Example #1
    def render_tag(self, context, **kwargs):
        article = kwargs.pop('article', None)

        if not article:
            return ''

            lang = get_language_from_request(context['request'])
        except KeyError:
            lang = "en"

        # try to get the article in the correct language, default to RANDOM language if not available
        body = getattr(article, "body_%s" % lang, None)
        if not body:
            body = article.body

        # first pass, scampi 2.0+ style media
        tpl = template.Template(u" ".join(["{% load renaissance %}", body]), name="internal_article_tpl")
        c = template.Context({'article': article})
        first_pass = tpl.render(c)

        # second pass, scampi 1.0 style media
        inlined_images = article.image_inlines.all()
        if inlined_images.count() > 0:
            md_friendly = "\n".join([u"[%s]: %s" % (t.slug, t.file.url) for t in inlined_images])
            second_pass = "******".join([first_pass, md_friendly])
            second_pass = first_pass

        final = markdown(second_pass)
        return final
def wikisafe_markdown(value, lsafety=None, rsafety=None):
    lsafety = lsafety or 'LBRACK666' # Some unlikely nonsense
    rsafety = rsafety or 'RBRACK666' # Some unlikely nonsense
    value = value.replace(LEFTBRACKET, lsafety).replace(RIGHTBRACKET, rsafety)
    value = markdown(value)
    value = value.replace(lsafety, LEFTBRACKET).replace(rsafety, RIGHTBRACKET)
    return mark_safe(value)
Example #3
def markup(value, mtype=1):
        from django.utils.html import escape
        if mtype == MARKDOWN[0]:
                import markdown2
            except ImportError:
                    from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
                except ImportError:
                    return sanitize_html(force_unicode(value))
                return mark_safe(sanitize_html(markdown(force_unicode(value))))
                safe_mode = False
                return mark_safe(sanitize_html(markdown2.markdown(force_unicode(value),
        elif mtype == TEXTILE[0]:
            from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import textile
            return textile(force_unicode(value))
        ## elif mtype == REST[0]:
        ##     from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import restructuredtext
        ##     return restructuredtext(value)
        elif mtype == HTML[0]:
            return mark_safe(sanitize_html(force_unicode(value)))
        elif mtype == PLAINTEXT[0]:
            return escape(force_unicode(value))
            return markup(value, DEFAULT_MARKUP[0])
    except ImportError:
        # Not marking safe, in case tag fails and users input malicious code.
        return force_unicode(value)
Example #4
 def get_text(self):
     if self.format == 'markdown':
         return markdown(self.text)
     elif self.format == 'textile':
         return textile(self.text)
     return self.text
Example #5
def readme(repository):
    Return a rendered version of the readme for the given repository
    if not repository.readme or not repository.readme.strip():
        return 'No readme :('

    readme = None

        if repository.readme_type == 'markdown':
            readme = markup.markdown(repository.readme)
        elif repository.readme_type == 'textile':
            readme = markup.textile(repository.readme)
        elif repository.readme_type == 'rest':
            readme = markup.restructuredtext(repository.readme)

    if not readme:
        readme = '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlize(repository.readme)

        result = mark_safe(clean_html(readme))
        result = 'Unreadble readme :('

    return result
Example #6
    def prepare(self):
        # Set the template and title for the page content, if they are not set (but don't save them)
        self.title = self.title or self.page.title
        self.template = self.template or self.page.template
        self.slug = self.slug or self.page.slug

