Example #1
class Model(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.pool = SampleTree()
        self.eventQueue = EventQueue()

    # there are five kinds of rates:
    # N: (fixed) number of bases in the model
    # rll: rate for dcj on the bases in the contig pool
    # rld: rate for dcj where one break is in the pool
    #      and the other rate is in the garbage
    # rdd: both in garbage
    # fl: telomere loss modifier
    # fg: telomere gain modifier
    # pgain: dead gain probability
    def setParameters(self, N, rll, rld = 0, rdd = 0, fl = 0, fg = 0,
                      pgain = 0):        
        self.N = N
        self.fl = fl
        self.fg = fg
        self.pgain = pgain

        if rll > 0:
            self.eventQueue.addEventType(N * rll, self.__llEvent)
        if rld > 0:
            self.eventQueue.addEventType(N * rld, self.__ldEvent)
        if rdd > 0:
            self.eventQueue.addEventType(N * rdd, self.__ddEvent)
    # intitialize the starting state
    # the the contigs will all have the same sizes (modulo rounding)
    # in order to satisfy the input parameters exactly
    def setStartingState(self, garbageSize, numLinear, numCircular):
        assert self.N > garbageSize + numLinear + numCircular
        self.pool = SampleTree()

        numGarbage = 0
        if garbageSize > 0:
            garbage = CircularContig(garbageSize)
            self.pool.insert(garbage, garbage.numBases())
            numGarbage = 1
        lrat = float(numLinear) / (numLinear + numCircular)
        crat = float(numCircular) / (numLinear + numCircular)
        linearBases = math.floor((self.N - garbageSize) * lrat)
        circularBases = math.ceil((self.N - garbageSize) * crat)
        assert linearBases + circularBases + garbageSize == self.N

        if numLinear > 0:
            linSize = math.floor(linearBases / numLinear)
            extra = linearBases % numLinear
            added = 0
            for i in range(numLinear):
                size = linSize
                if i < extra:
                    size += 1
                # plus 1 since number of adjacencies is 1 + number of bases
                contig = LinearContig(size + 1)
                self.pool.insert(contig, contig.numBases())
                added += contig.size
            assert added == linearBases + numLinear
            assert self.pool.size() == numLinear + numGarbage
            assert self.pool.weight() == linearBases + garbageSize

        if numCircular > 0:
            circSize = math.floor(circularBases / numCircular)
            extra = circularBases % numCircular
            added = 0
            for i in range(numCircular):
                size = circSize
                if i < extra:
                    size += 1
                contig = CircularContig(size)
                self.pool.insert(contig, contig.numBases())
                added += contig.size
            assert added == circularBases
            assert self.pool.size() == numLinear + numCircular + numGarbage
            assert self.pool.weight() == circularBases + linearBases + \

    # run the simulation for the specified time
    def simulate(self, time):
        while True:
            nextEvent = self.eventQueue.next(time)
            if nextEvent is not None:

    # draw (and remove) two random adajcenies and their
    # contigs from the pool (only if they are not dead)
    def __drawSamples(self):
        sampleNode1, offset1 = self.pool.uniformSample()
        sampleNode2, offset2 = self.pool.uniformSample()

        # the offset is weighted based on the number of bases
        # we want to translate this into number of edges (splitting)
        # the probability between linear and telomere edges.
        # so for linear contigs with zero offset, we flip a coin to
        # move it to the other side. 
        if sampleNode1.data.isLinear() and offset1 == 0:
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                offset1 = sampleNode1.data.numBases()
        if sampleNode2 is not sampleNode1 and sampleNode2.data.isLinear() and\
           offset2 == 0:
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                offset2 = sampleNode2.data.numBases()

        assert offset1 < sampleNode1.data.size
        assert offset2 < sampleNode2.data.size
        return (sampleNode1, offset1, sampleNode2, offset2)

    #LIVE-LIVE event.  Is normal DCJ operation between two live contigs
    #unless the two breakpoints are identical or on telomeres, in which
    #case fl and fg parameters are used to use fission operations to
    #modifiy the number of telomeres
    def __llEvent(self):
        if self.pool.size() == 0 or self.pool.weight() == 1:
        # draw (and remove) two random adajcenies and their
        #contigs from the pool (only if they are not dead)
        sampleNode1, offset1, sampleNode2, offset2 = self.__drawSamples()
        c1 = sampleNode1.data
        c2 = sampleNode2.data

        # don't deal with dead contigs in this event
        if c1.isDead() == True or c2.isDead() == True:

        if c1 is not c2:

        # case 1) gain of telomere
        if sampleNode1 is sampleNode2 and offset1 == offset2:
            return self.__llGain(c1, c2, offset1, offset2)
        # case 2) loss of telomere
        elif c1.isLinear() and c2.isLinear() and \
                 (offset1 == 0 or offset1 == c1.size - 1) and \
                 (offset2 == 0 or offset2 == c2.size - 1):
            return self.__llLoss(c1, c2, offset1, offset2)

