Example #1
def _openingpathiterator(pathnames: Iterable[str]):
    """Utility function to efficiently open all paths.

    A path is a potential file or directory.
    Each path will be opened with :meth:`dxtbx.format.Format.open_file`,
    but in order to do so each file will only be opened once, and extraneous
    use of :func:`os.stat` will be avoided.
    Any path entries that are a directory will be recursed into, once -
    any further directories found will be ignored. Any path that is not
    a file or directory, or on which IO fails for any reason, will still
    be returned.

        pathnames: Paths to attempt to open

    # Store a tuple of (recurse, pathname) to track what was root level
    paths = collections.deque((True, x) for x in sorted(pathnames))

    while paths:
        # Get the next path from the queue
        (do_recurse, pathname) = paths.popleft()
        pathname = os.fspath(pathname)
            # Attempt to open this 'path'
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EISDIR:
                if do_recurse:
                    # We've tried to open a directory. Get all the entries...
                    subdir_paths = sorted(
                        os.path.join(pathname, x)
                        for x in os.listdir(pathname))
                    # ... and add them to our queue. Make sure not to mark for recursion
                        (False, x) for x in reversed(subdir_paths))
                    logger.debug("Adding %d files from %s", len(subdir_paths),
                    logger.debug("Not adding sub-level directory entry %s",
                # Don't return directory instances
                # A non-directory-related IO error
                logger.debug("Could not import %s: %s", pathname,

        yield pathname
Example #2
  def understand(image_file):
    '''See if this looks like an RAXIS format image - clue is first
    5 letters of file should be RAXIS.'''

    if Format.open_file(image_file).read(5) == 'RAXIS':
      return True

    return False
Example #3
  def understand(image_file):
    '''See if this looks like an RAXIS format image - clue is first
    5 letters of file should be RAXIS.'''

    if Format.open_file(image_file).read(5) == 'RAXIS':
      return True

    return False
Example #4
    def _start(self):
        self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

        if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ["SGI", "IRIS"]:
            self._f = ">f"
            self._i = ">i"
            self._f = "<f"
            self._i = "<i"
Example #5
  def _start(self):
    self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

    if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
      self._f = '>f'
      self._i = '>i'
      self._f = '<f'
      self._i = '<i'
Example #6
    def _start(self):
        self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

        if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
            self._f = '>f'
            self._i = '>i'
            self._f = '<f'
            self._i = '<i'
    def _start(self):
        with Format.open_file(self._image_file) as fh:
            self._header_bytes = fh.read(1024)

        if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in (b"SGI", b"IRIS"):
            self._f = ">f"
            self._i = ">i"
            self._f = "<f"
            self._i = "<i"
Example #8
def read_basic_tiff_header(filename):
    """Read the TIFF header (assuming for the moment a 4k header...) and
    return ... something."""

    # things we hope to learn from the vanilla TIFF header

    image_width = None
    image_height = None
    image_depth = None
    header_size = None

    with Format.open_file(filename, "rb") as fh:
        tiff_header = fh.read(1024)
    byte_order = _tiff_byte_order(tiff_header[:4])
    if not byte_order:
        return False

    if byte_order == LITTLE_ENDIAN:
        _I = "<I"
        _H = "<H"
        _I = ">I"
        _H = ">H"

    offset = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[4:8])[0]

    ntags = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[offset:offset + 2])[0]
    start = offset + 2

    for j in range(ntags):
        type_desc = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start + 2])[0]
        start += 2
        type_type = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start + 2])[0]
        start += 2
        # type_size = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[start : start + 4])[0]
        start += 4
        if type_type == 4:
            type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[start:start +
            start += 4
        elif type_type == 3:
            type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start +
            start += 4

        if type_desc == 256:
            image_width = type_offset_or_value
        elif type_desc == 257:
            image_height = type_offset_or_value
        elif type_desc == 258:
            image_depth = type_offset_or_value
        elif type_desc == 273:
            header_size = type_offset_or_value

    return image_width, image_height, image_depth, header_size, byte_order
Example #9
def read_basic_tiff_header(filename):
  '''Read the TIFF header (assuming for the moment a 4k header...) and
  return ... something.'''

  # things we hope to learn from the vanilla TIFF header

  image_width = None
  image_height = None
  image_depth = None
  header_size = None
  byte_order = None

  # OK then let's get started - and let's assume that the size is > 1 kb

  byte_order = tiff_byte_order(filename)
  tiff_header = Format.open_file(filename, 'rb').read(1024)

  if byte_order == LITTLE_ENDIAN:
    _I = '<I'
    _H = '<H'
    _I = '>I'
    _H = '>H'

  offset = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[4:8])[0]

  ntags = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[offset:offset + 2])[0]
  start = offset + 2

  for j in range(ntags):
    type_desc = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start + 2])[0]
    start += 2
    type_type = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start + 2])[0]
    start += 2
    type_size = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[start:start + 4])[0]
    start += 4
    if type_type == 4:
      type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(
          _I, tiff_header[start:start + 4])[0]
      start += 4
    elif type_type == 3:
      type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(
          _H, tiff_header[start:start + 2])[0]
      start += 4

    if type_desc == 256:
      image_width = type_offset_or_value
    elif type_desc == 257:
      image_height = type_offset_or_value
    elif type_desc == 258:
      image_depth = type_offset_or_value
    elif type_desc == 273:
      header_size = type_offset_or_value

  return image_width, image_height, image_depth, header_size, byte_order
Example #10
  def _start(self):
    self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

    if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
      self._f = '>f'
      self._i = '>i'
      self._f = '<f'
      self._i = '<i'

    from iotbx.detectors.raxis import RAXISImage
    self.detectorbase = RAXISImage(self._image_file)
Example #11
def tiff_byte_order(filename):
  '''Determine the byte order for the file from the magic numbers at the
  very start of the file.'''

