Example #1
  def test_ar_mle(self):
    # set up test data: a random walk
    T = 100
    z_true = np.zeros(T)
    r = 0.95
    sig = 0.01
    eta = 0.01
    for t in range(1, 100):
      z_true[t] = r * z_true[t - 1] + sig * np.random.randn()

    x_data = (z_true + eta * np.random.randn(T)).astype(np.float32)

    # use scipy to find max likelihood
    def cost(z):
      initial = z[0]**2 / sig**2
      ar = np.sum((z[1:] - r * z[:-1])**2) / sig**2
      data = np.sum((x_data - z)**2) / eta**2
      return initial + ar + data

    mle = minimize(cost, np.zeros(T)).x

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      z = AutoRegressive(T, r, sig)
      x = Normal(loc=z, scale=eta)

      qz = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.zeros(T)))
      inference = ed.MAP({z: qz}, data={x: x_data})

      self.assertAllClose(qz.eval(), mle, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, latent_vars=None, data=None, model_wrapper=None):
    latent_vars : list of RandomVariable or
                  dict of RandomVariable to RandomVariable
      Collection of random variables to perform inference on. If
      list, each random variable will be implictly optimized
      using a ``PointMass`` random variable that is defined
      internally (with unconstrained support). If dictionary, each
      random variable must be a ``PointMass`` random variable.

    Most explicitly, ``MAP`` is specified via a dictionary:

    >>> qpi = PointMass(params=ed.to_simplex(tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K-1))))
    >>> qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K*D)))
    >>> qsigma = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K*D))))
    >>> MAP({pi: qpi, mu: qmu, sigma: qsigma}, data)

    We also automate the specification of ``PointMass`` distributions,
    so one can pass in a list of latent variables instead:

    >>> MAP([beta], data)
    >>> MAP([pi, mu, sigma], data)

    Currently, ``MAP`` can only instantiate ``PointMass`` random variables
    with unconstrained support. To constrain their support, one must
    manually pass in the ``PointMass`` family.
        if isinstance(latent_vars, list):
            with tf.variable_scope("posterior"):
                if model_wrapper is None:
                    latent_vars = {
                        rv: PointMass(params=tf.Variable(
                        for rv in latent_vars
                elif len(latent_vars) == 1:
                    latent_vars = {
                elif len(latent_vars) == 0:
                    latent_vars = {}
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "A list of more than one element is "
                        "not supported. See documentation.")
        elif isinstance(latent_vars, dict):
            for qz in six.itervalues(latent_vars):
                if not isinstance(qz, PointMass):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Posterior approximation must consist of only "
                        "PointMass random variables.")

        super(MAP, self).__init__(latent_vars, data, model_wrapper)
Example #3
    def run(self, adj_mat, n_iter=1000):
        assert adj_mat.shape[0] == adj_mat.shape[1]
        n_node = adj_mat.shape[0]

        # model
        gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([self.n_cluster]))
        Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([self.n_cluster, self.n_cluster]),
                  concentration1=tf.ones([self.n_cluster, self.n_cluster]))
        Z = Multinomial(total_count=1., probs=gamma, sample_shape=n_node)
        X = Bernoulli(probs=tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))

        # inference (point estimation)
        qgamma = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(
        qPi = PointMass(params=tf.nn.sigmoid(
            tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.n_cluster, self.n_cluster]))))
        qZ = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(
            tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_node, self.n_cluster]))))

        # map estimation
        inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: adj_mat})


        for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
            info_dict = inference.update()
        return qZ.mean().eval().argmax(axis=1)
Example #4
def _test(params, n):
    rv = PointMass(params=params)
    rv_sample = rv.sample(n)
    x = rv_sample.eval()
    x_tf = tf.constant(x, dtype=tf.float32)
    params = params.eval()
    assert np.allclose(
        rv.log_prob(x_tf).eval(), pointmass_logpmf_vec(x, params))
Example #5
  def __init__(self, latent_vars, data=None, model_wrapper=None):
    latent_vars : list of RandomVariable or
                  dict of RandomVariable to RandomVariable
      Collection of random variables to perform inference on. If
      list, each random variable will be implictly optimized
      using a ``PointMass`` distribution that is defined
      internally (with support matching each random variable).

