Example #1
    def get_extracted_ordering(self):
        from djangae.db.backends.appengine.commands import log_once
        from django.db.models.expressions import OrderBy, F

        query = self.django_query

        # Add any orderings
        if not query.default_ordering:
            result = list(query.order_by)
            result = list(query.order_by or query.get_meta().ordering or [])

        if query.extra_order_by:
            result = list(query.extra_order_by)

            # we need some extra logic to handle dot seperated ordering
            new_result = []
            cross_table_ordering = set()
            for ordering in result:
                if "." in ordering:
                    dot_based_ordering = ordering.split(".")
                    if dot_based_ordering[0] == query.model._meta.db_table:
                        ordering = dot_based_ordering[1]
                    elif dot_based_ordering[0].lstrip(
                            '-') == query.model._meta.db_table:
                        ordering = '-{}'.format(dot_based_ordering[1])
                        continue  # we don't want to add this ordering value

            if len(cross_table_ordering):
                    logger.warning if environment.is_development_environment()
                    else logger.debug,
                    "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s",

            result = new_result

        final = []

        opts = query.model._meta

        # Apparently expression ordering is absolute and so shouldn't be flipped
        # if the standard_ordering is False. This keeps track of which columns
        # were expressions and so don't need flipping
        expressions = set()

        for col in result:
            if isinstance(col, OrderBy):
                descending = col.descending
                col = col.expression.name
                if descending:
                    col = "-" + col

            elif isinstance(col, F):
                col = col.name

            if isinstance(col, (int, long)):
                # If you do a Dates query, the ordering is set to [1] or [-1]... which is weird
                # I think it's to select the column number but then there is only 1 column so
                # unless the ordinal is one-based I have no idea. So basically if it's an integer
                # subtract 1 from the absolute value and look up in the select for the column (guessing)
                idx = abs(col) - 1
                    field_name = query.select[idx].col.col[-1]
                    field = query.model._meta.get_field(field_name)
                    final.append("-" +
                                 field.column if col < 0 else field.column)
                except IndexError:
                    raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported order_by %s" % col)
            elif col.lstrip("-") == "pk":
                pk_col = "__key__"
                final.append("-" + pk_col if col.startswith("-") else pk_col)
            elif col == "?":
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    "Random ordering is not supported on the datastore")
            elif col.lstrip("-").startswith("__") and col.endswith("__"):
                # Allow stuff like __scatter__
            elif "__" in col:
                    column = col.lstrip("-")

                    # This is really 1.8 only, but I didn't want to duplicate this function
                    # just for this. Suggestions for doing this more cleanly welcome!
                    if column in getattr(query, "annotation_select", {}):
                        # It's an annotation, if it's a supported one, return the
                        # original column
                        annotation = query.annotation_select[column]
                        name = annotation.__class__.__name__

                        # We only support a few expressions
                        if name not in ("Trunc", "Col", "Date", "DateTime"):
                            raise NotSupportedError(
                                "Tried to order by unsupported expression")
                        elif name == "Trunc":
                            column = annotation.lhs.output_field.column
                            # Retrieve the original column and use that for ordering
                            if name == "Col":
                                column = annotation.output_field.column
                                column = annotation.col.output_field.column

                    field = query.model._meta.get_field(column)

                    if field.get_internal_type() in (u"TextField",
                        raise NotSupportedError(INVALID_ORDERING_FIELD_MESSAGE)

                    # If someone orders by 'fk' rather than 'fk_id' this complains as that should take
                    # into account the related model ordering. Note the difference between field.name == column
                    # and field.attname (X_id)
                    if field.related_model and field.name == column and field.related_model._meta.ordering:
                        raise NotSupportedError(
                            "Related ordering is not supported on the datastore"

                    column = "__key__" if field.primary_key else field.column
                    final.append("-" +
                                 column if col.startswith("-") else column)
                except FieldDoesNotExist:
                    if col in query.extra_select:
                        # If the column is in the extra select we transform to the original
                        # column
                            field = opts.get_field(query.extra_select[col][0])
                            column = "__key__" if field.primary_key else field.column
                                "-" +
                                column if col.startswith("-") else column)
                        except FieldDoesNotExist:
                            # Just pass through to the exception below

                    available = opts.get_all_field_names()
                    raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
                                     "Choices are: %s" %
                                     (col, ", ".join(available)))

        # Reverse if not using standard ordering
        def swap(col):
            if col.startswith("-"):
                return col.lstrip("-")
                return "-{}".format(col)

        if not query.standard_ordering:
            final = [x if x in expressions else swap(x) for x in final]

        if len(final) != len(result):
            diff = set(result) - set(final)
                if environment.is_development_environment() else logger.debug,
                "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table and random orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s",

        return final
Example #2
def _extract_ordering_from_query_18(query):
    from djangae.db.backends.appengine.commands import log_once
    from django.db.models.expressions import OrderBy, F

