Example #1
def single_event(ievent):
    nsta = len(stalist)
    stapos = np.zeros((nsta, 2))
    idx = 0
    staposcl = np.zeros((nsta, 2))
    for ista in range(nsta):
        stanet = stalist[ista].split('.')[0]
        staname = stalist[ista].split('.')[1]
        stasub = irissta[(irissta['net'] == stanet)
                         & (irissta['sta'] == staname)]
        stlat = stasub.iloc[0]['lat']
        stlon = stasub.iloc[0]['lon']
        stapos[ista, 0] = stlat
        stapos[ista, 1] = stlon

    strmacc1 = obspy.core.stream.Stream()
    strmori = obspy.core.stream.Stream()

    if evdep1 < 5.0:
        return strmacc1, strmori

    idx = np.arange(nsta)
    for ista in range(len(idx)):
        stlat = stapos[idx[ista], 0]
        stlon = stapos[idx[ista], 1]
        dis1 = distaz.DistAz(evlat1, evlon1, stlat, stlon)

        if dis1.delta < mindist or dis1.delta > maxdist:
        #return strmacc1,strmori
        if phase == 'P':
            parr = ftelep(dis1.delta, evdep1)[0]
            parr = fteles(dis1.delta, evdep1)[0]

        trace = '/'.join([eqdir, evname1, datatype, stalist[idx[ista]]])

        strm = obspy.read(trace)

        if comp == 'BHE':
            tracen = trace.split('.')[:-1]
            tracen = '.'.join(tracen + ['BHN'])
            if not os.path.isfile(tracen):
            strm += obspy.read(tracen)
            strm.trim(evtime1 + parr - trimb,
                      evtime1 + parr + trima,
            strm.rotate('NE->RT', back_azimuth=dis1.baz)
            tracet = strm.select(channel='BHT')
            strm = tracet
            strm.trim(evtime1 + parr - trimb,
                      evtime1 + parr + trima,

        tr = strm[0]
        tr.stats.distance = dis1.delta  #inc_angle
        tr.stats.baz = dis1.baz
        if tr.stats.npts < 50:
        #return strmacc1,strmori
        tr.stats.coordinates = AttribDict({
            'latitude': stlat,
            'longitude': stlon,
            'elevation': 0
        npts = tr.stats.npts
        tr.stats.starttime = 0
        trdata = np.zeros(npts + 20 * rsample, )
        trdata[10 * rsample:-10 * rsample] = tr.data
        trdata = bandpass(trdata, frqmin, frqmax, tr.stats.sampling_rate, 2,
        tr.data = trdata[10 * rsample:-10 * rsample]

        if envolope:
            tr.data = np.abs(hilbert(tr.data))

        if timedomain:
            tr = autocorr_td(tr, sig_bs, sig_es, conlen=conlen)
            tr = autocorr_fd(tr, conlen=conlen)

        npts = tr.stats.npts
        trdata = np.zeros(npts + 20 * rsample, )
        trdata[10 * rsample:-10 * rsample] = tr.data
        trdata = bandpass(trdata, frqmin, frqmax, tr.stats.sampling_rate, 2,
        tr.data = trdata[10 * rsample:-10 * rsample]
        if np.isnan(tr.data).any():
            #return strmacc1,strmori


    print('finishing acc')
    return strmacc1, strmori
Example #2
    nsta = len(stalist1)
    stapos = np.zeros((nsta,2))
    print ('the',ievent,'th event of all:',nevent)
    print ('%s %s %4.1f  %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %d\n' % ('evinfo :',evname,evmag1,evlat1,evlon1,evdep1,nsta))

    for ista in range(nsta):
                stanet = stalist[ista].split('.')[0]
                staname = stalist[ista].split('.')[1]
                location = stalist[ista].split('.')[2]
                stasub = irissta[(irissta['net']==stanet) & (irissta['sta']==staname)]
                if len(stasub)<1:
                stlat = stasub.iloc[0]['lat']
                stlon = stasub.iloc[0]['lon']
                dis1 = distaz.DistAz(evlat1,evlon1,stlat,stlon)

                if dis1.delta<mindist or dis1.delta>maxdist:

                parr = ftelep(dis1.delta,evdep1)[0]

                trace = '/'.join([eqdir,evname,datatp,stalist[ista]])
                if os.path.getsize(trace) < 10000:
                strm = obspy.read(trace)