    Most explicitly, MAP is specified via a dictionary:

    >>> qpi = PointMass(params=ed.to_simplex(tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K-1))))
    >>> qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K*D)))
    >>> qsigma = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(tf.zeros(K*D))))
    >>> MAP({pi: qpi, mu: qmu, sigma: qsigma}, data)

    We also automate the specification of ``PointMass`` distributions
    (with matching support), so one can pass in a list of latent
    variables instead:

    >>> MAP([beta], {X: np.array(), y: np.array()})
    >>> MAP([pi, mu, sigma], {x: np.array()}

    However, for model wrappers, the list can only have one element:

    >>> MAP(['z'], data, model_wrapper)

    For example, the following is not supported:

    >>> MAP(['pi', 'mu', 'sigma'], data, model_wrapper)

    This is because internally with model wrappers, we have no way
    of knowing the dimensions in which to optimize each
    distribution; further, we do not know their support. For more
    than one random variable, or for constrained support, one must
    explicitly pass in the point mass distributions.
    if isinstance(latent_vars, list):
      with tf.variable_scope("variational"):
        if model_wrapper is None:
          latent_vars = {rv: PointMass(
              for rv in latent_vars}
        elif len(latent_vars) == 1:
          latent_vars = {latent_vars[0]: PointMass(
        elif len(latent_vars) == 0:
          latent_vars = {}
          raise NotImplementedError("A list of more than one element is "
                                    "not supported. See documentation.")

    super(MAP, self).__init__(latent_vars, data, model_wrapper)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, model, data=Data(), transform=tf.identity):
        if hasattr(model, 'num_vars'):
            variational = Variational()
            variational.add(PointMass(model.num_vars, transform))
            variational = Variational()
            variational.add(PointMass(0, transform))

        VariationalInference.__init__(self, model, variational, data)
Example #7
def _test(shape, n):
    rv = PointMass(shape, params=tf.zeros(shape)+0.5)
    rv_sample = rv.sample(n)
    x = rv_sample.eval()
    x_tf = tf.constant(x, dtype=tf.float32)
    params = rv.params.eval()
    for idx in range(shape[0]):
        assert np.allclose(
            rv.log_prob_idx((idx, ), x_tf).eval(),
            pointmass_logpmf_vec(x[:, idx], params[idx]))
Example #8
    def __init__(self, model, data=None, params=None):
        with tf.variable_scope("variational"):
            if hasattr(model, 'n_vars'):
                variational = Variational()
                variational.add(PointMass(model.n_vars, params))
                variational = Variational()

        super(MAP, self).__init__(model, variational, data)
Example #9
    def test_normalnormal_run(self):
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

            mu = Normal(mu=0.0, sigma=1.0)
            x = Normal(mu=tf.ones(50) * mu, sigma=1.0)

            qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

            # analytic solution: N(mu=0.0, sigma=\sqrt{1/51}=0.140)
            inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

            self.assertAllClose(qmu.mean().eval(), 0)
Example #10
  def test_normalnormal_run(self):
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

      mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
      x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

      qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

      # analytic solution: N(loc=0.0, scale=\sqrt{1/51}=0.140)
      inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

      self.assertAllClose(qmu.mean().eval(), 0)
Example #11
  def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # Store latent variables in a temporary attribute; MAP will
    # optimize ``PointMass`` random variables, which subsequently
    # optimizes mean parameters of the normal approximations.
    latent_vars_normal = self.latent_vars.copy()
    self.latent_vars = {z: PointMass(params=qz.loc)
                        for z, qz in six.iteritems(latent_vars_normal)}

    super(Laplace, self).initialize(*args, **kwargs)

    hessians = tf.hessians(self.loss, list(six.itervalues(self.latent_vars)))
    self.finalize_ops = []
    for z, hessian in zip(six.iterkeys(self.latent_vars), hessians):
      qz = latent_vars_normal[z]
      if isinstance(qz, (MultivariateNormalDiag, Normal)):
        scale_var = get_variables(qz.variance())[0]
        scale = 1.0 / tf.diag_part(hessian)
      else:  # qz is MultivariateNormalTriL
        scale_var = get_variables(qz.covariance())[0]
        scale = tf.matrix_inverse(tf.cholesky(hessian))


    self.latent_vars = latent_vars_normal.copy()
    del latent_vars_normal
Example #12
    def __init__(self, latent_vars=None, data=None):
        """Create an inference algorithm.

