Example #1
def get_open_port():
    Resolves an available port for socket messages
    Returns: available port number

        # get the port number from the settings file
        port = int(os.environ['APP_CONSOLE_SOCKET'])
    except KeyError:
        # set the port to 0 if it is not found in the settings file.  This will make the socket library find an open port.
        port = 0

        s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)

        # attempt to bind to the port
        s.bind(("localhost", port))

        # get the port number from the socket
        port = s.getsockname()[1]

        # always close the socket.  This allows the gui console to bind to it later (see caveat below)

        # save this port back to the environment vars
        environment.setEnvironmentVar('APP', 'CONSOLE_SOCKET', port)
        # an error is raised if the gui has bound to this address before the engine tries to.
        # ignore this error for now, however we should wait until sprint has resolved socket
        # ports before allowing the gui to bind to it.

    return port
Example #2
    def test_set_environment_vars(self):

        # get the current environment variables
        vars = os.environ

        self.assertTrue('LEGEND_LOCATIONBOTTOM' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LEGEND_LOCATIONRIGHT' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LOGGING_SHOWCRITICAL' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LOGGING_SHOWDEBUG' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LOGGING_SHOWERROR' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LOGGING_SHOWINFO' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('LOGGING_SHOWWARNING' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('APP_IMAGES_PATH' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('APP_LOCAL_DB_PATH' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('APP_SETTINGS_PATH' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('APP_TOOLBOX_PATH' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('APP_USER_PATH' in vars)
        self.assertTrue('GDAL_DATA' in vars)

        # change some paths
        user1 = os.environ['APP_USER_PATH']
        environment.setEnvironmentVar('APP','USER_PATH', 'some_other_path')
        self.assertTrue(user1 != os.environ['APP_USER_PATH'])

        # add a new section
        environment.setEnvironmentVar('MyNewSection','test', '1')
        self.assertTrue('MYNEWSECTION_TEST' in os.environ.keys())

Example #3
def get_open_port():
    Resolves an available port for socket messages
    Returns: available port number

        # get the port number from the settings file
        port = int(os.environ['APP_CONSOLE_SOCKET'])
    except KeyError:
        # set the port to 0 if it is not found in the settings file.  This will make the socket library find an open port.
        port = 0

        s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)

        # attempt to bind to the port
        s.bind(("localhost", port))

        # get the port number from the socket
        port = s.getsockname()[1]

        # always close the socket.  This allows the gui console to bind to it later (see caveat below)

        # save this port back to the environment vars
        # an error is raised if the gui has bound to this address before the engine tries to.
        # ignore this error for now, however we should wait until sprint has resolved socket
        # ports before allowing the gui to bind to it.

    return port