Example #1
    def test_ggb_from_rio_dataset(self):
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)
            # print
            # print "For Land/Sea read via rasterio:"
Example #2
    def no_test_ggb_subsets(self):
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)

            flindersGGB = getFlindersIsletGGB()

            window = datasetGGB.window(flindersGGB)
            print('window=', window)

            windowShape = (window[1][1] - window[1][0], window[0][1] - window[0][0])

            # transform the origin of the window

            windowOriginXY = (window[1][0], window[0][0])
            print('windowOriginXY=', windowOriginXY)

            windowOriginUTM = datasetGGB.affine * windowOriginXY
            print('windowOriginUTM=', windowOriginUTM)

            utm2wgs84 = osr.CoordinateTransformation(datasetGGB.crs, flindersGGB.crs)

            windowOrigin = utm2wgs84.TransformPoint(windowOriginUTM[0], windowOriginUTM[1])
            print('windowOrigin=', windowOrigin)

            flindersOrigin = (150.927659, -34.453309)
            print('flindersOrigin=', flindersOrigin)

            diff = (flindersOrigin[0] - windowOrigin[0], flindersOrigin[1] - windowOrigin[1])
            print('diff=', diff)

            wgs842utm = osr.CoordinateTransformation(flindersGGB.crs, datasetGGB.crs)

            (xUtm, yUtm, zzz) = wgs842utm.TransformPoint(flindersOrigin[0], flindersOrigin[1])

            (xWgs84, yWgs84, zzz) = utm2wgs84.TransformPoint(xUtm, yUtm)

            print('(xUtm, yUtm)=    ', (xUtm, yUtm))
            print('(xWgs84, yWgs84)=', (xWgs84, yWgs84))

            if not windowShape == flindersGGB.shape:
                self.fail("%s == %s" % (windowShape, flindersGGB.shape))
Example #3
    def no_test_ggb_copy_and_rereference(self):
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)

            # dataset will be UTM

            # print datasetGGB

            # copy to WSG84

            newGGB = datasetGGB.copy(crs='EPSG:4326')
Example #4
    def test_convert_coordinate_to_image(self):
        Test that an input image/array co-ordinate is correctly
        converted to a map co-cordinate.
        Simple case: The first pixel.
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)

            ximg, yimg = datasetGGB.convert_coordinates(datasetGGB.origin, to_map=False)

            self.assertTrue((0, 0) == (ximg, yimg))
Example #5
    def no_test_ggb_subsets(self):
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)

            flindersGGB = getFlindersIsletGGB()
            scale = 0.00025
            shapeYX = (3, 3)
            origin = (150.0, -34.0)
            corner = (shapeYX[1] * scale + origin[0], origin[1] - shapeYX[0] * scale)
            ggb = GriddedGeoBox(shapeYX, origin)
            assert ggb is not None
            self.assertEqual(shapeYX, ggb.shape)
            self.assertEqual(origin, ggb.origin)
            self.assertEqual(corner, ggb.corner)
Example #6
    def test_convert_coordinate_to_map_offset(self):
        Test that an input image/array co-ordinate is correctly
        converted to a map co-cordinate using a pixel centre offset.
        Simple case: The first pixel.
        # get Land/Sea data file for this bounding box
        utmZone = 56
        utmDataPath = '/g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/Land_Sea_Rasters/WORLDzone%d.tif' % (utmZone,)

        # read the data for the Flinders islet region
        with rio.open(utmDataPath) as ds:

            # get the gridded box for the full data extent
            datasetGGB = GriddedGeoBox.from_dataset(ds)

            xmap, ymap = datasetGGB.convert_coordinates((0, 0), centre=True)

            # Get the actual centre co-ordinate of the first pixel
            xcentre, ycentre = datasetGGB.convert_coordinates((0.5, 0.5))

            self.assertTrue((xcentre, ycentre) == (xmap, ymap))