Example #1
def webhooked_vault_agent_architecture():
    with Diagram(name="Mutating Webhook", show=False):
        with Cluster("Control Plane"):
            apiserver = APIServer()

        with Cluster(""):
            webhook = SQS("Mutating Webhook")

        with Cluster(""):
            vault = Vault("Vault")

        with Cluster("Secure Pod"):
            with Cluster("Injected"):
                vault_init_agent = Custom("Init Vault Agent", crio_icon)
                vault_agent = Custom("Vault Agent", crio_icon)
                injected = [vault_init_agent, vault_agent]

            app_container = Custom("App", crio_icon)
            inMemory = Vol("In Memory")

            vault_init_agent >> inMemory
            app_container << inMemory

            vault >> Edge() << vault_agent >> Edge() << app_container

        apiserver >> Edge() << webhook
        apiserver >> Edge() << vault
        webhook >> vault_agent
Example #2
def basic_vault_agent_architecture():
    with Diagram(name="Vault Agent Architecture", show=False, direction="LR"):

        with Cluster("Control Plane"):
            apiserver = APIServer()

        with Cluster("Vault"):
            svc = Service(":8200")
            certs_secret = Secret("Certs Secret")
            vault_configmap = ConfigMap("Vault Config")
            vault = Vault("Vault")
            file_backend = PV("Encrypted Store")

            vault >> file_backend
            vault >> Edge() << svc
            vault << certs_secret
            vault << vault_configmap

        with Cluster("Secure Pod"):
            vault_agent = Custom("Vault Agent", crio_icon)
            vault_init_agent = Custom("Init Vault Agent", crio_icon)

            manual = [vault_init_agent, vault_agent]

            app_container = Custom("App", crio_icon)
            inMemory = Vol("In Memory")

            manual >> inMemory
            app_container << inMemory

            manual << svc << manual >> Edge() << app_container

        apiserver >> Edge() << vault
Example #3
def render_transitions(dialogs: Union[List[Dialog], DialogRegistry],
                       title: str = "Aiogram Dialog",
                       filename: str = "aiogram_dialog",
                       format: str = "png"):
    if isinstance(dialogs, DialogRegistry):
        dialogs = list(dialogs.dialogs.values())
    with Diagram(title, filename=filename, outformat=format, show=False):
        nodes = {}
        for dialog in dialogs:
            with Cluster(dialog.states_group_name()):
                for window in dialog.windows.values():
                    nodes[window.get_state()] = Custom(icon_path=ICON_PATH, label=window.get_state().state)

        starts = []
        for dialog in dialogs:
            for window in dialog.windows.values():
                starts.extend(find_starts(window.get_state(), [window.keyboard]))

        for dialog in dialogs:
            for window in dialog.windows.values():
                walk_keyboard(nodes, dialog, starts, window.get_state(), [window.keyboard])
                preview_add_transitions = getattr(window, "preview_add_transitions", None)
                if preview_add_transitions:
                    walk_keyboard(nodes, dialog, starts, window.get_state(), preview_add_transitions)
Example #4
def ssh_server(c):
    with Diagram('SSH Server Pod', filename='ssh_server', show=False, graph_attr={'pad': '0.0'}):
        _ssh_server = Custom('OpenSSH Server', 'ssh.png')
        _polycube = Custom('Polycube', 'polycube.png')
        _cubebeat = Beats('Cubebeat')
        _metricbeat = Beats('Metricbeat')
        _heartbeat = Beats('Heartbeat')
        _logstash = Logstash('Logstash')

        with Cluster('cubebeat'):
            _cubebeat_file = [CM('cubebeat.yml')]
        _ = _cubebeat_file - _cubebeat

        with Cluster('cubebeat-config'):
            _cubebeat_cfg = [CM('synflood.yml')]
        _ = _cubebeat_cfg - _cubebeat

        with Cluster('heartbeat-config'):
            _heartbeat_cfg = [CM('hearbeat.yml')]
        _ = _heartbeat_cfg - _heartbeat

