positive initial Sharpe ratio the sharpe grows unbound
    with increasing leverage.
    cov_mat: pandas.DataFrame
        Covariance matrix of asset returns.
    exp_rets: pandas.Series
        Expected asset returns (often historical returns).
    allow_short: bool, optional
        If 'False' construct a long-only portfolio.
        If 'True' allow shorting, i.e. negative weights.

    weights: pandas.Series
        Optimal asset weights.
    if not isinstance(cov_mat, pd.DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not a DataFrame")

    if not isinstance(exp_rets, pd.Series):
        raise ValueError("Expected returns is not a Series")

    if not cov_mat.index.equals(exp_rets.index):
        raise ValueError("Indices do not match")

    n = len(cov_mat)

    P = opt.matrix(cov_mat.values)
    q = opt.matrix(0.0, (n, 1))

    # Constraints Gx <= h
    if not allow_short:
        # exp_rets*x >= 1 and x >= 0
        G = opt.matrix(np.vstack((-exp_rets.values,
        h = opt.matrix(np.vstack((-1.0,
                                  np.zeros((n, 1)))))
        # exp_rets*x >= 1
        G = opt.matrix(-exp_rets.values).T
        h = opt.matrix(-1.0)

    # Solve
    optsolvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    sol = optsolvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    if sol['status'] != 'optimal':
        warnings.warn("Convergence problem")

    # Put weights into a labeled series
    weights = pd.Series(sol['x'], index=cov_mat.index)

    # Rescale weights, so that sum(weights) = 1
    weights /= weights.sum()
    return weights
Example #39
for i in range(len(train_data)):
    for j in range(len(train_data)):
        P[i][j] = train_data[i][2] * train_data[j][2] * kernal(
            case, train_data[i][0:2], train_data[j][0:2], t)
#        P[i][j] = train_data[i][2]*train_data[j][2]*k.radicalbasekernal(train_data[i][0:2], train_data[j][0:2], t)

" ------------------------- Without Slack variable -------------------------- "
" --- The q, G and h matrix ---"
q = -1 * np.ones(len(train_data))
h = np.zeros(len(train_data))
G = -1 * np.eye(len(train_data))

" --- Convex Optimization ---"
print("Without Slack")
r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(np.transpose(q)), matrix(G), matrix(h))
alpha = list(r['x'])

# Variables
landmarks = []
non_zero_alpha = []
" --- Indicator function ---"
for i in range(len(alpha)):
    if (alpha[i] > math.pow(10, -5)):

" --- Plot Data without slack ---"
pylab.xlim(-7, 7)
pylab.ylim(-7, 7)
    def update(self, measurement, dt_new=None):
		Update (both prediction and correction steps) of Kalman filter, when new measurement comes in.

		measurement : double
			measured angle - yaw or pitch
		dt_new : double
			current time step to use, if not supplied then the default time step specified in constructor is used

			(a, av, aa)	: doubles
			tuple of new state estimate: angle (a), angular velocity (av), angular acceleration (aa)
        self.n_iter += 1
        self.measurements.append(measurement)  # log measurement
        if dt_new == None:
            F = self.F  # transition matrix as in previous step
            F = np.matrix([[1, dt_new, dt_new * dt_new / 2], [0, 1, dt_new],
                           [0, 0, 1]])  # new transition matrix

        # Time update (prediction)
            self.n_iter] = F * self.P_post[self.n_iter - 1] * F.T + self.Q
        self.x_est_prior[self.n_iter] = F * self.x_est_post[self.n_iter - 1]
        # Measurement update (correction)
        self.K[self.n_iter] = self.P_prior[self.n_iter] * self.H.T / (
            self.H * self.P_prior[self.n_iter] * self.H.T + self.R)[0, 0]
        self.x_est_post[self.n_iter] = self.x_est_prior[
            self.n_iter] + self.K[self.n_iter] * (
                measurement - self.H * self.x_est_prior[self.n_iter])[0, 0]
        self.P_post[self.n_iter] = (np.identity(
            self.N) - self.K[self.n_iter] * self.H) * self.P_prior[self.n_iter]

        # Constrain the position naively
        ''' very simple without adjustment of velocity and acceleration
		if(self.x_min != None):	
			self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][0,0] = max(self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][0,0], self.x_min[0])

		if(self.x_max != None):
			self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][0,0] = min(self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][0,0], self.x_max[0])

        # Constrain the position and velocity - quadratic programming
        if self.x_min != None and self.x_max != None:
            # inverse of state covariance matrix => max probability estimate subject to constraints
            W = self.P_post[self.n_iter].I

            P = 2 * matrix(np.array(W, dtype='d'))
            q = matrix(
                np.array(-2 * W.T * self.x_est_post[self.n_iter], dtype='d'))
            # G = matrix(np.array([ [1,0,0], [-1,0,0] ], dtype='d'))						# if only position is constrained
            # h = matrix(np.array([self.x_max[0], -self.x_min[0]], dtype='d'))				# if only position is constrained
            G = matrix(
                np.array([[1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0]],
            )  # if both position and velocity are constrained
            h = matrix(
                    self.x_max[0], -self.x_min[0], self.x_max[1],
            )  # if both position and velocity are constrained

            # Suppressed output from QP solver
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
            sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)
            # sol['x'] = x = argmin( x.T*W *x - 2*x_est_post.T*W*x )

            # If optimal solution was found, then adjust the state estimate x_est_post
            if sol['status'] == 'optimal':
                self.x_est_post[self.n_iter] = np.array(sol['x'])
                print "not optimal ... !"

        # Equivalent to call to getLastEstState():
        # Return new state estimate: angle, angular velocity, angular acceleration
        return (self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][0, 0],
                self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][1, 0],
                self.x_est_post[self.n_iter][2, 0])
Example #41
def lsqlin(C, d, reg=0, A=None, b=None, Aeq=None, beq=None, \
        lb=None, ub=None, x0=None, opts=None):
        Solve linear constrained l2-regularized least squares. Can
        handle both dense and sparse matrices. Matlab's lsqlin
        equivalent. It is actually wrapper around CVXOPT QP solver.

            min_x ||C*x  - d||^2_2 + reg * ||x||^2_2
            s.t.  A * x <= b
                  Aeq * x = beq
                  lb <= x <= ub

        Input arguments:
            C   is m x n dense or sparse matrix
            d   is n x 1 dense matrix
            reg is regularization parameter
            A   is p x n dense or sparse matrix
            b   is p x 1 dense matrix
            Aeq is q x n dense or sparse matrix
            beq is q x 1 dense matrix
            lb  is n x 1 matrix or scalar
            ub  is n x 1 matrix or scalar

        Output arguments:
            Return dictionary, the output of CVXOPT QP.

