Example #1
def path_length(streamlines, aoi, affine, fill_value=-1):
    """ Computes the shortest path, along any streamline, between aoi and
    each voxel.

    streamlines : seq of (N, 3) arrays
        A sequence of streamlines, path length is given in mm along the curve
        of the streamline.
    aoi : array, 3d
        A mask (binary array) of voxels from which to start computing distance.
    affine : array (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel indices to streamline points.
    fill_value : float
        The value of voxel in the path length map that are not connected to the

    plm : array
        Same shape as aoi. The minimum distance between every point and aoi
        along the path of a streamline.
    aoi = np.asarray(aoi, dtype=bool)

    # path length map
    plm = np.empty(aoi.shape, dtype=float)
    plm[:] = np.inf
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, None)
    for sl in streamlines:
        seg_ind = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset)
        i, j, k = seg_ind.T
        # Get where streamlines passes through aoi
        breaks = aoi[i, j, k]
        # Where streamline passes aoi, dist is zero
        i, j, k = seg_ind[breaks].T
        plm[i, j, k] = 0

        # If a streamline crosses aoi >1, re-start counting distance for each
        for seg in _as_segments(sl, breaks):
            i, j, k = _to_voxel_coordinates(seg[1:], lin_T, offset).T
            # Get the distance, in mm, between streamline points
            segment_length = np.sqrt(((seg[1:] - seg[:-1]) ** 2).sum(1))
            dist = segment_length.cumsum()
            # Updates path length map with shorter distances
            minimum_at(plm, (i, j, k), dist)
    if fill_value != np.inf:
        plm = np.where(plm == np.inf, fill_value, plm)
    return plm
def convert_to_indices(streamline, papaya_aff, aff, img):
    topoints = lambda x : np.array([[m["x"], m["y"], m["z"]] for m in x["world_coor"]])
    points_orig = topoints(streamline)
    points_nifti_space = list(utils.move_streamlines([points_orig], aff, input_space=papaya_aff))[0]
    from dipy.tracking._utils import _to_voxel_coordinates, _mapping_to_voxel
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(aff, None)
    idx = _to_voxel_coordinates(points_orig, lin_T, offset)
    return points_nifti_space, idx
Example #3
def target(streamlines, target_mask, affine, include=True):
    """Filters streamlines based on whether or not they pass through an ROI.

    streamlines : iterable
        A sequence of streamlines. Each streamline should be a (N, 3) array,
        where N is the length of the streamline.
    target_mask : array-like
        A mask used as a target. Non-zero values are considered to be within
        the target region.
    affine : array (4, 4)
        The affine transform from voxel indices to streamline points.
    include : bool, default True
        If True, streamlines passing through `target_mask` are kept. If False,
        the streamlines not passing through `target_mask` are kept.

    streamlines : generator
        A sequence of streamlines that pass through `target_mask`.

        When the points of the streamlines lie outside of the `target_mask`.

    See Also

    target_mask = np.array(target_mask, dtype=bool, copy=True)
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, voxel_size=None)
    # End of initialization

    for sl in streamlines:
            ind = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset)
            i, j, k = ind.T
            state = target_mask[i, j, k]
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError("streamlines points are outside of target_mask")
        if state.any() == include:
            yield sl
Example #4
def density_map(streamlines, vol_dims, voxel_size=None, affine=None):
    """Counts the number of unique streamlines that pass through each voxel.

    streamlines : iterable
        A sequence of streamlines.

    vol_dims : 3 ints
        The shape of the volume to be returned containing the streamlines
    voxel_size :
        This argument is deprecated.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.

    image_volume : ndarray, shape=vol_dims
        The number of streamline points in each voxel of volume.

        When the points of the streamlines lie outside of the return volume.

    A streamline can pass through a voxel even if one of the points of the
    streamline does not lie in the voxel. For example a step from [0,0,0] to
    [0,0,2] passes through [0,0,1]. Consider subsegmenting the streamlines when
    the edges of the voxels are smaller than the steps of the streamlines.

    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, voxel_size)
    counts = np.zeros(vol_dims, 'int')
    for sl in streamlines:
        inds = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset)
        i, j, k = inds.T
        # this takes advantage of the fact that numpy's += operator only
        # acts once even if there are repeats in inds
        counts[i, j, k] += 1
    return counts
Example #5
def test_to_voxel_coordinates_precision():
    # To simplify tests, use an identity affine. This would be the result of
    # a call to _mapping_to_voxel with another identity affine.
    transfo = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

    # Offset is computed by _mapping_to_voxel. With a 1x1x1 dataset
    # having no translation, the offset is half the voxel size, i.e. 0.5.
    offset = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

