Example #1
    def test(self):
        problem = CyCoinMpsIO()
        problem.readMps(os.path.join(currentFilePath, '../input/hs268.qps'))
        self.assertEqual(problem.nVariables, 5)
        self.assertEqual(problem.nConstraints, 5)
             for s in problem.constraintSigns] == problem.nConstraints * ['G'])
        c = problem.matrixByRow

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.elements - np.array([
            -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 10., 10., -3., 5., 4., -8., 1., -2., -5.,
            3., 8., -1., 2., 5., -3., -4., -2., 3., -5., 1.
        ])) <= 10**-8).all())

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.indices - np.array([
            0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1,
            2, 3, 4
        ])) <= 10**-8).all())

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.vectorStarts - np.array([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]))
                         <= 10**-8).all())

            (abs(problem.rightHandSide - np.array([-5., 20., -40., 11., -30.]))
             <= 10**-8).all())

        H = problem.Hessian.todense()
            (abs(H - np.matrix([[20394., -24908., -2026., 3896., 658.],
                                [-24908., 41818., -3466., -9828., -372.],
                                [-2026., -3466., 3510., 2178., -348.],
                                [3896., -9828., 2178., 3030., -44.],
                                [658., -372., -348., -44., 54.]])) <= 10**
Example #2
def readQPS(inputFilename):
    problem = CyCoinMpsIO()

    n = problem.nVariables
    m = problem.nConstraints

    signs = problem.constraintSigns
    iEq = [i for i in range(len(signs)) if chr(signs[i]) == 'E']
    numberOfEqualities = len(iEq)
    iInEq = [i for i in range(len(signs)) if i not in iEq]
    numberOfInequalities = len(iInEq)

    c = problem.matrixByRow
    el = c.elements
    col = c.indices
    start = c.vectorStarts
    coefs = csr_matrixPlus((el, col, start), shape=(m, n))

    # an invalid value for initialization
    # This wont make any problems because we always
    # check number of equalties and
    # inequalities first, before accessing them
    A = C = b = c_up = c_low = 0

    rhs = problem.rightHandSide

    if numberOfEqualities:
        A = csr_matrixPlus(coefs[iEq])
        b = rhs[iEq]

    if numberOfInequalities:
        C = csr_matrixPlus(coefs[iInEq])
        c_up = problem.constraintUpper[iInEq]
        c_low = problem.constraintLower[iInEq]

    Hessian = problem.Hessian

    x_low = problem.variableLower
    x_up = problem.variableUpper

    c = problem.objCoefficients

    return (Hessian, c, A, b, C, c_low, c_up, x_low, x_up,
            n, len(iEq), len(iInEq), problem.objectiveOffset)
Example #3
def readQPS(inputFilename):
    problem = CyCoinMpsIO()

    n = problem.nVariables
    m = problem.nConstraints

    signs = problem.constraintSigns
    iEq = [i for i in range(len(signs)) if chr(signs[i]) == 'E']
    numberOfEqualities = len(iEq)
    iInEq = [i for i in range(len(signs)) if i not in iEq]
    numberOfInequalities = len(iInEq)

    c = problem.matrixByRow
    el = c.elements
    col = c.indices
    start = c.vectorStarts
    coefs = csr_matrixPlus((el, col, start), shape=(m, n))

    # an invalid value for initialization
    # This wont make any problems because we always
    # check number of equalties and
    # inequalities first, before accessing them
    A = C = b = c_up = c_low = 0

    rhs = problem.rightHandSide

    if numberOfEqualities:
        A = csr_matrixPlus(coefs[iEq])
        b = rhs[iEq]

    if numberOfInequalities:
        C = csr_matrixPlus(coefs[iInEq])
        c_up = problem.constraintUpper[iInEq]
        c_low = problem.constraintLower[iInEq]

    Hessian = problem.Hessian

    x_low = problem.variableLower
    x_up = problem.variableUpper

    c = problem.objCoefficients

    return (Hessian, c, A, b, C, c_low, c_up, x_low, x_up, n, len(iEq),
            len(iInEq), problem.objectiveOffset)
Example #4
    def test(self):
        problem = CyCoinMpsIO()
        problem.readMps(os.path.join(currentFilePath, '../input/hs268.qps'))
        self.assertEqual(problem.nVariables, 5)
        self.assertEqual(problem.nConstraints, 5)
        self.assertTrue([chr(s) for s in problem.constraintSigns] ==
                                        problem.nConstraints * ['G'])
        c = problem.matrixByRow

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.elements -
                        np.array([-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 10.,
                                   10., -3., 5., 4., -8.,
                                   1., -2., -5., 3., 8., -1.,
                                   2., 5., -3., -4., -2.,
                                   3., -5., 1.])) <= 10 ** -8).all())

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.indices -
                        np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2,
                                      3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0,
                                      1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2,
                                       3, 4])) <= 10 ** -8).all())

        self.assertTrue((abs(c.vectorStarts -
                             np.array([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25])) <=
                                                        10 ** -8).all())

        self.assertTrue((abs(problem.rightHandSide -
                         np.array([-5., 20., -40., 11., -30.])) <=
                                                    10 ** -8).all())

        H = problem.Hessian.todense()
        self.assertTrue((abs(H -
            np.matrix([[20394., -24908., -2026., 3896., 658.],
                       [-24908., 41818., -3466., -9828., -372.],
                       [-2026., -3466., 3510., 2178., -348.],
                       [3896., -9828., 2178., 3030., -44.],
                       [658., -372., -348., -44., 54.]])) <= 10 ** -8).all())