      latent_vars: list of RandomVariable or
                   dict of RandomVariable to RandomVariable.
        Collection of random variables to perform inference on. If
        list, each random variable will be implictly optimized
        using a `PointMass` random variable that is defined
        internally (with unconstrained support). If dictionary, each
        value in the dictionary must be a `PointMass` random variable.
        if isinstance(latent_vars, list):
            with tf.variable_scope(None, default_name="posterior"):
                latent_vars = {
                    rv: PointMass(
                    for rv in latent_vars
        elif isinstance(latent_vars, dict):
            for qz in six.itervalues(latent_vars):
                if not isinstance(qz, PointMass):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Posterior approximation must consist of only "
                        "PointMass random variables.")

        super(MAP, self).__init__(latent_vars, data)
Example #13
    def train(self, n_iter=1000):
        D = len(self.team_num_map.keys())
        N = self.xs.shape[0]
        with tf.name_scope('model'):
            self.X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [N, D])
            self.w1 = Normal(loc=tf.zeros(D), scale=tf.ones(D))
            # self.b1 = Normal(loc=tf.zeros(1), scale=tf.ones(1))
            self.y1 = Poisson(rate=tf.exp(ed.dot(self.X, self.w1)))

        with tf.name_scope('posterior'):
            if self.inf_type == 'Var':
                self.qw1 = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qw1_ll/loc", [D]),
                                      tf.get_variable("qw1_ll/scale", [D])))
                # self.qb1 = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qb1/loc", [1]),
                #                  scale=tf.nn.softplus(tf.get_variable("qb1/scale",
                #                                                        [1])))
            elif self.inf_type == 'MAP':
                self.qw1 = PointMass(
                    Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qw1_ll/loc", [D]),
                               tf.get_variable("qw1_ll/scale", [D]))))

        if self.inf_type == 'Var':
            inference = ed.ReparameterizationKLqp({self.w1: self.qw1},
                                                      self.X: self.xs,
                                                      self.y1: self.ys
        elif self.inf_type == 'MAP':
            inference = ed.MAP({self.w1: self.qw1},
                                   self.X: self.xs,
                                   self.y1: self.ys
            learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08),

        self.loss = np.empty(n_iter, dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(n_iter):
            info_dict = inference.update()
            self.loss[i] = info_dict["loss"]

        self._trained = True

        graph = tf.get_default_graph()
        self.team_skill = graph.get_tensor_by_name("qw1_ll/loc:0").eval()
        self.perf_variance = graph.get_tensor_by_name("qw1_ll/scale:0").eval()
        # self.bias = (graph.get_tensor_by_name("qb1/loc:0").eval(),
        #              graph.get_tensor_by_name("qb2/loc:0").eval())

        self.y_post = ed.copy(self.y1, {self.w1: self.qw1})
Example #14
def mmsb(N, K, data):
    # sparsity
    rho = 0.3
    # MODEL
    # probability of belonging to each of K blocks for each node
    gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([K]))
    # block connectivity
    Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([K, K]), concentration1=tf.ones([K, K]))
    # probability of belonging to each of K blocks for all nodes
    Z = Multinomial(total_count=1.0, probs=gamma, sample_shape=N)
    # adjacency
    X = Bernoulli(probs=(1 - rho) *
                  tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))

    # INFERENCE (EM algorithm)
    qgamma = PointMass(
    qPi = PointMass(
        params=tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K, K]))))
    qZ = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([N, K]))))

    #qgamma = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qgamma/loc", [K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qgamma/scale", [K])))
    #qPi = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qPi/loc", [K, K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qPi/scale", [K, K])))
    #qZ = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qZ/loc", [N, K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qZ/scale", [N, K])))

    #inference = ed.KLqp({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: data})
    inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: data})

    n_iter = 6000


    for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
        info_dict = inference.update()

    print('qgamma after: ', qgamma.mean().eval())
    return qZ.mean().eval(), qPi.eval()
Example #15
 def initialize(self, var_list=None, *args, **kwargs):
     # Store latent variables in a temporary attribute; MAP will
     # optimize ``PointMass`` random variables, which subsequently
     # optimizes mean parameters of the normal approximations.
     self.latent_vars_normal = self.latent_vars.copy()
     self.latent_vars = {
         z: PointMass(params=qz.mu)
         for z, qz in six.iteritems(self.latent_vars_normal)
     super(Laplace, self).initialize(var_list, *args, **kwargs)
    def test_export_meta_graph(self):
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

            mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
            x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

            qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

            inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

            saver = tf.train.Saver()
Example #17
  def test_normalnormal_regularization(self):
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      x_data = np.array([5.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

      mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
      x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

      qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

      inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})
      mu_val = qmu.mean().eval()

