def draw_entry_text(self, cr, rect): ''' draw text.expose-event callback''' x, y, w, h = rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height with cairo_state(cr): # Clip text area first. draw_x = x + self.padding_x draw_y = y + self.padding_y draw_width = w - self.padding_x * 2 draw_height = h - self.padding_y * 2 cr.rectangle(draw_x, draw_y, draw_width, draw_height) cr.clip() # Create pangocairo context. context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cr) # Move text. cr.move_to(draw_x, draw_y) # Draw text. cr.set_source_rgb( *color_hex_to_cairo(self.entry_buffer.text_color)) context.update_layout(self._layout) context.show_layout(self._layout) # draw selection if not self.buffer.get_has_selection(): return bounds = self.buffer.get_selection_bounds() self.draw_selection_lines(bounds[0], bounds[1], cr, x, y)
def render(self, cr, rect): # Init. x, y, w, h = rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height # Draw background frame. with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle(x, y + 1, w, h - 2) cr.rectangle(x + 1, y, w - 2, h) cr.clip() cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo( ui_theme.get_color( "progressbar_background_frame").get_color())) cr.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.stroke() # Draw background. with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2) cr.clip() draw_vlinear( cr, x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, ui_theme.get_shadow_color( "progressbar_background").get_color_info(), ) cache_pixbuf_object = CachePixbuf() if self.progress > 0 and self.progress < 100: cache_pixbuf_object.scale( self.percentage_dpixbuf[int(self.progress / 10)].get_pixbuf(), w, h) if self.progress == 100: cache_pixbuf_object.scale( self.percentage_dpixbuf[9].get_pixbuf(), w, h) draw_pixbuf(cr, cache_pixbuf_object.get_cache(), x, y) # Draw light. with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5) cr.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, 1) cr.fill()
def __draw_rotate(self, cr, rect, pixbuf): from dtk.ui.utils import cairo_state from math import radians with cairo_state(cr): cr.translate(rect.x + rect.width/2 , rect.y + rect.height/2) cr.rotate(radians(self.rotate_angle)) cr.translate(-rect.width/2, -rect.height/2) x_padding = rect.width/2 - pixbuf.get_width()/2 y_padding = rect.height/2 - pixbuf.get_height()/2 draw_pixbuf(cr, pixbuf, x_padding, y_padding)
def draw_loop_pixbuf(self, cr, loop_pixbuf, loop_x, loop_y): width = loop_pixbuf.get_width() height = loop_pixbuf.get_height() ox = loop_x + width * 0.5 oy = loop_y + height * 0.5 with cairo_state(cr): cr.translate(ox, oy) cr.rotate(radians( cr.translate(-width * 0.5, -height * 0.5) draw_pixbuf(cr, loop_pixbuf, 0, 0)
def render(self, cr, rect): # Init. x, y, w, h = rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height # Draw background frame. with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle(x, y + 1, w, h - 2) cr.rectangle(x + 1, y, w - 2, h) cr.clip() cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(ui_theme.get_color("progressbar_background_frame").get_color())) cr.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.stroke() # Draw background. with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2) cr.clip() draw_vlinear(cr, x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, ui_theme.get_shadow_color("progressbar_background").get_color_info(), ) cache_pixbuf_object = CachePixbuf() if self.progress > 0 and self.progress < 100: cache_pixbuf_object.scale(self.percentage_dpixbuf[int(self.progress / 10)].get_pixbuf(), w, h) if self.progress == 100: cache_pixbuf_object.scale(self.percentage_dpixbuf[9].get_pixbuf(), w, h) draw_pixbuf(cr, cache_pixbuf_object.get_cache(), x, y) # Draw light. with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5) cr.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, 1) cr.fill()