        with Cluster('heartbeat-monitor'):
            _heartbeat_monitor = [CM('host.yml'), CM('logstash.yml'), CM('server.yml')]
        _ = _heartbeat_monitor - _heartbeat

        with Cluster('logstash-config'):
            _logstash_cfg = [CM('logstash.yml'), CM('pipelines.yml'), CM('log4j2.properties')]
        _ = _logstash_cfg - _logstash

        with Cluster('logstash-pipeline'):
            _logstash_pipe = [CM('ssh-server.conf'), CM('system.conf')]
        _ = _logstash_pipe - _logstash

        with Cluster('metricbeat-config'):
            _metricbeat_cfg = [CM('metricbeat.yml')]
        _ = _metricbeat_cfg - _metricbeat

        with Cluster('metricbeat-modules'):
            _metricbeat_mod = [CM('system.yml')]
        _ = _metricbeat_mod - _metricbeat

        _ssh_server >> _polycube >> _cubebeat >> _logstash
        _logstash << _metricbeat
        _logstash << _heartbeat
Example #5
bitnami_url = "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/34656521?s=280&v=4"
bitnami_icon = "bitnami.png"
urlretrieve(bitnami_url, bitnami_icon)

concourse_url = "https://git.rrerr.net/uploads/-/system/project/avatar/434/concourse-black.png"
concourse_icon = "concourse.png"
urlretrieve(concourse_url, concourse_icon)

metallb_url = "https://v0-3-0--metallb.netlify.com/images/logo.png"
metallb_icon = "metallb.png"
urlretrieve(metallb_url, metallb_icon)

with Diagram("Terraform Kube"):

    cloudFlare = Custom("Cloudflare DNS", cloudflare_icon)
    wasabi = Custom("Wasabi S3 Storage", wasabi_icon)

    with Cluster("Concourse CI"):
        Custom("Concourse CI", concourse_icon)
        with Cluster("K8s Provisioning Pipeline"):
            createServersStage = Custom("Create Servers", terraform_icon)
            deployClusterStage = Custom("Deploy K8s Cluster", kubespray_icon)
            deployComponentsStage = Custom("Deploy K8s Components",
        with Cluster("K8s Destroying Pipeline"):
            destroyServersStage = Custom("Destroy Servers", terraform_icon)

    with Cluster("Hetzner Cloud"):
        with Cluster("WireGuard VPN"):
            with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
Example #6
def main():
    graph_attr = {
        "fontsize": "45",
        'overlap_scaling': '100',
        'size': '24!',
        'ratio': 'expand'

    with Diagram(name='Automation Framework Swarm', direction='LR', graph_attr=graph_attr):
        with Cluster('Docker Cluster'):
            docker = Docker('Docker')

            with Cluster('container1'):
                python_container = Python('APIs\nOther Microservices')

        with Cluster('Kafka Cluster'):
            with Cluster('Zookeeper'):

            with Cluster('REST Proxy'):
                rest_proxy = Custom('REST Proxy\ntcp:8082', 'custom_icons/REST-API.png')

            with Cluster('Control Center'):
                control_center = Kafka('Control Center\ntcp:9021')

            with Cluster('Schema Registry'):
                schema_registry = Storage('Schema Registry\ntcp:8081')

            with Cluster('Brokers'):
                broker_1 = Kafka('Broker 1\ntcp:9092')
                kafka_brokers = [
                    Kafka('Broker 2\ntcp:9093'),
                    Kafka('Broker 3\ntcp:9094')

        with Cluster('Secrets Managers'):
            vault = Vault('HashiCorp Vault\ntcp:8200')
            secrets_managers = [

        with Cluster('Logging and Search'):
            with Cluster('Search and Logging'):
                elastic_search = Elasticsearch('Elastic Search\ntcp:9200')
                kibana = Kibana('Kibana\ntcp:5601')
                logstash = Logstash('Logstash\ntcp:5044')
                search_log = [

