Example #1
def copy_resource(container, resource, local_filename, contents_only=True):
    Copies a resource from a container to a compressed tarball and downloads it.

    :param container: Container name or id.
    :type container: unicode
    :param resource: Name of resource to copy.
    :type resource: unicode
    :param local_filename: Path to store the tarball locally.
    :type local_filename: unicode
    :param contents_only: In case ``resource`` is a directory, put all contents at the root of the tar file. If this is
      set to ``False``, the directory itself will be at the root instead.
    :type contents_only: bool
    with temp_dir() as remote_tmp:
        base_name = os.path.basename(resource)
        copy_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, 'copy_tmp')
        run(mkdir(copy_path, check_if_exists=True))
        remote_name = posixpath.join(copy_path, base_name)
        archive_name = 'container_{0}.tar.gz'.format(container)
        archive_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, archive_name)
        run('docker cp {0}:{1} {2}'.format(container, resource, copy_path),
        if contents_only and is_directory(remote_name):
            src_dir = remote_name
            src_files = '*'
            src_dir = copy_path
            src_files = base_name
        with cd(src_dir):
            run(targz(archive_path, src_files))
        get(archive_path, local_filename)
Example #2
def copy_resource(container, resource, local_filename, contents_only=True):
    Copies a resource from a container to a compressed tarball and downloads it.

    :param container: Container name or id.
    :type container: unicode
    :param resource: Name of resource to copy.
    :type resource: unicode
    :param local_filename: Path to store the tarball locally.
    :type local_filename: unicode
    :param contents_only: In case ``resource`` is a directory, put all contents at the root of the tar file. If this is
      set to ``False``, the directory itself will be at the root instead.
    :type contents_only: bool
    with temp_dir() as remote_tmp:
        base_name = os.path.basename(resource)
        copy_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, 'copy_tmp')
        run(mkdir(copy_path, check_if_exists=True))
        remote_name = posixpath.join(copy_path, base_name)
        archive_name = 'container_{0}.tar.gz'.format(container)
        archive_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, archive_name)
        run('docker cp {0}:{1} {2}'.format(container, resource, copy_path), shell=False)
        if contents_only and is_directory(remote_name):
            src_dir = remote_name
            src_files = '*'
            src_dir = copy_path
            src_files = base_name
        with cd(src_dir):
            run(targz(archive_path, src_files))
        get(archive_path, local_filename)
Example #3
def isolate_and_get(src_container, src_resources, local_dst_dir, **kwargs):
    Uses :func:`copy_resources` to copy resources from a container, but afterwards generates a compressed tarball
    and downloads it.

    :param src_container: Container name or id.
    :type src_container: unicode
    :param src_resources: Resources, as (file or directory) names to copy.
    :type src_resources: iterable
    :param local_dst_dir: Local directory to store the compressed tarball in. Can also be a file name; the default file
      name is ``container_<container name>.tar.gz``.
    :type local_dst_dir: unicode
    :param kwargs: Additional kwargs for :func:`copy_resources`.
    with temp_dir() as remote_tmp:
        copy_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, 'copy_tmp')
        archive_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, 'container_{0}.tar.gz'.format(src_container))
        copy_resources(src_container, src_resources, copy_path, **kwargs)
        with cd(copy_path):
            sudo(targz(archive_path, '*'))
        get(archive_path, local_dst_dir)
Example #4
def isolate_and_get(src_container, src_resources, local_dst_dir, **kwargs):
    Uses :func:`copy_resources` to copy resources from a container, but afterwards generates a compressed tarball
    and downloads it.

    :param src_container: Container name or id.
    :type src_container: unicode
    :param src_resources: Resources, as (file or directory) names to copy.
    :type src_resources: iterable
    :param local_dst_dir: Local directory to store the compressed tarball in. Can also be a file name; the default file
      name is ``container_<container name>.tar.gz``.
    :type local_dst_dir: unicode
    :param kwargs: Additional kwargs for :func:`copy_resources`.
    with temp_dir() as remote_tmp:
        copy_path = posixpath.join(remote_tmp, 'copy_tmp')
        archive_path = posixpath.join(
            remote_tmp, 'container_{0}.tar.gz'.format(src_container))
        copy_resources(src_container, src_resources, copy_path, **kwargs)
        with cd(copy_path):
            sudo(targz(archive_path, '*'))
        get(archive_path, local_dst_dir)