def render_info(self, cr, rect): if self.row_index % 2 == 1: cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5) cr.rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) cr.fill() # Render icon. if self.icon_pixbuf == None: self.icon_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( get_icon_pixbuf_path(utils.get_origin_name(self.pkg_name))) render_pkg_icon(cr, rect, self.icon_pixbuf) # Render name. render_pkg_name(cr, rect, get_match_context(self.alias_name, self.keywords), rect.width) # Render search result. with cairo_state(cr): text_padding_left = ITEM_PADDING_X + ICON_SIZE + ITEM_PADDING_MIDDLE text_padding_right = 10 text_padding_y = ITEM_PADDING_Y + DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 2 text_width = rect.width - text_padding_left - text_padding_right text_height = 30 cr.rectangle(rect.x, rect.y + text_padding_y, rect.width, text_height) cr.clip() draw_text( cr, self.highlight_string, rect.x + text_padding_left, rect.y + text_padding_y, text_width, text_height, text_size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, wrap_width=text_width, )
def draw_entry_text(self, cr, rect): ''' draw text.expose-event callback''' x, y, w, h = rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height with cairo_state(cr): # Clip text area first. draw_x = x + self.padding_x draw_y = y + self.padding_y draw_width = w - self.padding_x * 2 draw_height = h - self.padding_y * 2 cr.rectangle(draw_x, draw_y, draw_width, draw_height) cr.clip() # Create pangocairo context. context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cr) # Move text. cr.move_to(draw_x, draw_y) # Draw text. cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(self.text_color)) context.update_layout(self._layout) context.show_layout(self._layout) # draw selection if not self.buffer.get_has_selection(): return bounds = self.buffer.get_selection_bounds() self.draw_selection_lines(bounds[0], bounds[1], cr, x, y)
def render(self, cr, rect): # Draw icon. if self.pkg_icon_pixbuf == None: self.pkg_icon_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(get_icon_pixbuf_path(self.pkg_name)) draw_pixbuf( cr, self.pkg_icon_pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + (ICON_SIZE - self.pkg_icon_pixbuf.get_width()) / 2, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y) # Draw button. if self.is_installed: name = "button/start_small" else: name = "button/install_small" if self.button_status == BUTTON_NORMAL: status = "normal" elif self.button_status == BUTTON_HOVER: status = "hover" elif self.button_status == BUTTON_PRESS: status = "press" pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("%s_%s.png" % (name, status)).get_pixbuf() draw_pixbuf( cr, pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y + self.DRAW_ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_BUTTON_PADDING_Y) # Draw name. self.text_width = rect.width - self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT - self.DRAW_PADDING_RIGHT - self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X - self.pkg_icon_pixbuf.get_width() self.pkg_name_area.render( cr, self.alias_name, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, NAME_SIZE)) # Draw star. self.star_buffer.render( cr, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_STAR_PADDING_Y, STAR_SIZE * 5, STAR_SIZE )) # Draw long desc. long_desc_height = 32 if self.long_desc == None: self.long_desc = "FIX ME" #if self.long_desc and len(self.long_desc.split("\n")) == 1: #self.long_desc += "\n" with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, ) cr.clip() draw_text( cr, self.long_desc, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, wrap_width=self.text_width, )
def render_text( cr, markup, x, y, w, h, text_size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, text_color="#000000", text_font=DEFAULT_FONT, alignment=pango.ALIGN_LEFT, wrap_width=None, underline=False, vertical_alignment=TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, clip_line_count=None, ellipsize=pango.ELLIPSIZE_END, ): ''' Render text for function L{ I{draw_text} <draw_text>}, you can use this function individually. @param cr: Cairo context. @param markup: Pango markup string. @param x: X coordinate of draw area. @param y: Y coordinate of draw area. @param w: Width of draw area. @param h: Height of draw area. @param text_size: Text size, default is DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE. @param text_color: Text color, default is \"#000000\". @param text_font: Text font, default is DEFAULT_FONT. @param alignment: Font alignment option, default is pango.ALIGN_LEFT. You