        with Cluster('Inventory and Connectivity'):
            with Cluster('Inventory'):
                nautobot = Custom('Nautobot\ntcp:8000', 'custom_icons/Nautobot.jpeg')

        kafka_brokers - python_container

        python_container - vault

        python_container - nautobot

        nautobot - logstash
        python_container - logstash
Example #7
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.generic.os import Ubuntu
from diagrams.onprem.ci import GithubActions
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.onprem.network import Gunicorn, Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Github
from diagrams.programming.framework import Django

with Diagram("./custom_resources/Workflow", direction="TB"):
    with Cluster("Local"):
        # local_development = Custom("macOS", "https://download.logo.wine/logo/MacOS/MacOS-Logo.wine.png")
        local_development = Custom("", "MacOS-Logo.png")
    with Cluster("GitHub"):
        github_actions = GithubActions("GitHub Actions")
        github = Github("GitHub")
        local_development >> github >> github_actions
    with Cluster("Digital Ocean", direction="LR"):
        server = Ubuntu("Ubuntu 18.04")
        github_actions >> server

with Diagram("./custom_resources/Internal Working"):
    with Cluster("Internet"):
        users = Users("Site Visitors")

    with Cluster("Digital Ocean", direction="LR"):
        server = Ubuntu("Ubuntu 18.04")
        nginx = Nginx("Nginx")
        static_assets = Custom("Static", "static.png")
        with Cluster("Gunicorn Workers", direction="LR"):
            worker1 = Gunicorn("worker1")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod

globe_img = "resources/globe.png"

graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="shard",
    user_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(1)]

    with Cluster("Shard"):
        web, jicofo, prosody = [Pod("web"), Pod("jicofo"), Pod("prosody")]

        user_1 >> web

        web >> prosody
        jicofo >> Edge() << prosody

        n_jvbs = 3
        with Cluster("Jitsi Videobridge"):
            jvb_pods = [Pod(f"jvb-{i}") for i in range(n_jvbs)]
        [jvb_pods[i] >> Edge() << prosody for i in range(n_jvbs)]

        user_1 >> jvb_pods[0]
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.k8s.compute import RS
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

from diagrams.gcp.storage import GCS

terraform_url = "https://www.terraform.io/assets/images/og-image-8b3e4f7d.png"
terraform_icon = "terraform.png"
urlretrieve(terraform_url, terraform_icon)

dask_icon = "images/dask-icon.png"

with Diagram("Multi-Cloud", show=False):
    terraform = Custom("Terraform", terraform_icon)
    client = Client("Client Notebook")

    with Cluster("AWS"):
        with Cluster("Kubernetes"):
            dask1 = Custom("\nDask", dask_icon)
            worker = RS("Dask Worker")
            worker >> Edge(color="orange") << dask1

        s3 = S3("LENS")

        terraform >> worker
        worker >> s3

    with Cluster("GCP"):
        with Cluster("Kubernetes"):
Example #10
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "45"

react_url = "http://assets.stickpng.com/images/584830f5cef1014c0b5e4aa1.png"
react_icon = "react.png"
urlretrieve(react_url, react_icon)

with Diagram("Marketplace", show=True, graph_attr=graph_attr):

    apiSupplier = APIConnections("Supplier Api")
    sapConnection = APIConnections("Order Creation")

    with Cluster("Azure"):
        checkSupplier = FunctionApps("Get Products")
        checkSAPStatus = FunctionApps("Order Status")
        apiRestFul = AppServices("ApiRestFul")
        sqlServerDataBase = SQLDatabases("Database")
        reactFrontend = Custom("WebApp", react_icon) 
        checkSupplier >> apiRestFul 
        reactFrontend >> apiRestFul
        apiRestFul << checkSAPStatus
        apiRestFul >> sqlServerDataBase

    apiSupplier << checkSupplier  
    checkSAPStatus >> sapConnection
    apiRestFul >> sapConnection
Example #11
# diagram.py
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.rbac import User

quarkus_url = "https://github.com/openlab-red/quarkus-mtls-quickstart/raw/master/diagram/quarkus.png"
quarkus_icon = "quarkus.png"