        if not self.description:
            self.description = ''
        if not self.keywords:
            self.keywords = ''
        if not self.page_topic:
            self.page_topic = ''
        # Convert the content to HTML
        if self.content_type == 'html':
            pass # Nothing to do
        elif self.content_type == 'markdown':
            self.content = markdown(self.content)
        elif self.content_type == 'textile':
            self.content = textile(self.content)
        elif self.content_type == 'rst':
            self.content = rst(self.content)
            self.content = mark_safe(linebreaks(escape(self.content)))
        self.toc = mark_safe(self.toc)
        return self
def auto_transform_markup(comment):
    Given a comment (``ThreadedComment`` or ``FreeThreadedComment``), this tag
    looks up the markup type of the comment and formats the output accordingly.
    It can also output the formatted content to a context variable, if a context name is
        from django.utils.html import escape
        from threadedcomments.models import MARKDOWN, TEXTILE, REST, PLAINTEXT
        if comment.markup == MARKDOWN:
            from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
            return markdown(comment.comment)
        elif comment.markup == TEXTILE:
            from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import textile
            return textile(comment.comment)
        elif comment.markup == REST:
            from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import restructuredtext
            return restructuredtext(comment.comment)
#        elif comment.markup == HTML:
#            return mark_safe(force_unicode(comment.comment))
        elif comment.markup == PLAINTEXT:
            return escape(comment.comment)
    except ImportError:
        # Not marking safe, in case tag fails and users input malicious code.
        return force_unicode(comment.comment)
Example #8
 def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
     obj.author = request.user
     if obj.is_html:
         obj.content_html = obj.content
         obj.content_html = markdown(obj.content)
Example #9
 def _output(self):   
     """It is this method that is responsible for rendering the 
     object in HTML.
     if self.text is None or self.text == "":
         return u""
     if self.text_format == '\E':
         return linebreaks(urlize(escape(self.text)))
     elif self.text_format == '\T':
             return textile(self.text)
             return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the Textile.'))
     elif self.text_format == '\M':
             return markdown(self.text, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS)
             return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the Markdown.')) 
     elif self.text_format == '\R':
             return restructuredtext(self.text)
             return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the reStructuredText.'))
     elif self.text_format == '\H' or self.text_format == '\W':
         return mark_safe(self.text)
         return mark_safe(escape(self.text))
Example #10
    def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None,

        if self.body:
            self.body_html= markdown(self.body)

        super(Entry, self).save()
Example #11
def markdownpreview(request):
    '''Used by Markitup! editor to render the markdown for the preview button.
    from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
    data = markdown(request.POST.get('data', ''), settings.MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS) 
    return render_to_response( 'pubman/markdownpreview.html',
                              {'preview': data,},
 def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False):
     if not self.id:
         self.pub_date = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.updated_date = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.description_html = markdown(self.description)
     # problem with pygments and htmlformatter due to last version
     # self.highlighted_code = self.highlight()
     super(Snippet, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
Example #13
 def __init__(self, node, **options):
     if settings.configured:
     filters = options.get('filters',{})
     if 'markdown' not in filters:
         filters['markdown'] = lambda x, y: markdown(x)        
     super(Compiler, self).__init__(node, **options)
Example #14
def wikisafe_markdown(value):
    from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown

    return mark_safe(
        markdown(value.replace("[[", "LBRACK666").replace("]]", "RBRACK666"))
        .replace("LBRACK666", "[[")
        .replace("RBRACK666", "]]")
Example #15
def markdownpreview(request):
    '''Used by Markitup! editor to render the markdown for the preview button.
    data = markdown(request.POST.get('data', ''), app_settings.MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS) 

    return render_to_response( 'enhancedtext/markdownpreview.html',
                              {'preview': data,},
Example #16
 def html_content(self):
     """Return the content correctly formatted"""
     if MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'markdown':
         return markdown(self.content, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'textile':
         return textile(self.content)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'restructuredtext':
         return restructuredtext(self.content)
     return self.content
Example #17
    def render_markup(self):
        """Turns any markup into HTML"""

        original = self.rendered_description
        if self.markup == MARKUP_MARKDOWN:
            self.rendered_description = markup.markdown(self.description)
            self.rendered_description = self.description

