def _create_menu(self): """ Create a view that is displayed when there is indexed TV-series in the video library. """ #Create TV-series menu menu = ImageMenu(0.06, 0.18, 0.12, 0.25) menu.items_per_col = 2 menu.visible_rows = 2 menu.visible_cols = 7 series = self.video_library.get_tv_series() series_list = [[serie.cover_art_url, serie] for serie in series] menu.async_add_videos(series_list) # Create list indicator self.list_indicator = ListIndicator(0.75, 0.76, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.HORIZONTAL) self.list_indicator.set_maximum(len(series)) self.add(self.list_indicator) # Create information labels self.series_title = Label(0.042, "title", 0.2, 0.75, "", font_weight="bold") self.series_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.series_title.set_line_wrap(False) self.series_title.width = 0.5 self.add(self.series_title) self.series_info = Label(0.034, "subtitle", 0.2, 0.82, "") self.add(self.series_info) return menu
def __init__(self, music_library, track, name="lyrics", tab_title=_("Lyrics")): Tab.__init__(self, name, tab_title) self.track = track self.lyrics_area = None self.library = music_library self.lyrics_text = "" if self.track.has_lyrics(): self.lyrics_text = self.track.lyrics lyrics = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0, 0, self.lyrics_text) lyrics.set_line_wrap_mode(pango.WRAP_WORD) lyrics.width = 0.366 self.lyrics_area = ScrollArea(0.5, 0.23, 0.4, 0.57, lyrics) self.lyrics_area.connect("activated", self._on_activated) self.add(self.lyrics_area) self.connect('activated', self._on_activated) self.connect('deactivated', self._on_deactivated) else: # Display throbber animation while searching for lyrics self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.7, 0.5, 0.1) self.add(self.throbber) self.track.fetch_lyrics(self._lyrics_search_callback)
def __init__(self, albums, move_to_new_screen_callback, name="albums", tab_title=_("Albums")): Tab.__init__(self, name, tab_title, move_to_new_screen_callback) # Start the loading animation while the menu is loading self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.6, 0.1) self.add(self.throbber) if len(albums) < 4: x_percent = 0.2928 visible_rows = 1 visible_cols = 3 elif len(albums) < 13: x_percent = 0.1464 visible_rows = 2 visible_cols = 6 else: x_percent = 0.1098 visible_rows = 3 visible_cols = 8 # Create albums menu = ImageMenu(0.07, 0.16, x_percent, self.y_for_x(x_percent)) = visible_rows = visible_cols = self.add( albums_list = [[album.album_art_url, album] for album in albums] = ListIndicator(0.77, 0.8, 0.18, 0.045, ListIndicator.HORIZONTAL) self.add( # Create album information (displays current menuitem information) self.album_title = Label(0.045, "title", 0.22, 0.79, "") self.album_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.album_title.set_line_wrap(False) self.album_title.width = 0.366 self.add(self.album_title) self.album_artist = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.86, "") self.album_artist.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.album_artist.set_line_wrap(False) self.album_artist.width = 0.366 self.add(self.album_artist) self.album_tracks = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.91, "") self.add(self.album_tracks) self.connect('activated', self._on_activated) self.connect('deactivated', self._on_deactivated)"moved", self._update_album_info)"selected", self._handle_select)"activated", self._on_activated)"filled", self._on_menu_filled)
def _create_episode_info_box(self): """ Create a texture that is displayed next to track list. This texture displays album cover art. """ self._create_thumbnail_texture() # Title self.title = Label(0.04, "title", 0.05, 0.55,, font_weight="bold") self.title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.title.set_line_wrap(False) self.title.width = 0.4 self.add(self.title) # Plot plot = Label(0.029, "subtitle", 0, 0, plot.width = 0.4 self.scroll_area = ScrollArea(0.05, 0.63, 0.4, 0.15, plot) self.scroll_area.connect("activated", self._on_scroll_area_activated) self.add(self.scroll_area)
def __init__(self, font_size, color_name, x_pos_percent, y_pos_percent, name=None, font_weight=""): """Initialize Clock label""" Label.__init__(self, font_size, color_name, x_pos_percent, y_pos_percent, name = None, font_weight = font_weight) self._24_hour_clock = True self.update_clock_label() gobject.timeout_add(1000 * 60, self.update_clock_label)
def __init__(self, alpha, text, item_height, font_size, color_name): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.label = Label(font_size, color_name, 0, 0) self.label.set_text(text) self.behaviour = LoopedPathBehaviour(alpha) self.behaviour.apply(self) self.add(self.label)