urlretrieve(quarkus_url, quarkus_icon)

with Diagram("Mutual TLS", show=False):

    with Cluster("Request"):
        users = [User("Users")]

    with Cluster("Mutual TLS"):
        client = Custom("http://client:8080/hello", quarkus_icon)
        server = Custom("https://server:8443/hello", quarkus_icon)
        client >> [server]
        server >> [client]

    users >> client
Example #12
from diagrams.gcp.analytics import BigQuery, Dataflow, PubSub
from diagrams.programming.language import Nodejs
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Grafana, Prometheus
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.onprem.network import Traefik
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.onprem.tracing import Jaeger
from diagrams.onprem.database import Cassandra

with Diagram("OpenFlow Basic"):
    with Cluster("Backend"):
        b = [Mongodb("MongoDB"), Rabbitmq("RabbitMQ")]
    with Cluster("Remote Clients"):
        rc = [Custom("OpenRPA", "./my_resources/open_rpa128.png"), Custom("PowerShell",
                                                                          "./my_resources/PowerShell_5.0_icon.png"), Custom("NodeRED", "./my_resources/node-red-icon.png")]
    with Cluster("Frontend + API"):
        api = EC2("WEB-API")
        Custom("NodeRED", "./my_resources/node-red-icon.png")
    b << api
    api << rc

with Diagram("OpenFlow with Traefik"):

    with Cluster("Backend"):
        b = [Mongodb("MongoDB"), Rabbitmq("RabbitMQ")]

    with Cluster("Remote Clients"):
        rc = [Custom("OpenRPA", "./my_resources/open_rpa128.png"), Custom("PowerShell",
                                                                          "./my_resources/PowerShell_5.0_icon.png"), Custom("NodeRED", "./my_resources/node-red-icon.png")]
Example #13
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.saas.analytics import Snowflake
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.programming.framework import Fastapi, FastAPI
from diagrams.saas.identity import Auth0
from diagrams.custom import Custom

with Diagram("Event Processing", show=False):
    cc_csv = Custom("csv file", "./csv.png")
    source = S3("Upload csv to S3")
    download = S3("Download csv from S3")
    ingestion = Snowflake("Snowflake Database")
    api = FastAPI("API Endpoints")
    authentication = Auth0("API Auth")
    cc_test = Custom("Pytest", "./pytest.png")
    cc_locust = Custom("Locust", "./Locust.png")

    cc_csv >> source >> download >> ingestion >> api >> authentication >> cc_test >> cc_locust

Example #14
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

backblaze_url = "https://img.stackshare.io/service/5918/5bNX_lVF_400x400.png"
backblaze_icon = "backblaze.png"
urlretrieve(backblaze_url, backblaze_icon)

restic_url = "https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/logo.png"
restic_icon = "restic.png"
urlretrieve(restic_url, restic_icon)

with Diagram(filename="restic_backblaze", show=True, direction="TB"):

    backblaze = Custom("Backblaze B2 Storage", backblaze_icon)

    with Cluster("Dedicated Ubuntu Server"):

        with Cluster("Game Servers"):
            proxy1 = Docker("Proxy 1")
            proxy2 = Docker("Proxy 2")
            survival = Docker("Survival")
            resource = Docker("Resource")
            creative = Docker("Creative")
            modded = Docker("Modded")
            minigames = Docker("Minigames")
            snapshot = Docker("Snapshot")
            gamenight = Docker("Gamenight")
            misc = Docker("Misc. Servers")
Example #15
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.programming.language import JavaScript
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client
from diagrams.aws.iot import IotCamera
from diagrams.programming.language import Go

