Example #1
    def move(self):
        logger.info("[ActiveCar]: move car {0}".format(self.ID))
        logger.info("   Route Length: " + str(len(self.Route)) +
                    "   Next node: " + str(self.NextNodeIdx))
        self.Position = Vector3(self.Position.X + self.Velocity.X,
                                self.Position.Y + self.Velocity.Y,
                                self.Position.Z + self.Velocity.Z)

        if (self.Position.X >= self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx - 1][0]
                and self.Position.X >= self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][0]) or (
                    self.Position.X < self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx - 1][0]
                    and self.Position.X < self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][0]):
            self.Position = Vector3(self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][0],
                                    self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][1], 40.5)
            if self.NextNodeIdx + 1 == len(self.Route):
                self.NextNodeIdx += 1
                dx = self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][0] - self.Route[
                    self.NextNodeIdx - 1][0]
                dy = self.Route[self.NextNodeIdx][1] - self.Route[
                    self.NextNodeIdx - 1][1]
                dis = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
                self.Velocity = Vector3(dx / dis * self.Speed,
                                        dy / dis * self.Speed, 0)

            "[ActiveCar]: Current velocity: {0}, New position {1}".format(
                self.Velocity, self.Position))
Example #2
 def __init__(self, uid=None):
     self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 40.5)
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Speed = 0
     # self.Length = 0
     # self.Width = 0
     self.Name = "ArchitCars"
Example #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
     self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 40.5)
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Length = 0
     self.Width = 0
     self.Name = ""
Example #4
    def get_coordinates(self):
        if self.Oneway == True:
            return (self.Source.Location, self.Destination.Location)
        elif hasattr(self, "_coordinates"):
            return self._coordinates
            import numpy as np
            (x0, y0) = self.Source.Location.X, self.Source.Location.Y
            (x1, y1) = self.Destination.Location.X, self.Destination.Location.Y

            # normalize and multiply by offset
            vec = np.array((x1 - x0, y1 - y0))
            norm_vec = np.linalg.norm(vec)
            normal_vec = vec / norm_vec

            # offset normal ortogonal of vector
            ovec = np.array((normal_vec[1], -normal_vec[0])) * self._offset

            source_coord = ovec + (x0, y0)
            parallel_coord = (normal_vec * norm_vec) + source_coord

            self._coordinates = (Vector3(source_coord[0], source_coord[1], 0),
                                 Vector3(parallel_coord[0], parallel_coord[1],
            #print self._coordinates
            return self._coordinates
Example #5
    def move(self):
        r = self.Route
        l = len(r)
        cr = self.CurrentRoute
        p = self.Position
        v = self.Velocity

        if l > cr > 0:
            if p.X == r[l - 1]['X'] and p.Y == r[l - 1]['Y']:
                # Distance between current position and end of route
                d = math.hypot(r[cr]['X'] - p.X, r[cr]['Y'] - p.Y)
                if d > 0:
                    # Position after moving
                    fx = p.X + v.X
                    fy = p.Y + v.Y
                    fd = math.hypot(fx - p.X, fy - p.Y)
                    if fd < d:
                        if not (p.X == self.PrevPosition.X
                                and p.Y == self.PrevPosition.Y
                                and p.Z == self.PrevPosition.Z):
                            self.PrevPosition = Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z)
                        self.Position = Vector3(fx, fy, p.Z)
                        if not (p.X == self.PrevPosition.X
                                and p.Y == self.PrevPosition.Y
                                and p.Z == self.PrevPosition.Z):
                            self.PrevPosition = Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z)
                        self.Position = Vector3(r[cr]['X'], r[cr]['Y'], p.Z)
                        self.CurrentRoute += 1
Example #6
 def stop(self):
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.TopSpeed = 0
     self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.PrevPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.CurrentRoute = 0
     self.Route = []
Example #7
    def update(self):
        cars = self.frame.get(Vehicle)
        for c in cars:
            if self.step % 5:
                px = (c.Velocity.X * math.cos(self.rotation) -
                      c.Velocity.Y * math.sin(self.rotation))
                py = (c.Velocity.X * math.sin(self.rotation) +
                      c.Velocity.Y * math.cos(self.rotation))
                c.Velocity = Vector3(px, py, c.Velocity.Z)
            c.Position += c.Velocity * self.timestep