      # regularized solution
      regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(scale=1.0)
      mu_reg = tf.get_variable("mu_reg", shape=[],
      x_reg = Normal(loc=mu_reg, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

      inference_reg = ed.MAP(None, data={x_reg: x_data})

      mu_reg_val = mu_reg.eval()
      self.assertAllClose(mu_val, mu_reg_val)
    def test_map_custom(self):
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            x = Gamma(2.0, 0.5)
            qx = PointMass(tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(0.5)))

            inference = ed.MAP({x: qx})
            inference.initialize(auto_transform=True, n_iter=500)
            for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
                info_dict = inference.update()

            # Check approximation on constrained space has same mode as
            # target distribution.
            stats = sess.run([x.mode(), qx])
            self.assertAllClose(stats[0], stats[1], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
    def test_save(self):
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

            mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
            x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

            with tf.variable_scope("posterior"):
                qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

            inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            saver.save(sess, "/tmp/test_saver")
Example #20
def main(_):

  # DATA
  X_data, Z_true = karate("~/data")
  N = X_data.shape[0]  # number of vertices
  K = 2  # number of clusters

  gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([K]))
  Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([K, K]), concentration1=tf.ones([K, K]))
  Z = Multinomial(total_count=1.0, probs=gamma, sample_shape=N)
  X = Bernoulli(probs=tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))

  # INFERENCE (EM algorithm)
  qgamma = PointMass(tf.nn.softmax(tf.get_variable("qgamma/params", [K])))
  qPi = PointMass(tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.get_variable("qPi/params", [K, K])))
  qZ = PointMass(tf.nn.softmax(tf.get_variable("qZ/params", [N, K])))

  inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: X_data})


  for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
    info_dict = inference.update()

  Z_pred = qZ.mean().eval().argmax(axis=1)
  print("Result (label flip can happen):")
  print("Adjusted Rand Index =", adjusted_rand_score(Z_pred, Z_true))
Example #21
def main(_):

    # DATA
    X_data, Z_true = karate("~/data")
    N = X_data.shape[0]  # number of vertices
    K = 2  # number of clusters

    # MODEL
    gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([K]))
    Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([K, K]), concentration1=tf.ones([K, K]))
    Z = Multinomial(total_count=1.0, probs=gamma, sample_shape=N)
    X = Bernoulli(probs=tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))

    # INFERENCE (EM algorithm)
    qgamma = PointMass(tf.nn.softmax(tf.get_variable("qgamma/params", [K])))
    qPi = PointMass(tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.get_variable("qPi/params", [K, K])))
    qZ = PointMass(tf.nn.softmax(tf.get_variable("qZ/params", [N, K])))

    inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: X_data})


    for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
        info_dict = inference.update()

    Z_pred = qZ.mean().eval().argmax(axis=1)
    print("Result (label flip can happen):")
    print("Adjusted Rand Index =", adjusted_rand_score(Z_pred, Z_true))
    def test_restore(self):
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

            mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
            x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

            with tf.variable_scope("posterior"):
                qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

            inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            saver.restore(sess, "tests/data/test_saver")
            qmu_variable = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,
            self.assertNotEqual(qmu_variable.eval(), 1.0)
Example #23
    def __init__(self, latent_vars=None, data=None):
        """Create an inference algorithm.

      latent_vars: list of RandomVariable or
                   dict of RandomVariable to RandomVariable.
        Collection of random variables to perform inference on. If
        list, each random variable will be implictly optimized using a
        `PointMass` random variable that is defined internally with
        constrained support, has unconstrained free parameters, and is
        initialized using standard normal draws. If dictionary, each
        value in the dictionary must be a `PointMass` random variable
        with the same support as the key.
        if isinstance(latent_vars, list):
            with tf.variable_scope(None, default_name="posterior"):
                latent_vars_dict = {}
                for z in latent_vars:
                    # Define point masses to have constrained support and
                    # unconstrained free parameters.
                    batch_event_shape = z.batch_shape.concatenate(
                    params = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(batch_event_shape))
                    if hasattr(z, 'support'):
                        z_transform = transform(z)
                        if hasattr(z_transform, 'bijector'):
                            params = z_transform.bijector.inverse(params)
                    latent_vars_dict[z] = PointMass(params=params)
                latent_vars = latent_vars_dict
                del latent_vars_dict
        elif isinstance(latent_vars, dict):
            for qz in six.itervalues(latent_vars):
                if not isinstance(qz, PointMass):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Posterior approximation must consist of only "
                        "PointMass random variables.")