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color="title"): Base.__init__(self) clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.width = self.get_abs_x(width) self.height = self.get_abs_y(height) self.bar_width = int(self.width * self.BAR_LENGTH) self.bar_x = int(self.width * self.INFO_LENGTH) self.media_length_x = (1 - self.INFO_LENGTH + 0.05) * width self.set_position(self.get_abs_x(x), self.get_abs_y(y)) self._color = self._color_to_cairo_color( self.config.theme.get_color(color)) self._background = clutter.CairoTexture(self.bar_width, self.height) self._draw_background() self._background.set_position(self.bar_x, 0) self.add(self._background) self._foreground = clutter.CairoTexture(self.height, self.height) self._foreground.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self._draw_foreground() self._foreground.set_position(self.bar_x, 0) self.add(self._foreground) self.media_position = Label(0.037, "title", 0, 0, "") self.add(self.media_position) self.media_length = Label(0.037, "title", self.media_length_x, 0, "") self.add(self.media_length) self._media_player = None self._progress_bar_moving = False self._hide_timeout_key = None self.auto_display = False self._visible = None self._timeline = clutter.Timeline(500) self._alpha = clutter.Alpha(self._timeline, clutter.EASE_IN_OUT_SINE) self._behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(0, 255, self._alpha) self._behaviour.apply(self) self._progress = None # Call the property setter to initialize the displayed position. self.progress = 0 # Preparation to pointer events handling. self._motion_handler = 0 self.set_reactive(True) self.connect('scroll-event', self._on_scroll_event) self.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press_event) self.connect('button-release-event', self._on_button_release_event) self.connect('enter-event', self._on_enter_event) self.connect('leave-event', self._on_leave_event)
def create_day(self, day, x, y): """Create the Texture and labels for one day""" self.add(Texture(day["Image"], x, y)) self.add(Label(0.04167, "text", x, y + 0.2, day["Day"], font_weight="bold")) conditions_text = \ _("High: %(high)s Low: %(low)s\nCondition: %(cond)s") % \ {'high': day["High"], 'low': day["Low"], 'cond': day["Condition"]} self.add(Label(0.03, "text", x, y + 0.25, conditions_text))
def _update_episode_info(self, event=None): '''Update information from this episode.''' + 1) self._create_thumbnail_texture() self.title.set_text( self.title.width = 0.4 plot = Label(0.029, "subtitle", 0, 0, plot.width = 0.4 self.scroll_area.set_content(plot)
def _create_playing_preview(self): '''Create the Now Playing preview sidebar.''' preview = clutter.Group() # Video preview of current media video_texture = self.media_player.get_texture() if video_texture == None: video_texture = Texture(self.theme.getImage("default_album_art")) width, height = video_texture.get_size() x_ratio = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width) y_ratio = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height) if x_ratio > y_ratio: video_texture.set_scale((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height), (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height)) new_width = int(width * \ ((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height))) new_x = int(((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) - new_width) / 2.0) video_texture.set_position(int(new_x), 0) # Below are size and position calculations for border rectangle rect_x = new_x -3 rect_y = -3 new_width = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height) * width new_height = (self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) / float(height) * height else: video_texture.set_scale((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width), (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width)) new_height = int(height * \ ((self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width))) new_y = int(((self.PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50) - new_height) / 2.0) video_texture.set_position(0, int(new_y)) rect_x = -3 rect_y = new_y -3 # Below are size and position calculations for border rectangle new_width = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width) * width new_height = (self.PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50) / float(width) * height # Video frame rect = clutter.Rectangle() rect.set_size(int(new_width + 6), int(new_height + 6)) rect.set_position(rect_x, rect_y) rect.set_color((128, 128, 128, 192)) preview.add(rect) preview.add(video_texture) self._preview_title = Label(0.03, "text", 0.03, 0.74, "") preview.add(self._preview_title) return preview