                #if comp == 'BHR' or comp == 'BHT':
                if comp in ['BHR','BHT']:
                    tracen = trace.split('.')[:-1]
                    tracen = '.'.join(tracen+['BHN'])
Example #3
def plot_event(strmacc1, strmori):
    datasave_sub = defaultdict(list)
    strmstack = obspy.core.stream.Stream()
    accstack = obspy.core.stream.Stream()
    tr = strmacc1[0].copy()
    reftime0 = fppdp(refdismax, evdep1 + mindep)
    reftime1 = fppdp(refdismax, evdep1 + maxdep)
    reftime0s = fspdp(refdismax, evdep1 + mindep)
    reftime1s = fspdp(refdismax, evdep1 + maxdep)

    if len(strmacc1) < 10:
        print('small no. of traces:', len(strmacc1))
    staposcl = np.zeros((len(strmacc1), 2))
    for idx in range(len(strmacc1)):
        staposcl[idx, 0] = strmacc1[idx].stats.coordinates['latitude']
        staposcl[idx, 1] = strmacc1[idx].stats.coordinates['longitude']

    stidx, aslat, aslon = cluster.clustersta(staposcl[:, 0], staposcl[:, 1])
    uidx, ucounts = np.unique(stidx, return_counts=True)
    idx = np.where(ucounts > 5)[0]
    useidx = int(len(idx) * 0.8)

    npts = strmacc1[0].stats.npts
    stacksub = np.zeros((npts, useidx))

    starttime = strmacc1[0].stats.starttime
    stacklinear = np.zeros((npts, ))

    buall = np.zeros(npts, )
    phi = np.zeros((npts, ), dtype=complex)
    idx = random.sample(list(idx), useidx)
    reftime = fppdp(refdismax, evdep1)
    for ii in idx:
        bu = np.zeros(npts, )
        data = np.zeros(npts, )
        cellidx = np.where(stidx == uidx[ii])[0]
        reflat = np.rad2deg(aslat[cellidx[0]])
        reflon = np.rad2deg(aslon[cellidx[0]])
        disref = distaz.DistAz(evlat1, evlon1, reflat, reflon)
        sidx = random.sample(list(cellidx), 1)[0]
        refdis = strmacc1[sidx].stats.distance
        ctime = fppdp(refdis, evdep1)
        ctime = reftime - ctime
        data = np.roll(strmacc1[sidx].data[:npts],
                       int(np.round(ctime * rsample)))
        phi = phi + np.exp(1j * np.angle(hilbert(data)))
        buall = buall + data
        for jj in range(len(cellidx)):
            refdis = strmacc1[cellidx[jj]].stats.distance
            ctime = fppdp(refdis, evdep1)
            ctime = reftime - ctime
            data = np.roll(strmacc1[cellidx[jj]].data[:npts],
                           int(np.round(ctime * rsample)))
            phi = phi + np.exp(1j * np.angle(hilbert(data)))
            bu = bu + data
        bu = bu / np.max(abs(bu))
        tr.data = bu
        tr.stats.distance = disref.delta
        tr.stats.baz = disref.baz
    nsta = len(idx)
    stacklinear = buall / np.max(abs(buall))
    if pws:
        aphi = (np.abs(phi) / nsta)**mu
        buall = bu * aphi
        stacklinear = buall / np.max(abs(buall)) * aphi

    if len(strmori) < 20:
        print('small no. of traces:', len(strmori))
    staposcl = np.zeros((len(strmori), 2))
    for idx in range(len(strmori)):
        staposcl[idx, 0] = strmori[idx].stats.coordinates['latitude']
        staposcl[idx, 1] = strmori[idx].stats.coordinates['longitude']