        super(MAP, self).__init__(latent_vars, data)
Example #24
def mmsb(N, K, data):
    # sparsity
    rho = 0.3
    # MODEL
    # probability of belonging to each of K blocks for each node
    gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([K]))
    # block connectivity
    Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([K, K]), concentration1=tf.ones([K, K]))
    # probability of belonging to each of K blocks for all nodes
    Z = Multinomial(total_count=1.0, probs=gamma, sample_shape=N)
    # adjacency
    X = Bernoulli(probs=(1 - rho) * tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))
    # INFERENCE (EM algorithm)
    qgamma = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K]))))
    qPi = PointMass(params=tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K, K]))))
    qZ = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([N, K]))))
    #qgamma = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qgamma/loc", [K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qgamma/scale", [K])))
    #qPi = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qPi/loc", [K, K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qPi/scale", [K, K])))
    #qZ = Normal(loc=tf.get_variable("qZ/loc", [N, K]),
    #                scale=tf.nn.softplus(
    #                        tf.get_variable("qZ/scale", [N, K])))
    #inference = ed.KLqp({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: data})
    inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: data})
    n_iter = 6000
    inference.initialize(optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01), n_iter=n_iter)
    for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
        info_dict = inference.update()
    print('qgamma after: ', qgamma.mean().eval())
    return qZ.mean().eval(), qPi.eval()
            if not (self.interaction == "additive"
                    or self.prior == "Lognormal"):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Rate of Poisson has to be nonnegatve.")

            log_lik = tf.reduce_sum(poisson.logpmf(xs['x'], xp))
            raise NotImplementedError("likelihood not available.")

        return log_lik + log_prior

x_train = np.load('data/celegans_brain.npy')

K = 3
model = MatrixFactorization(K, n_rows=x_train.shape[0])

qz = PointMass(

data = {'x': x_train}
inference = ed.MAP({'z': qz}, data, model)
# Alternatively, run
# qz_mu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([model.n_vars]))
# qz_sigma = tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([model.n_vars])))
# qz = Normal(mu=qz_mu, sigma=qz_sigma)
# inference = ed.MFVI({'z': qz}, data, model)

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Generate `test_saver`."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import edward as ed
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from edward.models import Normal, PointMass

x_data = np.array([0.0] * 50, dtype=np.float32)

mu = Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
x = Normal(loc=mu, scale=1.0, sample_shape=50)

with tf.variable_scope("posterior"):
  qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(1.0))

inference = ed.MAP({mu: qmu}, data={x: x_data})

sess = ed.get_session()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.save(sess, "test_saver")
def bayes_mult_cmd(table_file, metadata_file, formula, output_file):

    #metadata = _type_cast_to_float(metadata.copy())
    metadata = pd.read_table(metadata_file, index_col=0)
    G_data = dmatrix(formula, metadata, return_type='dataframe')
    table = load_table(table_file)

    # basic filtering parameters
    soil_filter = lambda val, id_, md: id_ in metadata.index
    read_filter = lambda val, id_, md: np.sum(val) > 10
    #sparse_filter = lambda val, id_, md: np.mean(val > 0) > 0.1
    sample_filter = lambda val, id_, md: np.sum(val) > 1000

    table = table.filter(soil_filter, axis='sample')
    table = table.filter(sample_filter, axis='sample')
    table = table.filter(read_filter, axis='observation')
    #table = table.filter(sparse_filter, axis='observation')
    y_data = pd.DataFrame(np.array(table.matrix_data.todense()).T,

    y_data, G_data = y_data.align(G_data, axis=0, join='inner')

    psi = _gram_schmidt_basis(y_data.shape[1])
    G_data = G_data.values
    y_data = y_data.values
    N, D = y_data.shape
    p = G_data.shape[1] # number of covariates
    r = G_data.shape[1] # rank of covariance matrix

    psi = tf.convert_to_tensor(psi, dtype=tf.float32)
    n = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_data.sum(axis=1), dtype=tf.float32)