class ScrollMenuItem(clutter.Group): """A Group containing a Label to which a LoopedPathBehaviour is applied.""" __gtype_name__ = 'ScrollMenuItem' def __init__(self, alpha, text, item_height, font_size, color_name): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.label = Label(font_size, color_name, 0, 0) self.label.set_text(text) self.behaviour = LoopedPathBehaviour(alpha) self.behaviour.apply(self) self.add(self.label)
class ScrollMenuItem(clutter.Group): """A Group containing a Label to which a LoopedPathBehaviour is applied.""" __gtype_name__ = "ScrollMenuItem" def __init__(self, alpha, text, item_height, font_size, color_name): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.label = Label(font_size, color_name, 0, 0) self.label.set_text(text) self.behaviour = LoopedPathBehaviour(alpha) self.behaviour.apply(self) self.add(self.label)
def __init__(self, music_library, media_player): Screen.__init__(self, 'Disc') self.theme = self.config.theme self.music_library = music_library self.media_player = media_player # When album info is loaded we create Playlist object self.playlist = None = None self.art2 = None self.in_behaviour = None self.out_behaviour = None = None self.track_menu = None # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, _("Audio Disc"), "screen_title") self.add(screen_title) # Display throbber animation while loading CD metadata self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.5, 0.5, 0.1) self.add(self.throbber) # Create and initialize screen items self.has_disc = True gobject.timeout_add(500, self._get_disc_information)
def __init__(self, media_player, music_library, move_to_new_screen_callback): Screen.__init__(self, 'Music', move_to_new_screen_callback, has_tabs=True) self.media_player = media_player self.theme = self.config.theme self.music_library = music_library # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, _("Music")) self.add(screen_title) if self.music_library.number_of_tracks() == 0: self._create_no_music_information() else: tab1 = ArtistsTab(music_library, music_library.get_all_artists(), move_to_new_screen_callback) tab2 = AlbumsTab(music_library.get_all_albums(), move_to_new_screen_callback) self.add_tab(tab1) self.add_tab(tab2)
def __init__(self, video_library, move_to_new_screen_callback, tv_series): Screen.__init__(self, 'TvSeries', move_to_new_screen_callback) self.theme = self.config.theme self.tv_series = tv_series self.video_library = video_library # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, self.tv_series.title) self.add(screen_title) = None = None self._create_series_cover_texture() = self._create_season_menu() self.add( #List indicator = ListIndicator(0.8, 0.9, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add("moved", self._update_season_info)"selected", self._handle_select)
def __init__(self, media_player, move_to_new_screen_callback, episodes, tv_series): Screen.__init__(self, 'TvEpisodes', move_to_new_screen_callback) self.episodes = episodes self.media_player = media_player self.theme = self.config.theme self.tv_series = tv_series # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, self.tv_series.title) self.add(screen_title) self.scroll_area = None self.title = None self.thumb = None = self._create_episode_menu() self.add( self._create_episode_info_box() #List indicator = ListIndicator(0.8, 0.9, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add("moved", self._update_episode_info)"selected", self._handle_select)"activated", self._on_menu_activated)
def __init__(self, media_player, music_library, move_to_new_screen_callback, album): Screen.__init__(self, 'Album', move_to_new_screen_callback) self.media_player = media_player self.theme = self.config.theme self.library = music_library self.album = album = None self.track_menu = None # Create and initialize screen items self.track_menu = self._create_track_menu() self.add(self.track_menu) self._create_album_cover_texture() self._create_album_info() self.screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, "") self.screen_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.screen_title.width = 0.8 self.add(self.screen_title) #List indicator = ListIndicator(0.74, 0.85, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add( = True self.track_menu.connect('selected', self._on_menu_selected) self.track_menu.connect('moved', self._display_selected_track)
def test_set_content(self): '''Test the use of the set_content method.''' self.scroll_area.set_content(Label(0.1, "screentitle", 0.1, 0.2, "foo")) self.assertFalse(self.scroll_area.content == self.label) self.scroll_area.set_content(self.label) self.assertTrue(self.scroll_area.content == self.label)