    # Without the added tolerance in _to_voxel_coordinates, this streamline
    # should raise an Error in the call to _to_voxel_coordinates.
    failing_strl = [np.array([[-0.5000001, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]],

    indices = _to_voxel_coordinates(failing_strl, transfo, offset)

    expected_indices = np.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]])
    assert_array_equal(indices, expected_indices)
Example #6
def connectivity_matrix(streamlines, label_volume, voxel_size=None,
                        affine=None, symmetric=True, return_mapping=False,
    """Counts the streamlines that start and end at each label pair.

    streamlines : sequence
        A sequence of streamlines.
    label_volume : ndarray
        An image volume with an integer data type, where the intensities in the
        volume map to anatomical structures.
    voxel_size :
        This argument is deprecated.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline coordinates.
    symmetric : bool, True by default
        Symmetric means we don't distinguish between start and end points. If
        symmetric is True, ``matrix[i, j] == matrix[j, i]``.
    return_mapping : bool, False by default
        If True, a mapping is returned which maps matrix indices to
    mapping_as_streamlines : bool, False by default
        If True voxel indices map to lists of streamline objects. Otherwise
        voxel indices map to lists of integers.

    matrix : ndarray
        The number of connection between each pair of regions in
    mapping : defaultdict(list)
        ``mapping[i, j]`` returns all the streamlines that connect region `i`
        to region `j`. If `symmetric` is True mapping will only have one key
        for each start end pair such that if ``i < j`` mapping will have key
        ``(i, j)`` but not key ``(j, i)``.

    # Error checking on label_volume
    kind = label_volume.dtype.kind
    labels_positive = ((kind == 'u') or
                       ((kind == 'i') and (label_volume.min() >= 0)))
    valid_label_volume = (labels_positive and label_volume.ndim == 3)
    if not valid_label_volume:
        raise ValueError("label_volume must be a 3d integer array with"
                         "non-negative label values")

    # If streamlines is an iterators
    if return_mapping and mapping_as_streamlines:
        streamlines = list(streamlines)
    # take the first and last point of each streamline
    endpoints = [sl[0::len(sl)-1] for sl in streamlines]

    # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, voxel_size)
    endpoints = _to_voxel_coordinates(endpoints, lin_T, offset)

    # get labels for label_volume
    i, j, k = endpoints.T
    endlabels = label_volume[i, j, k]
    if symmetric:
    mx = label_volume.max() + 1
    matrix = ndbincount(endlabels, shape=(mx, mx))
    if symmetric:
        matrix = np.maximum(matrix, matrix.T)

    if return_mapping:
        mapping = defaultdict(list)
        for i, (a, b) in enumerate(endlabels.T):
            mapping[a, b].append(i)

        # Replace each list of indices with the streamlines they index
        if mapping_as_streamlines:
            for key in mapping:
                mapping[key] = [streamlines[i] for i in mapping[key]]

        # Return the mapping matrix and the mapping
        return matrix, mapping
        return matrix
Example #7
def connectivity_selection_getsl(streamlines,
    """Counts the streamlines that start and end at each label pair.

    streamlines : sequence
        A sequence of streamlines.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline coordinates.
        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
    label_volume : ndarray
        An image volume with an integer data type, where the intensities in the
        volume map to anatomical structures.
    labels : tuple (2,1)
        The labels that are to be isolated
    inclusive: bool
        Whether to analyze the entire streamline, as opposed to just the
        endpoints. Allowing this will increase calculation time and mapping
        size, especially if mapping_as_streamlines is True. False by default.
    symmetric : bool, True by default
        Symmetric means we don't distinguish between start and end points. If
        symmetric is True, ``matrix[i, j] == matrix[j, i]``.
    return_mapping : bool, False by default
        If True, a mapping is returned which maps matrix indices to
    mapping_as_streamlines : bool, False by default
        If True voxel indices map to lists of streamline objects. Otherwise
        voxel indices map to lists of integers.

    matrix : ndarray
        The number of connection between each pair of regions in
    mapping : defaultdict(list)
        ``mapping[i, j]`` returns all the streamlines that connect region `i`
        to region `j`. If `symmetric` is True mapping will only have one key
        for each start end pair such that if ``i < j`` mapping will have key
        ``(i, j)`` but not key ``(j, i)``.

    # Error checking on label_volume
    kind = label_volume.dtype.kind
    labels_positive = ((kind == 'u')
                       or ((kind == 'i') and (label_volume.min() >= 0)))
    valid_label_volume = (labels_positive and label_volume.ndim == 3)
    if not valid_label_volume:
        raise ValueError("label_volume must be a 3d integer array with"
                         "non-negative label values")