        if self.step % 40 == 0:
            # First route: from a random place to another random place
            v = Vehicle()
            v.Position = Vector3(500, 500, 25.5)
            v.Velocity = Vector3(10, 10, 0)
            v.Name = "[testcar] Car %s" % self.step
            v.Lenght = 5
            v.Width = 2

        if len(self.todelete) > 360 / self.rotating_degree:
            car = self.frame.get(Vehicle, self.todelete[0])
            self.frame.delete(Vehicle, car)
            del self.todelete[0]

        self.step += 1
Example #8
  def updateVelocity(self):
    #if(self.route is not None):
    if(len(self._Waypoints) == 1):
        self.numRoutesFinished += 1
        logger.debug("Route Finished after {0} Ticks".format(self.ticks))
        self.ticks = 0
        self._Velocity = Vector3(0,0,0)
        d = 0.5
        if((self._Waypoints[1]['Y'] - self._Waypoints[0]['Y']) == 0):
            m = -1 #check this later, just to avoid division by 0
            m = (self._Waypoints[1]['X'] - self._Waypoints[0]['X'])/(self._Waypoints[1]['Y'] - self._Waypoints[0]['Y'])*-1
        #x0 = math.sqrt(math.pow(d,2)/(1+math.pow(m,2))) + self._Waypoints[0]['X']
        #x1 = math.sqrt(math.pow(d,2)/(1+math.pow(m,2))) + self._Waypoints[1]['X']
        #y0 = m*(x0 - self._Waypoints[0]['X']) + self._Waypoints[0]['Y']
        #y1 = m*(x1 - self._Waypoints[1]['X']) + self._Waypoints[1]['Y']
        #temp = Vector3(x1 - x0, y1 - y0, self._Waypoints[1]['Z'] - self._Waypoints[0]['Z'])
        temp = Vector3(self._Waypoints[1]['X'] - self._Waypoints[0]['X'], self._Waypoints[1]['Y'] - self._Waypoints[0]['Y'], self._Waypoints[1]['Z'] - self._Waypoints[0]['Z'])
        #print("Original: X = {0}, Y = {1}; Novo: X = {2}, Y = {3}".format(self._Waypoints[0]['X'], self._Waypoints[0]['Y'], x0, y0))
        #print("Original: X = {0}, Y = {1}; Novo: X = {2}, Y = {3}".format(self._Waypoints[1]['X'], self._Waypoints[1]['Y'], x1, y1))

