def test_whitespace_stripped(self):
     # Any whitespace around any of the tokens in the config file are
     # stripped out.
     config_file = self.makeFile('  key   value    optional   ')
         [['key', 'value', 'optional']],
 def test_smoke_the_default_config(self):
     # Make sure we can parse, interpret and plan based on the default
     # config file.
     root = get_launchpad_root()
     config_filename = os.path.join(root, 'utilities', 'sourcedeps.conf')
     config_file = open(config_filename)
     config = interpret_config(parse_config_file(config_file), False)
     plan_update([], config)
 def test_optional_value(self):
     # Lines in the config file can have a third optional entry.
     config_file = self.makeFile('key value optional')
         [['key', 'value', 'optional']],
 def test_comment_ignored(self):
     # If a line begins with a '#', then its a comment.
     comment_only = self.makeFile('# foo')
     self.assertEqual([], list(parse_config_file(comment_only)))
 def test_single_value(self):
     # Parsing a file containing a single key=value pair returns a sequence
     # containing the (key, value) as a list.
     config_file = self.makeFile("key value")
         [['key', 'value']], list(parse_config_file(config_file)))
 def test_empty(self):
     # Parsing an empty config file returns an empty sequence.
     empty_file = self.makeFile("")
     self.assertEqual([], list(parse_config_file(empty_file)))