    # If streamlines is an iterator
    if return_mapping and mapping_as_streamlines:
        streamlines = list(streamlines)

    label_dict = {}
    #singlecase = np.size(np.shape(label_vals)) == 1

    matrix_sl = np.empty((3, ), dtype=object)
    for i, v in enumerate(matrix_sl):
        matrix_sl[i] = [v, i]
    for v in matrix_sl:

    if inclusive:
        # Create ndarray to store streamline connections
        edges = np.ndarray(shape=(3, 0), dtype=int)
        lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine)
        for sl, _ in enumerate(streamlines):
            # Convert streamline to voxel coordinates
            entire = _to_voxel_coordinates(streamlines[sl], lin_T, offset)
            i, j, k = entire.T
            if symmetric:
                # Create list of all labels streamline passes through
                entirelabels = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(label_volume[i, j,
                # Append all connection combinations with streamline number
                for comb in combinations(entirelabels, 2):
                    if singlecase:
                        if (comb == label_vals).all():
                        for label in label_vals:
                            if (comb == label).all():
                    edges = np.append(edges, [[comb[0]], [comb[1]], [sl]],
                # Create list of all labels streamline passes through, keeping
                # order and whether a label was entered multiple times
                entirelabels = list(groupby(label_volume[i, j, k]))
                # Append connection combinations along with streamline number,
                # removing duplicates and connections from a label to itself
                combs = set(combinations([z[0] for z in entirelabels], 2))
                for comb in combs:
                    if comb[0] == comb[1]:
                        edges = np.append(edges, [[comb[0]], [comb[1]], [sl]],
        if symmetric:
        mx = label_volume.max() + 1
        matrix = ndbincount(edges[0:2], shape=(mx, mx))

        if symmetric:
            matrix = np.maximum(matrix, matrix.T)
        if return_mapping:
            mapping = defaultdict(list)
            for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(edges.T):
                mapping[a, b].append(c)
            # Replace each list of indices with the streamlines they index
            if mapping_as_streamlines:
                for key in mapping:
                    mapping[key] = [streamlines[i] for i in mapping[key]]

            return matrix, mapping

        return matrix
        # take the first and last point of each streamline
        endpoints = [sl[0::len(sl) - 1] for sl in streamlines]

        # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates
        lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine)
        endpoints = _to_voxel_coordinates(endpoints, lin_T, offset)

        # get labels for label_volume
        i, j, k = endpoints.T
        endlabels = label_volume[i, j, k]
        if symmetric:
        mx = label_volume.max() + 1
        matrix = ndbincount(endlabels, shape=(mx, mx))
        if symmetric:
            matrix = np.maximum(matrix, matrix.T)

        if return_mapping:
            mapping = defaultdict(list)
            for i, (a, b) in enumerate(endlabels.T):
                mapping[a, b].append(i)

            # Replace each list of indices with the streamlines they index
            if mapping_as_streamlines:
                for key in mapping:
                    mapping[key] = [streamlines[i] for i in mapping[key]]

            # Return the mapping matrix and the mapping
            return matrix, mapping

        return matrix
Example #8
def streams2graph(atlas_for_streams, streams, dir_path, track_type,
                  target_samples, conn_model, network, node_size, dens_thresh,
                  ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas,
                  uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, warped_fa,
                  min_length, error_margin):
    Use tracked streamlines as a basis for estimating a structural connectome.

    atlas_for_streams : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-conformed space.
    streams : str
        File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format.
    dir_path : str
        Path to directory containing subject derivative data for a given
        pynets run.
    track_type : str
        Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle').
    target_samples : int
        Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams.
    conn_model : str
        Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd').
    network : str
        Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default')
        used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs.
    node_size : int
        Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based
        centroids are used as ROI's for tracking.
    dens_thresh : bool
        Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for
    ID : str
        A subject id or other unique identifier.
    roi : str
        File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file.
    min_span_tree : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree
        should be used.
    disp_filt : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and
        'backbone network' should be used.
    parc : bool
        Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes.
    prune : bool
        Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates.
    atlas : str
        Name of atlas parcellation used.
    uatlas : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space.
    labels : list
        List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes.
    coords : list
        List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or
        which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node.
    norm : int
        Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph.
    binary : bool
        Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an
        unweighted graph.
    directget : str
        The statistical approach to tracking. Options are:
        det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped),
        and prob (probabilistic).
    warped_fa : str
        File path to MNI-space warped FA Nifti1Image.
    min_length : int
        Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking.
    error_margin : int
        Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection
         to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels.

    atlas_for_streams : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-conformed space.
    streams : str
        File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format.
    conn_matrix : array
        Adjacency matrix stored as an m x n array of nodes and edges.
    track_type : str
        Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle').
    target_samples : int
        Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams.
    dir_path : str
        Path to directory containing subject derivative data for given run.
    conn_model : str
        Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd').
    network : str
        Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default')
        used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs.
    node_size : int
        Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based
        centroids are used as ROI's for tracking.
    dens_thresh : bool
        Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for
    ID : str
        A subject id or other unique identifier.
    roi : str
        File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file.
    min_span_tree : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree
        should be used.
    disp_filt : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and
        'backbone network' should be used.
    parc : bool
        Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes.
    prune : bool
        Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates.
    atlas : str
        Name of atlas parcellation used.
    uatlas : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space.
    labels : list
        List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes.
    coords : list
        List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or
        which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node.
    norm : int
        Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph.
    binary : bool
        Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an
        unweighted graph.
    directget : str
        The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic),
        closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic).
    min_length : int
        Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking.
    error_margin : int
        Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection
         to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels.