        module = math.sqrt(math.pow(temp.X, 2) + math.pow(temp.Y, 2) + math.pow(temp.Z, 2))
        if(module != 0):
            temp.X = (temp.X / module) * self.SPEED
            temp.Y = (temp.Y / module) * self.SPEED
            temp.Z = (temp.Z / module) * self.SPEED
            temp.X = 0
            temp.Y = 0
            temp.Z = 0
        self._Velocity = temp
        self._ticksToTarget = self.TicksToNextTarget()
Example #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.Name = ""
     self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Route = ""
     self.Target = ""
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Rotation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
     self.Type = ""
Example #10
 def __init__(self, uid=None):
     self.ID = uid
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Name = "uberCar"
     self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 40.5)
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Length = 10
     self.Width = 10
Example #11
 def __init__(self, uid = None):
   self.ID = uid
   self._Length = 30
   self._Width = 10
   self._ticksToTarget = 0
   self._Velocity = Vector3(0,0,0)
   self._Position = Vector3(0, 0, 40.5)
   logger.debug("%s car created", LOG_HEADER)
Example #12
 def __init__(self, uid=None):
   self.ID = uid
   self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
   self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
   self.Length = 0
   self.Width = 0
   self.Name = ""
   self.Aflag = True
   self.Waypoints = []
   self.FinalPosition = {}
Example #13
 def assign(self, route):
     logger.debug("[FreeWPCar]: {0} assign route {1}".format(
         self.ID, shorten_str(route)))
     self.Route = list(route)
     self.RouteSection = 0
     self.IsAssigned = True
     self.Position = Vector3(*route[0])
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     self.LastTickTime = time.time()
     self.AccelMode == "Cruising"
Example #14
 def __predicate__(c1, c2):
     # pass
     if c2.Position != Vector3(0, 0, 40.5) and c1.Position != Vector3(
             0, 0, 40.5) and c1.ID != c2.ID:
         if ((c2.Position.X < c1.Position.X + (2 * c1.Speed)) and
             (c2.Position.X > c1.Position.X)) and (
                 (c2.Position.Y < c1.Position.Y +
                  (2 * c1.Speed)) and (c2.Position.Y > c1.Position.Y)):
             return True
         return False
Example #15
    def start(self, route, top_speed):
        logger.debug("[InactiveCar]: {0} starting".format(self.ID))

        self.TopSpeed = top_speed  # top speed will be constant, speed will keep changing
        self.Speed = top_speed
        self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        # self.Position = Vector3(start_x, start_y, 0)
        self.Route = route
        # print "OUTPUT", type(self.Route)
        # print "Contents", self.Route
        self.Position = Vector3(self.Route[0]['X'], self.Route[0]['Y'], 40.5)
            "[InactiveCar][{0}]: Starting, New position {2}, Current velocity: {1}"
            .format(self.ID, self.Velocity.X, self.Position))
        self.CurrentSegment = 1
Example #16
    def start(self, route):
        self.Route = route

        dx = route[1][0] - route[0][0]
        dy = route[1][1] - route[0][1]
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            dx = route[2][0] - route[1][0]
            dy = route[2][1] - route[1][1]
            self.NextNodeIdx += 1
        dis = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        self.Velocity = Vector3(dx / dis * self.Speed, dy / dis * self.Speed, 0)
        self.Position = Vector3(route[0][0], route[0][1], 40.5)
        self.NextNodeIdx += 1
        logger.info("[InactiveCar]: {0} starting".format(self.ID))
        logger.info("velocity: ")
Example #17
  def move(self, node1, node2):
        # by Jilin, based on road line from node1(x1, y1) to node2(x2, y2): y = ax + b,
        node2 = [node2['X'], node2['Y']]
        node1 = [node1['X'], node1['Y']]
        a = (node2[1] - node1[1])/(node2[0] - node1[0])
        b = 1
        alpha = 1.0  # type int and float
        if node2[0] > node1[0]:
          newPositionX = self.Position.X + alpha * self.SPEED / math.sqrt(pow(a, 2) + 1)
          if newPositionX > node2[0]:
            newPositionX = node2[0]
        elif node2[0] < node1[0]:
          newPositionX = self.Position.X - alpha * self.SPEED/ math.sqrt(pow(a, 2) + 1)
          if newPositionX < node2[0]:
            newPositionX = node2[0]
          newPositionX = self.Position.X

        if node2[1] > node1[1]:
          newPositionY = self.Position.Y + abs(a) * alpha * self.SPEED / math.sqrt(pow(a, 2) + 1)
          if newPositionY > node2[1]:
            newPositionY = node2[1]
        elif node2[1] < node1[1]:
          newPositionY = self.Position.Y - abs(a) * alpha * self.SPEED / math.sqrt(pow(a, 2) + 1)
          if newPositionY < node2[1]:
            newPositionY = node2[1]
            newPositionY = self.Position.Y

        self.Position = Vector3(newPositionX, newPositionY, 0)
        # logger.debug("[ActiveCar] {2}: Current velocity: {0}, New position {1}".format(self.Velocity, self.Position, self.ID))