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0.0"}

with Diagram(filename="pirate_spyglass", show=False, graph_attr=graph_attr):

    with Cluster("Experiment"):
        piCamera = IotCamera("PiCamera")
        with Cluster("Raspberry Pi"):
            v4l2 = Custom("PiCamera Driver\n+ V4L2",
            go = Go("BerryMSE")

    v4l2 << Edge(label="Raw Image", color="firebrick") << piCamera
    go << Edge(label="MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC\nH.264 NAL Units",
               color="firebrick") << v4l2

    with Cluster("Client"):
        website = Client("Website")
        javaScript = JavaScript("MSE")

    javaScript << Edge(label="MPEG-4 Part 15 AVCFF\nH.264 NAL Units",
                       color="firebrick") << go
    website << Edge(label="Video", color="firebrick") << javaScript
Example #16
def custom_icon(filename):
    return os.path.join("architecture/icons", filename)

with Diagram(
    "QHub Architecture: High Level",
    with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
        conda_pvc = PersistentVolume("Conda (Persistent Volume)")
        nfs_pvc = PersistentVolume("NFS (Persistent Volume)")
        elb = LoadBalancing("Ingress")

        with Cluster("Pods"):
            dask_gateway = Custom("Dask Gateway", custom_icon("dask.png"))
            jupyterhub = Custom("JupyterHub", custom_icon("jupyter_hub.png"))
            dask_scheduler = Custom("Dask Scheduler", custom_icon("dask.png"))
            nfs_server = Pod("NFS Server")
            conda_store = Custom("Conda Store", custom_icon("conda.png"))
            nginx = Custom("Nginx", custom_icon("nginx.png"))

    nginx >> elb
    nginx >> jupyterhub
    [nfs_server, conda_store, dask_gateway] << jupyterhub
    [conda_store, dask_scheduler] << dask_gateway
    nfs_server >> nfs_pvc
    conda_store >> conda_pvc
Example #17
        github = Github("github")
        gitlab = Gitlab("gitlab")
        gits = [

    with Cluster("K8s cluster"):
        ic = CRD("IntegrationConfig")
        ij = CRD("IntegrationJob")

        ing = Ingress()

        with Cluster("CI/CD Operator"):
            webhookServer = Pod("Webhook server")

        github - Edge(label="PullRequest/Push/Tag") >> ing >> webhookServer
        webhookServer - Edge(label="Queued") >> ij

        pr = Custom("PipelineRun", tektonIcon)
        ij - Edge(label="Scheduled") >> pr

        tr1 = Custom("TaskRun-1", tektonIcon)
        tr2 = Custom("TaskRun-2", tektonIcon)
        tr3 = Custom("TaskRun-3", tektonIcon)

        pr >> tr3 >> Pod()
        pr >> tr2 >> Pod()
        pr >> tr1 >> Pod()

        ic - Edge(label="Register Webhook") >> gitlab
Example #18
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.custom import Custom

from diagrams.programming.framework import Spring
from diagrams.programming.language import Csharp
from diagrams.programming.language import Go
from diagrams.programming.language import Typescript
from diagrams.generic.device import Mobile
from diagrams.generic.os import Windows

with Diagram("Architecture", show=False, direction="BT"):
    api_gateway = Custom("API-Gateway\n(KrakenD)", "./pics/krakend.png")

    with Cluster("\nMicrosrvices"):
        microservices = [

    with Cluster("Application Layer"):
        application = [Mobile("Mobile"), Windows("Browser")]

    openapi = Custom("OpenAPI", "./pics/openapi.png")

    api_gateway >> microservices
    api_gateway >> openapi
Example #19
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress

globe_img = "resources/globe.png"
jitsi_img = "resources/jitsi-logo-square.png"

graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="jitsi_sharding",

    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]

    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
        ingress = Ingress("edurusma.adalet.gov.tr")
        with Cluster("HAProxy"):
            n_haproxy = 2
            haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{i}") for i in range(n_haproxy)]

        edge_conference_1 = Edge(color="red")
        edge_conference_2 = Edge(color="green")
        shard_0 = Custom("shard-0", jitsi_img)
        shard_1 = Custom("shard-1", jitsi_img)
        users_1 >> edge_conference_1 >> ingress
Example #20
from diagrams.aws.iot import IotCamera
from diagrams.programming.framework import React
from diagrams.programming.language import NodeJS