        return (self.rendered_description != original)
Example #18
 def as_dict(self):
     return {"pk": self.pk, "name": self.name,
             "description_markdown": markdown(self.description),
             "description": self.description,
             "letter_start": self.letter_start,
             "letter_end": self.letter_end,
             "letter_start_form": self.letter_start_form,
             "letter_end_form": self.letter_end_form,
             "jurisdiction": self.jurisdiction.name,
             "jurisdiction_id": self.jurisdiction.id}
Example #19
 def html_content(self):
     """Return the content correctly formatted"""
     if MARKUP_LANGUAGE == "markdown":
         return markdown(self.content, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == "textile":
         return textile(self.content)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == "restructuredtext":
         return restructuredtext(self.content)
     elif not "</p>" in self.content:
         return linebreaks(self.content)
     return self.content
def process_markup(text, markup):
    if markup == 'textile':
        return textile(text)
    elif markup == 'html':
        return mark_safe(text)
    elif markup == 'markdown':
        return markdown(text)
    elif markup == 'rst':
        return restructuredtext(text)
        return mark_safe('<pre>' + text + '</pre>')
Example #21
 def html_content(self):
     """Return the Entry.content attribute formatted in HTML"""
     if MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'markdown':
         return markdown(self.content, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'textile':
         return textile(self.content)
     elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'restructuredtext':
         return restructuredtext(self.content)
     elif not '</p>' in self.content:
         return linebreaks(self.content)
     return self.content
Example #22
 def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
     obj.author = request.user
     if not obj.summary:
         obj.summary = obj.content
     if not obj.is_old:
         obj.content_html = markdown(obj.content)
         obj.content_html = obj.content.replace('\r\n', '<br/>')
         import re
         obj.content_html = re.sub(r"\[cc lang='\w+?'\]", '<pre>', obj.content_html)
         obj.content_html = obj.content_html.replace('[/cc]', '</pre>')
Example #23
 def get_markuped_body(self):
     if not self.syntax:
         return self.body
     syntax_name = self.syntax.name
     if syntax_name == "textile":
         return textile(self.body)
     elif syntax_name == "markdown":
         return markdown(self.body)
     elif syntax_name == "restructuredtext":
         return restructuredtext(self.body)
         return self.body
Example #24
def markup(txt, markupname=0):
    if markupname is Page.TEXTILE:
        from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import textile
        return textile(txt)
    elif markupname is Page.MARKDOWN:
        from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
        return markdown(txt)
    elif markupname is Page.RESTRUCTUREDTEXT:
        from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import restructuredtext
        return restructuredtext(txt)
        return txt
Example #25
def markdown(value):
    u"""Filter for formatting the value by assuming Markdown syntax.  Embedded
    HTML tags are always escaped.  Warning: You need at least Python Markdown
    1.7 or later so that this works.

    FixMe: Before Markdown sees the text, all named entities are replaced, see
    `chantal_common.utils.substitute_html_entities`.  This creates a mild
    escaping problem.  ``\&amp;`` becomes ``&amp;amp;`` instead of ``\&amp;``.
    It can only be solved by getting python-markdown to replace the entities,
    however, I can't easily do that without allowing HTML tags, too.
    return markup.markdown(escape(utils.substitute_html_entities(unicode(value))))
Example #26
def markup(text, format):
    if format == 'html':
        return mark_safe(text)
    elif format == 'rest':
        return markup_filters.restructuredtext(text)
    elif format == 'mdown':
        return markup_filters.markdown(text)
    elif format == 'txtile':
        return markup_filters.textile(text)
    elif settings.DEBUG:
        raise Exception, "Invalid 'markup' format: %s" % format
    return ''
Example #27
    def __init__(self, node, **options):
        if settings.configured:
        filters = options.get('filters',{})

        if 'markdown' not in filters:
            filters['markdown'] = lambda x, y: markdown(x)
        if COFFEESCRIPT_AVIABLE and 'coffeescript' not in filters:
            filters['coffeescript'] = lambda x, y: '<script>%s</script>' % coffeescript.compile(x)
        self.filters = filters
        super(Compiler, self).__init__(node, **options)
def render_article_translation(context, article, translation):