def __init__(self, current_photo_index, images): Screen.__init__(self, 'Photo') self.animate = self.config.show_effects self.slideshow_step = self.config.slideshow_step self.zoom_level = 1 self.index = current_photo_index self.images = images self.slideshow = False # Slideshow gobject timeout tag self.slideshow_timeout_tag = None # Create black background self.background = clutter.Rectangle() self.background.set_size(self.config.stage_width, self.config.stage_height) self.background.set_color((0, 0, 0, 255)) self.add(self.background) # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) self.screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, _("Information")) self.add(self.screen_title) self.texture = None self._change_image(self.index)
def _create_album_preview(self, album): """ Create a clutter.Group that contains album preview actors. """ group = clutter.Group() group.set_position(self.get_abs_x(0.07), self.get_abs_y(0.1953)) # Preview images images = album.get_preview_images(3) self.preview_textures = [] max_w = 0.4026 max_h = 0.5599 abs_max_w = self.get_abs_x(max_w) abs_max_h = self.get_abs_y(max_h) for image in images: pix_buffer = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( image.get_thumbnail_url()) ratio = float(pix_buffer.get_width()) ratio /= float(pix_buffer.get_height()) # Resize and center preview texture if ratio > 1: texture = EyeCandyTexture(0.0, 0.0, max_w, max_h / ratio, pix_buffer) new_y = int((abs_max_h - abs_max_h / ratio) / 2.0) texture.set_position(0, new_y) else: texture = EyeCandyTexture(0.0, 0.0, max_w * ratio, max_h, pix_buffer) new_x = int((abs_max_w - abs_max_w * ratio) / 2.0) texture.set_position(new_x, 0) texture.set_rotation(clutter.Y_AXIS, 25, 0, 0, 0) texture.set_opacity(0) self.preview_textures.append(texture) group.add(texture) self.preview_textures[0].set_opacity(255) title = Label(0.03646, "title", 0.4649, 0, album.get_title(), font_weight="bold") title.width = 0.4758 title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) group.add(title) desc = Label(0.026, "subtitle", 0.4649, 0.0521, album.get_description()) desc.width = 0.4758 group.add(desc) return group
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, direction): Base.__init__(self) clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.config = Configuration() # Size self.width = self.get_abs_x(width) self.height = self.get_abs_y(height) self.direction = direction self.delimiter = " | " self.current = 1 self.maximum = 1 self.theme = self.config.theme self.fg = self.theme.get_color("arrow_foreground") = self.theme.get_color("arrow_background") if direction == ListIndicator.VERTICAL: text_x_pos = width / 3 else: text_x_pos = width / 2 self.text = Label( height * 0.8, "text", text_x_pos, height / 2, str(self.maximum) + self.delimiter + str(self.maximum)) self.text.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.add(self.text) # Create arrows and calculate positions on screen if direction == ListIndicator.VERTICAL: self.arrow1 = ArrowTexture(5 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.UP) self.arrow2 = ArrowTexture(6 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.DOWN) elif direction == ListIndicator.HORIZONTAL: self.arrow1 = ArrowTexture(height / 2, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.LEFT) self.arrow2 = ArrowTexture(6 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.RIGHT) self.add(self.arrow1) self.add(self.arrow2) self.set_position(self.get_abs_x(x), self.get_abs_y(y))
def __init__(self, tracks, move_to_new_screen_callback, name="tracks", tab_title=_("Tracks")): Tab.__init__(self, name, tab_title, move_to_new_screen_callback) # Start the loading animation while the menu is loading self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.1, 0.1) self.add(self.throbber) = TextMenu(0.0586, 0.2083, 0.2928, 0.0781) = 3 = 7 = 3 = False = None self.add( tracks_list = [[track.title, None, track] for track in tracks] self.track_title = Label(0.045, "title", 0.22, 0.79, "") self.track_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.track_title.set_line_wrap(False) self.track_title.width = 0.366 self.add(self.track_title) self.track_number = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.86, "") self.track_number.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.track_number.set_line_wrap(False) self.track_number.width = 0.366 self.add(self.track_number) self.track_length = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.91, "") self.add(self.track_length) = ListIndicator(0.77, 0.8, 0.18, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add( self.connect('activated', self._on_activated) self.connect('deactivated', self._on_deactivated)"moved", self._update_track_info)"selected", self._handle_select)"activated", self._on_activated)"filled", self._on_menu_filled)