        # case 3) no gain or loss
        self.llCount += 1
        forward = random.randint(0, 1) == 1

        # do the dcj
        dcjResult = dcj(c1, offset1, c2, offset2, forward)
        # add the resulting contigs back to the pool
        for res in dcjResult:
            self.pool.insert(res, res.numBases())
    # Do the fission telomere gain operation (if fg check passes)
    def __llGain(self, c1, c2, offset1, offset2):
        # correct "not composite check below"
        if c1.isCircular() or (offset1 != 0 and offset1 != c1.size - 1):
            forward = self.fg > random.random()
            if forward:
                self.fgCount += 1
                dcjResult = dcj(c1, offset1, c2, offset2, forward)
                if c1.isCircular():
                    assert len(dcjResult) == 1 and dcjResult[0].isLinear()
                    assert len(dcjResult) == 2 and dcjResult[0].isLinear() \
                           and dcjResult[1].isLinear()
                # add the resulting contigs back to the pool
                for res in dcjResult:
                    self.pool.insert(res, res.numBases())

        self.pool.insert(c1, c1.numBases())
        if c2 is not c1:
            self.pool.insert(c2, c2.numBases())
    # Do the fission telomer loss operation (if fl check passes)
    def __llLoss(self, c1, c2, offset1, offset2):
        if c1 is c2:
            forward = self.fl / 4.0 > random.random()
            forward = self.fl / 2.0 > random.random()
        if forward:
            c1 = c1.circularize()
            if c1 is not c2:
                c2 = c2.circularize()
            dcjResult = dcj(c1, offset1, c2, offset2, forward)
            self.flCount += 1
            assert len(dcjResult) == 1
            if c1 is not c2:
                assert dcjResult[0].isLinear()
                assert dcjResult[0].isCircular()
            # add the resulting contigs back to the pool
            for res in dcjResult:
                self.pool.insert(res, res.numBases())
            self.pool.insert(c1, c1.numBases())
            if c2 is not c1:
                self.pool.insert(c2, c2.numBases())

    #LIVE-DEAD (or DEAD-LIVE) event.  One contig is alive and the
    #other is the unique dead contig.  This can result in a loss of
    #live contigs and/or change in number of live bases
    def __ldEvent(self):
        if self.pool.size() == 0 or self.pool.weight() == 1:
        # draw (and remove) two random adajcenies and their
        #contigs from the pool (only if they are not dead)
        sampleNode1, offset1, sampleNode2, offset2 = self.__drawSamples()
        c1 = sampleNode1.data
        c2 = sampleNode2.data

        # only deal with live / dead contigs in this event
        if (c1.isDead() == c2.isDead()):

        if c1 is not c2:

        # make sure c1 is alive and c2 is dead
        if c1.isDead():
            c1, c2 = c2, c1
            offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1

        # do the dcj
        dcjResult = dcj(c1, offset1, c2, offset2, random.randint(0, 1) == 1)

        deadIdx = 0;
        if len(dcjResult) == 2 and \
               random.randint(0, dcjResult[0].size + dcjResult[1].size) >= \
            deadIdx = 1

        if len(dcjResult) == 1:
            self.ldLossCount += 1
            self.ldSwapCount += 1
        # add the resulting contigs back to the pool
        deadCount = 0
        for res in dcjResult:
            if res.isDead():
                deadCount += 1
            self.pool.insert(res, res.numBases())
        assert deadCount == 1
    #DEAD-DEAD event.  The dead contig rearranges with itself.  pgain
    #is used to decide how oftern this oepration breaks off a new circular
    #live chormosome
    def __ddEvent(self):
        if self.pool.size() == 0 or self.pool.weight() == 1:
        sampleNode1, offset1, sampleNode2, offset2 = self.__drawSamples()
        c1 = sampleNode1.data
        c2 = sampleNode2.data

        # only deal with dead / dead contigs in this event
        if (c1.isDead() == False or c2.isDead() == False):

        # only support single dead contig
        assert c1 is c2

        # don't know what to do here
        if (offset1 == offset2):

        if c1 is not c2:

        #forward means do not cut
        forward = random.random() > self.pgain

        # do the dcj
        dcjResult = dcj(c1, offset1, c2, offset2, forward)

        deadIdx = 0;
        if len(dcjResult) == 2 and \
               random.randint(0, dcjResult[0].size + dcjResult[1].size) \
                            >= dcjResult[0].size:
                    deadIdx = 1

        if forward:
            self.ddSwapCount += 1
            assert len(dcjResult) == 1
            self.ddGainCount += 1
            assert len(dcjResult) == 2
            assert not dcjResult[0].isDead() or not dcjResult[1].isDead()
         # add the resulting contigs back to the pool
        for res in dcjResult:
            self.pool.insert(res, res.numBases())

    # all counters set to zero.  
    def __resetCounts(self):
        self.llCount = 0
        self.fgCount = 0
        self.flCount = 0
        self.ldLossCount = 0
        self.ldSwapCount = 0
        self.ddGainCount = 0
        self.ddSwapCount = 0