    article_template = u"{0:>s} {1:>s}".format("{% load renaissance %}", translation['body'])
    c = template.Context({'article': article})

        tpl = template.Template(article_template, name="newsengine.ArticleTranslation private render")
        rendered = tpl.render(c)
    except template.TemplateSyntaxError:
        rendered = translation['body']

    return markdown(rendered)
Example #29
def format_content(value, format):

    if format=='M': # markdown
        value = markdown(value, settings.MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS)
    elif format == 'R':
        value = restructuredtext(value) 
    elif format=='H':
        value = mark_safe(value)
        value = linebreaks(urlize(escape(value)))
    return value
Example #30
def process_markdown(request):
    data = {'success': False}
    if request.method == 'POST':
        text = request.POST['text']
        data['success'] = True
        data['html'] = markdown(text)

        data['error_msg'] = 'Wrong request method'

    json = simplejson.dumps(data)
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
Example #31
def render_frontpage(request):
	Retrieves the most recently updated front-page configuration from the 
	database and renders it.
	Since this view will process anywhere from a quarter to half our pageviews 
	for a given day, it should be pretty damn fast. Django's template language
	is nice, but doing processing there is much slower than doing it in the
	view--so let's do a fair amount of the rendering and processing before we
	get there.
	Context (let's fill this in soon):
    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    front = WebFront.objects.select_related(depth=1).filter(
        site=site, type='site').latest()

    issue = front.issue

    # For the top articles not in the rotation, we choose from published articles that:
    #     * are on the current site,
    #     * were published on or after the day this issue was published and
    #     * don't have publication dates in the future.
    articles = Article.get_published.select_related(depth=1).filter(

    # Here we get a list of all five top items, for a JavaScript rotation.
    # Note we have two variables with this list — this is due to how our
    # particular rotation is implemented.
    rotating_items = front.item_set.all()
    rotating_item_list = front.item_set.all()

    # Remove the top story from further consideration.
    #B# This will need to be changed to reflect articles no longer being directly FKed to WebFronts.
    #articles = articles.exclude(webfronts__webfront=front)

    top_articles = articles[:4]

    # Here we get the top five articles from each section.

    # NOTE: This hard-codes section names in so that we can control
    # which section appears where in the front page template.
    #B# This will need to be changed to programatically go through sections. We can now order the sections by their ContentChannel's priority.

    sections = Section.objects.all().order_by('-priority')[:5]
    section_list = []

    for section in sections:
        sec_obj = section
        sec_articles = articles.filter(
        section_dict = {'sec_obj': sec_obj, 'articles': sec_articles}
#    section_news = Section.objects.get(name='News')
#    section_news_articles = articles.filter(section=section_news).order_by('priority')[:5]
#    section_outlook = Section.objects.get(name='Outlook')
#    section_outlook_articles = articles.filter(section=section_outlook).order_by('priority')[:5]
#    section_forum = Section.objects.get(name='Forum')
#    section_forum_articles = articles.filter(section=section_forum).order_by('priority')[:5]
#    section_arts = Section.objects.get(name='Arts')
#    section_arts_articles = section_arts.article_set.filter(published=1).order_by('-pub_date', 'priority')[:5]
#    section_sports = Section.objects.get(name='Sports')
#    section_sports_articles = articles.filter(section=section_sports).order_by('priority')[:5]

# And now we get all blogs that are listed in this publication, and
# the three most recent posts in these blogs.
    all_blogs = Blog.current.filter(section__publication__site=site).all()
    latest_blog_posts = Entry.get_published.filter(

    # Now we get the latest podcast episodes from across all sites.
    latest_podcast_episodes = Episode.objects.all()[:4]

    # Here we also get the top three online-only stories that:
    #     * aren't published in the future,
    #     * are marked as Web updates and
    #     * aren't in the rotation.
    latest_online_exclusives = Article.get_published.filter(
    #	latest_online_exclusives = latest_online_exclusives.exclude(webfronts__webfront=front)
    latest_online_exclusives = latest_online_exclusives[:3]

