Example #1
    def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'Insert':
        """ Transform INSERT entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace.

        Unlike the transformation matrix `m`, the INSERT entity can not
        represent a non orthogonal target coordinate system, for this case an
        :class:`InsertTransformationError` will be raised.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13


        dxf = self.dxf
        m1 = self.matrix44()

        # Transform scaled source axis into target coordinate system
        ux, uy, uz = m.transform_directions((m1.ux, m1.uy, m1.uz))

        # Get new scaling factors, all are positive:
        # z-axis is the real new z-axis, no reflection required
        # x-axis is the real new x-axis, no reflection required
        # y-axis - reflection is detected below
        z_scale = uz.magnitude
        x_scale = ux.magnitude
        y_scale = uy.magnitude

        # check for orthogonal x-, y- and z-axis
        ux = ux.normalize()
        uy = uy.normalize()
        uz = uz.normalize()
        if not (math.isclose(ux.dot(uz), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9)
                and math.isclose(ux.dot(uy), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9)
                and math.isclose(uz.dot(uy), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9)):
            raise InsertTransformationError(NON_ORTHO_MSG)

        # expected y-axis for an orthogonal right handed coordinate system
        expected_uy = uz.cross(ux)
        if expected_uy.isclose(-uy, abs_tol=1e-9):
            # transformed y-axis points into opposite direction of the expected
            # y-axis:
            y_scale = -y_scale

        ocs = OCSTransform.from_ocs(OCS(dxf.extrusion), OCS(uz), m)
        dxf.insert = ocs.transform_vertex(dxf.insert)
        dxf.rotation = ocs.transform_deg_angle(dxf.rotation)

        dxf.extrusion = uz
        dxf.xscale = x_scale
        dxf.yscale = y_scale
        dxf.zscale = z_scale

        for attrib in self.attribs:
        return self
Example #2
    def transform(self, m: "Matrix44") -> "Insert":
        """Transform INSERT entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace.

        Unlike the transformation matrix `m`, the INSERT entity can not
        represent a non orthogonal target coordinate system, for this case an
        :class:`InsertTransformationError` will be raised.


        dxf = self.dxf
        ocs = self.ocs()

        # Transform source OCS axis into the target coordinate system:
        ux, uy, uz = m.transform_directions((ocs.ux, ocs.uy, ocs.uz))

        # Calculate new axis scaling factors:
        x_scale = ux.magnitude * dxf.xscale
        y_scale = uy.magnitude * dxf.yscale
        z_scale = uz.magnitude * dxf.zscale

        ux = ux.normalize()
        uy = uy.normalize()
        uz = uz.normalize()
        # check for orthogonal x-, y- and z-axis
        if (abs(ux.dot(uz)) > ABS_TOL or abs(ux.dot(uy)) > ABS_TOL
                or abs(uz.dot(uy)) > ABS_TOL):
            raise InsertTransformationError(NON_ORTHO_MSG)

        # expected y-axis for an orthogonal right handed coordinate system:
        expected_uy = uz.cross(ux)
        if not expected_uy.isclose(uy, abs_tol=ABS_TOL):
            # new y-axis points into opposite direction:
            y_scale = -y_scale

        ocs_transform = OCSTransform.from_ocs(OCS(dxf.extrusion), OCS(uz), m)
        dxf.insert = ocs_transform.transform_vertex(dxf.insert)
        dxf.rotation = ocs_transform.transform_deg_angle(dxf.rotation)

        dxf.extrusion = uz
        dxf.xscale = x_scale
        dxf.yscale = y_scale
        dxf.zscale = z_scale

        for attrib in self.attribs:
        return self