Example #1
    def __init__(self,
                 jid: str,
                 password: str,
                 predictor: PlannerPredictor,
                 executors_jid: Iterable[str],
                 cache_max_size: int = 10,
                 verify_security: bool = False):
        """Agent to predict Concept Drifts from KB using a customized
        Predictor for that. This agent authenticates on XMPP server.

        :param jid: Id for XMPP authentication. Ex: user@localhost
        :type jid: str
        :param password: Password for XMPP authentication.
        :type password: str
        :param predictor: Predictor for Concept Drift detection.
        :type predictor: PlannerPredictor
        :param executors_jid: List of executors that this planner will
        send detected Concept Drifts.
        :type executors_jid: Iterable[str]
        :param cache_max_size: Cache list if executor is unavailable,
        defaults to 10
        :type cache_max_size: int, optional
        :param verify_security: [description], defaults to False
        :type verify_security: bool, optional

        self._predictor = predictor
        self._executors = executors_jid
        self._cache = deque([], cache_max_size)
        self._sent_data = {}
        self._logger = getLogger("planner")
        super().__init__(jid, password, verify_security)
Example #2
    def __init__(self,
                 jid: str,
                 password: str,
                 predictor: AnalyserPredictor,
                 database_connection: Connection,
                 monitors_jid: Iterable[str],
                 verify_security: bool = False):
        """Agent to predict Concept Drifts using a customized
        Predictor for that. This agent authenticates on XMPP server.

        :param jid: Id for XMPP authentication. Ex: user@localhost
        :type jid: str
        :param password: Password for XMPP authentication.
        :type password: str
        :param predictor: Predictor for Concept Drift detection.
        :type predictor: AnalyserPredictor
        :param database_connection: Database connection using SQLAlchemy.
        :type database_connection: Connection
        :param monitors_jid: List of monitors that this analyser will
            predict Concept Drifts.
        :type monitors_jid: Iterable[str]
        :param verify_security: Security validation with XMPP server,
            defaults to False.
        :type verify_security: bool, optional
        self._monitors = monitors_jid
        self._connection = database_connection
        self._predictor = predictor
        self._logger = getLogger("analyser")
        super().__init__(jid, password, verify_security)
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
                 db_engine: Engine,
                 bulk_size: int,
                 bulk_time: Union[int, float],
                 circuit_breaker: CircuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker()):
        """Connects with SQLAlchemy Engine to store and query
        data for concept drift datection.

        :param db_engine: SQLAlchemy Engine to use as backend
        :type db_engine: Engine
        :param bulk_size: Quantity of data that connection will
            wait to make bulk insert
        :type bulk_size: int
        :param bulk_time: Time in seconds between last insert and now.
            If bulk_size is not reached in bulk_time interval,
            then an insert was done
        :type bulk_time: Union[int, float]
        :param circuit_breaker: Circuit Breaker configuration to
            connect with Database, defaults to CircuitBreaker()
        :type circuit_breaker: CircuitBreaker, optional
        self._jid = None
        self._conn = db_engine
        self._bulk_size = bulk_size
        self._bulk_time = bulk_time
        self._last_insert_time = datetime.utcnow()
        self._bulk_df = pd.DataFrame()
        self.get_between = circuit_breaker(self.get_between)
        self._insert = circuit_breaker(self._insert)
        self._logger = getLogger("connection")
Example #4
class TrainPredictor(PeriodicBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("train_predictor")

    async def run(self):
        await self.agent.predictor.fit()
        self._logger.debug("Analyser model fitted")
Example #5
class ReceiveNewData(CyclicBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("receive_new_data")

    async def run(self):
        msg = await self.receive()
        if msg:
            self.agent.add_behaviour(StoreNewData(), Template(body=msg.body))
            self._logger.debug(f"Message received {msg.body}")
class FastNotifyContacts(OneShotBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("fast_notify_contacts")

    async def run(self):
        for contact in self.agent.available_contacts.copy():
            msg = Message(to=contact, body=self.template.body)
            await self.send(msg)
        self._logger.debug(f"Sent {self.template.body} to all contacts")
Example #7
class SendNewData(OneShotBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("send_new_data")

    async def run(self):
        body = orjson.loads(self.template.body)
        for msg in body:
            if self.agent.sink.is_available():
                await self.agent.sink.drain(msg)
                self._logger.debug(f"Message sent to Sink {msg}")
Example #8
class ReceiveNewData(CyclicBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("receive_new_data")

    async def run(self):
        if self.agent.sink.is_available():
        msg = await self.receive()
        if msg:
            self.agent.add_behaviour(SendNewData(), Template(body=msg.body))
            self._logger.debug(f"Message received {msg.body}")
class WaitMonitorSubscriptions(WaitSubscriptions):

    _logger = getLogger("wait_monitor_subscriptions")

    def on_subscribe(self, jid: str):

        :param jid: [description]
        :type jid: [str]
        self._logger.debug(f"Approved and subscribing to {jid}")

    async def run(self):
        self.presence.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe
        await super().run()
Example #10
    def __init__(self,
                 jid: str,
                 password: str,
                 identifier: Optional[str] = None,
                 verify_security: bool = False):
        """An Agent to collect data from sources and send to Analyser.
        This agent authenticates on XMPP server.