  four_bytes = Format.open_file(filename, 'rb').read(4)

  if 'II' in four_bytes[:2]:
    assert(struct.unpack('<H', four_bytes[2:])[0] == 42)
    return LITTLE_ENDIAN
  elif 'MM' in four_bytes[:2]:
    assert(struct.unpack('>H', four_bytes[2:])[0] == 42)
    return BIG_ENDIAN

  raise RuntimeError, '%s not recognised as TIFF' % filename
Example #12
def tiff_byte_order(filename):
    """Determine the byte order for the file from the magic numbers at the
    very start of the file."""

    four_bytes = Format.open_file(filename, "rb").read(4)

    if "II" in four_bytes[:2]:
        assert struct.unpack("<H", four_bytes[2:])[0] == 42
        return LITTLE_ENDIAN
    elif "MM" in four_bytes[:2]:
        assert struct.unpack(">H", four_bytes[2:])[0] == 42
        return BIG_ENDIAN

    raise RuntimeError("%s not recognised as TIFF" % filename)
Example #13
    def understand(image_file):
            header = Format.open_file(image_file, 'rb').read(1024)
        except IOError:
            return False

        # A few items expected to be the same from image to image that we can use
        # as a fingerprint for this instrument
        if header[0:7] != "R-AXIS4": return False

        # We expect an invalid goniometer section, indicated by wrong magic number
        if struct.unpack(">i", header[852:856]) == 1: return False

        if header[812:822].strip() != "IRIS": return False

        return True
Example #14
            type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[start:start +
            start += 4
        elif type_type == 3:
            type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(_H, tiff_header[start:start +
            start += 4
        elif type_type == 2:
            type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(_I, tiff_header[start:start +
            start += 4

        if type_desc == 270:
            start = type_offset_or_value
            end = type_offset_or_value + type_size
            header_text = tiff_header[start:end].strip()

    return header_text

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        width, height, depth, header, order = read_basic_tiff_header(arg)
        print("(%d x %d) @ %d + %d" % (width, height, depth, header))
        tiff_header = Format.open_file(arg, "rb").read(header)
        text = _read_tiff_image_description(tiff_header, order)
        if text:
            print("No text found")
Example #15
    elif type_type == 2:
      type_offset_or_value = struct.unpack(
          _I, tiff_header[start:start + 4])[0]
      start += 4

    if type_desc == 270:
      start = type_offset_or_value
      end = type_offset_or_value + type_size
      header_text = tiff_header[start:end].strip()

  return header_text

if __name__ == '__main__':

  import sys

  for arg in sys.argv[1:]:

    width, height, depth, header, order = read_basic_tiff_header(arg)

    print '(%d x %d) @ %d + %d' % (width, height, depth, header)

    tiff_header = Format.open_file(arg, 'rb').read(header)

    text = read_tiff_image_description(tiff_header, order)

    if text:
      print text
      print 'No text found'
    def understand(image_file):
        """See if this looks like an RAXIS format image - clue is first
        5 letters of file should be RAXIS."""

        with Format.open_file(image_file) as fh:
            return fh.read(5) == b"RAXIS"
Example #17
def read_emi(filename):
    """Read the meta data from an emi file.
        filename: str or pathlib.Path
            Path to the emi file.
        : dict
            Dictionary of experimental metadata stored in the EMI file.

    # check filename type
    if isinstance(filename, str):
    elif isinstance(filename, Path):
        filename = str(filename)
        raise TypeError("Filename is supposed to be a string or pathlib.Path")

    # Format.open provides transparent decompression
    with Format.open_file(filename, "rb") as f_emi:
        emi_data = f_emi.read()

    # dict to store _emi stuff
    _emi = {}

    # need anything readable from <ObjectInfo> to </ObjectInfo>
    # collect = False
    # data = b''
    # for line in f_emi:
    #    if b'<ObjectInfo>' in line:
    #        collect = True
    #    if collect:
    #        data += line.strip()
    #    if b'</ObjectInfo>' in line:
    #        collect = False

    # close the file
    # f_emi.close()

    metaStart = emi_data.find(b"<ObjectInfo>")
    metaEnd = emi_data.find(
    )  # need to add len('</ObjectInfo>') = 13 to encompass this final tag

    root = ET.fromstring(emi_data[metaStart : metaEnd + 13])

    # strip of binary stuff still around
    # data = data.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
    # matchObj = re.search('<ObjectInfo>(.+?)</ObjectInfo', data)
    # try:
    #    data = matchObj.group(1)
    # except:
    #    raise RuntimeError('Could not find _emi metadata in specified file.')

    # parse metadata as xml
    # root = ET.fromstring('<_emi>' + data + '</_emi>')

    # single items
    _emi["Uuid"] = root.findtext("Uuid")
    _emi["AcquireDate"] = root.findtext("AcquireDate")
    _emi["Manufacturer"] = root.findtext("Manufacturer")
    _emi["DetectorPixelHeight"] = root.findtext("DetectorPixelHeight")
    _emi["DetectorPixelWidth"] = root.findtext("DetectorPixelWidth")

    # Microscope Conditions
    grp = root.find("ExperimentalConditions/MicroscopeConditions")

    for elem in grp:
        _emi[elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text)

    # Experimental Description
    grp = root.find("ExperimentalDescription/Root")

    for elem in grp:
            "{} [{}]".format(elem.findtext("Label"), elem.findtext("Unit"))
        ] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.findtext("Value"))

    # AcquireInfo
    grp = root.find("AcquireInfo")

    for elem in grp:
        _emi[elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text)

    # DetectorRange
    grp = root.find("DetectorRange")

    for elem in grp:
        _emi["DetectorRange_" + elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text)

    return _emi