    stidx, aslat, aslon = cluster.clustersta(staposcl[:, 0],
                                             staposcl[:, 1],
    uidx, ucounts = np.unique(stidx, return_counts=True)
    idx = np.where(ucounts >= 5)[0]
    if len(idx) > 20:
        idx = random.sample(range(len(idx)), 20)
    npts = strmori[0].stats.npts
    for ii in idx:
        data = np.zeros(npts, )
        cellidx = np.where(stidx == uidx[ii])[0]
        reflat = np.rad2deg(aslat[cellidx[0]])
        reflon = np.rad2deg(aslon[cellidx[0]])
        disref = distaz.DistAz(evlat1, evlon1, reflat, reflon)
        bu = np.zeros(npts, )
        for icell in cellidx:
            data = strmori[icell].data
            bu = bu + data[:npts]
        nsta = len(cellidx)
        aphi = (np.abs(phi) / nsta)**mu
        bu = bu  #*aphi
        tr.data = bu
        tr.stats.distance = disref.delta
        tr.stats.baz = disref.baz
    trec = np.linspace(-trimb, trima, npts)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 20))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(511)
    bg = 0
    ed = np.min([int(reftime1 * rsample + 100), npts])
    for ii in range(len(strmstack)):
        offset = strmstack[ii].stats.distance / 10.0
        data = offset + strmstack[ii].data
        ax1.plot(trec[:endtime * rsample], data[:endtime * rsample])
    ax1.set_title('Origin waveforms (epi) ' + str(ievent), fontsize=15)
    ax1.set_ylabel('Epi (x10)')

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(512)
    naz = 4
    aziint = 360.0 / naz
    for ii in range(len(strmstack)):
        offset = strmstack[ii].stats.baz / aziint
        data = offset + strmstack[ii].data
        ax2.plot(trec[:endtime * rsample], data[:endtime * rsample])
    ax2.set_title('Origin waveforms (azi)')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Azimuth (x90)')

    ddep = np.linspace(mindep, maxdep, ndep)
    nsta = len(strmacc1)
    npts = strmacc1[0].stats.npts
    depstack = np.zeros(npts - 200, )

    stack = np.zeros((ndep, npts))

    evdep2 = evdep1  #+ddep[idep]
    reftime = fppdp(refdismax, evdep2)
    data = strmacc1[0].data.copy()

    bu = np.zeros(npts, )
    phi = np.zeros((npts, ), dtype=complex)
    for ii in range(0, nsta):
        refdis = strmacc1[ii].stats.distance
        ctime = fppdp(refdis, evdep2)
        ctime = reftime - ctime
        data = np.roll(strmacc1[ii].data[:npts],
                       int(np.round(ctime * rsample)))
        phi = phi + np.exp(1j * np.angle(hilbert(data)))
        bu = bu + data

    aphi = (np.abs(phi) / nsta)**mu
    bu = bu  #*aphi
    if pws:
        stack = bu * aphi
        stack = bu

    depc = np.arange(mindep, maxdep, 5)
    ndepc = len(depc)
    stackazi = np.zeros((npts, ndepc, naz))
    phiazi = np.zeros((npts, ndepc, naz), dtype=complex)
    nstaazi = np.zeros((ndepc, naz))
    for jj in range(ndepc):
        evdepc = evdep1 + depc[jj]
        reftime = fppdp(refdismax, evdepc)
        for ii in range(len(strmacc1)):
            bu = np.zeros(npts, )
            phi = np.zeros((npts, ), dtype=complex)
            data = np.zeros(npts, )
            refdis = strmacc1[ii].stats.distance
            ctime = fppdp(refdis, evdepc)
            ctime = reftime - ctime
            data = np.roll(strmacc1[ii].data[:npts],
                           int(np.round(ctime * rsample)))
            phi = np.exp(1j * np.angle(hilbert(data)))
            stbaz = strmacc1[ii].stats.baz
            idx = int(stbaz / aziint)
            stackazi[:, jj, idx] += data
            phiazi[:, jj, idx] += phi
            nstaazi[jj, idx] += 1