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0.0"}

with Diagram(filename="pirate_architecture", show=False,
    with Cluster("Pirate Module"):
        with Cluster("Raspberry PI"):
            # with Cluster("Docker1"):
            with Cluster("Nodejs"):
                nodeJs = NodeJS("Pirate-Bridge")

            with Cluster("Docker1"):
                Janus = Custom("Pirate-Spyglass",

            with Cluster("Docker2"):
                Gstreamer = Custom("Gstreamer",

            Janus << Edge(label="RTSP Stream", color="firebrick") << Gstreamer
            with Cluster("ReactJs"):
                react = React("Pirate-Flag")
            caddy = Caddy("Pirate-Map")
            caddy << Edge(color="firebrick") >> Janus
            caddy << Edge(color="firebrick") >> react
            caddy << Edge(color="firebrick") >> nodeJs

        with Cluster("Arduino Project"):
            piCamera = IotCamera("Camera")
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HPA
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, StatefulSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

globe_img = "resources/globe.png"

graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="jitsi_meet",
    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]
    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    all_users = Custom("all users", globe_img)

    with Cluster("Namespace 'jitsi'"):
        n_shards = 2
        n_haproxy = 2
        haproxy_sts = StatefulSet("haproxy")
        haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{j}") for j in range(n_haproxy)]
        haproxy_sts >> haproxy_pods
        web_service = Service("web")
        ingress = Ingress("jitsi.messenger.schule")
        ingress >> Service("haproxy") >> haproxy_pods >> web_service
Example #22
        "fontsize": "12",
    _icon = Server

with Diagram(title,
    with Cluster("Multicloud deployment", graph_attr={
            "fontsize": "15"
    }):  # overwrite attributes for the default cluster
        with ServerContents("chassis 1: Bastion host"):
            Custom("Chassis", "./resources/ovn.png")
        with AvailabilityZone("chassis 2"):
            Custom("Chassis", "./resources/ovn.png")
        with AvailabilityZone("chassis 3"):
            Custom("Central", "./resources/ovn.png")
        with Region("chassis 4",
                        "pencolor": "#60193C",
Example #23
from diagrams.onprem.network import Caddy
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka
from diagrams.generic.device import Tablet
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank
from diagrams.generic.device import Mobile
from diagrams.aws.iot import IotCamera
from diagrams.programming.framework import React
from diagrams.programming.language import NodeJS

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0.0"}

with Diagram(filename="pirate_bridge", show=False, graph_attr=graph_attr):
    with Cluster("Raspberry PI"):
        with Cluster("Pirate Bridge"):
            serial = Custom("Serial-Interface",
            ardu_sent = NodeJS("Arduino Send Buffer")
            config = NodeJS("Config Data")
            client_sent = NodeJS("Client Send Buffer")
            httpapi = Custom("HTTP-API", "./customImages/Expressjs.png")
        caddy = Caddy("Pirate Map")

    with Cluster("Arduino Project"):
        with Cluster("Arduino"):
            hook = Custom("Pirate-Hook",

    caddy << Edge(color="firebrick") >> httpapi
    httpapi << [client_sent, config]
    httpapi >> ardu_sent
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge

from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.iac import Terraform, Ansible
from diagrams.custom import Custom

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent", "dpi": "300"}

with Diagram("", show=False, filename="value_stream", graph_attr=graph_attr):

    image = Docker("Docker Image")
    docker_role = Ansible("Ansible Role Docker")
    app_role = Ansible("Ansible Role App")
    packer_ami = Custom("AMI", "packer.png")

    terrafor_module = Terraform("Module")
    terrafor_stack = Terraform("Deployment")

    image >> app_role >> packer_ami
    docker_role >> packer_ami >> terrafor_module >> terrafor_stack
Example #25
from diagrams.onprem.storage import Glusterfs
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Gitea
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank

with open("icons.json", "r") as fd:
    icons = json.load(fd)