    # Add any orderings
    if not query.default_ordering:
        result = list(query.order_by)
        result = list(query.order_by or query.get_meta().ordering or [])

    if query.extra_order_by:
        result = list(query.extra_order_by)

        # we need some extra logic to handle dot seperated ordering
        new_result = []
        cross_table_ordering = set()
        for ordering in result:
            if "." in ordering:
                dot_based_ordering = ordering.split(".")
                if dot_based_ordering[0] == query.model._meta.db_table:
                    ordering = dot_based_ordering[1]
                elif dot_based_ordering[0].lstrip('-') == query.model._meta.db_table:
                    ordering = '-{}'.format(dot_based_ordering[1])
                    continue # we don't want to add this ordering value

        if len(cross_table_ordering):
                DJANGAE_LOG.warning if environment.is_development_environment() else DJANGAE_LOG.debug,
                "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s", cross_table_ordering

        result = new_result

    final = []

    opts = query.model._meta

    # Apparently expression ordering is absolute and so shouldn't be flipped
    # if the standard_ordering is False. This keeps track of which columns
    # were expressions and so don't need flipping
    expressions = set()

    for col in result:
        if isinstance(col, OrderBy):
            descending = col.descending
            col = col.expression.name
            if descending:
                col = "-" + col

        elif isinstance(col, F):
            col = col.name

        if isinstance(col, (int, long)):
            # If you do a Dates query, the ordering is set to [1] or [-1]... which is weird
            # I think it's to select the column number but then there is only 1 column so
            # unless the ordinal is one-based I have no idea. So basically if it's an integer
            # subtract 1 from the absolute value and look up in the select for the column (guessing)
            idx = abs(col) - 1
                field_name = query.select[idx].col.col[-1]
                field = query.model._meta.get_field(field_name)
                final.append("-" + field.column if col < 0 else field.column)
            except IndexError:
                raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported order_by %s" % col)
        elif col.lstrip("-") == "pk":
            pk_col = "__key__"
            final.append("-" + pk_col if col.startswith("-") else pk_col)
        elif col == "?":
            raise NotSupportedError("Random ordering is not supported on the datastore")
        elif col.lstrip("-").startswith("__") and col.endswith("__"):
            # Allow stuff like __scatter__
        elif "__" in col:
                column = col.lstrip("-")

                # This is really 1.8 only, but I didn't want to duplicate this function
                # just for this. Suggestions for doing this more cleanly welcome!
                if column in getattr(query, "annotation_select", {}):
                    # It's an annotation, if it's a supported one, return the
                    # original column
                    annotation = query.annotation_select[column]
                    name = annotation.__class__.__name__

                    # We only support a few expressions
                    if name not in ("Col", "Date", "DateTime"):
                        raise NotSupportedError("Tried to order by unsupported expression")
                        # Retrieve the original column and use that for ordering
                        if name == "Col":
                            column = annotation.output_field.column
                            column = annotation.col.output_field.column

                field = query.model._meta.get_field(column)

                if field.get_internal_type() in (u"TextField", u"BinaryField"):
                    raise NotSupportedError(INVALID_ORDERING_FIELD_MESSAGE)

                # If someone orders by 'fk' rather than 'fk_id' this complains as that should take
                # into account the related model ordering. Note the difference between field.name == column
                # and field.attname (X_id)
                if field.related_model and field.name == column and field.related_model._meta.ordering:
                    raise NotSupportedError("Related ordering is not supported on the datastore")

                column = "__key__" if field.primary_key else field.column
                final.append("-" + column if col.startswith("-") else column)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:
                if col in query.extra_select:
                    # If the column is in the extra select we transform to the original
                    # column
                        field = opts.get_field(query.extra_select[col][0])
                        column = "__key__" if field.primary_key else field.column
                        final.append("-" + column if col.startswith("-") else column)
                    except FieldDoesNotExist:
                        # Just pass through to the exception below

                available = opts.get_all_field_names()
                raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
                    "Choices are: %s" % (col, ", ".join(available))

    # Reverse if not using standard ordering
    def swap(col):
        if col.startswith("-"):
            return col.lstrip("-")
            return "-{}".format(col)

    if not query.standard_ordering:
        final = [ x if x in expressions else swap(x) for x in final ]

    if len(final) != len(result):
        diff = set(result) - set(final)
            DJANGAE_LOG.warning if environment.is_development_environment() else DJANGAE_LOG.debug,
            "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table and random orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s", diff

    return final
Example #3
def oauth2callback(request):
    if environment.is_development_environment():
        # hack required for login to work when running the app locally;
        # the required env var `OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` cannot be set in the shell or
        # `manage.py` because dev_appserver ignores env vars not set in `app.yaml`'s
        # `env_variables` section;
        # see https://oauthlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oauth2/security.html#environment-variables
        os.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = '1'

        encoded_state = request.GET['state']
    except KeyError:
        msg = 'Missing state'
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg)

        state = json.loads(encoded_state)
        original_hostname = state['hostname']
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        msg = 'Invalid state'
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(msg)

