Example #1
    def load(self, state, raw, source, wrap_exceptions=True):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        logger.debug('Parsing config from "{}"'.format(source))
            if 'run_name' in raw:
                msg = '"run_name" can only be specified in the config '\
                      'section of an agenda'
                raise ConfigError(msg)

            if 'id' in raw:
                raise ConfigError('"id" cannot be set globally')


            # Get WA core configuration
            for cfg_point in state.settings.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting meta "{}" to "{}"'.format(
                        cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.settings.set(cfg_point.name, value)

            # Get run specific configuration
            for cfg_point in state.run_config.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting run "{}" to "{}"'.format(
                        cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.run_config.set(cfg_point.name, value)

            # Get global job spec configuration
            for cfg_point in JobSpec.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting global "{}" to "{}"'.format(
                        cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.jobs_config.set_global_value(cfg_point.name, value)

            for name, values in raw.items():
                # Assume that all leftover config is for a plug-in or a global
                # alias it is up to PluginCache to assert this assumption
                logger.debug('Caching "{}" with "{}"'.format(
                    identifier(name), values))
                state.plugin_cache.add_configs(identifier(name), values,

        except ConfigError as e:
            if wrap_exceptions:
                raise ConfigError('Error in "{}":\n{}'.format(source, str(e)))
                raise e
Example #2
 def install(cls, target, **params):
     if cls.kind is not None:
         attr_name = identifier(cls.kind)
         attr_name = identifier(cls.name)
     if hasattr(target, attr_name):
         existing_module = getattr(target, attr_name)
         existing_name = getattr(existing_module, 'name', str(existing_module))
         message = 'Attempting to install module "{}" which already exists (new: {}, existing: {})'
         raise ValueError(message.format(attr_name, cls.name, existing_name))
     setattr(target, attr_name, cls(target, **params))
Example #3
 def install(cls, target, **params):
     if cls.kind is not None:
         attr_name = identifier(cls.kind)
         attr_name = identifier(cls.name)
     if hasattr(target, attr_name):
         existing_module = getattr(target, attr_name)
         existing_name = getattr(existing_module, 'name', str(existing_module))
         message = 'Attempting to install module "{}" which already exists (new: {}, existing: {})'
         raise ValueError(message.format(attr_name, cls.name, existing_name))
     setattr(target, attr_name, cls(target, **params))
Example #4
    def load(self, state, raw, source, wrap_exceptions=True):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        logger.debug('Parsing config from "{}"'.format(source))
            if 'run_name' in raw:
                msg = '"run_name" can only be specified in the config '\
                      'section of an agenda'
                raise ConfigError(msg)

            if 'id' in raw:
                raise ConfigError('"id" cannot be set globally')


            # Get WA core configuration
            for cfg_point in state.settings.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting meta "{}" to "{}"'.format(cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.settings.set(cfg_point.name, value)

            # Get run specific configuration
            for cfg_point in state.run_config.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting run "{}" to "{}"'.format(cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.run_config.set(cfg_point.name, value)

            # Get global job spec configuration
            for cfg_point in JobSpec.configuration.values():
                value = pop_aliased_param(cfg_point, raw)
                if value is not None:
                    logger.debug('Setting global "{}" to "{}"'.format(cfg_point.name, value))
                    state.jobs_config.set_global_value(cfg_point.name, value)

            for name, values in raw.items():
                # Assume that all leftover config is for a plug-in or a global
                # alias it is up to PluginCache to assert this assumption
                logger.debug('Caching "{}" with "{}"'.format(identifier(name), values))
                state.plugin_cache.add_configs(identifier(name), values, source)

        except ConfigError as e:
            if wrap_exceptions:
                raise ConfigError('Error in "{}":\n{}'.format(source, str(e)))
                raise e
Example #5
 def has(self, modname):
     return hasattr(self, identifier(modname))
Example #6
 def get_plugin(self, name=None, kind=None, *args, **kwargs):
     return self.plugin_cache.get_plugin(identifier(name), kind, *args,
Example #7
def enum(args, start=0, step=1):
    Creates a class with attributes named by the first argument.
    Each attribute is a ``level`` so they behave is integers in comparisons.
    The value of the first attribute is specified by the second argument
    (``0`` if not specified).

        MyEnum = enum(['A', 'B', 'C'])

    is roughly equivalent of::

        class MyEnum(object):
            A = 0
            B = 1
            C = 2

    however it also implement some specialized behaviors for comparisons and

    class Enum(with_metaclass(_EnumMeta, object)):
        def from_pod(cls, pod):
            lv = level.from_pod(pod)
            for enum_level in cls.levels:
                if enum_level == lv:
                    return enum_level
            msg = 'Unexpected value "{}" for enum.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(pod))

        def __new__(cls, name):
            for attr_name in dir(cls):
                if attr_name.startswith('__'):

                attr = getattr(cls, attr_name)
                if name == attr:
                    return attr

                return Enum.from_pod(name)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Invalid enum value: {}'.format(repr(name)))

    reserved = ['values', 'levels', 'names']

    levels = []
    n = start
    for v in args:
        id_v = identifier(v)
        if id_v in reserved:
            message = 'Invalid enum level name "{}"; must not be in {}'
            raise ValueError(message.format(v, reserved))
        name = caseless_string(id_v)
        lv = level(v, n)
        setattr(Enum, name, lv)
        n += step

    setattr(Enum, 'levels', levels)
    setattr(Enum, 'values', [lvl.value for lvl in levels])
    setattr(Enum, 'names', [lvl.name for lvl in levels])

    return Enum
Example #8
 def get_plugin(self, name=None, kind=None, *args, **kwargs):
     return self.plugin_cache.get_plugin(identifier(name), kind, *args, **kwargs)
Example #9
def get_class_name(name, postfix=''):
    name = identifier(name)
    return ''.join(map(capitalize, name.split('_'))) + postfix
Example #10
def get_class_name(name, postfix=''):
    name = identifier(name)
    return ''.join(map(capitalize, name.split('_'))) + postfix
Example #11
def enum(args, start=0, step=1):
    Creates a class with attributes named by the first argument.
    Each attribute is a ``level`` so they behave is integers in comparisons.
    The value of the first attribute is specified by the second argument
    (``0`` if not specified).

        MyEnum = enum(['A', 'B', 'C'])

    is roughly equivalent of::

        class MyEnum(object):
            A = 0
            B = 1
            C = 2

    however it also implement some specialized behaviors for comparisons and


    class Enum(with_metaclass(_EnumMeta, object)):

        def from_pod(cls, pod):
            lv = level.from_pod(pod)
            for enum_level in cls.levels:
                if enum_level == lv:
                    return enum_level
            msg = 'Unexpected value "{}" for enum.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(pod))

        def __new__(cls, name):
            for attr_name in dir(cls):
                if attr_name.startswith('__'):

                attr = getattr(cls, attr_name)
                if name == attr:
                    return attr

            raise ValueError('Invalid enum value: {}'.format(repr(name)))

    reserved = ['values', 'levels', 'names']

    levels = []
    n = start
    for v in args:
        id_v = identifier(v)
        if id_v in reserved:
            message = 'Invalid enum level name "{}"; must not be in {}'
            raise ValueError(message.format(v, reserved))
        name = caseless_string(id_v)
        lv = level(v, n)
        setattr(Enum, name, lv)
        n += step

    setattr(Enum, 'levels', levels)
    setattr(Enum, 'values', [lvl.value for lvl in levels])
    setattr(Enum, 'names', [lvl.name for lvl in levels])

    return Enum