can set pango.ALIGN_MIDDLE or pango.ALIGN_RIGHT. @param wrap_width: Wrap width of text, default is None. @param underline: Whether draw underline for text, default is False. @param vertical_alignment: Vertical alignment value, default is TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, can use below value: - TEXT_ALIGN_TOP - TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE - TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM @param clip_line_count: The line number to clip text area, if set 2, all lines that above 2 will clip out, default is None. @param ellipsize: Ellipsize style of text when text width longer than draw area, it can use below value: - pango.ELLIPSIZE_START - pango.ELLIPSIZE_CENTER - pango.ELLIPSIZE_END ''' with cairo_state(cr): # Set color. cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(text_color)) # Create pangocairo context. context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cr) # Set layout. layout = context.create_layout() layout.set_font_description( pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % (text_font, text_size))) layout.set_markup(markup) layout.set_alignment(alignment) if wrap_width == None: layout.set_single_paragraph_mode(True) layout.set_width(w * pango.SCALE) layout.set_ellipsize(ellipsize) else: layout.set_width(wrap_width * pango.SCALE) layout.set_wrap(pango.WRAP_WORD) (text_width, text_height) = layout.get_pixel_size() if underline: if alignment == pango.ALIGN_LEFT: cr.rectangle(x, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) elif alignment == pango.ALIGN_CENTER: cr.rectangle(x + (w - text_width) / 2, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) else: cr.rectangle(x + w - text_width, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) cr.fill() # Set render y coordinate. if vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_TOP: render_y = y elif vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE: render_y = y + max(0, (h - text_height) / 2) else: render_y = y + max(0, h - text_height) # Clip area. if clip_line_count: line_count = layout.get_line_count() if line_count > 0: line_height = text_height / line_count cr.rectangle(x, render_y, text_width, line_height * clip_line_count) cr.clip() # Draw text. cr.move_to(x, render_y) context.update_layout(layout) context.show_layout(layout)
def render_hyperlink_support_text(obj, cr, markup, x, y, w, h, text_size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, text_color="#000000", text_font=DEFAULT_FONT, alignment=pango.ALIGN_LEFT, wrap_width=None, underline=False, vertical_alignment=TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, clip_line_count=None, ellipsize=pango.ELLIPSIZE_END, ): with cairo_state(cr): # Set color. cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(text_color)) # Create pangocairo context. context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cr) # Set layout. layout = context.create_layout() layout.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % (text_font, text_size))) layout.set_markup(markup) layout.set_alignment(alignment) if wrap_width == None: layout.set_single_paragraph_mode(True) layout.set_width(w * pango.SCALE) layout.set_ellipsize(ellipsize) else: layout.set_width(wrap_width * pango.SCALE) layout.set_wrap(pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR) (text_width, text_height) = layout.get_pixel_size() if underline: if alignment == pango.ALIGN_LEFT: cr.rectangle(x, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) elif alignment == pango.ALIGN_CENTER: cr.rectangle(x + (w - text_width) / 2, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) else: cr.rectangle(x + w - text_width, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) cr.fill() # Set render y coordinate. if vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_TOP: render_y = y elif vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE: render_y = y + max(0, (h - text_height) / 2) else: render_y = y + max(0, h - text_height) # Clip area. if clip_line_count: line_count = layout.get_line_count() if line_count > 0: line_height = text_height / line_count cr.rectangle(x, render_y, text_width, clip_line_count * line_height) cr.clip() # Draw text. cr.move_to(x, render_y) context.update_layout(layout) context.show_layout(layout) get_pointer_hand_rectangles(obj, markup, layout, x, render_y)