    .. [1] Sporns, O., Tononi, G., & Kötter, R. (2005). The human connectome:
      A structural description of the human brain. PLoS Computational Biology.
    .. [2] Sotiropoulos, S. N., & Zalesky, A. (2019). Building connectomes
      using diffusion MRI: why, how and but. NMR in Biomedicine.
    .. [3] Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Adluru, N., Alexander, A. L., Davidson,
      R. J., & Pollak, S. D. (2017). Integrative Structural Brain Network
      Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain Connectivity.
    import gc
    import os
    import time
    from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines, values_from_volume
    from dipy.tracking._utils import _mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates
    import networkx as nx
    from itertools import combinations
    from collections import defaultdict
    from pynets.core import utils, nodemaker
    from pynets.dmri.utils import generate_sl
    from dipy.io.streamline import load_tractogram
    from dipy.io.stateful_tractogram import Space, Origin
    from pynets.core.utils import load_runconfig

    hardcoded_params = load_runconfig()
    fa_wei = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"]["fa_weighting"][0]
    fiber_density = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"][
    overlap_thr = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"][
    roi_neighborhood_tol = \

    start = time.time()

    if float(roi_neighborhood_tol) <= float(error_margin):
        raise ValueError('roi_neighborhood_tol preset cannot be less than '
                         'the value of the structural connectome error'
                         '_margin parameter.')
        print(f"Using fiber-roi intersection tolerance: {error_margin}...")

    # Load FA
    fa_img = nib.load(warped_fa)

    # Load parcellation
    roi_img = nib.load(atlas_for_streams)
    atlas_data = np.around(np.asarray(roi_img.dataobj))
    roi_zooms = roi_img.header.get_zooms()
    roi_shape = roi_img.shape

    # Read Streamlines
    if streams is not None:
        streamlines = [
            i.astype(np.float32) for i in Streamlines(

        # from fury import actor, window
        # renderer = window.Renderer()
        # template_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(roi_img.get_fdata(),
        #                                         color=(50, 50, 50),
        #                                         opacity=0.05)
        # renderer.add(template_actor)
        # lines_actor = actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.orange,
        #                                linewidth=0.3)
        # renderer.add(lines_actor)
        # window.show(renderer)


        if fa_wei is True:
            fa_weights = values_from_volume(
                np.asarray(fa_img.dataobj, dtype=np.float32), streamlines,
            global_fa_weights = list(utils.flatten(fa_weights))
            min_global_fa_wei = min([i for i in global_fa_weights if i > 0])
            max_global_fa_wei = max(global_fa_weights)
            fa_weights_norm = []
            # Here we normalize by global FA
            for val_list in fa_weights:
                    np.nanmean((val_list - min_global_fa_wei) /
                               (max_global_fa_wei - min_global_fa_wei)))

        # Make streamlines into generators to keep memory at a minimum
        total_streamlines = len(streamlines)
        sl = [generate_sl(i) for i in streamlines]
        del streamlines

        # Instantiate empty networkX graph object & dictionary and create
        # voxel-affine mapping
        lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(np.eye(4))
        mx = len(np.unique(atlas_data.astype("uint16"))) - 1
        g = nx.Graph(ecount=0, vcount=mx)
        edge_dict = defaultdict(int)
        node_dict = dict(
                np.arange(mx) + 1))

        # Add empty vertices with label volume attributes
        for node in range(1, mx + 1):
                       roi_volume=np.sum(atlas_data.astype("uint16") == node))

        # Build graph
        pc = 0
        bad_idxs = []
        fiberlengths = {}
        fa_weights_dict = {}
        print(f"Quantifying fiber-ROI intersection for {atlas}:")
        for ix, s in enumerate(sl):
            # Percent counter
            pcN = int(round(100 * float(ix / total_streamlines)))
            if pcN % 10 == 0 and ix > 0 and pcN > pc:
                pc = pcN

            # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates and get
            # labels for label_volume
            vox_coords = _to_voxel_coordinates(Streamlines(s), lin_T, offset)

            lab_coords = [
                nodemaker.get_sphere(coord, error_margin, roi_zooms, roi_shape)
                for coord in vox_coords
            [i, j, k] = np.vstack(np.array(lab_coords)).T

            # get labels for label_volume
            lab_arr = atlas_data[i, j, k]
            # print(lab_arr)
            endlabels = []
            for jx, lab in enumerate(np.unique(lab_arr).astype("uint32")):
                if (lab > 0) and (np.sum(lab_arr == lab) >= overlap_thr):
                    except BaseException:
                        print(f"Label {lab} missing from parcellation. Check "
                              f"registration and ensure valid input "
                              f"parcellation file.")