    # If we began the auth flow on a non-default version then (optionaly) redirect
    # back to the version we started on. This avoids having to add authorized
    # redirect URIs to the console for every deployed version.
    if _get_oauth_redirect_host_from_settings(
    ) and original_hostname != request.META['HTTP_HOST']:
        logging.debug('Redirect to version %s', original_hostname)
        return shortcuts.redirect('{}://{}{}'.format(request.scheme,

    if STATE_SESSION_KEY not in request.session:
        logging.exception("Missing oauth state from session")
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()

    client_id = getattr(settings, _CLIENT_ID_SETTING)
    client_secret = getattr(settings, _CLIENT_SECRET_SETTING)

    assert client_id and client_secret

    google = _google_oauth2_session(request,

    # If we have a next_url, then on error we can redirect there
    # as that will likely restart the flow, if not, we'll raise
    # a bad request on error
    has_next_url = auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME in request.session

    next_url = (request.session[auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME]
                if has_next_url else settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)

    failed = False

        token = google.fetch_token(
    except MismatchingStateError:
        logging.exception("Mismatched state error in oauth handling")
        failed = True

    if google.authorized:
            profile = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(token['id_token'],
        except ValueError:
            logging.exception("Error verifying OAuth2 token")
            failed = True
            pk = profile["sub"]

            defaults = dict(access_token=token['access_token'],

            # Refresh tokens only exist on the first authorization
            # or, if you've specified the access_type as "offline"
            if 'refresh_token' in token:
                defaults['refresh_token'] = token['refresh_token']

            session, _ = OAuthUserSession.objects.update_or_create(
                pk=pk, defaults=defaults)

            # credentials are valid, we should authenticate the user
            user = OAuthBackend().authenticate(request, oauth_session=session)
            if user:
                logging.debug("Successfully authenticated %s via OAuth2", user)

                user.backend = 'djangae.contrib.googleauth.backends.oauth2.%s' % OAuthBackend.__name__

                # If we successfully authenticate, then we need to logout
                # and back in again. This is because the user may have
                # authenticated with another backend, but we need to re-auth
                # with the OAuth backend
                if request.user.is_authenticated:
                    # We refresh as authenticate may have changed the user
                    # and if logout ever does a save we might lose that

                auth.login(request, user)
                failed = True
                    "Failed Django authentication after getting oauth credentials"
        failed = True
            "Something failed during the OAuth authorization process for user: %s",

    if failed and not has_next_url:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()

    # We still redirect to the next_url, as this should trigger
    # the oauth flow again, if we didn't authenticate
    # successfully.
    return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)
Example #4
 def test_is_development_environment(self):
     os.environ["GAE_ENV"] = 'standard'
     del os.environ["GAE_ENV"]
Example #5
from djangae import environment

def fix_c_whitelist():
    from google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.python import sandbox
    if '_sqlite3' not in sandbox._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES:
            '_ssl',  # Workaround for App Engine bug #9246

# We do this globally for the local environment outside of dev_appserver
if environment.is_development_environment():

def fix_sandbox():
        This is the nastiest thing in the world...

        This WSGI middleware is the first chance we get to hook into anything. On the dev_appserver
        at this point the Python sandbox will have already been initialized. The sandbox replaces stuff
        like the subprocess module, and the select module. As well as disallows _sqlite3. These things
        are really REALLY useful for development.

        So here we dismantle parts of the sandbox. Firstly we add _sqlite3 to the allowed C modules.

        This only happens on the dev_appserver, it would only die on live. Everything is checked so that
        changes are only made if they haven't been made already.
Example #6
from djangae import environment

def fix_c_whitelist():
    from google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.python import sandbox
    if '_sqlite3' not in sandbox._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES:
            '_ssl', # Workaround for App Engine bug #9246

# We do this globally for the local environment outside of dev_appserver
if environment.is_development_environment():

def fix_sandbox():
        This is the nastiest thing in the world...

        This WSGI middleware is the first chance we get to hook into anything. On the dev_appserver
        at this point the Python sandbox will have already been initialized. The sandbox replaces stuff
        like the subprocess module, and the select module. As well as disallows _sqlite3. These things
        are really REALLY useful for development.

        So here we dismantle parts of the sandbox. Firstly we add _sqlite3 to the allowed C modules.

        This only happens on the dev_appserver, it would only die on live. Everything is checked so that
        changes are only made if they haven't been made already.