        Dont pass matlab-like empty lists to avoid setting parameters,
        just use None:
            lsqlin(C, d, 0.05, None, None, Aeq, beq) #Correct
            lsqlin(C, d, 0.05, [], [], Aeq, beq) #Wrong!
    if sparse.issparse(A): #detects both np and cxopt sparse
        sparse_case = True
        #We need A to be scipy sparse, as I couldn't find how
        #CVXOPT spmatrix can be vstacked
        if isinstance(A, spmatrix):
            A = spmatrix_sparse_to_scipy(A)
        sparse_case = False

    C =   numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(C)
    d =   numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(d)
    Q = C.T * C
    q = - d.T * C
    nvars = C.size[1]

    if reg > 0:
        if sparse_case:
            I = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(sparse.eye(nvars, nvars,\
            I = matrix(np.eye(nvars), (nvars, nvars), 'd')
        Q = Q + reg * I

    lb = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(lb)
    ub = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(ub)
    b  = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(b)

    if lb is not None:  #Modify 'A' and 'b' to add lb inequalities
        if lb.size == 1:
            lb = np.repeat(lb, nvars)

        if sparse_case:
            lb_A = -sparse.eye(nvars, nvars, format='coo')
            A = sparse_None_vstack(A, lb_A)
            lb_A = -np.eye(nvars)
            A = numpy_None_vstack(A, lb_A)
        b = numpy_None_concatenate(b, -lb)
    if ub is not None:  #Modify 'A' and 'b' to add ub inequalities
        if ub.size == 1:
            ub = np.repeat(ub, nvars)
        if sparse_case:
            ub_A = sparse.eye(nvars, nvars, format='coo')
            A = sparse_None_vstack(A, ub_A)
            ub_A = np.eye(nvars)
            A = numpy_None_vstack(A, ub_A)
        b = numpy_None_concatenate(b, ub)

    #Convert data to CVXOPT format
    A =   numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(A)
    Aeq = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(Aeq)
    b =   numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(b)
    beq = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(beq)

    #Set up options
    if opts is not None:
        for k, v in opts.items():
            solvers.options[k] = v

    #Run CVXOPT.SQP solver
    sol = solvers.qp(Q, q.T, A, b, Aeq, beq, None, x0)
    return sol
def get_exact_PRC_qp(model_name):
    root_folder = get_project_root()
    file = os.path.join(root_folder, "data", "model_params",
    params = json.load(open(file, 'r'))
    model = eval(f"{model_name}(params)")
    root_folder = get_project_root()
    file = os.path.join(root_folder, "data", "limit_cycles",
    data_lim_cycle = pickle.load(open(file, "rb+"))
    T = data_lim_cycle["T"]
    omega = (2 * np.pi) / T
    signal = data_lim_cycle["limit_cycle"]
    dt = data_lim_cycle["dt"]
    num_points = data_lim_cycle["num_points"]
    x0 = data_lim_cycle["x0"]
    params = data_lim_cycle["params"]
    t = np.arange(num_points + 1) * dt
    phase = t * omega
    T = data_lim_cycle["T"]

    N = signal.shape[1]  # number of ``channels''
    M = signal.shape[0]  # time points

    # dz / dt = -D^T z is approximated by
    # z_{n+1} - z_{n} + 0.5 dt D^T(x_{n+1})Z_{n+1} + 0.5 dt D^T(x_{n})Z_{n} = 0
    # C z = 0, where z has the shape N * M - vector of Z_{n}
    # C = (-I + 0.5 dt D^T(x_n)) + cyclically shifted up by one row (I + 0.5 dt D^T(x_{n+1}))
    # C has (N * M, N*M) dimensions
    # and the constraints Bz = omega
    # associated d phi/ dt = (F(t), Z(t)) = w
    # B is made out from F^T(x_{n}) and has (M, N*M) dimensions

    C_1 = np.zeros((N * M, N * M))
    C_2 = np.zeros((N * M, N * M))
    B = np.zeros((M, N * M))
    for t_i in range(M):
        i_start = N * t_i
        i_finish = N * (t_i + 1)
            i_start:i_finish] = -np.eye(N) + 0.5 * dt * model.jac_rhs(
                signal[t_i, :]).T
            i_start:i_finish] = np.eye(N) + 0.5 * dt * model.jac_rhs(signal[
                (t_i + 1) % M, :]).T
        B[t_i, i_start:i_finish] = model.rhs_(signal[t_i, :])

    C = C_1 + np.roll(C_2, N, axis=1)

    # # Least norm solution (no hard constraints) using solver
    alpha = 1e-9
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = True
    # (Cx - h)^T @ (Cx - h) = x^T C^T C x - 2 h^T C x + h^T h
    P = C.T @ C
    q = np.zeros(N * M)
    sol = solvers.qp(P=matrix(P),
                     b=matrix(omega * np.ones(M)))
    x = np.array(sol['x'])
    Z = x.reshape(M, N)

    prc_exact_data = dict()
    prc_exact_data["delta_phi"] = Z[:, 0]
    prc_exact_data["Z"] = Z
    prc_exact_data["phi"] = phase
    prc_exact_data["signal"] = signal
    prc_exact_data["params"] = params
    prc_exact_data["omega"] = omega
    return prc_exact_data
Example #43
G[m:2 * m, :n] = -A
G[m:2 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
G[m:2 * m, n + m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
h[m:2 * m] = -b

# u >= 0
G[2 * m:3 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

# u <= 1
G[3 * m:4 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))
h[3 * m:4 * m] = 1.0

# v >= 0
G[4 * m:, n + m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

xh = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'][:n]

    import pylab
except ImportError:
    pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w')
               'o', [-11, 11], [xh[0] - 11 * xh[1], xh[0] + 11 * xh[1]],
               '-g', [-11, 11], [xls[0] - 11 * xls[1], xls[0] + 11 * xls[1]],
    pylab.axis([-11, 11, -20, 25])
Example #44
n = 4
S = matrix([[4e-2, 6e-3, -4e-3, 0.0], [6e-3, 1e-2, 0.0, 0.0],
            [-4e-3, 0.0, 2.5e-3, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
pbar = matrix([.12, .10, .07, .03])

G = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
G[::n + 1] = -1.0
h = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
A = matrix(1.0, (1, n))
b = matrix(1.0)