            edges = combinations(endlabels, 2)
            for edge in edges:
                # Get fiber lengths along edge
                if fiber_density is True:
                    if not (edge[0], edge[1]) in fiberlengths.keys():
                        fiberlengths[(edge[0], edge[1])] = [len(vox_coords)]

                # Get FA values along edge
                if fa_wei is True:
                    if not (edge[0], edge[1]) in fa_weights_dict.keys():
                                         edge[1])] = [fa_weights_norm[ix]]

                lst = tuple([int(node) for node in edge])
                edge_dict[tuple(sorted(lst))] += 1

            edge_list = [(k[0], k[1], count) for k, count in edge_dict.items()]


            del lab_coords, lab_arr, endlabels, edges, edge_list


        # Add fiber density attributes for each edge
        # Adapted from the nnormalized fiber-density estimation routines of
        # Sebastian Tourbier.
        if fiber_density is True:
            print("Redefining edges on the basis of fiber density...")
            # Summarize total fibers and total label volumes
            total_fibers = 0
            total_volume = 0
            u_start = -1
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                total_fibers += len(d)
                if u != u_start:
                    total_volume += g.nodes[int(u)]['roi_volume']
                u_start = u

            ix = 0
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                if d['weight'] > 0:
                    edge_fiberlength_mean = np.nanmean(fiberlengths[(u, v)])
                    fiber_density = (float(
                        ((float(d['weight']) / float(total_fibers)) /
                         float(edge_fiberlength_mean)) *
                        ((2.0 * float(total_volume)) /
                         (g.nodes[int(u)]['roi_volume'] +
                          g.nodes[int(v)]['roi_volume'])))) * 1000
                    fiber_density = 0
                g.edges[u, v].update({"fiber_density": fiber_density})
                ix += 1

        if fa_wei is True:
            print("Re-weighting edges by FA...")
            # Add FA attributes for each edge
            ix = 0
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                if d['weight'] > 0:
                    edge_average_fa = np.nanmean(fa_weights_dict[(u, v)])
                    edge_average_fa = np.nan
                g.edges[u, v].update({"fa_weight": edge_average_fa})
                ix += 1

        # Summarize weights
        if fa_wei is True and fiber_density is True:
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                g.edges[u, v].update(
                    {"final_weight": (d['fa_weight']) * d['fiber_density']})
        elif fiber_density is True and fa_wei is False:
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                g.edges[u, v].update({"final_weight": d['fiber_density']})
        elif fa_wei is True and fiber_density is False:
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                g.edges[u, v].update(
                    {"final_weight": d['fa_weight'] * d['weight']})
            for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True):
                g.edges[u, v].update({"final_weight": d['weight']})

        # Convert weighted graph to numpy matrix
        conn_matrix_raw = nx.to_numpy_array(g, weight='final_weight')

        # Enforce symmetry
        conn_matrix = np.maximum(conn_matrix_raw, conn_matrix_raw.T)

        print("Structural graph completed:\n", str(time.time() - start))

        if len(bad_idxs) > 0:
            bad_idxs = sorted(list(set(bad_idxs)), reverse=True)
            for j in bad_idxs:
                del labels[j], coords[j]
            UserWarning('No valid streamlines detected. '
                        'Proceeding with an empty graph...'))
        mx = len(np.unique(atlas_data.astype("uint16"))) - 1
        conn_matrix = np.zeros((mx, mx))

    assert len(coords) == len(labels) == conn_matrix.shape[0]

    if network is not None:
        atlas_name = f"{atlas}_{network}_stage-rawgraph"
        atlas_name = f"{atlas}_stage-rawgraph"


    coords = np.array(coords)
    labels = np.array(labels)

    if parc is True:
        node_size = "parc"

    # Save unthresholded
        utils.create_raw_path_diff(ID, network, conn_model, roi, dir_path,
                                   node_size, target_samples, track_type, parc,
                                   directget, min_length, error_margin),

    return (atlas_for_streams, streams, conn_matrix, track_type,
            target_samples, dir_path, conn_model, network, node_size,
            dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas,
            uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, min_length,
Example #9
def connectivity_matrix(streamlines,
    """Counts the streamlines that start and end at each label pair.

    streamlines : sequence
        A sequence of streamlines.
    label_volume : ndarray
        An image volume with an integer data type, where the intensities in the
        volume map to anatomical structures.
    voxel_size :
        This argument is deprecated.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline coordinates.
    symmetric : bool, False by default
        Symmetric means we don't distinguish between start and end points. If
        symmetric is True, ``matrix[i, j] == matrix[j, i]``.
    return_mapping : bool, False by default
        If True, a mapping is returned which maps matrix indices to
    mapping_as_streamlines : bool, False by default
        If True voxel indices map to lists of streamline objects. Otherwise
        voxel indices map to lists of integers.

    matrix : ndarray
        The number of connection between each pair of regions in
    mapping : defaultdict(list)
        ``mapping[i, j]`` returns all the streamlines that connect region `i`
        to region `j`. If `symmetric` is True mapping will only have one key
        for each start end pair such that if ``i < j`` mapping will have key
        ``(i, j)`` but not key ``(j, i)``.