        :param jid: Id for XMPP authentication. Ex: user@localhost
        :type jid: str
        :param password: Password for XMPP authentication.
        :type password: str
        :param identifier: Data identification or agent jid, defaults to None
        :type identifier: Optional[str], optional
        :param verify_security: Security validation with XMPP server,
            defaults to False.
        :type verify_security: bool, optional
        super().__init__(jid, password, verify_security)
        self._identifier = identifier if identifier else self.name
        self._logger = getLogger("monitor")
Example #11
    def __init__(self,
                 jid: str,
                 password: str,
                 sink: Sink,
                 verify_security: bool = False):
        """Agent to send predicted drifts to Sink.
        This agent authenticates on XMPP server.

        :param jid: Id for XMPP authentication. Ex: user@localhost
        :type jid: str
        :param password: Password for XMPP authentication.
        :type password: str
        :param sink: Where predicted Concept Drifts will be dispatched.
        :type sink: Sink
        :param verify_security: Security validation with XMPP server,
            defaults to False.
        :type verify_security: bool, optional
        self._sink = sink
        self._logger = getLogger("executor")
        super().__init__(jid, password, verify_security)
Example #12
class WaitSubscriptions(OneShotBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("wait_subscriptions")

    def on_available(self, jid: str, stanza: Presence):

        :param jid: [description]
        :type jid: [str]
        :param stanza: [description]
        :type stanza: [Presence]
        if not jid.startswith(self.agent.jid.localpart):
            self.agent.available_contacts[jid] = stanza
        self._logger.debug(f"Contact added {jid}")

    def on_unavailable(self, jid: str, stanza: Presence):

        :param jid: [description]
        :type jid: [str]
        :param stanza: [description]
        :type stanza: [Presence]
            del self.agent.available_contacts[jid]
            self._logger.debug(f"Contact removed {jid}")
        except KeyError:

    async def run(self):
        self.presence.on_available = self.on_available
        self.presence.on_unavailable = self.on_unavailable
Example #13
class NotifyContacts(OneShotBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("notify_contacts")

    async def run(self):
        for contact in self.agent.available_contacts.copy():
            contact_data = self.agent.sent_data[contact]
            if ((len(contact_data) > 0)
                    and (contact_data[-1] == id(self.agent.cache[-1]))):

            to_send = []
            to_send_id = []
            for item in self.agent.cache:
                if id(item) in contact_data:
            msg = Message(to=contact, body=str(orjson.dumps(to_send), "utf-8"))
            await self.send(msg)
            self._logger.debug(f"Sent to contact {contact} data {to_send}")
Example #14
class Predict(PeriodicBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("predict")

    async def run(self):
        predictor = self.agent.predictor
        results = await predictor.predict()
        has_new_data = False
        for result in results:
            if result.should_send:
                has_new_data = True
        if has_new_data:
            self._logger.debug("Notified new predictions")
Example #15
 def test_should_return_child_log_with_new_level(self):
     logger = getLogger("test", "DEBUG")
     self.assertEqual(logger.name, "driftage.test")
     self.assertEqual(logger.level, 10)
Example #16
 def test_should_return_child_log(self):
     logger = getLogger("test")
     self.assertEqual(logger.name, "driftage.test")
     self.assertEqual(logger.level, 20)
Example #17
class StoreNewData(OneShotBehaviour):

    _logger = getLogger("store_new_data")

    async def run(self):
        msg = orjson.loads(self.template.body)
        data = await self._parse(msg)
        predicted = await self._predict(data)
        await self._store(data, predicted)
        self._logger.debug(f"Data stored on database {data}")

    async def _parse(self, msg: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:

        :param msg: [description]
        :type msg: dict
        :return: [description]
        :rtype: PredictionData
        data = msg["data"]
        metadata = msg["metadata"]

        return PredictionData(

    async def _predict(self, data: PredictionData) -> bool:

        :param data: [description]
        :type data: PredictionData
        :return: [description]
        :rtype: bool
        return await self.agent.predictor.predict(data)

    async def _store(self, data: PredictionData, prediction: bool):

        :param data: [description]
        :type data: PredictionData
        :param prediction: [description]
        :type prediction: bool

        df = pd.DataFrame(
                table.c.driftage_jid.name: [self.agent.name],
                table.c.driftage_data.name: [
                    str(orjson.dumps(data.data), "utf-8")],
                table.c.driftage_datetime_monitored.name: [data.timestamp],
                table.c.driftage_datetime_analysed.name: [datetime.utcnow()],
                table.c.driftage_identifier.name: [data.identifier],
                table.c.driftage_predicted.name: [prediction]
        await self.agent.connection.lazy_insert(df)