N = 100
mus = [10**(5.0 * t / N - 1.0) for t in range(N)]
options['show_progress'] = False
xs = [qp(mu * S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x'] for mu in mus]
returns = [dot(pbar, x) for x in xs]
risks = [sqrt(dot(x, S * x)) for x in xs]

    import pylab
except ImportError:
    pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w')
    pylab.plot(risks, returns)
    pylab.xlabel('standard deviation')
    pylab.ylabel('expected return')
    pylab.axis([0, 0.2, 0, 0.15])
    pylab.title('Risk-return trade-off curve (fig 4.12)')
    pylab.yticks([0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15])
Example #45
def optim_quadrotor(num_horizon, P, Pdot, Pddot, x_init, y_init, vx_init,
                    vy_init, ax_init, ay_init, x_fin, y_fin, vx_fin, vy_fin,
                    ax_fin, ay_fin, ax_max, ay_max, vx_max, vy_max, jx_max,

    num = num_horizon
    nvar = shape(P)[1]
    nvar_offset = nvar - 3

    cx_1 = x_init
    cx_2 = vx_init
    cx_3 = ax_init

    cy_1 = y_init
    cy_2 = vy_init
    cy_3 = ay_init

    x_offset = cx_1 * P[1:num, 0] + cx_2 * P[1:num, 1] + cx_3 * P[1:num, 2]
    vx_offset = cx_1 * Pdot[1:num, 0] + cx_2 * Pdot[1:num,
                                                    1] + cx_3 * Pdot[1:num, 2]
    ax_offset = cx_1 * Pddot[1:num, 0] + cx_2 * Pddot[1:num, 1] + cx_3 * Pddot[
        1:num, 2]

    y_offset = cy_1 * P[1:num, 0] + cy_2 * P[1:num, 1] + cy_3 * P[1:num, 2]
    vy_offset = cy_1 * Pdot[1:num, 0] + cy_2 * Pdot[1:num,
                                                    1] + cy_3 * Pdot[1:num, 2]
    ay_offset = cy_1 * Pddot[1:num, 0] + cy_2 * Pddot[1:num, 1] + cy_3 * Pddot[
        1:num, 2]

    A_x_fin = hstack((P[-1, 3:nvar].reshape(1, nvar - 3), zeros(
        (1, nvar - 3))))
    B_x_fin = array([x_fin - x_offset[-1]])

    A_y_fin = hstack((zeros((1, nvar - 3)), P[-1, 3:nvar].reshape(1,
                                                                  nvar - 3)))
    B_y_fin = array([y_fin - y_offset[-1]])

    A_pos_fin = vstack((A_x_fin, A_y_fin))
    B_pos_fin = hstack((B_x_fin, B_y_fin))

    A_vel_fin = block_diag(Pdot[-1, 3:nvar], Pdot[-1, 3:nvar])
    B_vel_fin = hstack((vx_fin - vx_offset[-1], vy_fin - vy_offset[-1]))

    A_acc_fin = block_diag(Pddot[-1, 3:nvar], Pddot[-1, 3:nvar])
    B_acc_fin = hstack((ax_fin - ax_offset[-1], ay_fin - ay_offset[-1]))


    A_vx_ineq = vstack((Pdot[1:num, 3:nvar], -Pdot[1:num, 3:nvar]))
    B_vx_ineq = hstack((vx_max * ones(num - 1) - vx_offset,
                        vx_max * ones(num - 1) + vx_offset))

    A_ax_ineq = vstack((Pddot[1:num, 3:nvar], -Pddot[1:num, 3:nvar]))
    B_ax_ineq = hstack((ax_max * ones(num - 1) - ax_offset,
                        ax_max * ones(num - 1) + ax_offset))

    A_jx_ineq = vstack((identity(nvar_offset), -identity(nvar_offset)))
    B_jx_ineq = hstack(
        (jx_max * ones(nvar_offset), jx_max * ones(nvar_offset)))

    A_vy_ineq = vstack((Pdot[1:num, 3:nvar], -Pdot[1:num, 3:nvar]))
    B_vy_ineq = hstack((vy_max * ones(num - 1) - vy_offset,
                        vy_max * ones(num - 1) + vy_offset))

    A_ay_ineq = vstack((Pddot[1:num, 3:nvar], -Pddot[1:num, 3:nvar]))
    B_ay_ineq = hstack((ay_max * ones(num - 1) - ay_offset,
                        ay_max * ones(num - 1) + ay_offset))

    A_jy_ineq = vstack((identity(nvar_offset), -identity(nvar_offset)))
    B_jy_ineq = hstack(
        (jy_max * ones(nvar_offset), jy_max * ones(nvar_offset)))

    A_vel_ineq = block_diag(A_vx_ineq, A_vy_ineq)
    B_vel_ineq = hstack((B_vx_ineq, B_vy_ineq))

    A_acc_ineq = block_diag(A_ax_ineq, A_ay_ineq)
    B_acc_ineq = hstack((B_ax_ineq, B_ay_ineq))

    A_jerk_ineq = block_diag(A_jx_ineq, A_jy_ineq)
    B_jerk_ineq = hstack((B_jx_ineq, B_jy_ineq))

    A_ineq = vstack((A_vel_ineq, A_acc_ineq, A_jerk_ineq))
    B_ineq = hstack((B_vel_ineq, B_acc_ineq, B_jerk_ineq))

    A_eq = vstack((A_vel_fin, A_acc_fin))
    B_eq = hstack((B_vel_fin, B_acc_fin))

    weight = 100

    cost = weight * dot(A_pos_fin.T, A_pos_fin) + 0.01 * identity(
        2 * nvar_offset)
    linccost = -weight * dot(A_pos_fin.T, B_pos_fin)

    sol = solvers.qp(cvxopt.matrix(cost, tc='d'),
                     cvxopt.matrix(linccost, tc='d'),
                     cvxopt.matrix(A_ineq, tc='d'),
                     cvxopt.matrix(B_ineq, tc='d'), cvxopt.matrix(A_eq,
                     cvxopt.matrix(B_eq, tc='d'))

    sol = array(sol['x']).squeeze()

    cx = sol[0:nvar_offset]
    cy = sol[nvar_offset:2 * nvar_offset]

    cx_sol = hstack((cx_1, cx_2, cx_3, cx))
    cy_sol = hstack((cy_1, cy_2, cy_3, cy))

    x = dot(P, cx_sol)
    xdot = dot(Pdot, cx_sol)
    xddot = dot(Pddot, cx_sol)

    y = dot(P, cy_sol)
    ydot = dot(Pdot, cy_sol)
    yddot = dot(Pddot, cy_sol)

    return x, xdot, xddot, y, ydot, yddot
Example #46
    def _coneqp(self, gram, targets, probs):
        n_quantiles = probs.size  # Number of quantiles to predict
        n_coefs = gram.shape[0]  # Number of variables
        n_samples = n_coefs // n_quantiles
        # Quantiles levels
        kronprobs = kron(ones(int(n_coefs / n_quantiles)), probs.squeeze())

