Example #1
class _BaseTask(object):
    # override to change get_task_family() -> changes task_family
    _conf__task_family = None
    _conf__track_source_code = True  # module/class/function user source code tracking
    task_namespace = NOTHING

    _conf__task_type_name = TaskType.python
    _conf__task_ui_color = None
    # override output path format
    _conf__base_output_path_fmt = None

    # stores call spec for the @task definition
    _conf__decorator_spec = None  # type: Optional[_TaskDecoratorSpec]

    _conf__tracked = True  # track task changes with TrackingStore
    _conf__no_child_params = False  # disable child scope params
    _conf_auto_read_params = True  # enables autoread of params.
    _conf_confirm_on_kill_msg = None  # get user confirmation on task kill if not empty
    _conf__require_run_dump_file = False

    # this is the state of autoread
    _task_auto_read_original = None
    _task_auto_read = None
    # execution
    # will be used by Registry
    task_definition = None  # type: TaskDefinition

    # user can override this with his configuration
    defaults = None  # type: Dict[ParameterDefinition, any()]

    validate_no_extra_params = parameter.enum(ParamValidation).system(
        description="validate that all configured keys for a task have a matching parameter definition"

    def get_task_family(cls):
        return cls.task_definition.task_family

    def get_full_task_family(cls):
        return cls.task_definition.full_task_family

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(_BaseTask, self).__init__()

        # most of the time we will use it as TaskMetaCtrl - we want this to be type hint!
        self.task_meta = kwargs["task_meta"]  # type: TaskMeta
        self._params = TaskParameters(self)

        for p_value in self.task_meta.task_params:
            setattr(self, p_value.name, p_value.value)

        self._task_auto_read_current = None
        self._task_auto_read_origin = None

    def task_id(self):
        return self.task_meta.task_id

    def task_signature(self):
        return self.task_meta.task_signature

    def task_name(self):
        return self.task_meta.task_name

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            self.__class__ == other.__class__
            and self._params.get_param_values() == other._params.get_param_values()

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.task_id)

    def __repr__(self):
        Build a task representation like `MyTask(param1=1.5, param2='5')`
        return "%s" % self.task_meta.task_id

    def __str__(self):
        Build a task representation like `MyTask(param1=1.5, param2='5')`
        return self.task_meta.task_id

    def friendly_task_name(self):
        if self.task_name != self.task_meta.task_family:
            return "%s[%s]" % (self.task_name, self.task_meta.task_family)
        return self.task_name

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        def _get(n):
            return super(_BaseTask, self).__getattribute__(n)

        value = _get(name)
            _task_auto_read = _get("_task_auto_read")
        except Exception:
            return value

        # already cached
        if _task_auto_read is None or name in _task_auto_read:
            return value

        parameter = _get("_params").get_param(name)

        # we are not parameter
        # or there is nothing to "deferefence"
        # TODO: rebase  : value is None
        if not parameter:
            return value

        runtime_value = parameter.calc_runtime_value(value, task=self)

        if parameter.is_output():
            # if it's outpus, we should not "cache" it
            # otherwise we will try to save it on autosave ( as it was changed)
            return runtime_value

        # for the cache, so next time we don't need to calculate it
        setattr(self, name, runtime_value)
        return runtime_value

    def _auto_load_save_params(
        self, auto_read=False, save_on_change=False, normalize_on_change=False
        c = TaskAutoParamsReadWrite(
        return c.auto_load_save_params()

    def clone(self, cls=None, output_params_to_clone=None, **kwargs):
        Creates a new instance from an existing instance where some of the args have changed.

        There's at least two scenarios where this is useful (see test/clone_test.py):

        * remove a lot of boiler plate when you have recursive dependencies and lots of args
        * there's task inheritance and some logic is on the base class

        :param cls:
        :param kwargs:
        if cls is None:
            cls = self.__class__
        output_params_to_clone = output_params_to_clone or []
        new_k = {}
        for param_name, param_class in six.iteritems(cls.task_definition.task_params):
            if param_class.is_output() and param_name not in output_params_to_clone:
            if param_name in kwargs:
                new_k[param_name] = kwargs[param_name]
            elif hasattr(self, param_name):
                new_k[param_name] = getattr(self, param_name)

        new_k["task_name"] = self.task_name
        return cls(**new_k)

    def settings(self):
        # type: () -> DatabandSettings

        return self.task_meta.dbnd_context.settings

    def __iter__(self):
        raise friendly_error.task_build.iteration_over_task(self)

    def _initialize(self):

    def _task_banner(self, banner, verbosity):
        customize task banner

    def _validate(self):
        will be called after after object is created

    def simple_params_dict(self):
        return {k: p.value for k, p in self._params._param_meta_map.items()}
Example #2
class _TaskWithParams(_BaseTask):
    _conf__scoped_params = True  # enable/disable ParameterScope.CHILDREN scope params
    _conf_auto_read_params = True  # enables auto-read value of data params.

    def __init__(
            task_params,  # type: Parameters
            task_children_scope_params=None,  # type: Dict[str, ParameterValue]
        super(_TaskWithParams, self).__init__(

        self.task_enabled = task_enabled  # relevant only for orchestration

        # configuration data
        self.task_sections = task_sections
        self.task_config_override = task_config_override
        self.task_config_layer = task_config_layer

        self.task_children_scope_params = task_children_scope_params

        self.task_call_source = task_call_source

        for param_value in self.task_params.get_param_values():
            param_value.task = self
            object.__setattr__(self, param_value.name, param_value.value)

    task_definition = None  # type: TaskDefinition

    # user can override this with his configuration
    defaults = None  # type: Dict[ParameterDefinition, Any]

    validate_no_extra_params = parameter.enum(ParamValidation).system(
        "validate that all configured keys for a task have a matching parameter definition",

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        p = (self.task_params.get_param_value(name) if hasattr(
            self, "task_params") else None)
        if p:

        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    def _update_property_on_parameter_value_set(self, name, value):
        """called from param.update_value() , we don't want to call back p._update_param_value_from_task_set()"""
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    def _initialize(self):

    def _validate(self):
        will be called after after object is created

    def clone(self, cls=None, output_params_to_clone=None, **kwargs):
        Creates a new instance from an existing instance where some of the args have changed.

        There's at least two scenarios where this is useful (see test/clone_test.py):

        * remove a lot of boiler plate when you have recursive dependencies and lots of args
        * there's task inheritance and some logic is on the base class

        :param cls:
        :param kwargs:
        if cls is None:
            cls = self.__class__
        output_params_to_clone = output_params_to_clone or []
        new_k = {}

        # copy only fields that exists in target class
        for param_name, param_class in six.iteritems(
            if param_class.is_output(
            ) and param_name not in output_params_to_clone:
            if hasattr(self, param_name):
                new_k[param_name] = getattr(self, param_name)
        new_k["task_name"] = self.task_name

        return cls(**new_k)

    def get_task_family(cls):
        return cls.task_definition.task_family

    def get_full_task_family(cls):
        return cls.task_definition.full_task_family