def __init__(self, music_library, artists, move_to_new_screen_callback, name="artists", tab_title=_("Artists")): Tab.__init__(self, name, tab_title, move_to_new_screen_callback) self.library = music_library # Start the loading animation while the menu is loading self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.1, 0.1) self.add(self.throbber) = TextMenu(0.057, 0.208, 0.293, 0.078) = 3 = 7 = 3 = False = None self.add( artists_list = [[artist, None, artist] for artist in artists] # Create artist label self.artist_title = Label(0.0416, "title", 0.22, 0.794, "") self.artist_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.artist_title.set_line_wrap(False) self.artist_title.width = 0.366 self.add(self.artist_title) self.artist_albums = Label(0.0365, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.86, "") self.add(self.artist_albums) self.artist_tracks = Label(0.0365, "subtitle", 0.22, 0.911, "") self.add(self.artist_tracks) # Create artist menu list indicator = ListIndicator(0.77, 0.8, 0.18, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add( self.connect('activated', self._on_activated) self.connect('deactivated', self._on_deactivated)"moved", self._update_artist_info)"selected", self._handle_select)"activated", self._on_activated)"filled", self._on_menu_filled)
def _get_disc_information(self): """ Fetch album information from the Internet and create widgets based on received data. """ try: disc = self.music_library.get_compact_disc_information() title = disc.title artist = disc.artist tracks = disc.tracks self.playlist = Playlist(tracks) self._create_album_info(title, artist, tracks, disc.length) self.track_menu = self._create_track_menu(tracks) self.add(self.track_menu) self._create_album_cover_texture(artist, title) = ListIndicator(0.75, 0.8, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.VERTICAL) self.add( art_file = os.path.join(self.config.ALBUM_ART_DIR, artist + " - " + title + ".jpg") if artist != "Unknown artist" and not os.path.exists(art_file): art_search = AlbumArtDownloader(title, artist, self.config.ALBUM_ART_DIR, self._update_albumart) art_search.start() except cdrom.error: # No disc in drive self.has_disc = False no_disc = Label(0.05, "title", 0.5, 0.5, _("No audio disc in drive")) no_disc.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.add(no_disc) # Remove loading animation self.throbber.hide() self.remove(self.throbber) del self.throbber # This function should be called only once (gobject timeout) return False
def add_tab(self, tab): '''Add new tab to this tab group.''' # Add to the dictionary so that the tab can be called by name self._tabs[] = tab self.tabs_list.append(tab) = False # Set first tab visible if self.current_tab == None: self.current_tab = 0 self.tabs_list[0].visible = True tab_title = Label(0.01, self.color, 0, 0, tab.title) self.labels.append(tab_title) tab_title.set_name( self.add(tab_title) self._reposition_labels() tab_title.set_reactive(True) tab_title.connect('button-press-event', self._on_tab_title_button_press) timeline = clutter.Timeline(500) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline, clutter.EASE_IN_OUT_SINE) behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(255, 96, alpha) behaviour.apply(tab_title) self.timelines.append((timeline, alpha, behaviour))
def __init__(self, move_to_new_screen_callback, title, images): Screen.__init__(self, 'Photographs', move_to_new_screen_callback) self.images = images # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, title) self.add(screen_title) # Image Title (over album list) self.image_title = Label(0.04167, "title", 0.0586, 0.7943, " ") self.image_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.add(self.image_title) self.image_desc = Label(0.04167, "subtitle", 0.0586, 0.9115, " ") self.image_desc.set_line_wrap(True) self.image_desc.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.add(self.image_desc) # Display throbber animation while loading photographs self.throbber = LoadingAnimation(0.9, 0.9) self.add(self.throbber) # List indicator = None self._create_list_indicator() # Create photomenu = ImageMenu(0.03, 0.08, 0.12, self.y_for_x(0.12)) = 3 = 3 = 8 = True self.add( photos = self.images photos_list = [[Texture(photo.get_thumbnail_url()), photo] \ for photo in photos]"selected", self._handle_select)'moved', self._update_image_info)"filled", self._on_menu_filled)