    # Now to get the most recently released multimedia.
        latest_video = Video.objects.filter(publication__site=site).latest()
#		latest_video = latest_video.exclude(webfronts__webfront=front).latest()
        latest_video = ""
        latest_slideshow = Slideshow.objects.filter(
#		latest_slideshow = latest_slideshow.exclude(webfronts__webfront=front).latest()
        latest_slideshow = ""
        latest_audio = AudioClip.objects.filter(

#		latest_audio = latest.audio.exclude(webfronts__webfront=front).latest()
        latest_audio = ""

    # Compare the video and slideshow to see which one's newer.
    if latest_slideshow != "" and latest_video != "" and latest_slideshow.pub_date > latest_video.pub_date:
        latest_multimedia = latest_slideshow
        latest_multimedia = latest_video

    # Compare the audio and the winner so far to see which one's newer.
    if latest_audio != "" and latest_multimedia != "" and latest_audio.pub_date > latest_multimedia.pub_date:
        latest_multimedia = latest_audio

    # Do we need to show anything else? If so, go ahead and render it.
    #B# Is this still relevant? If so, make it prominent on the page.
    other_info = None
    if front.other_info:
        other_info = markdown(front.other_info)

    # Get all events that aren't over and that are in the
    # appropriate calendar.
    events = Event.not_past.filter(calendars=front.calendar)[:5]

    # Get all currently-published news bursts.
    #B# Should we have different news bursts for each site?
    news_bursts = NewsBurst.get_published.all()

    # Get the front page layout from this issue, if there is one.
        issue_front = issue.layout_set.filter(type='cover').filter(
        issue_front = None

    # Get all other layouts from this issue.
    issue_other_layouts = issue.layout_set.exclude(type='cover').filter(

    # And now, the calendar. Nothing too fancy here; a repaste of the code found in
    # events.views.gridone gets the job done.
    year = datetime.now().year
    month = datetime.now().month
    calendar = None
    calendar_list = Calendar.objects.all().order_by('name')
    events = Event.objects.all()
    month_formatted = pycal.monthcalendar(year, month)
    month_minus = month - 1
    month_plus = month + 1
    month_name = pycal.month_name[month]
    weekday_header = pycal.weekheader(3).strip().split(" ")
    year_minus = year - 1
    year_plus = year + 1
    today = datetime.now().day
    this_month = month
    this_year = year
    event_list = events.filter(
        Q(start__year=year, start__month=month)
        | Q(end__year=year, end__month=month))

    # A reposting of the method to get events from earlier. Because you just
    # don't want every event THAT WAS EVER PUT IN showing up on the front page.
    events = Event.not_past.filter(calendars=front.calendar)[:5]

    #B# Can we do a TopOnline view that can return context here, instead of calling methods ourselves?

    page = {
        'all_blogs': all_blogs,
        'calendar': calendar,
        'calendar_list': calendar_list,
        'events': events,
        'event_list': event_list,
        'issue': issue,
        'issue_front': issue_front,
        'issue_other_layouts': issue_other_layouts,
        'latest_audio': latest_audio,
        'latest_blog_posts': latest_blog_posts,
        'latest_multimedia': latest_multimedia,
        'latest_online_exclusives': latest_online_exclusives,
        'latest_podcast_episodes': latest_podcast_episodes,
        'latest_slideshow': latest_slideshow,
        'latest_video': latest_video,
        'month': month,
        'month_formatted': month_formatted,
        'month_minus': month_minus,
        'month_name': month_name,
        'month_plus': month_plus,
        'news_bursts': news_bursts,
        'other_info': other_info,
        'rotating_item_list': rotating_item_list,
        'rotating_items': rotating_items,
        'sections': section_list,
        #        'section_arts': section_arts,
        #        'section_arts_articles': section_arts_articles,
        #        'section_forum': section_forum,
        #        'section_forum_articles': section_forum_articles,
        #        'section_news': section_news,
        #        'section_news_articles': section_news_articles,
        #        'section_outlook': section_outlook,
        #        'section_outlook_articles': section_outlook_articles,
        #        'section_sports': section_sports,
        #        'section_sports_articles': section_sports_articles,
        'this_month': this_month,
        'this_year': this_year,
        'today': today,
        'top_articles': top_articles,
        'weekday_header': weekday_header,
        'year': year,
        'year_minus': year_minus,
        'year_plus': year_plus,