    # Error checking on label_volume
    kind = label_volume.dtype.kind
    labels_positive = ((kind == 'u')
                       or ((kind == 'i') and (label_volume.min() >= 0)))
    valid_label_volume = (labels_positive and label_volume.ndim == 3)
    if not valid_label_volume:
        raise ValueError("label_volume must be a 3d integer array with"
                         "non-negative label values")

    # If streamlines is an iterators
    if return_mapping and mapping_as_streamlines:
        streamlines = list(streamlines)
    # take the first and last point of each streamline
    endpoints = [sl[0::len(sl) - 1] for sl in streamlines]

    # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, voxel_size)
    endpoints = _to_voxel_coordinates(endpoints, lin_T, offset)

    # get labels for label_volume
    i, j, k = endpoints.T
    endlabels = label_volume[i, j, k]
    if symmetric:
    mx = label_volume.max() + 1
    matrix = ndbincount(endlabels, shape=(mx, mx))
    if symmetric:
        matrix = np.maximum(matrix, matrix.T)

    if return_mapping:
        mapping = defaultdict(list)
        for i, (a, b) in enumerate(endlabels.T):
            mapping[a, b].append(i)

        # Replace each list of indices with the streamlines they index
        if mapping_as_streamlines:
            for key in mapping:
                mapping[key] = [streamlines[i] for i in mapping[key]]

        # Return the mapping matrix and the mapping
        return matrix, mapping
        return matrix
Example #10
def streams2graph(atlas_mni, streams, overlap_thr, dir_path, track_type, target_samples, conn_model, network, node_size,
                  dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm,
                  binary, directget, warped_fa, error_margin, min_length, fa_wei=True):
    Use tracked streamlines as a basis for estimating a structural connectome.

    atlas_mni : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space.
    streams : str
        File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format.
    overlap_thr : int
        Number of voxels for which a given streamline must intersect with an ROI
        for an edge to be counted.
    dir_path : str
        Path to directory containing subject derivative data for a given pynets run.
    track_type : str
        Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle').
    target_samples : int
        Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams.
    conn_model : str
        Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd').
    network : str
        Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default')
        used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs.
    node_size : int
        Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids
        are used as ROI's for tracking.
    dens_thresh : bool
        Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for
    ID : str
        A subject id or other unique identifier.
    roi : str
        File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file.
    min_span_tree : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree
        should be used.
    disp_filt : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and
        'backbone network' should be used.
    parc : bool
        Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes.
    prune : bool
        Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates.
    atlas : str
        Name of atlas parcellation used.
    uatlas : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space.
    labels : list
        List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes.
    coords : list
        List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or
        which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node.
    norm : int
        Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph.
    binary : bool
        Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an
        unweighted graph.
    directget : str
        The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped),
        and prob (probabilistic).
    warped_fa : str
        File path to MNI-space warped FA Nifti1Image.
    error_margin : int
        Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels.
    min_length : int
        Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking.
    fa_wei :  bool
        Scale streamline count edges by fractional anistropy (FA). Default is False.

    atlas_mni : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space.
    streams : str
        File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format.
    conn_matrix : array
        Adjacency matrix stored as an m x n array of nodes and edges.
    track_type : str
        Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle').
    target_samples : int
        Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams.
    dir_path : str
        Path to directory containing subject derivative data for given run.
    conn_model : str
        Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd').
    network : str
        Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default')
        used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs.
    node_size : int
        Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids
        are used as ROI's for tracking.
    dens_thresh : bool
        Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for
    ID : str
        A subject id or other unique identifier.
    roi : str
        File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file.
    min_span_tree : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree
        should be used.
    disp_filt : bool
        Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and
        'backbone network' should be used.
    parc : bool
        Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes.
    prune : bool
        Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates.
    atlas : str
        Name of atlas parcellation used.
    uatlas : str
        File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space.
    labels : list
        List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes.
    coords : list
        List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or
        which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node.
    norm : int
        Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph.
    binary : bool
        Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an
        unweighted graph.
    directget : str
        The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic),
        closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic).
    min_length : int
        Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking.