def _create_album_info(self, title, artist_name, tracks, length): """ Create album info labels. @param title: Album title @param artist_name: Artist @param tracks: List of CompactDisc objects """ album = Label(0.04167, "text", 0.50146, 0.13, artist_name + " - " + title, font_weight="bold") album.set_size(0.4393, 0.06510) album.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.add(album) minutes = str(length / 60) num_of_tracks = Label(0.02604, "subtitle", 0.50146, 0.18, _("%(total)s tracks, %(time)s minutes") % \ {'total': len(tracks), 'time': minutes}, font_weight="bold") self.add(num_of_tracks)
def __init__(self, font_size, color_name, x_pos_percent, y_pos_percent, name=None, font_weight=""): """Initialize Clock label""" Label.__init__(self, font_size, color_name, x_pos_percent, y_pos_percent, name=None, font_weight=font_weight) self._24_hour_clock = True self.update_clock_label() gobject.timeout_add(1000 * 60, self.update_clock_label)
def show_empty_tab_notice(self, title=_("Empty tab"), message_body=_("This tab doesn't contain any elements.")): ''' Create an information box that is displayed if there is no widgets in this tab. This method should be called only from child class as needed. ''' # Create warning icon info_icon = Texture(self.theme.getImage("warning_icon"), 0.28, 0.27) self.add(info_icon) # Create warning title info_title = Label(0.0625, "title", 0.33, 0.27, title) self.add(info_title) # Create warning help text info = Label(0.042, "menuitem_inactive", 0.28, 0.4, message_body) info.width = 0.57 self.add(info)
def setUp(self): """Set up the test.""" EntertainerTest.setUp(self) # Get a workable amount of text text = "Here is the start. " # pylint: disable-msg=W0612 for i in range(0, 100): text += "Here is sentence number " self.label = Label(0.1, "screentitle", 0.1, 0.2, text) self.scroll_area = ScrollArea(0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, self.label)
def __init__(self, media_player, track, name="playing", tab_title=_("Currently playing")): Tab.__init__(self, name, tab_title) album = track.album # Track name if track.number == 0: track_label_text = track.title else: track_label_text = _("From %(number)d. %(title)s") % \ {'number': track.number, 'title': track.title} self.track_label = Label(0.05, "text", 0.5, 0.33, track_label_text) self.track_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.track_label.width = 0.4 self.add(self.track_label) # Album name if album.year == 0: album_label_text = _("From %(title)s") % {'title': album.title} else: album_label_text = _("From %(title)s, %(year)s") % \ {'title': album.title, 'year': album.year} self.album_label = Label(0.042, "subtitle", 0.5, 0.43, album_label_text) self.album_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.album_label.width = 0.4 self.add(self.album_label) # Artist name artist_text = _("By %(artist)s") % {'artist': track.artist} self.artist_label = Label(0.042, "subtitle", 0.5, 0.53, artist_text) self.artist_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.artist_label.width = 0.4 self.add(self.artist_label) self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(0.5, 0.667, 0.4, 0.04) self.progress_bar.media_player = media_player self.add(self.progress_bar)
def _create_menu(self): """ Create a view that is displayed when there are indexed clips in the video library. """ menu = ImageMenu(0.04, 0.16, 0.23, self.y_for_x(0.23) * 0.7) menu.items_per_col = 2 menu.visible_rows = 2 menu.visible_cols = 4 clips = self.video_library.get_video_clips() clips_list = [[clip.thumbnail_url, clip] for clip in clips] menu.async_add_clips(clips_list) # Create list indicator self.list_indicator = ListIndicator(0.7, 0.8, 0.2, 0.045, ListIndicator.HORIZONTAL) self.list_indicator.set_maximum(len(clips)) self.add(self.list_indicator) # Create information labels self.clip_title = Label(0.042, "title", 0.15, 0.77, "", font_weight="bold") self.clip_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.clip_title.set_line_wrap(False) self.clip_title.width = 0.5 self.add(self.clip_title) self.clip_info = Label(0.034, "subtitle", 0.15, 0.85, "") self.clip_info.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.clip_info.set_line_wrap(False) self.clip_info.width = 0.5 self.add(self.clip_info) return menu
def __init__(self, move_to_previous_screen_callback, question, answers, callbacks=None): Screen.__init__(self, 'Question') self.move_to_previous_screen_callback = move_to_previous_screen_callback self.answers = answers if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] self.callbacks = callbacks screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, _("Question")) self.add(screen_title) question_label = Label(0.04167, "text", 0.095, 0.13, str(question)) self.add(question_label) = None self.display_answers()