    return render_to_response('frontpage/frontpage.html',
 def transform_description_html(self, obj, value):
     from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
     return markdown(value)
Example #33
 def short_info_rendered(self):
     return markdown(self.short_info, 'safe')
This simply re-uses Django's template filters to do the formatting,
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.contrib.markup.templatetags import markup
from django.utils.safestring import SafeData, mark_safe
from fluent_contents.plugins.markup import appsettings

_languageNames = {
    'restructuredtext': 'reStructuredText',
    'markdown': 'Markdown',
    'textile': 'Textile',

# Copy, and allow adding more options.
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = dict(markup.register.filters.iteritems())
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES['markdown'] = lambda text: markup.markdown(
    text, ','.join(appsettings.FLUENT_MARKUP_MARKDOWN_EXTRAS))

    # With django-markup installed, it can be used instead of the default Django filters.
    # Since most django-markup filters are meant for simple text enhancements,
    # only use the filters which are really full text markup languages.
    # Note that the enhanced markdown above will also be replaced. Use the MARKUP_SETTINGS setting to configure django-markup instead.
    from django_markup.markup import formatter
    for filter_name, FilterClass in formatter.filter_list.iteritems():
        real_filters = _languageNames.keys() + ['creole']
        if filter_name in real_filters:
            _languageNames[filter_name] = FilterClass.title
            SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[filter_name] = lambda text: mark_safe(
                formatter(text, filter_name))

