Example #1
    def _get_landmark_position(state, distance, bearing):
            Predicts the landmark position based on a current state and observation distance and bearing.
        angle = wrap_angle(state.theta() + bearing)
        x_relative = distance * np.cos(angle)
        y_relative = distance * np.sin(angle)
        x = x_relative + state.x()
        y = y_relative + state.y()

        return gtsam.Point2(x, y)
Example #2
    def _get_motion_gtsam_format(motion):
            Predicts the landmark position based on a current state and observation distance and bearing.
        drot1, dtran, drot2 = motion

        theta = drot1 + drot2
        x = dtran * np.cos(theta)
        y = dtran * np.sin(theta)

        # Wrap the angle between [-pi, +pi].
        theta = wrap_angle(theta)

        return gtsam.Pose2(x, y, theta)
Example #3
    def _get_motion_prediction(state, motion):
            Predicts the next state given state and the motion command.
        x = state.x()
        y = state.y()
        theta = state.theta()

        drot1, dtran, drot2 = motion

        theta += drot1
        x += dtran * np.cos(theta)
        y += dtran * np.sin(theta)
        theta += drot2

        # Wrap the angle between [-pi, +pi].
        theta = wrap_angle(theta)

        return gtsam.Pose2(x, y, theta)