def draw_loading(self, cr, rect): with cairo_state(cr): cr.translate(rect.x + 18 , rect.y + 15) cr.rotate(radians(60*self.position)) cr.translate(-18, -15) draw_pixbuf(cr, self.loading_pixbuf.get_pixbuf(), 10 , 7)
def render(self, cr, rect): # Draw icon. self.init_pkg_icon_pixbuf() draw_pixbuf( cr, self.pkg_icon_pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + (ICON_SIZE - self.pkg_icon_width) / 2, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y) # Draw button. name = "" draw_str = "" if self.install_status == "uninstalled": name = "button/install_small" elif self.install_status == "unknown": draw_str = _("Not found") else: if self.desktops: name = "button/start_small" else: draw_str = _("Installed") if name: pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf( "%s_%s.png" % (name, button_status_dict[self.button_status])).get_pixbuf() draw_pixbuf( cr, pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y + self.DRAW_ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_BUTTON_PADDING_Y) else: str_width, str_height = get_content_size(draw_str, 10) draw_text( cr, draw_str, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y + self.DRAW_ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_BUTTON_PADDING_Y, rect.width, str_height, wrap_width=rect.width, ) # Draw name. self.text_width = rect.width - self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT - self.DRAW_PADDING_RIGHT - self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X - self.pkg_icon_width self.pkg_name_area.render( cr, self.alias_name, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, NAME_SIZE)) # Draw star. self.star_buffer.render( cr, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_STAR_PADDING_Y, STAR_SIZE * 5, STAR_SIZE)) # Draw long desc. long_desc_height = 32 if self.short_desc == None: self.short_desc = "FIX ME" with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, ) cr.clip() draw_text( cr, self.short_desc, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, wrap_width=self.text_width, )
def render(self, cr, rect): ''' Render item. This is IconView interface, you should implement it. ''' # Draw background. if self.highlight_flag: with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(self.highlight_fill_color)) cr.rectangle(rect.x + self.hover_offset, rect.y + self.hover_offset, rect.width - self.hover_offset * 2, rect.height - self.hover_offset * 2) cr.fill_preserve() cr.set_line_width(1) cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(self.highlight_stroke_color)) cr.stroke() elif self.hover_flag: with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(self.hover_fill_dcolor.get_color())) cr.rectangle(rect.x + self.hover_offset, rect.y + self.hover_offset, rect.width - self.hover_offset * 2, rect.height - self.hover_offset * 2) cr.fill_preserve() cr.set_line_width(1) cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(self.hover_stroke_dcolor.get_color())) cr.stroke() # Draw wallpapers. if self.pixbufs == []: wallpaper_paths = self.theme.get_wallpaper_paths()[:3] wallpaper_paths = wallpaper_paths[::-1] for wallpaper_file in wallpaper_paths: self.pixbufs.append(get_optimum_pixbuf_from_file(wallpaper_file, self.wallpaper_width, self.wallpaper_height)) theme_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, rect.width, rect.height) theme_surface_cr = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(theme_surface)) with cairo_state(theme_surface_cr): reflection_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.wallpaper_width + self.wallpaper_frame_size * 2 + 2, self.reflection_height) reflection_surface_cr = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(reflection_surface)) wallpaper_x = self.wallpaper_offset_x wallpaper_y = self.wallpaper_offset_y for (index, pixbuf) in enumerate(self.pixbufs): wallpaper_draw_x = wallpaper_x - 3 * self.wallpaper_render_offset + \ (len(self.pixbufs) - index) * self.wallpaper_render_offset wallpaper_draw_y = wallpaper_y + 3 * self.wallpaper_render_offset - \ (len(self.pixbufs) - index) * self.wallpaper_render_offset self.render_wallpaper(theme_surface_cr, pixbuf, wallpaper_draw_x, wallpaper_draw_y) if