def __init__(self, media_player, music_library, artist, move_to_new_screen_callback): Screen.__init__(self, 'Artist', move_to_new_screen_callback, has_tabs=True) self.media_player = media_player # Screen Title (Displayed at the bottom left corner) screen_title = Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, artist) screen_title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) screen_title.width = 1 self.add(screen_title) # Tabs albums = music_library.get_albums_by_artist(artist) if albums: tab1 = AlbumsTab(albums, move_to_new_screen_callback) self.add_tab(tab1) tracks = music_library.get_tracks_by_artist(artist) if tracks: tab2 = TracksTab(tracks, move_to_new_screen_callback) self.add_tab(tab2)
def __init__(self, width, height, text, extra_text=None): MenuItem.__init__(self) self.width = width self.height = height self.theme = self.config.theme self.text = text self.extra_text = extra_text self.color = "menuitem_inactive" self.font_size = 0.03 self.label = Label(self.font_size, self.color, 0, 0, "", "text_label") self.add(self.label) # Set extra text self.extra_label = None if extra_text is not None: self.extra_label = Label(self.font_size, self.color, 0, 0, "", "text_label") self.add(self.extra_label) self.update(text, extra_text)
def _create_no_music_information(self): """ Create textures and labels for information screen. This is displayed instead of artist list if there are no tracks available and it helps users to add new music to the system. """ # Create warning icon warning_icon = Texture(self.theme.getImage("warning_icon"), 0.28, 0.27) self.add(warning_icon) # Create warning title info_title = Label(0.0625, "title", 0.3367, 0.2709, _("No music available!")) self.add(info_title) # Create warning help text message = _( "There are no indexed artists in the Entertainer media " "library. To add music, start the Content management tool " "and open the 'Music' tab. Now click on the 'Add' button and " "select some folders which contain music files.") info = Label(0.0417, "menuitem_inactive", 0.2804, 0.45, message) info.width = 0.5 self.add(info)
def _create_no_photos_information(self): """ Create textures and labels for information screen. This is displayed instead of album list if there are no photos available and it helps users to add new photographs to the system. """ # Create warning icon warning_icon = Texture(self.theme.getImage("warning_icon"), 0.28, 0.27) self.add(warning_icon) # Create warning title info_title = Label(0.0625, "title", 0.3367, 0.2709, _("No photographs available!")) self.add(info_title) # Create warning help text message = _( "There are no indexed photographs in the Entertainer media " "library. To add photographs, start the Content management tool " "and open the 'Images' tab. Now click on the 'Add' button and " "select some folders which contain image files.") info = Label(0.0417, "menuitem_inactive", 0.2804, 0.45, message) info.set_size(0.5, 0.5859) self.add(info)
def __init__(self): Screen.__init__(self, 'Weather') # Screen Title self.add(Label(0.13, "screentitle", 0, 0.87, _("Weather"))) = Weather(self.config.weather_location) location = Label(0.04167, "text", 0.50, 0.13,, font_weight="bold") location.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.add(location) # Show today's weather self.create_day([0], 0.1, 0.15) # Show tomorrow's weather self.create_day([1], 0.1, 0.5) # Show day 3 self.create_day([2], 0.4, 0.5) # Show day 4 self.create_day([3], 0.7, 0.5)
def _lyrics_search_callback(self, lyrics_text): '''This function is called when lyrics search is over.''' self.throbber.hide() # Save the results to help determine if the tab can activate. self.lyrics_text = lyrics_text if lyrics_text == "": no_lyrics = Label(0.037, "title", 0.7, 0.5, _("No lyrics found for this track")) no_lyrics.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.add(no_lyrics) else: lyrics = Label(0.037, "subtitle", 0, 0, lyrics_text) lyrics.set_line_wrap_mode(pango.WRAP_WORD) lyrics.width = 0.366 self.lyrics_area = ScrollArea(0.5, 0.23, 0.4, 0.57, lyrics) self.lyrics_area.connect("activated", self._on_activated) self.add(self.lyrics_area) self.library.save_lyrics(self.track, lyrics_text)