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = self.verbose
        if self.tol:
            solvers.options['reltol'] = self.tol

        if self.eps == 0:
            # Quadratic part of the objective
            gram = matrix(gram)
            # Linear part of the objective
            q_lin = matrix(-kron(targets, ones(n_quantiles)))

            # LHS of the inequality constraint
            g_lhs = matrix(r_[eye(n_coefs), -eye(n_coefs)])
            # RHS of the inequality
            h_rhs = matrix(r_[self.reg_c_ * kronprobs,
                              self.reg_c_ * (1 - kronprobs)])
            # LHS of the equality constraint
            lhs_eqc = matrix(kron(ones(n_samples), eye(n_quantiles)))

            # Solve the dual optimization problem
            self.sol_ = solvers.qp(gram, q_lin, g_lhs, h_rhs, lhs_eqc,

            # Set coefs
            coefs = asarray(self.sol_['x'])
            def build_lhs(m, p):
                # m: n_samples
                # p: n_quantiles
                n = m*p  # n_variables

                # Get the norm bounds (m last variables)
                A = zeros(p+1)
                A[0] = -1
                A = kron(eye(m), A).T
                # Get the m p-long vectors
                B = kron(eye(m), c_[zeros(p), eye(p)].T)
                # Box constraint
                C = c_[r_[eye(n), -eye(n)], zeros((2*n, m))]
                # Set everything together
                C = r_[C, c_[B, A]]
                return C

            # Quadratic part of the objective
            gram = matrix(r_[c_[gram, zeros((n_coefs, n_samples))],
                             zeros((n_samples, n_coefs+n_samples))])
            # Linear part of the objective
            q_lin = matrix(r_[-kron(targets, ones(n_quantiles)),

            # LHS of the inequality constraint
            g_lhs = matrix(build_lhs(n_samples, n_quantiles))
            # RHS of the inequality
            h_rhs = matrix(r_[self.reg_c_ * kronprobs,
                              self.reg_c_ * (1-kronprobs),
                              zeros(n_samples * (n_quantiles+1))])
            # LHS of the equality constraint
            lhs_eqc = matrix(c_[kron(ones(n_samples),
                                zeros((n_quantiles, n_samples))])
            # Parameters of the optimization problem
            dims = {'l': 2*n_coefs, 'q': [n_quantiles+1]*n_samples, 's': []}

            # Solve the dual optimization problem
            self.sol_ = solvers.coneqp(gram, q_lin, g_lhs, h_rhs, dims,
                                       lhs_eqc, matrix(zeros(n_quantiles)))

            # Set coefs
            coefs = asarray(self.sol_['x'][:n_coefs])

        # Set the intercept

        # Erase the previous intercept before prediction
        self.model_ = {'coefs': coefs, 'intercept': 0}
        predictions = self.predict(self.linop_.X)
        if predictions.ndim < 2:
            predictions = predictions.reshape(1, -1)  # 2D array
        intercept = [percentile(targets - pred, 100. * prob) for
                     (pred, prob) in zip(predictions, probs)]
        intercept = asarray(intercept).squeeze()
        self.model_ = {'coefs': coefs, 'intercept': intercept}
def Interp_corridor(p0, p1, T, deg):
    #ti = normalize(p1[0,:] - p0[0,:]) # unit vector
    delta = 0.05  # corridor width is 0.05m
    k = deg  # highest degree
    dim = p0[0].size
    coeff = np.zeros((k + 1, dim))
    # scale the derivaties with T
    p0[1, :] *= T
    p0[2, :] *= T**2
    p0[3, :] *= T**3
    p1[1, :] *= T
    p1[2, :] *= T**2
    p1[3, :] *= T**3

    # H, f, A is the same for each dimension
    hh = 1.0 / np.arange(1, 2 * k - 6)  # build Hblock from hh
    Hblock = np.zeros((k - 3, k - 3))
    for ii in range(k - 3):
        Hblock[ii, :] = hh[ii:ii + k - 3]

    # H is (k-3) by (k-3)
    Htemp = np.vstack((np.zeros(
        (4, k + 1)), np.hstack((np.zeros((k - 3, 4)), Hblock))))
    kscale = np.zeros((k + 1, ))  # scaling
    for ii in range(k + 1):
        if (ii == 4):
            kscale[ii] = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4.0
        if (ii > 4):
            kscale[ii] = kscale[ii - 1] * ii / (ii - 4)
    H = Htemp
    H = kscale[:,
               None] * Htemp * kscale  # scaling each dimension, not matrix multiplication
    f = np.zeros((k + 1, 1))
    A = np.zeros((8, k + 1))  # init A matrix
    for i in range(k + 1):
        A[0, 0] = 1
        A[1, 1] = 1
        A[2, 2] = 2
        A[3, 3] = 6
        A[4, :] = np.ones((1, k + 1))
        A[5, :] = np.arange(k + 1)
        A[6, :] = A[5, :] * (np.arange(k + 1) - 1)
        A[7, :] = A[6, :] * (np.arange(k + 1) - 2)
    A = A.astype(float)  # convert to double to avoid errors

    # b is different for each dimension
    for i in range(dim):
        # inequality constraint
        G = np.empty((0, k + 1))
        h = np.empty((0, 1))
        if (i >= 1):
            # y/z corridor, yt-p0[1]<=delta, p0[1]-yt<=delta
            for tt in np.array([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]):
                h = np.vstack((h, np.array([[p0[0, i] + delta]]),
                               np.array([[delta - p0[0, i]]])))
                G = np.vstack((G, tt**np.arange(k + 1), -tt**np.arange(k + 1)))
        b = np.append(p0[:, i], p1[:, i])[:, None]
        # 0.5x^THx+f^Tx, s.t. Gx<=h, Ax=b
        sol = solvers.qp(matrix(H), matrix(f), matrix(G), matrix(h), matrix(A),
        x = sol['x']
        print sol['status']
        print sol['primal objective']
        coeff[:, i] = np.reshape(x, (k + 1, ))
        print coeff[:, i]
        #print 0.5*np.dot(np.dot(H,coeff[:,i]), coeff[:,i])
        #print np.dot(A, coeff[:,i])-b.T[0]

    print H.shape, f.shape, A.shape, b.shape
    return coeff
Example #48
length = len(data)

q = [[-1.0 for i in range(length)]]

h = [[0.0 for i in range(length)]]