        # End of ride
        if (self.Position.X == self.FinalPosition[0]) or (self.Position.Y == self.FinalPosition[1]):
Example #18
    def HandleDeleteObjectEvent(self):
        """Handle the delete object event. In this case, rather than delete the
        object from the scene completely, mothball it in a location well away from
        the simulation.

        deleted = self.frame.get_deleted(MobdatVehicle)
        for car in deleted:
            vname = car.Name
            self.__Logger.info("deleting car %s from OpenSim", vname)
            if vname not in self.Vehicles2Sim:
                self.__Logger.warn("attempt to delete unknown vehicle %s" %
            sim = self.Vehicles2Sim[vname]

            vehicle = sim["Vehicles"][car.Name]

            mothball = OpenSimVehicleDynamics()
            mothball.Position = Vector3(10.0, 10.0, 500.0)
            mothball.UpdateTime = self.CurrentTime

            vehicle.TweenUpdate = mothball
            vehicle.LastUpdate = mothball
            vehicle.InUpdateQueue = True


        return True
Example #19
    def move(self):
        self.Position = Vector3(self.Position.X - self.Velocity.X,
                                self.Position.Y + self.Velocity.Y,
                                self.Position.Z + self.Velocity.Z)
        # logger.debug("[ActiveCar] {2}: Current velocity: {0}, New position {1}".format(self.Velocity, self.Position, self.ID))

        # End of ride
        if (self.Position.X <= self.FINAL_POSITION):
Example #20
    def start(self, route=[], v=10):
        r = route

        self.TopSpeed = v
        self.Route = r

        # Calculating position and velocity vector according to route points
        if len(route) > 1:
            self.CurrentRoute += 1
            self.Position = Vector3(r[0]['X'], r[0]['Y'], self.Position.Z)

            ddash = math.hypot(self.Position.X - r[1]['X'],
                               self.Position.Y - r[1]['Y'])
            self.Velocity = Vector3(
                (v / ddash) * (r[1]['X'] - self.Position.X),
                (v / ddash) * (r[1]['Y'] - self.Position.Y), 0)
            self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, self.Position.Z)
            self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
Example #21
    def move(self):
        '''code with individual steps calculation'''

        # end coordinates of the line segment
        end = self.Route[self.CurrentSegment]
        x2, y2 = end['X'], end['Y']

        x, y, velx, vely = self.get_next_point(self.Position.X,
                                               self.Position.Y, x2, y2,
        # logger.debug("velx:{0}  vely:{1}".format(velx, vely))

        if (x > x2 or y > y2):
            ''' We have exceeded the endpoint of this line segment
              setting the position of the car as the end of line segment
              increment the count so that we get  endpoints for the next line segment
            x, y = x2, y2
            self.CurrentSegment += 1

        self.Position = Vector3(x, y, self.Position.Z)
        self.Velocity = Vector3(velx, vely, 0)

            "[ActiveCar][{0}]: Speed: {1}, New position {3}, Current velocity: {2}"
            .format(self.ID, self.Speed, self.Velocity, self.Position))

        if self.Speed < self.TopSpeed:
            self.Speed += round(0.34 * self.TopSpeed, 2)
            # self.Speed = Vector3(self.Velocity.X, 0, 0)
            if self.Speed > self.TopSpeed:
                self.Speed = self.TopSpeed

        lastx = self.Route[-1]['X']
        lasty = self.Route[-1]['Y']

        if (x == lastx and y == lasty):
            ''' reached the end of the route, stop car'''
            logger.debug("X: {0}, LastX: {1}".format(x, self.Route[-1]['X']))
            logger.debug("Y: {0}, LastY: {1}".format(y, self.Route[-1]['Y']))
Example #22
  def move(self):
    self.ticks += 1