    .. [1] Sporns, O., Tononi, G., & Kötter, R. (2005). The human connectome:
      A structural description of the human brain. PLoS Computational Biology.
    .. [2] Sotiropoulos, S. N., & Zalesky, A. (2019). Building connectomes
      using diffusion MRI: why, how and but. NMR in Biomedicine.
    .. [3] Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Adluru, N., Alexander, A. L., Davidson,
      R. J., & Pollak, S. D. (2017). Integrative Structural Brain Network
      Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain Connectivity.

    import gc
    import time
    from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines, values_from_volume
    from dipy.tracking._utils import (_mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates)
    import networkx as nx
    from itertools import combinations
    from collections import defaultdict
    from pynets.core import utils, nodemaker
    from pynets.dmri.dmri_utils import generate_sl
    from dipy.io.streamline import load_tractogram
    from dipy.io.stateful_tractogram import Space, Origin

    start = time.time()

    # Load parcellation
    roi_img = nib.load(atlas_mni)
    atlas_data = np.around(np.asarray(roi_img.dataobj))
    roi_zooms = roi_img.header.get_zooms()
    roi_shape = roi_img.shape

    # Read Streamlines
    streamlines = [i.astype(np.float32) for i in Streamlines(load_tractogram(streams, roi_img, to_space=Space.RASMM,

    if fa_wei is True:
        fa_weights = values_from_volume(np.asarray(nib.load(warped_fa).dataobj), streamlines, np.eye(4))
        global_fa_weights = list(utils.flatten(fa_weights))
        min_global_fa_wei = min(i for i in global_fa_weights if i > 0)
        max_global_fa_wei = max(global_fa_weights)
        fa_weights_norm = []
        # Here we normalize by global FA
        for val_list in fa_weights:
            fa_weights_norm.append(np.nanmean((val_list - min_global_fa_wei) /
                                              (max_global_fa_wei - min_global_fa_wei)))

    # Make streamlines into generators to keep memory at a minimum
    sl = [generate_sl(i) for i in streamlines]
    del streamlines

    # Instantiate empty networkX graph object & dictionary and create voxel-affine mapping
    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(np.eye(4))
    mx = len(np.unique(atlas_data.astype('uint16'))) - 1
    g = nx.Graph(ecount=0, vcount=mx)
    edge_dict = defaultdict(int)
    node_dict = dict(zip(np.unique(atlas_data.astype('uint16'))[1:], np.arange(mx) + 1))

    # Add empty vertices
    for node in range(1, mx + 1):

    # Build graph
    ix = 0
    bad_idxs = []
    for s in sl:
        # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates and get labels for label_volume
        vox_coords = _to_voxel_coordinates(Streamlines(s), lin_T, offset)
        lab_coords = [nodemaker.get_sphere(coord, error_margin, roi_zooms, roi_shape) for coord in vox_coords]
        [i, j, k] = np.vstack(np.array(lab_coords)).T

        # get labels for label_volume
        lab_arr = atlas_data[i, j, k]
        endlabels = []
        for ix, lab in enumerate(np.unique(lab_arr).astype('uint32')):
            if (lab > 0) and (np.sum(lab_arr == lab) >= overlap_thr):
                    print(f"Label {lab} missing from parcellation. Check registration and ensure valid input "
                          f"parcellation file.")

        edges = combinations(endlabels, 2)
        for edge in edges:
            lst = tuple([int(node) for node in edge])
            edge_dict[tuple(sorted(lst))] += 1

        edge_list = [(k[0], k[1], v) for k, v in edge_dict.items()]

        if fa_wei is True:
            # Add edgelist to g, weighted by average fa of the streamline
            g.add_weighted_edges_from(edge_list, weight=fa_weights_norm[ix])
        ix = ix + 1

        del lab_coords, lab_arr, endlabels, edges, edge_list


    if fa_wei is True:
        # Add average fa weights to streamline counts
        for u, v in list(g.edges):
            h = g.get_edge_data(u, v)
            edge_att_dict = {}
            for e, w in h.items():
                if w not in edge_att_dict.keys():
                    edge_att_dict[w] = []
            for key in edge_att_dict.keys():
                edge_att_dict[key] = np.nanmean(edge_att_dict[key])
            vals = []
            for e2, w2 in edge_att_dict.items():
                vals.append(float(e2) * float(w2))
            g.edges[u, v].update({'weight': np.nanmean(vals)})

    # Convert to numpy matrix
    conn_matrix_raw = nx.to_numpy_array(g)

    # Impose symmetry
    conn_matrix = np.maximum(conn_matrix_raw, conn_matrix_raw.T)

    print('Graph Building Complete:\n', str(time.time() - start))

    if len(bad_idxs) > 0:
        bad_idxs = sorted(list(set(bad_idxs)), reverse=True)
        for j in bad_idxs:
            del labels[j], coords[j]

    coords = np.array(coords)
    labels = np.array(labels)

    assert len(coords) == len(labels) == conn_matrix.shape[0]

    return (atlas_mni, streams, conn_matrix, track_type, target_samples, dir_path, conn_model, network, node_size,
            dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary,
            directget, min_length)
                    if ref != 'ln':
                        ref_img_path = get_diff_ref(ref_MDT_folder, subject, ref)
                        ref_data, ref_affine = load_nifti(ref_img_path)

                        from dipy.tracking._utils import (_mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates)
                        from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
                        from itertools import combinations, groupby