    # hack to get multinomial working
    def _sample_n(self, n=1, seed=None):
        # define Python function which returns samples as a Numpy array
        def np_sample(p, n):
            return multinomial.rvs(p=p, n=n, random_state=seed).astype(np.float32)

        # wrap python function as tensorflow op
        val = tf.py_func(np_sample, [self.probs, n], [tf.float32])[0]
        # set shape from unknown shape
        batch_event_shape = self.batch_shape.concatenate(self.event_shape)
        shape = tf.concat(
            [tf.expand_dims(n, 0), tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_event_shape)], 0)
        val = tf.reshape(val, shape)
        return val
    Multinomial._sample_n = _sample_n

    # dummy variable for gradient
    G = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [N, p])

    b = Exponential(rate=1.0)
    B = Normal(loc=tf.zeros([p, D-1]), 
               scale=tf.ones([p, D-1]) )

    # Factorization of covariance matrix
    # http://edwardlib.org/tutorials/klqp
    l = Exponential(rate=1.0)
    L = Normal(loc=tf.zeros([p, D-1]), 
               scale=tf.ones([p, D-1]) )
    z = Normal(loc=tf.zeros([N, p]), 
               scale=tf.ones([N, p]))

    # Cholesky trick to get multivariate normal
    v = tf.matmul(G, B) + tf.matmul(z, L)

    # get clr transformed values
    eta = tf.matmul(v, psi)

    Y = Multinomial(total_count=n, logits=eta)

    T = 100000  # the number of mixin samples from MCMC sampling

    qb = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([])))
    qB = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([p, D-1])))
    qz = Empirical(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([T, N, p])))
    ql = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([])))
    qL = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([p, D-1])))

    # Imputation
    inference_z = ed.SGLD(
        {z: qz}, 
        data={G: G_data, Y: y_data, B: qB, L: qL}

    # Maximization
    inference_BL = ed.MAP(
        {B: qB, L: qL, b: qb, l: ql}, 
        data={G: G_data, Y: y_data, z: qz}


    sess = ed.get_session()
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    for i in range(inference_BL.n_iter):
        inference_z.update()  # e-step
        # will need to compute the expectation of z

        info_dict = inference_BL.update() # m-step

    save_path = saver.save(sess, output_file)
    print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)
    pickle.dump({'qB': sess.run(qB.mean()),
                 'qL': sess.run(qL.mean()),
                 'qz': sess.run(qz.mean())},
                open(output_file + '.params.pickle', 'wb')
Example #28
            reconstr_cau_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [M, N])

            U = Gamma(0.3 * tf.ones([M, K]), 0.3 * tf.ones([M, K]))
            V = Gamma(0.3 * tf.ones([N, K]), 0.3 * tf.ones([N, K]))
            gamma = Gamma(tf.ones([M, 1]), tf.ones([M, 1]))
            beta0 = Gamma(0.3 * tf.ones([1, 1]), 0.3 * tf.ones([1, 1]))

            x = Poisson(tf.add(tf.matmul(U, V, transpose_b=True),\
                tf.multiply(tf.matmul(gamma, tf.ones([1, N])), \
                    reconstr_cau_ph)) + beta0)

            qU_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, K])), \
                           tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, K]))]

            qU = PointMass(
                params=tf.nn.softplus(tf.gather(qU_variables[0], idx_ph)))

            qV_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([N, K])), \
                           tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([N, K]))]

            qV = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softplus(qV_variables[0]))

            qgamma_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, 1])), \
                           tf.Variable(tf.nn.softplus(tf.random_uniform([D, 1])))]

            qgamma = PointMass(
                params=tf.nn.softplus(tf.gather(qgamma_variables[0], idx_ph)))

            qbeta0_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1, 1])), \
            idx_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, M)
            cau_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [M, N])
            sd_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [M, N])

