def build_server(): """Build a complete functioning FOSSGIS server instance. Notes: The installed server will have QGIS from master set up on it and postgres installed with postgis and a template spatial database created. A default database called 'gis' will be created too. e.g. fab -H root@foo create_user fab -H foo build_server You need to run the create_user task separately to bootstrap the creation of your user on the remote host. """ build_proj4() build_hdf5() create_postgis_1_5_db("gis") install_qgis2(gdal_from_source=True)
def build_server(): """Build a complete functioning FOSSGIS server instance. Notes: The installed server will have QGIS from master set up on it and postgres installed with postgis and a template spatial database created. A default database called 'gis' will be created too. e.g. fab -H root@foo create_user fab -H foo build_server You need to run the create_user task separately to bootstrap the creation of your user on the remote host. """ build_proj4() build_hdf5() create_postgis_1_5_db('gis') install_qgis2(gdal_from_source=True)
def setup_website(): """Initialise or update the git clone. e.g. to update the server fab -H remote setup_website or if you have configured env.hosts, simply fab remote setup_website """ fabtools.require.postfix.server(env.repo_alias) fabtools.require.deb.package('libapache2-mod-wsgi') # Find out if the wsgi user exists and create it if needed e.g. fabtools.require.user( env.wsgi_user, create_group=env.wsgi_user, system=True, comment='System user for running the wsgi process under') if not exists(env.webdir): sudo('mkdir -p %s' % env.plugin_repo_path) sudo('chown %s.%s %s' % (env.user, env.user, env.webdir)) # Clone and replace tokens in apache conf conf_file = ( '%s/apache/%s.apache.conf' % ( env.code_path, env.repo_alias)) run( 'cp %(conf_file)s.templ %(conf_file)s' % { 'conf_file': conf_file}) replace_tokens(conf_file) with cd('/etc/apache2/sites-available/'): if exists('%s.apache.conf' % env.repo_alias): sudo('a2dissite %s.apache.conf' % env.repo_alias) fastprint('Removing old apache2 conf', False) sudo('rm %s.apache.conf' % env.repo_alias) sudo('ln -s %s .' % conf_file) # wsgi user needs pg access to the db postgres.require_postgres_user(env.wsgi_user, env.wsgi_user) postgres.require_postgres_user('timlinux', 'timlinux') postgres.require_postgres_user('readonly', 'readonly') postgres.create_postgis_1_5_db('%s' % PROJECT_NAME, env.wsgi_user) grant_sql = 'grant all on schema public to %s;' % env.wsgi_user # assumption is env.repo_alias is also database name run('psql %s -c "%s"' % (env.repo_alias, grant_sql)) grant_sql = ( 'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN schema public to %s;' % env.wsgi_user) # assumption is env.repo_alias is also database name run('psql %s -c "%s"' % (env.repo_alias, grant_sql)) grant_sql = ( 'GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN schema public to %s;' % env.wsgi_user) run('psql %s -c "%s"' % (env.repo_alias, grant_sql)) pwd_sql = 'ALTER USER timlinux WITH PASSWORD \'timlinux\';' pwd_sql = 'ALTER USER %s WITH PASSWORD \'%s\';' % ( env.wsgi_user, env.wsgi_user) run('psql %s -c "%s"' % (env.repo_alias, pwd_sql)) #with cd(env.code_path): # run the script to create the sites view #run('psql -f sql/3-site-view.sql %s' % env.repo_alias) # Add a hosts entry for local testing - only really useful for localhost hosts = '/etc/hosts' if not contains(hosts, env.repo_site_name): append(hosts, ' %s' % env.repo_site_name, use_sudo=True) if not contains(hosts, 'www.' + env.repo_site_name): append(hosts, ' %s' % 'www.' + env.repo_site_name, use_sudo=True) # Make sure mod rewrite is enabled sudo('a2enmod rewrite') # Enable the vhost configuration sudo('a2ensite %s.apache.conf' % env.repo_alias) # Check if apache configs are ok - script will abort if not ok sudo('/usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest') sudo('a2dissite default') fabtools.require.service.restarted('apache2') #Setup a writable media dir for apache media_path = '%s/media' % env.code_path if not exists(media_path): sudo('mkdir %s' % media_path) sudo('chown %s.%s %s' % (env.wsgi_user, env.wsgi_user, env.code_path))