G = [[0.0 for col in range(length)] for row in range(length)]

for i in range(length):
    G[i][i] = -1.0

P = buildP(data)

print(len(P), len(P[0]))

r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h))

alpha = list(r['x'])

#print (alpha)

points = []

for i in range(length):
    if alpha[i] > 0.00001:
        points.append((alpha[i], data[i]))

pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classA], [p[1] for p in classA], 'bo')
pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classB], [p[1] for p in classB], 'ro')
Example #49
    def fit(self, X_data, Y_labels, pos_label=1, C=0.5, min_sv_alpha=0.0001):
        # train with data
        self.data = np.asarray(X_data)
        self.Y_labels = np.asarray(Y_labels)
        self.labels = np.ndarray(shape=self.Y_labels.shape[0])
        self.C = C
        self.min_sv_alpha = min_sv_alpha

        if type(self.labels) == 'String' and pos_label == 1:
            print("Error in arguments. Please pass a value for pos_label.")
            return -1

        elif type(self.labels[0] == 'String' and type(pos_label) == 'String'):
            self.pos_label = pos_label
            for i in range(self.Y_labels.shape[0]):
                if self.Y_labels[i] == pos_label:
                    self.labels[i] = float(1)
                    self.labels[i] = float(-1)

        # print(self.rbf_kernel(self.data, Y_labels))

        self.K = np.zeros((self.data.shape[0], self.data.shape[0]))

        for i in range(self.data.shape[0]):
            for j in range(self.data.shape[0]):
                self.K[i, j] = np.dot(self.data[i], self.data[j])

        Q = matrix(
            np.matmul(np.outer(self.labels, self.labels),
        p = matrix(np.ones(self.K.shape[0]) * -1)

        #G = matrix(np.diag(np.ones(self.data.shape[0]) * -1))
        #h = matrix(np.zeros(self.data.shape[0]))

        G_x = matrix(np.diag(np.ones(self.K.shape[0]) * -1))
        h_x = matrix(np.zeros(self.K.shape[0]))
        G_slack = matrix(np.diag(np.ones(self.K.shape[0])))
        h_slack = matrix(np.ones(self.K.shape[0]) * self.C)
        G = matrix(np.vstack((G_x, G_slack)))
        h = matrix(np.vstack((h_x, h_slack)))

        A = matrix(self.labels.astype('double'), (1, self.K.shape[0]))
        b = matrix(0.0)

        solution = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b, kktsolver='ldl')

        # the solver outputs the alphas (lagrange multipliers)
        self.alphas = np.asarray(solution['x'])[:, 0]
        print('Lagrange multipliers:')

        # save the support vectors (i.e. the ones with non-zero alphas) and their y values
        sv_index = np.where((self.min_sv_alpha < self.alphas)
                            & (self.alphas < self.C))
        self.support_alphas = self.alphas[sv_index]
        self.support_vectors = self.data[sv_index]
        self.targets = self.labels[sv_index]

        print('\nNumber of support vectors:',

        self.b = 0
        for i, yi in enumerate(self.targets):
            m = yi
            for j, xj in enumerate(self.support_vectors):
                m -= self.alphas[j] * self.targets[j] * self.support_vectors[i]
            self.b += m
        self.b /= self.targets.shape[0]

        self.w = 0
        for i, yi in enumerate(self.targets):
            self.w += self.alphas[i] * self.targets[i] * self.support_vectors[i]

        self.w_norm = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(self.w))
Example #50
def mkl(km_list, labels, c_type):
    """Multiple kernel learning with UNIMKL, ALIGN, ALIGNF.

    The learned weights for kernels and the combined kernel are written out.
    km_list: list of numpy 2d array, a list of kernel matrix

    labels: numpy 2d array, the output

    c_type: str, the type of MKL, must be one of'UNIMKL', 'ALIGN', 'ALIGNF'


    train_km, numpy 2d array, combined kernel

    print "Computing combined kernel for", c_type
    n_km = len(km_list)

    if c_type == 'UNIMKL':
        train_km = numpy.zeros(km_list[0].shape)
        for km in km_list:
            train_km = train_km + km
        train_km = normalize_km(train_km)
        w = np.ones(n_km) / n_km
        #numpy.savetxt(out_f, train_km)

    elif c_type == 'ALIGN':
        """Two stage model, weight as idenpedently centered alignment score"""
        ky = numpy.dot(labels, labels.T)
        ky_c = center(ky)
        #ky_c = normalize_km(ky_c)
        ky_n = f_norm(ky_c)
        w = []
        train_km = numpy.zeros(km_list[0].shape)
        for km in km_list:
            km_c = center(km)
            #km_c = normalize_km(km_c)
            s = f_dot(km_c, ky_c) / f_norm(km) / ky_n
            train_km = train_km + s * km_c
        train_km = normalize_km(train_km)
        w = numpy.array(w)
        #numpy.savetxt('kernel_weights_%s.txt' % c_type, numpy.array(w))
        #numpy.savetxt(out_f, train_km)

    elif c_type == 'ALIGNF':
        ky = numpy.dot(labels, labels.T)
        ky_c = center(ky)
        #ky_c = normalize_km(ky_c)
        a = []
        kmc_list = []
        for km in km_list:
            km_c = center(km)
            #km_c = normalize_km(km_c)
            a.append(f_dot(km_c, ky_c))
        a = numpy.array(a, dtype='d')
        n_km = len(kmc_list)
        M = numpy.zeros((n_km, n_km), dtype='d')
        for i in range(n_km):
            for j in range(i, n_km):
                M[i, j] = f_dot(kmc_list[i], kmc_list[j])
                M[j, i] = M[i, j]
            from cvxopt import matrix
            from cvxopt import solvers
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("Module <cvxopt> needed for ALIGNF.")