    #logger.debug("[SilverCar]: Current velocity: {0}, New position {1}, TicketsToTarget {2}".format(self.Velocity, self.Position, self._ticksToTarget));

    if(self._ticksToTarget <= 0):

    if(self._ticksToTarget > 0):
        self.Position = Vector3(self.Position.X + self.Velocity.X, self.Position.Y + self.Velocity.Y, self.Position.Z + self.Velocity.Z)

    self._ticksToTarget -= 1
Example #23
    def __NormalizeVelocity(self, speed, heading) :
        # i'm not at all sure why the coordinates for speed are off
        # by 270 degrees... but this works
        heading = (2.0 * (heading + 270.0) * math.pi) / 360.0

        # the 0.9 multiplier just makes sure we dont overestimate
        # the velocity because of the time shifting, experience
        # is better if the car falls behind a bit rather than
        # having to be moved back because it got ahead
        x = self.VelocityFudgeFactor * self.TimeScale * speed * math.cos(heading)
        y = self.VelocityFudgeFactor * self.TimeScale * speed * math.sin(heading)

        return Vector3(x / self.XSize, y / self.YSize, 0.0)
Example #24
 def __predicate__(c1, c2):
     dx = c2.Position.X - c1.Position.X
     dy = c2.Position.Y - c1.Position.Y
     dis = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
     vx = c1.Velocity.X
     vy = c1.Velocity.Y
     if dis == 0:
         return False
     if c1.Velocity == Vector3(0, 0, 0):
         return False
     cosTheta = (dx * vx + dy * vy)/(math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * math.sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy))
     if cosTheta > 0.9 and dis < 10:
         return True
     return False
Example #25
  def carToSegments(self):
      px = self.Position.X
      py = self.Position.Y
      widthBy2 = self._Width / 2
      lengthBy2 = self._Length / 2

      seg1 = Segment()
      x1 = px - widthBy2
      x2 = px + widthBy2
      y1 = py + lengthBy2
      y2 = py + lengthBy2
      seg1.p1 = Vector3(x1,y1,0)
      seg1.p2 = Vector3(x2,y2,0)

      seg2 = Segment()
      x1 = px + widthBy2
      x2 = px + widthBy2
      y1 = py + lengthBy2
      y2 = py - lengthBy2
      seg2.p1 = Vector3(x1,y1,0)
      seg2.p2 = Vector3(x2,y2,0)

      seg3 = Segment()
      x1 = px + widthBy2
      x2 = px - widthBy2
      y1 = py - lengthBy2
      y2 = py - lengthBy2
      seg3.p1 = Vector3(x1,y1,0)
      seg3.p2 = Vector3(x2,y2,0)

      seg4 = Segment()
      x1 = px - widthBy2
      x2 = px - widthBy2
      y1 = py - lengthBy2
      y2 = py + lengthBy2
      seg4.p1 = Vector3(x1,y1,0)
      seg4.p2 = Vector3(x2,y2,0)

      return [seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4]
Example #26
    def move(self):

        #temp fix inactive carstar failing
        #self.Velocity = 4;#SPEED
        #get what current index is

        # End of ride -- if source index is dest
        print("\n" + str(self.CurrentSourceIndex))
        print("\n" + str(len(self.Lines) - 1) + "\n\n\n")
        if (self.CurrentSourceIndex == (len(self.Lines) - 1)):

        m = self.slope()
        k = self.toadd(m)

        #update positions based on formulas
        self.Position = Vector3(self.Position.X + k, self.Position.Y + k * m,
                                self.Position.Z + 0)

        #check if position is still in between two or not
        pflag = self.validatePoint()
        if (pflag == False):
            a, b = str(self.Lines[self.CurrentSourceIndex]).split(',')
            # as it implies overshoot
            self.Position.X = float(a)
            self.Position.Y = float(b)
            self.CurrentSourceIndex += 1
            #new pos reached

        logger.debug("[ActiveCar_teja]: {0}".format(self.ID))
            "[ActiveCar_teja]: Current velocity: {0}, New position {1}".format(
                self.Velocity, self.Position))
Example #27
class Car_akshatp(Vehicle.Class()):