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, direction): Base.__init__(self) clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.config = Configuration() # Size self.width = self.get_abs_x(width) self.height = self.get_abs_y(height) self.direction = direction self.delimiter = " | " self.current = 1 self.maximum = 1 self.theme = self.config.theme self.fg = self.theme.get_color("arrow_foreground") = self.theme.get_color("arrow_background") if direction == ListIndicator.VERTICAL: text_x_pos = width / 3 else: text_x_pos = width / 2 self.text = Label(height * 0.8, "text", text_x_pos, height / 2, str(self.maximum) + self.delimiter + str(self.maximum)) self.text.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.add(self.text) # Create arrows and calculate positions on screen if direction == ListIndicator.VERTICAL: self.arrow1 = ArrowTexture(5 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.UP) self.arrow2 = ArrowTexture(6 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.DOWN) elif direction == ListIndicator.HORIZONTAL: self.arrow1 = ArrowTexture(height / 2, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.LEFT) self.arrow2 = ArrowTexture(6 * width / 7, height / 2, height / 2, self.fg,, ArrowTexture.RIGHT) self.add(self.arrow1) self.add(self.arrow2) self.set_position(self.get_abs_x(x), self.get_abs_y(y))
def _create_album_preview(self, album): """ Create a clutter.Group that contains album preview actors. """ group = clutter.Group() group.set_position(self.get_abs_x(0.07), self.get_abs_y(0.1953)) # Preview images images = album.get_preview_images(3) self.preview_textures = [] max_w = 0.4026 max_h = 0.5599 abs_max_w = self.get_abs_x(max_w) abs_max_h = self.get_abs_y(max_h) for image in images: pix_buffer = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(image.get_thumbnail_url()) ratio = float(pix_buffer.get_width()) ratio /= float(pix_buffer.get_height()) # Resize and center preview texture if ratio > 1: texture = EyeCandyTexture(0.0, 0.0, max_w, max_h / ratio, pix_buffer) new_y = int((abs_max_h - abs_max_h / ratio) / 2.0) texture.set_position(0, new_y) else: texture = EyeCandyTexture(0.0, 0.0, max_w * ratio, max_h, pix_buffer) new_x = int((abs_max_w - abs_max_w * ratio) / 2.0) texture.set_position(new_x, 0) texture.set_rotation(clutter.Y_AXIS, 25, 0, 0, 0) texture.set_opacity(0) self.preview_textures.append(texture) group.add(texture) self.preview_textures[0].set_opacity(255) title = Label(0.03646, "title", 0.4649, 0, album.get_title(), font_weight="bold") title.width = 0.4758 title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) group.add(title) desc = Label(0.026, "subtitle", 0.4649, 0.0521, album.get_description()) desc.width = 0.4758 group.add(desc) return group
def _create_album_info(self): """ Create album info labels. """ if self.album.year != 0: album_text = self.album.title + ", " + str(self.album.year) else: album_text = self.album.title album = Label(0.0416, "text", 0.5, 0.13, album_text, font_weight="bold") album.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) album.set_line_wrap(False) album.width = 0.45 self.add(album) length = str(self.album.length / 60) num_of_tracks_text = _("%(total)s tracks, %(time)s minutes") % \ {'total': len(self.album.tracks), 'time': length} num_of_tracks = Label(0.028, "subtitle", 0.5, 0.18, num_of_tracks_text, font_weight="bold") self.add(num_of_tracks)
class TextMenuItem(MenuItem): """A menuitem widget that contains one or two labels.""" def __init__(self, width, height, text, extra_text=None): MenuItem.__init__(self) self.width = width self.height = height self.theme = self.config.theme self.text = text self.extra_text = extra_text self.color = "menuitem_inactive" self.font_size = 0.03 self.label = Label(self.font_size, self.color, 0, 0, "", "text_label") self.add(self.label) # Set extra text self.extra_label = None if extra_text is not None: self.extra_label = Label(self.font_size, self.color, 0, 0, "", "text_label") self.add(self.extra_label) self.update(text, extra_text) def animate_in(self): """Set labels font-size and color when an item gets selected.""" self.font_size = 0.037 self.color = "menuitem_active" self.update() def animate_out(self): """Set labels font-size and color when an item gets unselected.""" self.font_size = 0.03 self.color = "menuitem_inactive" self.update() def update(self, text=None, extra_text=None): """Updates text and dimensions of a TextMenuItem.""" if text is None: text = self.text else: self.text = text if extra_text is None: extra_text = self.extra_text else: self.extra_text = extra_text try: first_line = text[:text.index('\n')] except ValueError: first_line = text self.label.font_size = self.font_size self.label.set_text(first_line) self.label.position = (0.01, (self.height - self.label.height) / 2) self.label.set_line_wrap(False) self.label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) # Set extra text if extra_text is not None: self.extra_label.font_size = self.font_size self.extra_label.set_text(extra_text) self.extra_label.position = ( self.width * 0.98 - self.extra_label.width, (self.height - self.extra_label.height) / 2) self.label.width = (self.width - self.extra_label.width) * 0.9 else: self.label.width = self.width * 0.95 self.label.color = self.color if self.extra_label: self.extra_label.color = self.color