        # define variable for cvxopt.qp
        P = matrix(2 * M)
        q = matrix(-2 * a)
        G = matrix(numpy.diag([-1.0] * n_km))
        h = matrix(numpy.zeros(n_km, dtype='d'))
        sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)
        w = sol['x']
        w = w / numpy.linalg.norm(w)
        # compute train_km with best w
        train_km = numpy.zeros(km_list[0].shape)
        for i in range(n_km):
            train_km = train_km + w[i] * kmc_list[i]
        train_km = normalize_km(train_km)
        #numpy.savetxt('kernel_weights_%s.txt' % c_type, numpy.array(w))
        #numpy.savetxt(out_f, train_km)
        raise Exception("MKL only supports UNIMKL, ALIGN, ALIGNF")
    return train_km, w
    def CFS_arm(self,
                cq=[1, 10, 0],
                cs=[0, 0, 20],

        # define the robot here
        robot = RobotProperty()
        self.robot = RobotProperty()

        # without obstacle, then collision free
        n_ob = self.spec['n_ob']
        obs_traj = self.obs_traj
        if n_ob == 0 or len(
                obs_traj) == 0:  # no future obstacle information is provided
            print(f"{len(obs_traj)} length obstacle, direct exit!!!!")
            return x_ref

        # has obstacle, the normal CFS procedure
        x_rs = np.array(x_ref)

        # planning parameters
        h = x_rs.shape[0]
        dimension = x_rs.shape[1]  #

        # flatten the trajectory to one dimension
        # flatten to one dimension for applying qp, in the form of x0,y0,x1,y1,...
        x_rs = np.reshape(x_rs, (x_rs.size, 1))
        x_origin = x_rs

        # objective terms
        # identity
        Q1 = np.identity(h * dimension)
        # distance metric
        qd = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]])
        for i in range(h):
            Q1[i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension,
               i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension] = qd * 0.1
            if i == h - 1:
                Q1[i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension,
                   i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension] = qd
        S1 = Q1
        # velocity term
        Vdiff = np.identity(h * dimension) - np.diag(
            np.ones((1, (h - 1) * dimension))[0], dimension)
        # Q2 = np.matmul(Vdiff.transpose(),Vdiff)
        Q2 = np.matmul(Vdiff[0:(h - 1) * dimension, :].transpose(),
                       Vdiff[0:(h - 1) * dimension, :])
        # Acceleration term
        Adiff = Vdiff - np.diag(
            np.ones((1, (h - 1) * dimension))[0], dimension) + np.diag(
                np.ones((1, (h - 2) * dimension))[0], dimension * 2)
        Q3 = np.matmul(Adiff[0:(h - 2) * dimension, :].transpose(),
                       Adiff[0:(h - 2) * dimension, :])
        # Vdiff = eye(nstep*dim)-diag(ones(1,(nstep-1)*dim),dim);

        # objective
        Q = Q1 * cq[0] + Q2 * cq[1] + Q3 * cq[2]
        S = S1 * cs[0] + Q2 * cs[1] + Q3 * cs[2]

        # quadratic term
        H = Q + S
        # linear term
        f = -1 * np.dot(Q, x_origin)
        b = np.ones((h * n_ob, 1)) * (-minimal_dis)
        H = matrix(H, (len(H), len(H[0])), 'd')
        f = matrix(f, (len(f), 1), 'd')
        # b = matrix(b,(len(b),1),'d')

        # reference trajctory cost
        J0 = np.dot(np.transpose(x_rs - x_origin), np.dot(
            (x_rs - x_origin))) + np.dot(np.transpose(x_rs), np.dot(S, x_rs))
        J = float('inf')
        dlt = float('inf')
        cnt = 0

        # equality constraints
        # start pos and end pos remain unchanged
        Aeq = np.zeros((dimension * 2, len(x_rs)))
        for i in range(dimension):
            Aeq[i, i] = 1
            Aeq[dimension * 2 - i - 1, len(x_rs) - i - 1] = 1

        beq = np.zeros((dimension * 2, 1))
        beq[0:dimension, 0] = x_rs[0:dimension, 0]
        beq[dimension:dimension * 2,
            0] = x_rs[dimension * (h - 1):dimension * h, 0]
        # transform to convex optimization matrix
        Aeq = matrix(Aeq, (len(Aeq), len(Aeq[0])), 'd')
        beq = matrix(beq, (len(beq), 1), 'd')

        # main CFS loop
        while dlt > stop_eps:
            cnt += 1
            Lstack, Sstack = [], []
            # inequality constraints
            # l * x <= s
            Constraint = np.zeros((h * n_ob, len(x_rs)))
            for i in range(h):
                # get reference pos at time step i
                if i < h - 1 and i > 0:
                    x_r = x_rs[i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension]

                    # get inequality value (distance)
                    # get obstacle at this time step
                    obs = obs_traj[i]
                    dist = self.ineq_arm(x_r, robot.DH, robot.base, obs,

                    # get gradient
                    ref_grad = jac_num_arm(self.ineq_arm, x_r, robot.DH,
                                           robot.base, obs, robot.cap)

                    # compute
                    s = dist - robot.margin - np.dot(ref_grad, x_r)
                    l = -1 * ref_grad
                if i == h - 1 or i == 0:  # don't need inequality constraints for lst dimension
                    s = np.zeros((1, 1))
                    l = np.zeros((1, self.dim))

                # update
                Sstack = vstack_wrapper(Sstack, s)
                l_tmp = np.zeros((1, len(x_rs)))
                l_tmp[:, i * dimension:(i + 1) * dimension] = l
                Lstack = vstack_wrapper(Lstack, l_tmp)

            # add joint limit
            # l_lim_u = np.identity(h*dimension)
            # l_lim_l = -1*np.identity(h*dimension)
            # Lstack = vstack_wrapper(Lstack, l_lim_u)
            # Lstack = vstack_wrapper(Lstack, l_lim_l)
            # Sstack = vstack_wrapper(Sstack, 2*pi*np.ones((h*dimension,1)))
            # # Sstack = vstack_wrapper(Sstack, -pi*np.ones((60,1)))
            # Sstack = vstack_wrapper(Sstack, np.zeros((h*dimension,1)))
            Lstack = matrix(Lstack, (len(Lstack), len(Lstack[0])), 'd')
            Sstack = matrix(Sstack, (len(Sstack), 1), 'd')

            # QP solver
            sol = solvers.qp(H, f, Lstack, Sstack, Aeq, beq)
            x_ts = sol['x']
            x_ts = np.reshape(x_ts, (len(x_rs), 1))

            J = np.dot(np.transpose(x_ts - x_origin),
                       np.dot(Q, (x_ts - x_origin))) + np.dot(
                           np.transpose(x_ts), np.dot(S, x_ts))
            dlt = min(abs(J - J0), np.linalg.norm(x_ts - x_rs))
            J0 = J
            x_rs = x_ts
            if cnt >= maxIter:

        # return the reference trajectory
        x_rs = x_rs[:h * dimension]
        return x_rs.reshape(h, dimension)
Example #52
##-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# conda install cvxopt

from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
import numpy as np

Q = matrix([[4.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0]])
p = matrix([1.0, 1.0], (2, 1))
G = matrix([[-1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])
h = matrix([0.0, 0.0])
A = matrix([1.0, 1.0], (1, 2))

b = matrix(1.0)

sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)

print(sol['primal objective'])
    b[i + pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0]] = C

Aeq = np.zeros((1, pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0]))
Beq = np.zeros((1, 1))

for i in range(pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0]):
    Aeq[0, i] = Y[i]

f = matrix(f)
H = matrix(H)
A = matrix(A)
b = matrix(b)
Aeq = matrix(Aeq)
Beq = matrix(Beq)

sol = solvers.qp(H, f, A, b, Aeq, Beq)
alpha = sol['x']

w = np.zeros(pos.shape[1] + 1)
for j in range(pos.shape[1]):
    for i in range(pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0]):
        w[j] += alpha[i] * Y[i] * X[i, j]

wx = np.asarray(np.dot(w[0:pos.shape[1]], X.T))
bs = Y - wx
w[2] = bs[1]

plt.figure(1, figsize=(7, 7))
plt.plot(X[0:pos.shape[0], 0], X[0:pos.shape[0], 1], 'b+', label='positive')
plt.plot(X[pos.shape[0]:pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0], 0],
         X[pos.shape[0]:pos.shape[0] + neg.shape[0], 1],
Example #54
def quadratic_solver(P, q, G, h, A, b):
    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    alphas = np.array(sol['x'])
    return alphas
Example #55
    def fit(self, X, y):

        self.X_train_ = X
        self.y_train_ = y
        self.n_samples_ = y.shape[0]  # n_samples
        self.classes_, self.repartition_ = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)
        self.classes_ = self.classes_.astype(int)
        self.n_classes_ = self.classes_.shape[0]
        self.repartition_ = self.repartition_ / self.n_samples_
        self.K_ = self.fit_kernel()
        self.K_test_ = None

        if self.mode == 'OVA':

            for class_ in self.classes_:
                y_copy = y.copy()
                y_copy[y_copy != class_] = -1
                y_copy[y_copy == class_] = 1

                # Solving the QP

                if self.intercept is True:
                    sol = solvers.qp(matrix(self.K_ + self.Q_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.p_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.G_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.h_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.A_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.b_, tc='d'))
                # Saving the solution
                    sol = solvers.qp(matrix(self.K_ + self.Q_, tc='d'),
                                     matrix(self.p_, tc='d'), matrix(self.G_),
                                     matrix(self.h_, tc='d'))

                # Saving the solution
                self.alphas_.append(np.array(sol['x']).reshape(-1, ))

        elif self.mode == 'OVO':

            masks_samples = [
            ]  # empty boolean list, len=45, True if the sample is in the current OVO comparison
            y_copies = []  # classes of OVO configuration are all stored
            for class_plus in range(self.n_classes_):
                for class_minus in range(class_plus + 1, 10):
                    y_copy = y.copy()

                    # Mask select the samples which match the classes considered in the current OVO comparison
                    mask = (y_copy == class_plus) | (y_copy == class_minus)
                    masks_samples.append(mask)  # saving the mask
                    y_copy = y_copy[mask]
                    y_copy[y_copy == class_minus] = -1
                    y_copy[y_copy == class_plus] = 1

                    # Updating the size of the subproblem for the dual computation
                    # Important otherwise it would be built for n_samples = all the sample
                    self.n_samples_ = y_copy.shape[0]

                    # This_K is the submatrix of K for the current OVO problem
                    this_K = self.K_[mask, :]
                    this_K = this_K[:, mask]
                    # Solvign the QP
                    if self.intercept is True:
                        sol = solvers.qp(matrix(this_K + self.Q_, tc='d'),
                                         matrix(self.p_, tc='d'),
                                         matrix(self.G_), matrix(self.h_),
                                         matrix(self.A_, tc='d'),
                                         matrix(self.b_, tc='d'))
                        sol = solvers.qp(matrix(this_K + self.Q_, tc='d'),
                                         matrix(self.p_, tc='d'),
                                         matrix(self.G_), matrix(self.h_))

                    # Saving the solution in list attibute alphas_
                    self.alphas_.append(np.array(sol['x']).reshape(-1, ))

            # Don't forget to update the n_samples attribute again
            self.n_samples_ = y.shape[0]
            self.y_copies_ = y_copies
            # Saving the masks as attributes
            self.masks_samples_ = np.array(masks_samples)

            raise Exception('mode should be OVA or OVO')
        return self
Example #56
from cvxopt import solvers

# Define QP parameters (directly)
# min 0.5*x'*P*x + q'*x
#  x
# subject to Gx <= h
#            Ax = b
# https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.867/wiki/images/a/a7/Qp-cvxopt.pdf

P = matrix([[1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]])
q = matrix([3.0,4.0])
G = matrix([[-1.0,0.0,-1.0,2.0,3.0],[0.0,-1.0,-3.0,5.0,4.0]])
h = matrix([0.0,0.0,-15.0,100.0,80.0])

# Define QP parameters (with NumPy)
P = matrix(numpy.diag([1,0]), tc='d')
q = matrix(numpy.array([3,4]), tc='d')
G = matrix(numpy.array([[-1,0],[0,-1],[-1,-3],[2,5],[3,4]]), tc='d')
h = matrix(numpy.array([0,0,-15,100,80]), tc='d')

# Construct the QP, invoke solver
sol = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)

# Extract optimal value and solution
sol['x'] # [7.13e-07, 5.00e+00]
sol['primal objective'] # 20.0000061731

print(sol['primal objective'])
Example #57
def cvxopt_foopsi(fluor, b, c1, g, sn, p, bas_nonneg, verbosity):
    """Solve the deconvolution problem using cvxopt and picos packages
        from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, spdiag, solvers
        import picos
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            'Constrained Foopsi requires cvxopt and picos packages.')

