Example #1
def update_mode(database, dictionary, input_info, objective_name, update_value=1):
    # ex input: daily update wanikani 50
    # ex input: daily update wanikani
    parameter_length = input_info['parameter_length']
    if dict_management.wrong_parameter_count(parameter_length, 1, 2):
        return False

    command = input_info['command']  # Cycle handled differently

    if command == 'cycle':
        if objective_name not in dict_management.get_active_cycle_list(database):  # Can't update inactive item
            print('Cannot update progress for inactive cycle objectives', end='\n\n')
            return False

    if parameter_length == 2:  # Update value given, will be a string
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            update_value = eval(update_value)
        except (SyntaxError, NameError):
            print('Update value must be a number', end='\n\n')
            return False
        if not isinstance(update_value, int):
            print('Update value must be an integer', end='\n\n')
            return False

    if objective_name not in dictionary:  # If not found, look for as a substring
        if not (objective_name := dict_management.objective_search(database, dictionary, objective_name)):
            return False
Example #2
def set_mode(database, dictionary, input_info, objective_name, set_value):
    # ex input: daily set wanikani 50
    parameter_length = input_info['parameter_length']
    if dict_management.wrong_parameter_count(parameter_length, 2):
        return False

    command = input_info['command']  # Cycle handled differently

        set_value = eval(set_value)
    except (SyntaxError, NameError):
        print('Set value must be a number', end='\n\n')
        return False
    if not isinstance(set_value, int):
        print('Set value must be an integer', end='\n\n')
        return False

    if command == 'cycle':
        if objective_name not in dict_management.get_active_cycle_list(database):  # Can't update inactive item
            print('Cannot update progress for inactive cycle objectives', end='\n\n')
            return False

    if objective_name not in dictionary:  # If not found, look for as a substring
        if not (objective_name := dict_management.objective_search(database, dictionary, objective_name)):
            return False
Example #3
def reset_mode(database, dictionary, input_info, objective_name):
    # ex input: daily reset wanikani
    parameter_length = input_info['parameter_length']
    if dict_management.wrong_parameter_count(parameter_length, 1):
        return False

    command = input_info['command']

    if command == 'cycle':
        if objective_name not in dict_management.get_active_cycle_list(database):  # Can't update inactive item
            print('Cannot update progress for inactive cycle objectives', end='\n\n')
            return False
    if objective_name not in dictionary:  # If not found, look for as a substring
        if not (objective_name := dict_management.objective_search(database, dictionary, objective_name)):
            return False
Example #4
def setall_cycle_mode(database, dictionary, setall_value):
    active_cycle_list = dict_management.get_active_cycle_list(database)

    if setall_value not in {'complete', 'reset'}:
        print('Invalid parameter. Expected "complete" or "reset"', end='\n\n')
        return False

    if not active_cycle_list:
        print('There are no active cycle objectives', end='\n\n')
        return False

    if setall_value == 'complete':
        for objective in active_cycle_list:
            # Set the numerator to the denominator (100%). value is the key's dictionary value
            value = dictionary[objective]
            value['numerator'] = value['denominator']
    elif setall_value == 'reset':
        for objective in active_cycle_list:
            value = dictionary[objective]
            value['numerator'] = 0
    return True
Example #5
def print_dictionary(database, dict_name):
    if dict_name == 'daily':
        daily_dict = database['daily']
        if daily_dict:  # Skip if empty
            print()  # Extra newline
        else:  # Neither daily nor optionals have any
            print('There are no daily objectives')
    elif dict_name == 'optional':
        optional_dict = database['optional']
        if optional_dict:
            print()  # Extra newline
            print('There are no optional objectives')
    elif dict_name == 'todo':
        todo_dict = database['todo']
        if todo_dict:  # Skip if empty
            print()  # Extra newline
    elif dict_name == 'active_cycle':
        active_cycle_list = dict_management.get_active_cycle_list(database)
        if active_cycle_list:  # Skip if empty
            print_active_cycle_objectives(database, active_cycle_list)
            print()  # Extra newline
    elif dict_name == 'inactive_cycle':
        inactive_cycle_list = dict_management.get_inactive_cycle_list(database)
        if inactive_cycle_list:  # Skip if empty
            print_inactive_cycle_objectives(database, inactive_cycle_list)
            print()  # Extra newline
    elif dict_name == 'longterm':
        longterm_dict = database['longterm']
        if longterm_dict:  # Skip if empty
            print()  # Extra newline
    elif dict_name == 'counter':
        counter_dict = database['counter']
        if counter_dict:
            print()  # Extra newline