def dislike(request, comment_id, next=None):
    Dislike a comment. Confirmation on GET, action on POST.

    Templates: :template:`django_comments_tree/dislike.html`,
            the flagged `comments.comment` object
    comment = get_object_or_404(get_comment_model(), pk=comment_id)

    if not has_app_model_option(comment)['allow_feedback']:
        ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(comment.content_object)
        raise Http404("Comments posted to instances of '%s.%s' are not "
                      "explicitly allowed to receive 'disliked it' flags. "
                      "Check the COMMENTS_TREE_APP_MODEL_OPTIONS "
                      "setting." % (ctype.app_label, ctype.model))
    # Flag on POST
    if request.method == 'POST':
        perform_dislike(request, comment)
        return next_redirect(request,
                             fallback=(next or 'comments-tree-dislike-done'),
    # Render a form on GET
        disliked_it = request.user in comment.users_flagging(DISLIKEDIT_FLAG)
        return render(request, 'django_comments_tree/dislike.html',
                      {'comment': comment,
                       'already_disliked_it': disliked_it,
                       'next': next})
    def get_comment(self, comment_id):
        comment = get_object_or_404(get_comment_model(),
        if not has_app_model_option(comment)['allow_flagging']:
            ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(comment.content_object)
            raise Http404("Comments posted to instances of '%s.%s' are not "
                          "explicitly allowed to receive 'removal suggestion' "
                          "flags. Check the COMMENTS_TREE_APP_MODEL_OPTIONS "
                          "setting." % (ctype.app_label, ctype.model))

        return comment
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django_comments_tree.forms import CommentSecurityForm
from django_comments_tree import get_model as get_comment_model
from django_comments_tree.conf import settings
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.reverse import reverse

TreeComment = get_comment_model()

def commentbox_props(obj, user, request=None):
    Returns a JSON object with the initial props for the CommentBox component.

    The returned JSON object contains the following attributes::
            comment_count: <int>,  // Count of comments posted to the object.
            allow_comments: <bool>,  // Whether to allow comments to this post.
            current_user: <str as "user_id:user_name">,
            is_authenticated: <bool>,  // Whether current_user is authenticated.
            request_name: <bool>,  // True when auth user has no actual name.
            request_email_address: <bool>,  // True when auth user has no email.
            allow_flagging: false,
            allow_feedback: false,
            show_feedback: false,
            can_moderate: <bool>,  // Whether current_user can moderate.
            poll_interval: 2000, // Check for new comments every 2 seconds.
            feedback_url: <api-url-to-send-like/dislike-feedback>,
            delete_url: <api-url-for-moderators-to-remove-comment>,
            login_url: settings.LOGIN_URL,
            reply_url: <api-url-to-reply-comments>,