            U = Normal(loc=tf.zeros([M, K]), scale=pri_U * tf.ones([M, K]))
            V = Normal(loc=tf.zeros([N, K]), scale=pri_V * tf.ones([N, K]))

            x = Normal(loc=tf.multiply(cau_ph, tf.matmul(U,
                       scale=tf.ones([M, N]))

            qU_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, K])), \
                           tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([D, K]))]

            qU = PointMass(params=tf.gather(qU_variables[0], idx_ph))

            qV_variables = [tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([N, K])), \
                           tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([N, K]))]

            qV = PointMass(params=qV_variables[0])

            x_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [M, N])

            optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(5e-5)

            scale_factor = float(D) / M

            inference_U = ed.MAP({U: qU}, \
                data={x: x_ph, V: qV})
def _test(shape, params, size):
    x = PointMass(shape, params)
    val_est = tuple(get_dims(x.sample(size=size)))
    val_true = (size, ) + shape
    assert val_est == val_true
Example #31
    return log_prior + log_lik

def build_toy_dataset(N):
  pi = np.array([0.4, 0.6])
  mus = [[1, 1], [-1, -1]]
  stds = [[0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1]]
  x = np.zeros((N, 2), dtype=np.float32)
  for n in range(N):
    k = np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, pi))
    x[n, :] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mus[k], np.diag(stds[k]))

  return x

x_train = build_toy_dataset(500)

K = 2
D = 2
model = MixtureGaussian(K, D)

qpi = PointMass(params=ed.to_simplex(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K - 1]))))
qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K * D])))
qsigma = PointMass(params=tf.exp(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K * D]))))

data = {'x': x_train}
inference = ed.MAP({'pi': qpi, 'mu': qmu, 'sigma': qsigma}, data, model)
inference.run(n_iter=500, n_minibatch=10)
Example #32
def _test(shape, params, n):
    x = PointMass(shape, params)
    val_est = tuple(get_dims(x.sample(n)))
    val_true = (n,) + shape
    assert val_est == val_true
Example #33
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A simple coin flipping example. Inspired by Stan's toy example.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import edward as ed
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from edward.models import Bernoulli, Beta, PointMass


x_data = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

p = Beta(a=1.0, b=1.0)
x = Bernoulli(p=tf.ones(10) * p)

qp_params = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([])))
qp = PointMass(params=qp_params)

data = {x: x_data}
inference = ed.MAP({p: qp}, data)
noise_proc = tf.constant(0.1)
# InverseGamma(alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
noise_obs = tf.constant(0.1)
# InverseGamma(alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)

x = [0] * T
for n in range(p):
    x[n] = Normal(loc=mu, scale=10.0)  # fat prior on x
for n in range(p, T):
    mu_ = mu
    for j in range(p):
        mu_ += beta[j] * x[n - j - 1]
    x[n] = Normal(loc=mu_, scale=noise_proc)

print("setting up distributions")
qmu = PointMass(params=tf.Variable(0.))
qbeta = [PointMass(params=tf.Variable(0.)) for i in range(p)]
print("constructing inference object")
vdict = {mu: qmu}
vdict.update({b: qb for b, qb in zip(beta, qbeta)})
inference = ed.MAP(vdict, data={xt: xt_true for xt, xt_true in zip(x, x_true)})
print("running inference")

print("parameter estimates:")
print("beta: ", [qb.value().eval() for qb in qbeta])
print("mu: ", qmu.value().eval())

print("setting up variational distributions")
qmu = Normal(loc=tf.Variable(0.), scale=tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(0.)))
qbeta = [
Example #35
label_filepath = 'data/karate_labels.txt'
graph_filepath = 'data/karate_edgelist.txt'
X_data, Z_true = build_dataset(label_filepath, graph_filepath)
N = X_data.shape[0]  # number of vertices
K = 2  # number of clusters

gamma = Dirichlet(concentration=tf.ones([K]))
Pi = Beta(concentration0=tf.ones([K, K]), concentration1=tf.ones([K, K]))
Z = Multinomial(total_count=1., probs=gamma, sample_shape=N)
X = Bernoulli(probs=tf.matmul(Z, tf.matmul(Pi, tf.transpose(Z))))

# INFERENCE (EM algorithm)
qgamma = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K]))))
qPi = PointMass(params=tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([K, K]))))
qZ = PointMass(params=tf.nn.softmax(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([N, K]))))

inference = ed.MAP({gamma: qgamma, Pi: qPi, Z: qZ}, data={X: X_data})

n_iter = 100


for _ in range(inference.n_iter):
  info_dict = inference.update()

Z_pred = qZ.mean().eval().argmax(axis=1)
Example #36
def pointmass_q(shape, name=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(name, default_name="pointmass_q"):
        min_mean = 1e-3
        mean = tf.get_variable("mean", shape)
        rv = PointMass(tf.maximum(tf.nn.softplus(mean), min_mean))
        return rv