                        edges = np.ndarray(shape=(3, 0), dtype=int)
                        lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(trkdata.space_attributes[0])
                        stream_ref = []
                        stream_point_ref = []
                        for sl, _ in enumerate(target_streamlines_set):
                            # Convert streamline to voxel coordinates
                            entire = _to_voxel_coordinates(target_streamlines_set[sl], lin_T, offset)
                            i, j, k = entire.T
                            ref_values = ref_data[i, j, k]
                        stream_ref = list(length(target_streamlines))
                    from dipy.viz import window, actor
                    from tract_visualize import show_bundles, setup_view
                    import nibabel as nib

                    lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table(
                        scale_range=(0.05, 0.3))

                    scene = setup_view(nib.streamlines.ArraySequence(target_streamlines[33:34]), colors=lut_cmap,
Example #12
def nconnectivity_matrix(streamlines,
    """return streamlines that start and end at each label pair.

    streamlines : sequence
        A sequence of streamlines.
    label_img : ndarray
        An image volume with an integer data type, where the intensities in the
        volume map to anatomical structures.
    voxel_size :
        This argument is deprecated.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline coordinates.
    symmetric : bool, False by default
        Symmetric means we don't distinguish between start and end points. If
        symmetric is True, ``matrix[i, j] == matrix[j, i]``.
    return_mapping : bool, False by default
        If True, a mapping is returned which maps matrix indices to
    mapping_as_streamlines : bool, False by default
        If True voxel indices map to lists of streamline objects. Otherwise
        voxel indices map to lists of integers.
    keepfiberinroi: bool, False by default
        If True, we keep fiber curves inside each ROI. Otherwise, we only keep fibers
        between two ROIs

    matrix : ndarray
        The number of connection between each pair of regions in
    mapping : defaultdict(list)
        ``mapping[i, j]`` returns all the streamlines that connect region `i`
        to region `j`. If `symmetric` is True mapping will only have one key
        for each start end pair such that if ``i < j`` mapping will have key
        ``(i, j)`` but not key ``(j, i)``.

    # Error checking on label_volume
    kind = label_img.dtype.kind
    labels_positive = ((kind == 'u')
                       or ((kind == 'i') and (label_img.min() >= 0)))
    valid_label_volume = (labels_positive and label_img.ndim == 3)
    if not valid_label_volume:
        raise ValueError("label_volume must be a 3d integer array with"
                         "non-negative label values")

    lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine, voxel_size)

    # If streamlines is an iterators
    if return_mapping and mapping_as_streamlines:
        streamlines = list(streamlines)

    group = defaultdict(list)
    group_ma = defaultdict(list)
    mx = label_img.max() + 1
    matrix = np.zeros(shape=(mx, mx))

    # check the growth step of the streamlines
    tmpsl = streamlines[0]
    interval_dist = LA.norm(tmpsl[1:-1, :] - tmpsl[0:-2, :], axis=1)
    if ((interval_dist.min() < 0.18) | (interval_dist.max() > 0.22)):
        print " the step size is not 0.2mm, this program does not work for current data "
        return matrix, group

    # for each streamline, we cut it and find how many pairs of rois it connects
    for sl in streamlines:
        slpoints = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset)
        ii, jj, kk = slpoints.T
        newlabel_img = label_img[ii, jj, kk]
        if keepfiberinroi:
            new_streamlines, num_sl, new_streamlines_startlabel, new_streamlines_endlabel = streamline_connectcut_returnfulllength(
                sl, newlabel_img, npoints, fiberlen_range)
            new_streamlines, num_sl, new_streamlines_startlabel, new_streamlines_endlabel = streamline_connectcut(
                sl, newlabel_img, npoints, fiberlen_range)
        if (num_sl == 1):
            startroi = new_streamlines_startlabel[0]
            endroi = new_streamlines_endlabel[0]
            curr_streamline = np.squeeze(new_streamlines)

            # get the up triangular matrix
            if (startroi > endroi):
                matrix[endroi, startroi] = matrix[endroi, startroi] + 1
                group[endroi, startroi].append(curr_streamline[::-1])
                matrix[startroi, endroi] = matrix[startroi, endroi] + 1
                group[startroi, endroi].append(curr_streamline)
            for i in range(0, num_sl):
                startroi = new_streamlines_startlabel[i]
                endroi = new_streamlines_endlabel[i]
                curr_streamline = new_streamlines[i]

                # get the up triangular matrix
                if (startroi > endroi):
                    matrix[endroi, startroi] = matrix[endroi, startroi] + 1
                    group[endroi, startroi].append(curr_streamline[::-1])
                    matrix[startroi, endroi] = matrix[startroi, endroi] + 1
                    group[startroi, endroi].append(curr_streamline)

    if return_mapping:
        # Return the mapping matrix and the mapping
        return matrix, group
        return matrix