    bg = np.max([int(reftime0 * rsample - 100), 0])
    ed = np.min([int(reftime1s * rsample + 100), npts])
    offset = 0
    ttime = np.linspace(bg / rsample, ed / rsample, ed - bg)

    axacc = fig.add_subplot(513)
    for ii in range(len(accstack)):
        offset = accstack[ii].stats.distance / 10.0
        data = offset + accstack[ii].data
        axacc.plot(ttime, data[bg:ed])
    axacc.set_title('ACC (epi) ' + str(ievent), fontsize=15)
    axacc.set_ylabel('Epi (x10)')

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(514)
    stackp = stacklinear[bg:ed]
    stackp = stack[bg:ed]

    ax3.plot(ttime, stackp / np.max(abs(stackp)) * 2, 'r-', linewidth=3.0)
    ax3.set_title('ACC stacking')

    for ii in range(naz):
        for jj in range(ndepc):
            offset = 3 + ii * 2  #nboots*2+
            if pws:
                aphi = (np.abs(phiazi[:, jj, ii]) / nstaazi[jj, ii])**mu
                stackazi[:, jj, ii] = stackazi[:, jj, ii] * aphi
            data = offset + stackazi[:, jj, ii] / np.max(
                abs(stackazi[:, jj, ii])) * 2
            ax3.plot(ttime, data[bg:ed])
        ax3.text(bg / np.real(rsample),
                 str(int(nstaazi[jj, ii])),

    ax3.axvline(reftime0, linestyle='--', color='magenta')
    ax3.axvline(reftime1, linestyle='--', color='magenta')
    ax3.axvline(reftime0s, linestyle='--', color='blue')
    ax3.axvline(reftime1s, linestyle='--', color='blue')

    datasave_sub['evid'] = evname1
    datasave_sub['data'] = stacklinear

    datasave_sub['pP0'] = reftime0 * rsample
    datasave_sub['pP1'] = reftime1 * rsample

    depstack = np.zeros(ndep, )
    data = np.zeros((naz, npts))
    for ii in range(naz):
        for jj in range(ndepc):
            data[ii, :] += stackazi[:, jj, ii] / np.max(
                abs(stackazi[:, jj, ii]))
    stack = np.zeros(npts, )
    for ii in range(naz):
        if nstaazi[0, ii] > 5:
            stack += np.abs(hilbert(data[ii, :] * nstaazi[0, ii] / nsta))
    datasave_sub['stack'] = stack
    ax4 = fig.add_subplot(515)
    for idep in range(ndep):
        evdep2 = evdep1 + ddep[idep]
        pPtime = fppdp(refdismax, evdep2)[0]
        sPtime = fspdp(refdismax, evdep2)[0]

        depstack[idep] = 0.6 * stack[int(
            sPtime * rsample)]**2 + 0.4 * stack[int(pPtime * rsample)]**2
    ax4.plot(ddep, depstack, 'rd-')
    ymax = np.max([depstack.max(), 10.0])
    ax4.set_ylim([-0.1, ymax])
    ax4.set_title('Mapping to depth_' + str(evdep1))
    fig.savefig(figdir + '/' + str(ievent) + '_' + evname1 + '_Mw' +
                str(evmag1) + '_td.png',
    datasave_sub['stackenv'] = stack
    datasave_sub['sdep'] = np.vstack([ddep, depstack])
    datasave_sub['evlat'] = evlat1
    datasave_sub['evlon'] = evlon1
    datasave_sub['evdep_cat'] = evdep1
    datasave_sub['evdep_inv'] = evdep1 + ddep[np.argmax(depstack)]
    datasave_sub['dist'] = refdismax
    datasave_sub['saveid'] = ievent
    return datasave_sub
Example #4
def ellipDist(stla, stlo, evla, evlo):
    """elliptical distance in degrees"""
    d = distaz.DistAz(stla, stlo, evla, evlo)
    return d.getDelta()