for k in icons:
    i = icons[k]
    if i["url"] is not None and not os.path.isfile(i["icon"]):
        urlretrieve(i["url"], i["icon"])

with Diagram("Infrastructure", direction="TB"):
    internet = Custom("", icons["cloudflare"]["icon"])

    with Cluster("Pi Cluster", direction="TB"):
        docker = Docker()

        with Cluster("Pi 1", direction="TB") as pi1:
            controller = Docker("Docker Swarm Manager")
            glusterfs1 = Glusterfs("glusterfs")

        with Cluster("Pi 2", direction="TB") as pi2:
            agent = Docker("Docker Swarm Node")
            glusterfs2 = Glusterfs("glusterfs")

    with Cluster("Containers"):
        with Cluster("External"):
            cloudflared = Custom("cloudflared", icons["cloudflareCloud"]["icon"])
Example #26
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.generic.database import SQL
from diagrams.aws.database import RDSMysqlInstance
from diagrams.generic.device import Mobile
from diagrams.programming.language import Python
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Grafana

with Diagram("Event processing",show=False):
    phone = Mobile("Phone running Owntracks")
    with Cluster("Services"):
        connector = Python("Connector")
        mysql = RDSMysqlInstance("MYSQL DB")
        mqtt = Custom("MQTT broker", "./mosquitto.png")
        grafana = Grafana("Grafana")
    phone >> mqtt >> connector >> mysql << grafana
Example #27
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Job
from diagrams.onprem import client, container
from diagrams.custom import Custom

with Diagram(name="MLCommons-Box-k8s", show=False):
    with Cluster("Kubernetes Runner"):
        yaml_icon = "yaml.jpg"
        config = [
            Custom("Task file", yaml_icon)
    client.User("User") >> config >> Job("k8s")
Example #28
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.database import Aurora
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod

# Download an image to be used into a Custom Node class
rabbitmq_url = "https://jpadilla.github.io/rabbitmqapp/assets/img/icon.png"
rabbitmq_icon = "rabbitmq.png"
urlretrieve(rabbitmq_url, rabbitmq_icon)

with Diagram("Broker Consumers", show=False):
    with Cluster("Consumers"):
        consumers = [Pod("worker"), Pod("worker"), Pod("worker")]

    queue = Custom("Message queue", rabbitmq_icon)

    queue >> consumers >> Aurora("Database")
Example #29

kuberik_icon = "logo.png"
with Diagram(filename="play_trigger",
    with Cluster("Screening", graph_attr=graph_attr):
        screener_controller = Pod("Screener Controller")
        screener = CRD("Screener")

    events = CRD("Events")
    screener << Edge(label="configure", **edge_attr) - screener_controller
    screener_controller - Edge(label="") >> events

    movie = CRD("Movie")
    # "\n" fixes padding issues
    engine = Custom("Engine\n", kuberik_icon)
    movie << Edge(constraint="false") - engine
    [events, events, events] << engine

    with Cluster("Pipeline execution", graph_attr=graph_attr):
        play = CRD("Play")
        actions = [Job("Action"), Job("Action"), Job("Action")]

    engine >> [play, play, play]
    movie - Edge(style="dotted") >> play
    play - Edge(style="dotted") >> actions
Example #30
     # outformat="jpg",
 with Cluster("NUC",
                  "shape": "box",
                  "style": "rounded",
                  "labeljust": "l",
                  "pencolor": "#AEB6BE",
                  "fontname": "Lucida-Sans",
                  "fontsize": "16",
     k4a = K4A()
     rs2 = RS2()
     monitor = Monitor()
     led = Custom("led", intel_nuc_icon)
 with Cluster("Workstation",
                  "shape": "box",
                  "style": "rounded",
                  "labeljust": "l",
                  "pencolor": "#AEB6BE",
                  "fontname": "Lucida-Sans",
                  "fontsize": "16",
     volcap = VolCap()
     volsnap = VolSnap()
     devrepo = DevRepo()
 message_queue = RabbitMQ()