# Format as choices
Example #35
def custommarkdownfilter(text):
    # TODO : check if this is safe or di we need "safe" to be added ?
    # Maybe rewrite markdown to be more flexible
    return markdown(text, "extra,codehilite,headerid(level=2),sane_lists")
Example #36
 def render(self, context):
     output = self.nodelist.render(context)
     return markup.markdown(output, self.args)
Example #37
 def item_description(self, item):
     return markdown(item.text)
Example #38
def markdown(text):
    """Return text rendered as Markdown."""
    return Markup(markup.markdown(text, 'safe'))
Example #39
 def item_description(self, item):
     return markdown(item.content)
Example #40
def wikisafe_markdown(value):
    from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
    return mark_safe(
        markdown(value.replace('[[', 'LBRACK666').replace(
            ']]', 'RBRACK666')).replace('LBRACK666',
                                        '[[').replace('RBRACK666', ']]'))
Example #41
def search_events(request, location=None):
    ctx = {'title':'Upcoming Events', 'searched':True, 'is_search':True, 'limit':None}
    ctx['rpp'] = int(request.REQUEST.get('rpp', 10))
    location = location or request.location
    request.location = location # stick user to this location going forward
    request.location_name = settings.LOCATION_DATA.get(location, settings.EMPTY_LOCATION_DATA)[3]
    today, td = today_timedelta_by_location(location)
    qx = Event.objects.active(attending_user=request.user_profile, today=today).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
    loc = request.REQUEST.get("location", None)
    any_loc = loc == 'any'
    if not any_loc:
        # qx = qx.exclude(ext_event_source='mlb2010', location='user-entered')
        qx = qx.exclude(location='user-entered') # don't show user entered events on city pages
    f = request.GET.get('filter', '').lower()
    sort_by = request.GET.get('sort', '').lower()
    by_date = request.GET.get('date', None)
    choices = request.GET.getlist('choices')    
    if 'free' in choices:
        qx = qx.filter(is_free=True)
    if 'checkins' in sort_by:
        # Checkins must automatically limit the view to today
        f = 'today'
    if f:
        if not request.user_profile and f in  ('favorites', 'my-calendar', 'recommended'):
            add_message(request, "You will need to sign in first.")
            return HttpResponseRedirect(u"%s?next=%s" % (reverse("signin"), request.get_full_path()))
        ctx['filter'] = f
        if f in ('favorites', 'my-calendar') and request.user_profile:
            ctx['title'] = "I'm In For:"
            qx = qx.filter(
            ).distinct().order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            if settings.CALENDAR_FILTER_BY_LOCATION:
                qx = qx.filter(location__in=('destination', 'user-entered', location))
        elif f == 'recommended' and request.user_profile:
            ctx['title'] = "Friends' Events"
            qx = qx.filter(
            ).distinct().order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
                qx = qx.filter(location__in=('destination', 'user-entered', location))            
        elif f == 'most-popular':
            ctx['title'] = 'Most Popular Events'
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).order_by('-tweet_count', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'our-picks':
            ctx['title'] = 'Our Picks'
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(is_homepage_worthy=True).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'destination':
            ctx['title'] = 'Destination Events'
            qx = qx.filter(location='destination').order_by('-destination_timestamp', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'today':
            ctx['title'] = "Today's Events"
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'date':
            # if date not specified, use today
            dt = by_date and datetime.strptime(by_date, "%m/%d/%Y") or date.today()
            ctx['title'] = "Events on %s" % dt.strftime("%A, %b %d, %Y")
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'tomorrow':
            ctx['title'] = "Tomorrow's Events"
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
                event_date=today + timedelta(days=1)
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif f == 'this-week':
            ctx['title'] = "This Week"
            start = today + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1)) # greater than or equal to last Monday
            end = start + relativedelta(weekday=SU(+1)) # less than or equal to this Sunday
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            ctx['start'] = start
            ctx['end'] = end
        elif f == 'this-weekend':
            ctx['title'] = "This Weekend"
            start = today + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1)) + relativedelta(weekday=FR) # greater than or equal to this Friday
            end = start + relativedelta(weekday=SU(+1)) # less than or equal to this Sunday
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            ctx['start'] = start
            ctx['end'] = end
        elif f == 'next-week':
            ctx['title'] = "Next Week"
            start = today + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1), weeks=1) # greater than or equal to next Monday
            end = start + relativedelta(weekday=SU(+1)) # less than or equal to next Sunday
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            ctx['start'] = start
            ctx['end'] = end
        elif f == 'next-weekend':