index == len(self.pixbufs) - 1: self.render_wallpaper(reflection_surface_cr, pixbuf, self.wallpaper_frame_size + 1, self.wallpaper_frame_size + 1, True) i = 0 while (i <= self.reflection_height): with cairo_state(theme_surface_cr): theme_surface_cr.rectangle( wallpaper_draw_x - self.wallpaper_frame_size - 1, wallpaper_draw_y + self.wallpaper_height + self.wallpaper_frame_size + i, self.wallpaper_width + self.wallpaper_frame_size * 2 + 2, 1) theme_surface_cr.clip() theme_surface_cr.set_source_surface( reflection_surface, wallpaper_draw_x - self.wallpaper_frame_size - 1, wallpaper_draw_y + self.wallpaper_frame_size + self.wallpaper_height ) theme_surface_cr.paint_with_alpha(1.0 - (math.sin(i * math.pi / 2 / self.reflection_height))) i += 1 # Paint wallpapers. cr.set_source_surface(theme_surface, rect.x, rect.y) cr.paint() ''' # Init window coordiante. window_frame_x = rect.x + self.window_frame_padding_x window_frame_y = rect.y + self.window_frame_padding_y # Paint gaussian area. gaussian_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.window_frame_width, self.window_frame_height) gaussian_surface_cr = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(gaussian_surface)) gaussian_surface_cr.set_source_surface(theme_surface, -self.window_frame_padding_x, -self.window_frame_padding_y) gaussian_surface_cr.paint() dtk_cairo_blur.gaussian_blur(gaussian_surface, 3) cr.set_source_surface(gaussian_surface, window_frame_x, window_frame_y) cr.paint() # Draw window frame. cr.set_source_rgba(*alpha_color_hex_to_cairo((COLOR_NAME_DICT[self.theme.get_color()], 0.5))) cr.rectangle(window_frame_x + 1, window_frame_y, self.window_frame_width - 2, 1) cr.rectangle(window_frame_x, window_frame_y + 1, self.window_frame_width, self.window_frame_height - 2) cr.rectangle(window_frame_x + 1, window_frame_y + self.window_frame_height - 1, self.window_frame_width - 2, 1) cr.fill() draw_window_frame(cr, window_frame_x, window_frame_y, self.window_frame_width, self.window_frame_height, ui_theme.get_alpha_color("window_frame_outside_1"), ui_theme.get_alpha_color("window_frame_outside_2"), ui_theme.get_alpha_color("window_frame_outside_3"), ui_theme.get_alpha_color("window_frame_inside_1"), ui_theme.get_alpha_color("window_frame_inside_2"), ) ''' draw_text(cr,, rect.x, rect.y + self.window_frame_padding_y + self.window_frame_height + self.title_padding_y, rect.width, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, self.title_size, alignment=pango.ALIGN_CENTER )
def render(self, cr, rect): # Draw icon. self.init_pkg_icon_pixbuf() draw_pixbuf( cr, self.pkg_icon_pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + (ICON_SIZE - self.pkg_icon_width) / 2, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y) # Draw button. name = "" draw_str = "" if self.install_status == "uninstalled": name = "button/install_small" elif self.install_status == "unknown": draw_str = _("Not found") else: desktops = json.loads(self.install_status) if desktops: name = "button/start_small" self.desktops = self.data_manager.get_pkg_desktop_info(desktops) else: draw_str = _("Installed") if name: if self.button_status == BUTTON_NORMAL: status = "normal" elif self.button_status == BUTTON_HOVER: status = "hover" elif self.button_status == BUTTON_PRESS: status = "press" pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("%s_%s.png" % (name, status)).get_pixbuf() draw_pixbuf( cr, pixbuf, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y + self.DRAW_ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_BUTTON_PADDING_Y) else: str_width, str_height = get_content_size(draw_str, 10) draw_text( cr, draw_str, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y + self.DRAW_ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_BUTTON_PADDING_Y, rect.width, str_height, wrap_width=rect.width, ) # Draw name. self.text_width = rect.width - self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT - self.DRAW_PADDING_RIGHT - self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X - self.pkg_icon_width self.pkg_name_area.render( cr, self.alias_name, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, NAME_SIZE)) # Draw star. self.star_buffer.render( cr, gtk.gdk.Rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_STAR_PADDING_Y, STAR_SIZE * 5, STAR_SIZE )) # Draw long desc. long_desc_height = 32 if self.short_desc == None: self.short_desc = "FIX ME" with cairo_state(cr): cr.rectangle( rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, ) cr.clip() draw_text( cr, self.short_desc, rect.x + self.DRAW_PADDING_LEFT + ICON_SIZE + self.DRAW_INFO_PADDING_X, rect.y + self.DRAW_LONG_DESC_PADDING_Y, self.text_width, long_desc_height, wrap_width=self.text_width, )