    T = len(fluor)

    # construct deconvolution matrix  (sp = G*c)
    G = spmatrix(1., list(range(T)), list(range(T)), (T, T))

    for i in range(p):
        G = G + spmatrix(-g[i], np.arange(i + 1, T),
                         np.arange(T - i - 1), (T, T))

    gr = np.roots(np.concatenate([np.array([1]), -g.flatten()]))
    gd_vec = np.max(gr)**np.arange(T)  # decay vector for initial fluorescence
    gen_vec = G * matrix(np.ones(fluor.size))

    # Initialize variables in our problem
    prob = picos.Problem()

    # Define variables
    calcium_fit = prob.add_variable('calcium_fit', fluor.size)
    cnt = 0
    if b is None:
        flag_b = True
        cnt += 1
        b = prob.add_variable('b', 1)
        if bas_nonneg:
            b_lb = 0
            b_lb = np.min(fluor)

        prob.add_constraint(b >= b_lb)
        flag_b = False

    if c1 is None:
        flag_c1 = True
        cnt += 1
        c1 = prob.add_variable('c1', 1)
        prob.add_constraint(c1 >= 0)
        flag_c1 = False

    # Add constraints
    prob.add_constraint(G * calcium_fit >= 0)
    res = abs(matrix(fluor.astype(float)) - calcium_fit - b *
              matrix(np.ones(fluor.size)) - matrix(gd_vec) * c1)
    prob.add_constraint(res < sn * np.sqrt(fluor.size))
    prob.set_objective('min', calcium_fit.T * gen_vec)

    # solve problem
        prob.solve(solver='mosek', verbose=verbosity)

    except ImportError:
        warn('MOSEK is not installed. Spike inference may be VERY slow!')

    # if problem in infeasible due to low noise value then project onto the
    # cone of linear constraints with cvxopt
    if prob.status == 'prim_infeas_cer' or prob.status == 'dual_infeas_cer' or prob.status == 'primal infeasible':
        warn('Original problem infeasible. Adjusting noise level and re-solving')
        # setup quadratic problem with cvxopt
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = verbosity
        ind_rows = list(range(T))
        ind_cols = list(range(T))
        vals = np.ones(T)
        if flag_b:
            ind_rows = ind_rows + list(range(T))
            ind_cols = ind_cols + [T] * T
            vals = np.concatenate((vals, np.ones(T)))
        if flag_c1:
            ind_rows = ind_rows + list(range(T))
            ind_cols = ind_cols + [T + cnt - 1] * T
            vals = np.concatenate((vals, np.squeeze(gd_vec)))
        P = spmatrix(vals, ind_rows, ind_cols, (T, T + cnt))
        H = P.T * P
        Py = P.T * matrix(fluor.astype(float))
        sol = solvers.qp(
            H, -Py, spdiag([-G, -spmatrix(1., list(range(cnt)), list(range(cnt)))]), matrix(0., (T + cnt, 1)))
        xx = sol['x']
        c = np.array(xx[:T])
        sp = np.array(G * matrix(c))
        c = np.squeeze(c)
        if flag_b:
            b = np.array(xx[T + 1]) + b_lb
        if flag_c1:
            c1 = np.array(xx[-1])
        sn = old_div(np.linalg.norm(fluor - c - c1 * gd_vec - b), np.sqrt(T))
    else:  # readout picos solution
        c = np.squeeze(calcium_fit.value)
        sp = np.squeeze(np.asarray(G * calcium_fit.value))
        if flag_b:
            b = np.squeeze(b.value)
        if flag_c1:
            c1 = np.squeeze(c1.value)

    return c, b, c1, g, sn, sp
Example #58
objW = np.identity(4)

H, f = getQuadProgCostFunction(objJ, objC, objW)
Aeq = dynJ
beq = dynC
Ain = np.vstack((copJ, -copJ))
bin = np.ones((10, 1)) * dF

P = matrix(H, tc='d')
q = matrix(f, tc='d')
G = matrix(Ain, tc='d')
h = matrix(bin, tc='d')
A = matrix(Aeq, tc='d')
b = matrix(beq, tc='d')

soln = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
optX = soln['x']

coeffX = optX[0:4]
coeffV = optX[4:8]

xInitial = coeffX[0]
xFinal = coeffX[0] + coeffX[1] * T1 + coeffX[2] * T2 + coeffX[3] * T3
xdInitial = coeffX[1]
xdFinal = coeffX[1] + 2 * coeffX[2] * T1 + 3 * coeffX[3] * T2

Example #59
A[6][1, :] = (C[1] - C[6]).T
b[6][1] = 0.5 * A[6][1, :] * (C[1] + C[6])
A[6][2, :] = (C[5] - C[6]).T
b[6][2] = 0.5 * A[6][2, :] * (C[5] + C[6])

# For regions k=1, ..., 6, let pk be the optimal value of
#     minimize    x'*x
#     subject to  A*x <= b.
# The Chernoff upper bound is  1.0 - sum exp( - pk / (2 sigma^2)).

P = matrix([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], (2, 2))
q = matrix(0.0, (2, 1))
optvals = matrix(
    [blas.nrm2(solvers.qp(P, q, A[k], b[k])['x'])**2 for k in range(1, 7)])
nopts = 200
sigmas = 0.2 + (0.5 - 0.2) / nopts * matrix(list(range(nopts)), tc='d')
bnds = [1.0 - sum(exp(-optvals / (2 * sigma**2))) for sigma in sigmas]

    import pylab
except ImportError:
    pylab.plot(sigmas, bnds, '-')
    pylab.axis([0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0])
    pylab.title('Chernoff lower bound (fig. 7.8)')
    pylab.ylabel('Probability of correct detection')
Example #60
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers

# build K
V = np.concatenate((X0.T, -X1.T), axis=1)
K = matrix(V.T.dot(V))

p = matrix(-np.ones((2 * N, 1)))
# build A, b, G, h
G = matrix(np.vstack((-np.eye(2 * N), np.eye(2 * N))))

h = np.vstack((np.zeros((2 * N, 1)), C * np.ones((2 * N, 1))))
h = matrix(np.vstack((np.zeros((2 * N, 1)), C * np.ones((2 * N, 1)))))
A = matrix(y.reshape((-1, 2 * N)))
b = matrix(np.zeros((1, 1)))
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
sol = solvers.qp(K, p, G, h, A, b)

l = np.array(sol['x'])
print('lambda = \n', l.T)

S = np.where(l > 1e-5)[0]
S2 = np.where(l < .99 * C)[0]

M = [val for val in S if val in S2]  # intersection of two lists

XT = X.T  # we need each col is one data point in this alg
VS = V[:, S]
# XS = XT[:, S]
# yS = y[ S]
lS = l[S]
# lM = l[M]