            ctx['title'] = "Next Weekend"
            start = today + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1), weeks=1) + relativedelta(weekday=FR) # greater than or equal to next Friday
            end = start + relativedelta(weekday=SU(+1)) # less than or equal to next Sunday
            qx = qx.filter(location=location).filter(
            ).order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            ctx['start'] = start
            ctx['end'] = end
    else: # no filter
        if not any_loc:
            qx = qx.filter(location__in=('destination', 'user-entered', location))
    q = request.GET.get('q', '')
    if q:
        if not f:
            ctx['title'] = 'Events matching "%s"' % q
        ctx['q'] = q
        qx = qx.filter(
            Q(title__icontains=q) | 
            Q(description__icontains=q) |
            Q(venue__name__icontains=q) |
        if 'sxsw' in q.lower():
            if not request.mobile:
                ctx['rpp'] = 100
            ctx['limit'] = 30 # start with events starting in 30 minutes or more
        if request.GET.get('page', '1') == '1':
            prefix = request.mobile and '/mobile/search' or '/help/search'
            qflat = q.replace('#', '').replace('@', '').lower()
            for k,v in settings.EVENT_SEARCH_NORMALIZATION.iteritems():
                qflat = qflat.replace(k, v)
                flaturl = u"%s/%s/" % (prefix, qflat.replace(' ', '-'))
                fp = Site.objects.get_current().flatpage_set.get(url=flaturl.lower())
                ctx['flatcontent'] = markdown(fp.content)
            except FlatPage.DoesNotExist:
                # if this search phrase has multiple space-separated keywords, 
                # look for a flatpage for just the first word.
                if ' ' in qflat:
                    x = qflat.split(' ')
                    if x[0]:
                            flaturl = u"%s/%s/" % (prefix, x[0])
                            fp = Site.objects.get_current().flatpage_set.get(url=flaturl.lower())
                            ctx['flatcontent'] = markdown(fp.content)
                        except FlatPage.DoesNotExist:
    if sort_by and 'checkins' in sort_by:
        ctx['limit'] = 30
    limit = request.GET.get('limit', ctx.get('limit', None))
    if limit:
        minutes = int(limit)
        now = td and (datetime.now() - td) or datetime.now()
        threshold = now - timedelta(minutes=minutes)
        time_threshold = threshold.time()
        _log.debug("Excluding %s events started before %s (limit = %s minutes, td = %s)", today, time_threshold, limit, td)
        qx = qx.exclude(
            # event_start_time__isnull=False, # has start time
            event_date=today, # happened today
            event_start_time__lt=time_threshold # already happened
    if sort_by and sort_by in ('date', 'tweets', 'interested', 'new', 'checkins', 'mf_checkins', 'fm_checkins'):
        if 'checkins' in sort_by:
            # only include events that have no start time or that have already started or that are starting in the next 1 hour
            now = td and (datetime.now() - td) or datetime.now()
            threshold = now + timedelta(minutes=settings.CHECKIN_THRESHOLD_MINUTES) # 80 mins from now
            time_threshold = threshold.time()
            qx = qx.filter(
                Q(event_start_time__isnull=True) |
        if sort_by == 'date':
            qx = qx.order_by('event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif sort_by == 'tweets':
            qx = qx.order_by('-tweet_count', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif sort_by == 'interested':
            qx = qx.order_by('-stats__num_attendees', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
        elif sort_by == 'new':
            qx = qx.order_by('-pk', 'event_date', 'event_start_time')
        elif sort_by == 'checkins':
            qx = qx.order_by('-venue__fsq_checkins', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
            ctx['title'] = "Checkins Today"
        elif request.user.is_authenticated():
            if sort_by == 'mf_checkins': # where the ladies are          
                qx = qx.filter(venue__fsq_checkins__gt=0, venue__fsq_f__gt=1).order_by('venue__fsq_mf', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
                ctx['title'] = "Checkins Today"
            elif sort_by == 'fm_checkins': # where the gents are
                qx = qx.filter(venue__fsq_checkins__gt=0, venue__fsq_m__gt=1).order_by('venue__fsq_fm', 'event_date', 'event_start_time', 'pk')
                ctx['title'] = "Checkins Today"
        ctx['sort_by'] = sort_by
    return list_events(request, location, queryset=qx, extra_context=ctx, hide_top3=True)
Example #42
    def save(self):
        self.body_html = markdown(self.body_markdown, safe_mode = False)

Example #43
 def item_description(self, statement):
     return markdown(statement.text)
Example #44
 def text_html(self):
     return mark_safe(markdown(r_statement_affil.sub(statement_affil_link, self.text)))
Example #45
 def markdown_filter(x, y):
     return markdown(x)
Example #46
def get_gco_help(url='/help/artist/gco/instructions/'):
    from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown
    page = Site.objects.get_current().flatpage_set.get(url=url)
    return _GOOGLE_MERCHANT_ID_HELP_WITH_LINKS % unicode(markdown(
Example #47
def format_text(value):
    return twitterize(urlizetrunc(markdown(value), 30))
Example #48
 def abstract_rendered(self):
     return markdown(self.abstract, 'safe')
Example #49
 def description_rendered(self):
     return markdown(self.description, 'safe')