def draw_loading(self, cr, rect): with cairo_state(cr): cr.translate(rect.x + rect.width*0.5 , rect.y + rect.height * 0.5) cr.rotate(radians(60*self.position)) cr.translate(-rect.width* 0.5, -rect.height * 0.5) draw_pixbuf(cr, self.loading_pixbuf.get_pixbuf(), 10, 7)
def draw_loading(self, cr, rect): with cairo_state(cr): cr.translate(rect.x + 18, rect.y + 15) cr.rotate(radians(self.position)) cr.translate(-18, -15) draw_pixbuf(cr, self.loading_pixbuf.get_pixbuf(), 10, 7)
def render_text( cr, markup, x, y, w, h, text_size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, text_color="#000000", text_font=DEFAULT_FONT, alignment=pango.ALIGN_LEFT, wrap_width=None, underline=False, vertical_alignment=TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, clip_line_count=None, ellipsize=pango.ELLIPSIZE_END, ): """ Render text for function L{ I{draw_text} <draw_text>}, you can use this function individually. @param cr: Cairo context. @param markup: Pango markup string. @param x: X coordinate of draw area. @param y: Y coordinate of draw area. @param w: Width of draw area. @param h: Height of draw area. @param text_size: Text size, default is DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE. @param text_color: Text color, default is \"#000000\". @param text_font: Text font, default is DEFAULT_FONT. @param alignment: Font alignment option, default is pango.ALIGN_LEFT. You can set pango.ALIGN_MIDDLE or pango.ALIGN_RIGHT. @param wrap_width: Wrap width of text, default is None. @param underline: Whether draw underline for text, default is False. @param vertical_alignment: Vertical alignment value, default is TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, can use below value: - TEXT_ALIGN_TOP - TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE - TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM @param clip_line_count: The line number to clip text area, if set 2, all lines that above 2 will clip out, default is None. @param ellipsize: Ellipsize style of text when text width longer than draw area, it can use below value: - pango.ELLIPSIZE_START - pango.ELLIPSIZE_CENTER - pango.ELLIPSIZE_END """ with cairo_state(cr): # Set color. cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo(text_color)) # Create pangocairo context. context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cr) # Set layout. layout = context.create_layout() layout.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription("%s %s" % (text_font, text_size))) layout.set_markup(markup) layout.set_alignment(alignment) if wrap_width == None: layout.set_single_paragraph_mode(True) layout.set_width(w * pango.SCALE) layout.set_ellipsize(ellipsize) else: layout.set_width(wrap_width * pango.SCALE) layout.set_wrap(pango.WRAP_WORD) (text_width, text_height) = layout.get_pixel_size() if underline: if alignment == pango.ALIGN_LEFT: cr.rectangle(x, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) elif alignment == pango.ALIGN_CENTER: cr.rectangle(x + (w - text_width) / 2, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) else: cr.rectangle(x + w - text_width, y + text_height + (h - text_height) / 2, text_width, 1) cr.fill() # Set render y coordinate. if vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_TOP: render_y = y elif vertical_alignment == TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE: render_y = y + max(0, (h - text_height) / 2) else: render_y = y + max(0, h - text_height) # Clip area. if clip_line_count: line_count = layout.get_line_count() if line_count > 0: line_height = text_height / line_count cr.rectangle(x, render_y, text_width, line_height * clip_line_count) cr.clip() # Draw text. cr.move_to(x, render_y) context.update_layout(layout) context.show_layout(layout)