    _Route = []

    def Route(self):
        return self._Route

    def Route(self, value):
        self._Route = value

    def RouteLength(self):
        if len(self._Route) > 1:
            l = 0
            for i in range(1, len(self._Route)):
                x1 = self._Route[i - 1]['X']
                y1 = self._Route[i - 1]['Y']
                x2 = self._Route[i]['X']
                y2 = self._Route[i]['Y']
                l += math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) *
                                                          (y2 - y1)))
            return l
            return 0

    def RouteLength(self, RouteLength):

    def CarRotatedBox(self):
        p = self.Position
        prevp = self.PrevPosition

        cangle = complex(prevp.X - p.X, prevp.Y - p.Y)
        cangle = 0 if abs(cangle) == 0 else (cangle / abs(cangle))

        center = complex(p.X, p.Y)

        x1 = p.X - self.Length / 2
        y1 = p.Y - self.Width / 2
        x2 = p.X + self.Length / 2
        y2 = p.Y - self.Width / 2
        x3 = p.X + self.Length / 2
        y3 = p.Y + self.Width / 2
        x4 = p.X - self.Length / 2
        y4 = p.Y + self.Width / 2

        xy1 = cangle * (complex(x1, y1) - center) + center
        xy2 = cangle * (complex(x2, y2) - center) + center
        xy3 = cangle * (complex(x3, y3) - center) + center
        xy4 = cangle * (complex(x4, y4) - center) + center

        return [
            xy1.real, xy1.imag, xy2.real, xy2.imag, xy3.real, xy3.imag,
            xy4.real, xy4.imag

    def CarRotatedBox(self, CarBox):

    def CarRotatedHitBox(self):
        p = self.Position
        prevp = self.PrevPosition

        cangle = complex(prevp.X - p.X, prevp.Y - p.Y)
        cangle = 0 if abs(cangle) == 0 else (cangle / abs(cangle))

        center = complex(p.X, p.Y)

        hx1 = p.X - self.Length / 2 - self.Velocity.X * 4
        hy1 = p.Y - self.Width / 2 - self.Width / 2

        hx2 = p.X - self.Length / 2
        hy2 = p.Y - self.Width / 2 - self.Width / 2

        hx3 = p.X - self.Length / 2
        hy3 = p.Y + self.Width / 2 + self.Width / 2

        hx4 = p.X - self.Length / 2 - self.Velocity.X * 4
        hy4 = p.Y + self.Width / 2 + self.Width / 2

        hxy1 = cangle * (complex(hx1, hy1) - center) + center
        hxy2 = cangle * (complex(hx2, hy2) - center) + center
        hxy3 = cangle * (complex(hx3, hy3) - center) + center
        hxy4 = cangle * (complex(hx4, hy4) - center) + center

        return [
            hxy1.real, hxy1.imag, hxy2.real, hxy2.imag, hxy3.real, hxy3.imag,
            hxy4.real, hxy4.imag

    def CarRotatedHitBox(self, CarBox):

    _CurrentRoute = 0

    def CurrentRoute(self):
        return self._CurrentRoute

    def CurrentRoute(self, value):
        self._CurrentRoute = value

    _PrevPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

    def PrevPosition(self):
        return self._PrevPosition

    def PrevPosition(self, value):
        self._PrevPosition = value

    _TopSpeed = 0

    def TopSpeed(self):
        return self._TopSpeed

    def TopSpeed(self, value):
        self._TopSpeed = value

    def __init__(self):
        self.ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.Position = Vector3(0, 0, 40.5)
        self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        self.Length = 0
        self.Width = 0
        self.Name = ""
Example #28
 def __init__(self):
     self.StartingPoint = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.EndPoint = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Width = 0
     self.Type = None
Example #29
 def slowDown(self):
     self.Velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
Example #30
 def __init__(self):
     self.Center = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
     self.Angle = 0
     self.Name = ""
     self.Width = 0
     self.Rezcap = Capsule()